Biden's Allies Say the Quiet Part Out Loud: This War Could Be His 2024 Reset | Canada News Media
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Biden’s Allies Say the Quiet Part Out Loud: This War Could Be His 2024 Reset



For Sen. Chris Coons, one of President Joe Biden’s closest allies in Washington, the president’s wartime mission to the Middle East and Republican dysfunction in Washington — all of it happening at the same time — offered the starkest of split-screens. In an interview with POLITICO Magazine, Coons was emphatic that Biden’s lightning-fast trip to Israel was not about the 2024 election. But in the same breath, Coons laid out in lavish detail just how telling it was that while Biden was in Tel Aviv assuring the Israelis that America had their backs, the GOP was literally falling apart on Capitol Hill.

“The contrast with Republicans could not be sharper,” Coons (D-Del.), a co-chair of Biden’s re-election campaign, said Wednesday. He then rattled off a well-honed critique of GOP disarray: how a paralyzed House of Representatives can no longer function on critical issues like aid to Israel and Ukraine; how former President Donald Trump’s comments praising Hezbollah as “very smart” and criticizing Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu just hours after the deaths of more than 1,400 Israelis were strongly denounced by presidential contenders former Vice President Mike Pence and former New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie and other Republicans; and how American voters will come to realize, at such a dangerous moment, they can’t afford an “erratic” president “who’s a disruptor.”

“I don’t think your average American wants that,” Coons said, emphasizing that Biden has far more experience than any candidate in dealing with key leaders such as Netanyahu, Russian President Vladimir Putin and Chinese President Xi Jinping. “Having a president who is presidential, solid and trusted around the world is important to the American people and will play an important role in their [2024] decision.”

The president’s political advisers are not oblivious to those dynamics. They are leery of appearing to politicize the Middle East crisis with the lives of American and Israeli hostages at stake, but in multiple conversations with key figures in Biden world, both on and off the record, it becomes clear they see the opportunity presented by an unexpected crisis to feature Biden’s strengths.

Biden appeared to drive that point home with an address Thursday from the Oval Office — only the second of his presidency — when he made the case that aid to Israel, Ukraine and Taiwan are central to U.S. national security, asking for a $100 billion emergency aid package. And in case anyone missed the point that the executive branch was taking dramatic action while the legislative one was not, White House spokesperson Andrew Bates issued a statement Thursday morning saying that while Biden “is leading and standing up for our national security interests on the world stage,” Republicans “continue their downward spiral into chaos and away from governing.”

In some ways Wednesday’s historic visit and Thursday’s Oval Office address could be viewed as a kind of reopening of Biden’s already troubled re-election campaign. Above all, the 80-year-old Biden is trying to change the narrative on what has become his biggest liability, his age, which polls have shown may be the top concern of both Democratic and Republican voters. The internet is rife with memes and clips of Biden shuffling, falling and misspeaking. His campaign wants to turn that vulnerability into a strength by arguing that only Biden has the experience and wisdom to handle what is becoming one of the most perilous international landscapes since World War II, campaign aides say.

The president himself seemed to sound that note repeatedly this week. On Air Force One heading home from the Israel visit, Biden made a rare appearance in the press section, admitting to reporters that the trip was a gamble and he and his team had argued over whether to go for “an hour or more” because “had we gone and this failed then, you know the United States failed, Biden’s presidency failed … which would be legitimate criticism.” But Biden was eager to tout his success in a “very blunt negotiation” with Egyptian President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi. (Sisi was one of the Arab leaders who had canceled on Biden but spoke with the president on the phone.) “Look: I came to get something done — I got it done,” Biden said, though Sisi made a fairly meager concession on allowing some humanitarian aid shipments to pass into Gaza through the Rafah gate.

Nonetheless, the people running his re-election campaign lose no opportunity to argue that Biden’s frenetic global diplomacy should belie any concerns about his age. “He just went all around the world to India, led a G-7 summit masterfully, and then went to Vietnam making significant progress,” Coons said. All this demonstrates “his ability to travel and project leadership, determination and willpower in person, whether going to Kyiv or Jerusalem, New Delhi or Tokyo,” he said. “This is a real leader and I think the American people are not ready to retreat from the world.”

