B.C. court awards $1.8M in real estate fraud case | Canada News Media
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B.C. court awards $1.8M in real estate fraud case



A dispute between real estate development partners over a pair of planned luxury homes in West Vancouver’s British Properties has resulted in more than $1.8 million in damages for civil fraud.

B.C. Supreme Court Justice Janet Winteringham ruled on the dispute Thursday, and her decision was posted online Friday.

In it, she found that the plaintiff, Jeana Ventures Ltd., had successfully proven, on the balance of probabilities, three instances of civil fraud by the defendants, Phil Garrow and several companies he owned or co-owned.

Winteringham’s 71-page decision begins by describing the case as a dispute between Garrow and Les Sallay, the owner of Jeana. The men, “through their closely held companies,” invested in two properties in West Vancouver on which they intended to build and sell luxury homes, the judge writes.

“Through various investments vehicles, they both contributed cash to the projects,” Winteringham writes. “The business relationship ended badly. Both lost portions of their investments and any hope of realizing the anticipated profits from the projects. They now sue one another, each blaming the other for the failings of the projects.”

While the judge found that Sallay and Jeana had proven parts of their case, she dismissed Garrow’s counterclaims.


The parties acquired two properties – 1103 Gilston Rd. and 1449 Sandhurst Pl. – through holding companies associated with each address.

In each case, both parties contributed a portion of the purchase price, and mortgages were also acquired against the property.

On Gilston Road, a luxury home was built, “though with considerable financial challenges,” according to the decision.

The B.C. Supreme Court placed the Gilston holding company under the control of a receiver manager, who sold the property for a little more than $7.2 million, plus GST.

Though plans were made to build a home on the Sandhurst Place property, nothing was ever built.

The Sandhurst holding company was also placed under control of a receiver manager, and the undeveloped land was resold before the company declared bankruptcy.

The plaintiff alleged that the defendants “created fraudulent documents, engaged in fraudulent claims and actions, and fraudulently did not disclose key pieces of information in the performance of their contractual obligations” regarding each property, according to Winteringham’s decision.

For their part, the defendants counter-claimed that Sallay and Jeana had breached the buy-sell provisions – also known as “shotgun clauses” – regarding each property.


Winteringham’s decision notes that, although many documents were submitted as evidence in the case, the absence of agreement between the parties on the facts of what happened meant witness credibility was “crucial” in determining the outcome.

The judge found Sallay to be a much more credible witness than Garrow.

As an example, she cited an instance in which Garrow was supposed to pay $400,000 toward a prior mortgage on the Gilston property, but the payment was never applied to the mortgage.

Garrow provided Sallay with a copy of a cheque to prove that the transfer had taken place.

“The cheque never cleared and Mr. Garrow never disclosed that fact to Mr. Sallay,” Winteringham’s decision reads.

“The importance of this example is that Mr. Sallay was not simply assuming that Mr. Garrow was fulfilling his part of the contractual bargain; rather, Mr. Garrow actively provided evidence to Mr. Sallay of his contractual compliance. This is not the only such example where Mr. Garrow actively provided ‘proof’ of contractual compliance that held no weight.”

In a similar vein, the judge found Garrow’s testimony to be “flawed in many respects.” She described him as “quarrelsome and antagonistic” during cross-examination and noted that he “tended to obfuscate his responses to avoid providing an answer to the question asked.”

“Beyond his demeanour, three characteristics of Mr. Garrow’s testimony negatively impacted my credibility analysis and revealed dishonesty,” Winteringham’s decision reads.

“First, I have found Mr. Garrow blatantly lied about the production of a document critical to this litigation. Second, Mr. Garrow repeatedly relied on having provided proof of contractual adherence where, in reality, he engaged in no such adherence. And third, Mr. Garrow relied repeatedly—and caused Mr. Sallay to rely on—faulty accounting information that was faulty due to his own method of accounting.”


The $400,000 cheque example was one of the fraud claims that the judge found to be substantiated.

Garrow described the situation as an oversight, in which he misinterpreted information shown on his company’s Vancity bank statements as indicating that the $400,000 had been paid.

The mortgage holder that was supposed to have received the payment never credited $400,000 toward the account, but Garrow continued to maintain – in a 2019 Form B document and a 2021 affidavit – that the $400,000 had been paid.

“I am satisfied that Mr. Garrow knew this statement was false,” Winteringham’s decision reads, adding that the plaintiff suffered a loss because it acted based on Garrow’s false representation.

Two other instances of fraud involved the Sandhurst property.

