Art brings history to life at 'Honouring the Past | Canada News Media
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Art brings history to life at ‘Honouring the Past



75th anniversary of the Porcupine Art club shows Timmins’ creative passion, then and now

It might not look themed, but all the paintings in “Honouring the Past” explore the artists’ personal connections to history in Timmins or further afield.

The pieces in the Porcupine Art Club’s 75th-anniversary exhibit were created for the show, except for the works of members from the 1940s and ’60s, on display in the centre of the Grey Gallery.

The exhibit opened at a reception Wednesday evening and runs until Dec. 30th.

Current member Cathy Cribbs’ “Set in Stone – Deadman’s Point” draws from her memories of visiting the cemetery with her Finnish community on Christmas Eve. It was a tradition to snowshoe out to the family’s graves and leave an ice candle on it, she said. Cribbs illustrated the ice candles with pieces of glass.

Cathy Cribbs stands in between her two works depicting Deadman’s Point at the opening of “Honouring the Past,” the 75th-anniversary show of the Porcupine Art Club. The club’s longevity is a testament to the importance of the arts in Timmins. Its mission is to promote art appreciation, education, and the professional development of it’s members.NICOLE STOFFMAN/The Daily Press jpg, TD

Curator Karen Bachmann looked through the museum’s collection to select the best pieces from the art club’s founders and early members and put them on display in the centre of the gallery.

As Bachmann wrote in The Daily Press, the club was founded by a group of dedicated painters in the winter of 1947 and 1948. They were: Aileen Coombs, George Ransom, Doris Sturgeon and Betty MacMillan. The longevity of the club is a testament to the importance of the arts in Timmins, she wrote.

A convincing Timmins street scene by Doris Sturgeon was found at a garage sale and purchased by the club a decade ago. The small, fine painting is also on display.

“Early Falls Cascade,” a watercolour by Helen Chisolm from 1961, is a stand-out piece for Paul Raiche with the museum. Chisolm was the club’s only professional artist.

“She’s getting in a lot of information with an economy of means,” said Raiche, who holds a Bachelors of Fine Art from the University of Ottawa. “I love her free, gestural strokes that are suggesting trees, and the perspective of the hills in the background.”

The through line between the past and present for Raiche, is the contemporary work of Ellen Catherwood on the adjacent gallery wall. “Dell E. Hansen,” a portrait of her grandmother, raises watercolour to the level of photographic realism.

“Helen and Ellen, I feel like they’re talking to each other, they’re in the same caliber,” said Raiche.

“Say HER Name,” by Karina Miki Douglas-Takayesu, grew out of her frustrations as a reference librarian when trying to complete research requests about women who lived in Timmins. These requests can come from families who wish to know more about their ancestors.

“Say HER Name” depicts 12 women of historical significance, and the artist intends to add 12 more.

“Too often they were listed as Mrs. (husband’s full name) without any regard to her given first name and identity,” wrote Douglas-Takayesu in her artist’s statement.

The artist, a reference librarian by day, has written up short biographies of each of her subjects which include a female trapper, prospector and hotelier. She is most passionate about Laura Elizabeth Keon, a volunteer nurse from Quebec who served Timmins during two pandemics before succumbing to influenza herself.

In 1918, Timmins town council set aside $300 to raise a plaque in Keon’s memory, a plan which was never carried out. In was not until another pandemic in 2021, that council recommitted to honour the plan.

“Here we Are” by Lynne Nyman, depicts siblings playing amongst Hollinger houses on Laurier Avenue in the 1950s. Nyman saw the photo on the Facebook group, “Timmins, then and now,” and asked its owner, Marcel Gauthier, if she could paint it. He agreed, and Nyman brought the black and white painting to life by painting it in colour.

“It’s the mining story of Timmins,” said Nyman. “The story of the families that grew up with their father in mining.”

Gauthier attended the reception on Wednesday evening.

“My dad was a miner. He was what they called a sampler,” he told The Daily Press. “They’re the guys that went in to determine if there’s enough gold in the ore. They’d chip it and take it to the assay office who would assay it and see if there was sufficient gold to drill and blast.”

Gauthier said Nyman got it mostly right.

“The grass is a bit long, I think we cut it a bit better than that,” he joked. “It’s good. That’s the way the house and the neighbour’s house looked, and where the kids hid behind the wall.”

His siblings, Elaine and Mark, have yet to see the painting.

Young children ran in with their parents throughout the evening to see the community painting that was completed on July 1st to commemorate the Queen’s Jubilee. Wednesday’s reception was the first time they could see the piece in its entirety, as opposed to just the small six-by-six-inch canvas they were asked to paint in the summer.

The final product is made up of 70 canvases from a pattern by Cathy Cribbs. It shows Timmins year-round, in a swirl of activity from skating to picking blueberries. The northern lights are depicted, as is a logging truck about to collide with a moose.

Carpentry teacher Barry Trebilcock and students from Timmins Vocational High built the frame.

The 70 small canvases, when put together, reveal Cribbs’ design. It is marred only by one incomplete canvas painted by a four-year-old child who was clearly too young for the activity. PAC members voted to include it, nonetheless.

Belleve Peltier, 7, had been waiting to see the final piece since the summer. “I put a lot of feeling into my work,” she said of the tile she painted of the McIntyre Headframe. “I think it’s incredible.”

“Honouring the Past – an exhibit by members of the Porcupine Art Club,” runs until Dec. 30 in the Grey Gallery of the Timmins Museum, 325 Second Ave. Admission is free.