That last point remains somewhat at issue, of course. Until recently, it’s been clear that Americans are yearning to turn inward and focus on their own problems. Even Biden has embraced certain parts of Trump’s America First agenda, especially when it came to taking a neo-protectionist stance on trade.

The question is whether this might be changing. U.S. voters today are mostly focused on inflation, the economy and the culture wars, and foreign policy is typically not a central issue in most presidential elections. Yet on occasion it has been — for example in 1940 when Franklin Roosevelt won an unprecedented third term because of the wars raging in Europe and Asia, despite an America First isolationist atmosphere similar to today’s. Or in 1984, when 73-year-old former President Ronald Reagan used the swirling tensions of the Cold War to neutralize his own age as an issue against a much younger former Vice President Walter Mondale. “I will not make age an issue of this campaign,” Reagan drily said in a debate. “I am not going to exploit, for political purposes, my opponent’s youth and inexperience.” Foreign policy probably last played a central role in 2004 when, despite former President George W. Bush’s many mistakes in Iraq, voters proved reluctant to change leaders in the middle of a war.

The Biden team appears to be betting that the new war between Israelis and Palestinians could be a kind of tipping point — the president prefers the term “inflection point” — that changes the political calculus at home. The new Middle East crisis comes amid the ongoing Ukraine war and rising Sino-U.S. tensions over Taiwan, along with a growing sense that Beijing, Moscow and Tehran are increasingly aligned against Washington and gloating over Biden’s problems at home and abroad. On Wednesday, while Biden was in Tel Aviv, Putin was meeting with Xi in Beijing at China’s Belt and Road forum, which was attended by United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres among other leaders. Putin, who sat next to Xi, said such “external factors” as the Middle East crisis only “strengthen Russian-Chinese interaction” while in a statement Xi said “deepening China-Russia relations” are “not a stopgap measure, but a long-term solution.”

What it all means is that ironically, even as many Americans are drifting toward a new kind of isolationism, the country now risks getting pulled into wars on three major fronts: Europe, the Asia Pacific and now the Middle East.

“Foreign policy is never a big issue unless there’s boots on the ground,” says Elaine Kamarck, expert on American electoral politics at Brookings and a former senior aide to former Vice President Al Gore. “But what may help change the narrative now is frankly the juxtaposition of the two parties at this point. One party that is completely unable to govern and another party with a president who knows what he’s doing and traveling around the world to get stuff done.”

The biggest question is: What stuff? How Biden handles these crises over the next 12 months or so could make a significant difference in the election, some political experts say.

“If it looks like he’s being pulled into a vortex, it’s going to be disastrous for him. But if he performs well on the world stage, then people may forget about the bumbling in Afghanistan and want to stick with his leadership,” says Sidney Milkis, a scholar of the presidency at the University of Virginia. This could prove especially true of independent voters who are undecided, such as suburban women, he said.

Biden campaign officials plan to attack Trump and the GOP over the party’s vicious internal fighting on Ukraine aid and the unresolved intraparty squabbles that earlier this month forced out the first House speaker in American history. Campaign sources are also eager to publicize an ad campaign dubbed “Warzone” begun in September — before the Hamas attack — which highlights Biden’s 50 years of experience on the global stage.

Biden himself is hitting the experience theme hard. Standing alongside Netanyahu in Tel Aviv on Wednesday, the president repeated his unequivocal support for Israel and harked back to his first of many visits to the Middle East, telling in his usual rambling fashion a favorite story he has repeated many times about meeting former Israeli Prime Minister Golda Meir as a new senator in 1972. Meir told him not to worry about Israel, saying, “We Israelis have a secret weapon: We have nowhere else to go.” On Wednesday, Biden declared: “Well, today, I say to all of Israel: ‘The United States isn’t going anywhere either.’”

Other Biden boosters are only too happy to join the chorus. “This is an area that he knows a lot about. He’s known Bibi Netanyahu for 50 years,” says Ted Kaufman, Biden’s former chief of staff, who replaced him as senator from Delaware when Biden became vice president in 2009. Biden’s former senior Senate aide, Mike Haltzel, makes the same point. “He’s the right man in the right place at the right time. Any GOP alternative would have had a rookie in charge of an unprecedentedly complex situation,” said Haltzel, now a senior fellow at Johns Hopkins University’s School of Advanced International Studies. “And that’s assuming that under the Republicans we would even want to be in charge.”