One of these related to a $765,000 contribution Garrow’s company was supposed to make toward its $1.2 million investment in the property.

According to the decision, Garrow sent Sallay a screenshot of his company’s Vancity bank account, which purported to show that $765,000 had been transferred “or would transfer the following day” into the account for the Sandhurst property.

However, a representative from Vancity testified that the account in question never had a balance of $765,000, and no such transfer was ever made.

“I am troubled by the fact Mr. Garrow was unable to corroborate his characterization of the transaction by reference to his company’s bank statements,” Winteringham’s decision reads.

“If $765,000 had been deposited, as he said he believed, he should have been able to point to bank statements demonstrating the deposit, then the transfer out to ADC Holdings. He never did. In addition, he attempted to characterize the screenshots as official banking documents. And they were not.”

The judge accepted the plaintiff’s submission that Garrow knew the payment had not been made because he never intended to make it.

“Mr. Garrow emailed a screenshot of a bank account balance that he knew to be a false representation of his part of the agreement,” the decision reads. “He wanted to show Mr. Sallay that he was contributing $765,000. He did not have $765,000 to contribute in his account. By emailing the screenshot to Mr. Sallay, he intended Mr. Sallay to act on it. Mr. Sallay was induced to contract in respect of the Sandhurst project, and to perform upon the relevant contracts, on the basis of this misrepresentation.”

The other substantiated fraud claim regarding the Sandhurst property related to a $300,000 “assignment fee” that Garrow applied toward his company’s required $1.2 million contribution to the purchase.

Garrow initially purchased the property through one of his companies during a court-ordered sale, according to the decision. Having acquired the property for less than its appraised value, when he was bringing Sallay into the project as an investor, he sought to include credit for the roughly $300,000 in equity he claimed to have gained by underpaying for the property.

While Garrow claimed to have told Sallay about this arrangement, Sallay maintained that he did not learn of the $300,000 until well after he had entered the Sandhurst agreement.

After weighing the evidence, Winteringham concluded it was “more likely than not” that Garrow had withheld the information.

“I am satisfied that the plaintiff has proven civil fraud on a balance of probabilities regarding the $300,000 representation,” the judge’s decision reads.

“The funds themselves were never contributed, Mr. Garrow knew the funds were never contributed and made efforts to obscure this fact, the plaintiff acted upon the representation by contracting with defendants and continuing contractual performance, and the plaintiff ultimately suffered losses on account of its reliance.”


Both the Gilston and the Sandhurst agreements contained “buy-sell” or “shotgun” clauses, allowing one party to offer to buy out the other as a way of ending the contract.

As the business relationship between Garrow and Sallay was breaking down in September 2020, Garrow did just that, offering Sallay $900,000 for Jeana’s shares of the Gilston company and $800,000 for Jeana’s shares of the Sandhurst company.

According to the agreements, if 30 days passed without a response from the party receiving the offer, that party would be obligated to instead buy the offerer’s shares for the same price.

“It was Mr. Sallay’s evidence that around this time he suspected Mr. Garrow was defrauding him,” the decision reads.

“Therefore, Mr. Sallay believed that he could not adequately assess the value of his interest in either project. He also believed that since Jeana had put a disproportionate share of the funds into both projects, then the funds ADC Holdings would use to pay him for his interest in the projects would be the money he had contributed.”

Sallay and his company ultimately refused to comply with the shotgun clauses, neither selling their shares to Garrow nor buying his for the price specified.

Garrow’s counterclaim sought damages for Sallay’s company’s breach of the contract, but Winteringham dismissed the claim for a few reasons.

In the case of the Gilston shotgun clause, the judge dismissed the claim because the letter triggering the clause was sent by ADC Holdings, one of Garrow’s companies that was not actually a party to the Gilston agreement.

ADC Projects – a separate entity – was party to the Gilston agreement, and should have been the party to trigger the clause, the judge concluded.

Moreover, during the trial, Garrow produced a document purporting to be a trust agreement showing that ADC Projects held the shares of the Sandhurst company in trust for ADC Holdings, thus making ADC Holding’s attempt to trigger the shotgun clause valid.

This document, Winteringham concluded, was fake.

“Mr. Garrow created the trust document,” the decision reads. “He then lied about what he did, producing the trust document in the middle of a trial. His conduct required the plaintiff to seek leave to call a rebuttal witness. Mr. Garrow’s conduct, producing an inauthentic document and then lying about it, weighs heavily on my credibility assessment of his evidence overall.”