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Calvin Lucyshyn: Vancouver Island Art Dealer Faces Fraud Charges After Police Seize Millions in Artwork



In a case that has sent shockwaves through the Vancouver Island art community, a local art dealer has been charged with one count of fraud over $5,000. Calvin Lucyshyn, the former operator of the now-closed Winchester Galleries in Oak Bay, faces the charge after police seized hundreds of artworks, valued in the tens of millions of dollars, from various storage sites in the Greater Victoria area.

Alleged Fraud Scheme

Police allege that Lucyshyn had been taking valuable art from members of the public under the guise of appraising or consigning the pieces for sale, only to cut off all communication with the owners. This investigation began in April 2022, when police received a complaint from an individual who had provided four paintings to Lucyshyn, including three works by renowned British Columbia artist Emily Carr, and had not received any updates on their sale.

Further investigation by the Saanich Police Department revealed that this was not an isolated incident. Detectives found other alleged victims who had similar experiences with Winchester Galleries, leading police to execute search warrants at three separate storage locations across Greater Victoria.

Massive Seizure of Artworks

In what has become one of the largest art fraud investigations in recent Canadian history, authorities seized approximately 1,100 pieces of art, including more than 600 pieces from a storage site in Saanich, over 300 in Langford, and more than 100 in Oak Bay. Some of the more valuable pieces, according to police, were estimated to be worth $85,000 each.

Lucyshyn was arrested on April 21, 2022, but was later released from custody. In May 2024, a fraud charge was formally laid against him.

Artwork Returned, but Some Remain Unclaimed

In a statement released on Monday, the Saanich Police Department confirmed that 1,050 of the seized artworks have been returned to their rightful owners. However, several pieces remain unclaimed, and police continue their efforts to track down the owners of these works.

Court Proceedings Ongoing

The criminal charge against Lucyshyn has not yet been tested in court, and he has publicly stated his intention to defend himself against any pending allegations. His next court appearance is scheduled for September 10, 2024.

Impact on the Local Art Community

The news of Lucyshyn’s alleged fraud has deeply affected Vancouver Island’s art community, particularly collectors, galleries, and artists who may have been impacted by the gallery’s operations. With high-value pieces from artists like Emily Carr involved, the case underscores the vulnerabilities that can exist in art transactions.

For many art collectors, the investigation has raised concerns about the potential for fraud in the art world, particularly when it comes to dealing with private galleries and dealers. The seizure of such a vast collection of artworks has also led to questions about the management and oversight of valuable art pieces, as well as the importance of transparency and trust in the industry.

As the case continues to unfold in court, it will likely serve as a cautionary tale for collectors and galleries alike, highlighting the need for due diligence in the sale and appraisal of high-value artworks.

While much of the seized artwork has been returned, the full scale of the alleged fraud is still being unraveled. Lucyshyn’s upcoming court appearances will be closely watched, not only by the legal community but also by the wider art world, as it navigates the fallout from one of Canada’s most significant art fraud cases in recent memory.

Art collectors and individuals who believe they may have been affected by this case are encouraged to contact the Saanich Police Department to inquire about any unclaimed pieces. Additionally, the case serves as a reminder for anyone involved in high-value art transactions to work with reputable dealers and to keep thorough documentation of all transactions.

As with any investment, whether in art or other ventures, it is crucial to be cautious and informed. Art fraud can devastate personal collections and finances, but by taking steps to verify authenticity, provenance, and the reputation of dealers, collectors can help safeguard their valuable pieces.

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Somerset House Fire: Courtauld Gallery Reopens, Rest of Landmark Closed



The Courtauld Gallery at Somerset House has reopened its doors to the public after a fire swept through the historic building in central London. While the gallery has resumed operations, the rest of the iconic site remains closed “until further notice.”

On Saturday, approximately 125 firefighters were called to the scene to battle the blaze, which sent smoke billowing across the city. Fortunately, the fire occurred in a part of the building not housing valuable artworks, and no injuries were reported. Authorities are still investigating the cause of the fire.

Despite the disruption, art lovers queued outside the gallery before it reopened at 10:00 BST on Sunday. One visitor expressed his relief, saying, “I was sad to see the fire, but I’m relieved the art is safe.”

The Clark family, visiting London from Washington state, USA, had a unique perspective on the incident. While sightseeing on the London Eye, they watched as firefighters tackled the flames. Paul Clark, accompanied by his wife Jiorgia and their four children, shared their concern for the safety of the artwork inside Somerset House. “It was sad to see,” Mr. Clark told the BBC. As a fan of Vincent Van Gogh, he was particularly relieved to learn that the painter’s famous Self-Portrait with Bandaged Ear had not been affected by the fire.

Blaze in the West Wing

The fire broke out around midday on Saturday in the west wing of Somerset House, a section of the building primarily used for offices and storage. Jonathan Reekie, director of Somerset House Trust, assured the public that “no valuable artefacts or artworks” were located in that part of the building. By Sunday, fire engines were still stationed outside as investigations into the fire’s origin continued.

About Somerset House

Located on the Strand in central London, Somerset House is a prominent arts venue with a rich history dating back to the Georgian era. Built on the site of a former Tudor palace, the complex is known for its iconic courtyard and is home to the Courtauld Gallery. The gallery houses a prestigious collection from the Samuel Courtauld Trust, showcasing masterpieces from the Middle Ages to the 20th century. Among the notable works are pieces by impressionist legends such as Edouard Manet, Claude Monet, Paul Cézanne, and Vincent Van Gogh.

Somerset House regularly hosts cultural exhibitions and public events, including its popular winter ice skating sessions in the courtyard. However, for now, the venue remains partially closed as authorities ensure the safety of the site following the fire.

Art lovers and the Somerset House community can take solace in knowing that the invaluable collection remains unharmed, and the Courtauld Gallery continues to welcome visitors, offering a reprieve amid the disruption.

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