Some politics experts are skeptical that the new tack can make much headway in the current highly polarized political environment. “I am not sure whether any of the current conflicts will rise to Iraq War levels of importance to most American voters,” said Julia Azari, a professor of political science at Marquette University. “It seems possible, but hardly inevitable.” And given Trump’s four years in office, she says, “voters who are undecided may see a contest between an incumbent and a former president as a wash in terms of experience.”

The question, again, could come down to whether Biden is seen as a major force for peace and stability over the next year — or things fall apart and America gets pulled into a war or two. Here, too, the president is playing a risky game: Over the past year and a half his administration has gone from avoiding any provocation of Russia to deploying long-range missiles to Ukraine and agreeing to train Ukrainian F-16 fighter pilots. Biden has also come closer than any president in memory to pledging a defense of Taiwan from Chinese aggression, and earlier this week he deployed two carrier groups to the Mediterranean that, if things go badly, could prove to be vulnerable targets for Iran.

It is not yet apparent how Biden’s new global leadership tack will play with the American electorate — only that his approval ratings have been fairly grim until now and his campaign may need some kind of game changer. And they may need it soon, lest the view that Biden is too old for a second term (he would be 86 by the time it ends) harden into a narrative that can’t be altered. The Biden team may well prove correct that the instability of the GOP — and the inflammatory comments of the party’s frontrunner, Trump — will provide just the contrast they need. But they will also have to be better at defining success, even if Biden does manage to stabilize the global situation and the economy improves. What would success look like? Briefly, if Israel’s invasion doesn’t prove a disastrous bloodbath, creating a new wave of anti-Americanism; Hezbollah hasn’t opened a second front in Israel’s north; and Iran, Russia and China haven’t made any new provocations. But this too will be a challenge, since it’s very hard prove a negative — that is, to take credit for things that don’t happen.

As if to demonstrate this challenge, Biden’s performance in Israel on Wednesday was mixed at best. While the president was sometimes powerfully eloquent in his defense of Israel, and won praise from some on the center-right, he also stumbled in classic Biden fashion at moments, starting an anecdote about Secretary of State Antony Blinken and then mangling it. In an effort to maintain whatever credibility he has with the Arab states, Biden also sounded halting on the question of responsibility for the hospital attack, saying that “based on what I’ve seen, it appears as though it was done by the other team, not — not you. But there’s a lot of people out there who are not sure. So, we got a lot of — we got to overcome a lot of things.”

The real question may well be whether Biden can thread what appears to be an impossibly narrow diplomatic needle in the Middle East — supporting Israel’s retaliation while pushing for humanitarian assistance to ordinary Palestinians, and warning off third parties like Iran and Hezbollah from opportunistically widening the scope and scale of the war. Perhaps the most important piece of wisdom the president imparted during his trip was to warn Israel against overreacting because of its “all-consuming rage,” as the United States did after 9/11 by invading Iraq. (Whether Netanyahu heard that part of Biden’s message won’t be known for some time.)

“You don’t know how this is going to play out,” says Kamarck. “You don’t know if it will be a total mess by next summer or whether it will be something that Biden will calm down. But if anybody could do difficult things like this — broker the Middle East, get Democrats and Republicans together, it is Biden. This is the moment for this kind of man.”


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NDP declares victory in federal Winnipeg byelection, Conservatives concede




The New Democrats have declared a federal byelection victory in their Winnipeg stronghold riding of Elmwood—Transcona.

The NDP candidate Leila Dance told supporters in a tearful speech that even though the final results weren’t in, she expected she would see them in Ottawa.

With several polls still to be counted, Conservative candidate Colin Reynolds conceded defeat and told his volunteers that they should be proud of what the Conservatives accomplished in the campaign.

Political watchers had a keen eye on the results to see if the Tories could sway traditionally NDP voters on issues related to labour and affordability.