With regard to the Sandhurst company, the judge found that – while ADC Holdings was a party to the contract and had standing to trigger the shotgun clause – the fraudulent conduct it and Garrow had engaged in constituted a fundamental breach of the agreement containing the shotgun clause, thus making it unenforceable.

Winteringham dismissed the counterclaim and ordered the defendants to pay $1,835,410.24 to the plaintiff, representing the amount of Jeana’s investment in the two projects, plus interest, less amounts already paid back through proceeds of the receivership sales.

The judge also gave the plaintiff 30 days to notify the court if it intends to pursue aggravated or punitive damages against Garrow and his companies.


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Two Quebec real estate brokers suspended for using fake bids to drive up prices




MONTREAL – Two Quebec real estate brokers are facing fines and years-long suspensions for submitting bogus offers on homes to drive up prices during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Christine Girouard has been suspended for 14 years and her business partner, Jonathan Dauphinais-Fortin, has been suspended for nine years after Quebec’s authority of real estate brokerage found they used fake bids to get buyers to raise their offers.

Girouard is a well-known broker who previously starred on a Quebec reality show that follows top real estate agents in the province.

She is facing a fine of $50,000, while Dauphinais-Fortin has been fined $10,000.

The two brokers were suspended in May 2023 after La Presse published an article about their practices.

One buyer ended up paying $40,000 more than his initial offer in 2022 after Girouard and Dauphinais-Fortin concocted a second bid on the house he wanted to buy.

This report by The Canadian Press was first published Sept. 11, 2024.

The Canadian Press. All rights reserved.

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Montreal home sales, prices rise in August: real estate board




MONTREAL – The Quebec Professional Association of Real Estate Brokers says Montreal-area home sales rose 9.3 per cent in August compared with the same month last year, with levels slightly higher than the historical average for this time of year.

The association says home sales in the region totalled 2,991 for the month, up from 2,737 in August 2023.

The median price for all housing types was up year-over-year, led by a six per cent increase for the price of a plex at $763,000 last month.

The median price for a single-family home rose 5.2 per cent to $590,000 and the median price for a condominium rose 4.4 per cent to $407,100.

QPAREB market analysis director Charles Brant says the strength of the Montreal resale market contrasts with declines in many other Canadian cities struggling with higher levels of household debt, lower savings and diminishing purchasing power.

Active listings for August jumped 18 per cent compared with a year earlier to 17,200, while new listings rose 1.7 per cent to 4,840.

This report by The Canadian Press was first published Sept. 6, 2024.

The Canadian Press. All rights reserved.

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Canada’s Best Cities for Renters in 2024: A Comprehensive Analysis



In the quest to find cities where renters can enjoy the best of all worlds, a recent study analyzed 24 metrics across three key categories—Housing & Economy, Quality of Life, and Community. The study ranked the 100 largest cities in Canada to determine which ones offer the most to their renters.

Here are the top 10 cities that emerged as the best for renters in 2024:

St. John’s, NL

St. John’s, Newfoundland and Labrador, stand out as the top city for renters in Canada for 2024. Known for its vibrant cultural scene, stunning natural beauty, and welcoming community, St. John’s offers an exceptional quality of life. The city boasts affordable housing, a robust economy, and low unemployment rates, making it an attractive option for those seeking a balanced and enriching living experience. Its rich history, picturesque harbour, and dynamic arts scene further enhance its appeal, ensuring that renters can enjoy both comfort and excitement in this charming coastal city.


Sherbrooke, QC

Sherbrooke, Quebec, emerges as a leading city for renters in Canada for 2024, offering a blend of affordability and quality of life. Nestled in the heart of the Eastern Townships, Sherbrooke is known for its picturesque landscapes, vibrant cultural scene, and strong community spirit. The city provides affordable rental options, low living costs, and a thriving local economy, making it an ideal destination for those seeking both comfort and economic stability. With its rich history, numerous parks, and dynamic arts and education sectors, Sherbrooke presents an inviting environment for renters looking for a well-rounded lifestyle.


Québec City, QC

Québec City, the capital of Quebec, stands out as a premier destination for renters in Canada for 2024. Known for its rich history, stunning architecture, and vibrant cultural heritage, this city offers an exceptional quality of life. Renters benefit from affordable housing, excellent public services, and a robust economy. The city’s charming streets, historic sites, and diverse culinary scene provide a unique living experience. With top-notch education institutions, numerous parks, and a strong sense of community, Québec City is an ideal choice for those seeking a dynamic and fulfilling lifestyle.

Trois-Rivières, QC

Trois-Rivières, nestled between Montreal and Quebec City, emerges as a top choice for renters in Canada. This historic city, known for its picturesque riverside views and rich cultural scene, offers an appealing blend of affordability and quality of life. Renters in Trois-Rivières enjoy reasonable housing costs, a low unemployment rate, and a vibrant community atmosphere. The city’s well-preserved historic sites, bustling arts community, and excellent educational institutions make it an attractive destination for those seeking a balanced and enriching lifestyle.

Saguenay, QC

Saguenay, located in the stunning Saguenay–Lac-Saint-Jean region of Quebec, is a prime destination for renters seeking affordable living amidst breathtaking natural beauty. Known for its picturesque fjords and vibrant cultural scene, Saguenay offers residents a high quality of life with lower housing costs compared to major urban centers. The city boasts a strong sense of community, excellent recreational opportunities, and a growing economy. For those looking to combine affordability with a rich cultural and natural environment, Saguenay stands out as an ideal choice.

Granby, QC

Granby, nestled in the heart of Quebec’s Eastern Townships, offers renters a delightful blend of small-town charm and ample opportunities. Known for its beautiful parks, vibrant cultural scene, and family-friendly environment, Granby provides an exceptional quality of life. The city’s affordable housing market and strong sense of community make it an attractive option for those seeking a peaceful yet dynamic place to live. With its renowned zoo, bustling downtown, and numerous outdoor activities, Granby is a hidden gem that caters to a diverse range of lifestyles.

Fredericton, NB

Fredericton, the capital city of New Brunswick, offers renters a harmonious blend of historical charm and modern amenities. Known for its vibrant arts scene, beautiful riverfront, and welcoming community, Fredericton provides an excellent quality of life. The city boasts affordable housing options, scenic parks, and a strong educational presence with institutions like the University of New Brunswick. Its rich cultural heritage, coupled with a thriving local economy, makes Fredericton an attractive destination for those seeking a balanced and fulfilling lifestyle.

Saint John, NB

Saint John, New Brunswick’s largest city, is a coastal gem known for its stunning waterfront and rich heritage. Nestled on the Bay of Fundy, it offers renters an affordable cost of living with a unique blend of historic architecture and modern conveniences. The city’s vibrant uptown area is bustling with shops, restaurants, and cultural attractions, while its scenic parks and outdoor spaces provide ample opportunities for recreation. Saint John’s strong sense of community and economic growth make it an inviting place for those looking to enjoy both urban and natural beauty.


Saint-Hyacinthe, QC

Saint-Hyacinthe, located in the Montérégie region of Quebec, is a vibrant city known for its strong agricultural roots and innovative spirit. Often referred to as the “Agricultural Technopolis,” it is home to numerous research centers and educational institutions. Renters in Saint-Hyacinthe benefit from a high quality of life with access to excellent local amenities, including parks, cultural events, and a thriving local food scene. The city’s affordable housing and close-knit community atmosphere make it an attractive option for those seeking a balanced and enriching lifestyle.

Lévis, QC

Lévis, located on the southern shore of the St. Lawrence River across from Quebec City, offers a unique blend of historical charm and modern conveniences. Known for its picturesque views and well-preserved heritage sites, Lévis is a city where history meets contemporary living. Residents enjoy a high quality of life with excellent public services, green spaces, and cultural activities. The city’s affordable housing options and strong sense of community make it a desirable place for renters looking for both tranquility and easy access to urban amenities.

This category looked at factors such as average rent, housing costs, rental availability, and unemployment rates. Québec stood out with 10 cities ranking at the top, demonstrating strong economic stability and affordable housing options, which are critical for renters looking for cost-effective living conditions.

Québec again led the pack in this category, with five cities in the top 10. Ontario followed closely with three cities. British Columbia excelled in walkability, with four cities achieving the highest walk scores, while Caledon topped the list for its extensive green spaces. These factors contribute significantly to the overall quality of life, making these cities attractive for renters.

Victoria, BC, emerged as the leader in this category due to its rich array of restaurants, museums, and educational institutions, offering a vibrant community life. St. John’s, NL, and Vancouver, BC, also ranked highly. Québec City, QC, and Lévis, QC, scored the highest in life satisfaction, reflecting a strong sense of community and well-being. Additionally, Saskatoon, SK, and Oshawa, ON, were noted for having residents with lower stress levels.

For a comprehensive view of the rankings and detailed interactive visuals, you can visit the full study by Point2Homes.

While no city can provide a perfect living experience for every renter, the cities highlighted in this study come remarkably close by excelling in key areas such as housing affordability, quality of life, and community engagement. These findings offer valuable insights for renters seeking the best places to live in Canada in 2024.

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