Meanwhile in the byelection race in the Montreal riding of LaSalle—Émard—Verdun the NDP, Liberals and Bloc Québécois remained locked in an extremely tight three-way race as the results trickled in slowly.

The Liberal stronghold riding had a record 91 names on the ballot, and the results aren’t expected until the early hours of the morning.

This report by The Canadian Press was first published Sept. 16, 2024.

The Canadian Press. All rights reserved.

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Another incumbent BC United MLA to run as Independent as Kirkpatrick re-enters race




VANCOUVER – An incumbent BC United legislative member has reversed her decision not to seek re-election and has announced she’ll run as an Independent in the riding of West Vancouver-Capilano in the upcoming British Columbia election.

Karin Kirkpatrick has been a vocal critic of BC United Leader Kevin Falcon’s decision last month to suspend the party’s campaign and throw support behind the B.C. Conservatives under John Rustad.

Kirkpatrick announced her retirement this year, but said Monday that her decision to re-enter the race comes as a direct result of Falcon’s actions, which would force middle-of-the-road voters to “swing to the left” to the NDP or to move further right to the Conservatives.

“I did hear from a lot of constituents and a lot of people who were emailing me from across B.C. … that they didn’t have anybody to vote for,” she said. “And so, I looked even at myself, and I looked at my riding, and I said, ‘Well, I no longer have anybody to vote for in my own riding.’ It was clearly an issue of this missing middle for the more moderate voter.”

She said voters who reached out “don’t want to vote for an NDP government but felt deeply uncomfortable” supporting the provincial Conservatives, citing Rustad’s tolerance of what she calls “extreme views and conspiracy theorists.”

Kirkpatrick joins four other incumbent Opposition MLAs running as Independents, including Peace River South’s Mike Bernier, Peace River North’s Dan Davies, Prince George-Cariboo’s Coralee Oakes and Tom Shypitka in Kootenay-Rockies.

“To be honest, we talk just about every day,” Kirkpatrick said about her fellow BC United incumbents now running as Independents. “We’re all feeling the same way. We all need to kind of hold each other up and make sure we’re doing the right thing.”

She added that a number of first-time candidates formerly on the BC United ticket are contacting the group of incumbents running for election, and the group is working together “as good moderates who respect each other and lift each other up.”

But Kirkpatrick said it’s also too early to talk about the future of BC United or the possibility of forming a new party.

“The first thing we need to do is to get these Independent MLAs elected into the legislature,” she said, noting a strong group could play a power-broker role if a minority government is elected. “Once we’re there then we’re all going to come together and we’re going to figure out, is there something left in BC United, BC Liberals that we can resurrect, or do we need to start a new party that’s in the centre?”

She said there’s a big gap left in the political spectrum in the province.

“So, we just have to do it in a mindful way, to make sure it’s representing the broadest base of people in B.C.”

Among the supporters at Kirkpatrick’s announcement Monday was former longtime MLA Ralph Sultan, who held West Vancouver-Capilano for almost two decades before retiring in 2020.

The Metro Vancouver riding has been a stronghold for the BC Liberals — the former BC United — since its formation in 1991, with more than half of the votes going to the centre-right party in every contest.

However, Kirkpatrick’s winning margin of 53.6 per cent to the NDP’s 30.1 per cent and the Green’s 15.4 per cent in the 2020 election shows a rising trend for left-leaning voters in the district.

Mike McDonald, chief strategy officer with Kirk and Co. Consulting, and a former campaign director for the BC Liberals and chief of staff under former Premier Christy Clark, said Independent candidates historically face an uphill battle and the biggest impact may be splitting votes in areas where the NDP could emerge victorious.

“It really comes down to, if the NDP are in a position to get 33 per cent of the vote, they might have a chance of winning,” McDonald said of the impact of an Independent vote-split with the Conservatives in certain ridings.

He said B.C. history shows it’s very hard for an Independent to win an election and has been done only a handful of times.

“So, the odds do not favour Independents winning the seats unless there is a very unique combination of circumstances, and more likely that they play a role as a spoiler, frankly.”

The B.C. Conservatives list West Vancouver School District Trustee Lynne Block as its candidate in West Vancouver-Capilano, while the BC NDP is represented by health care professional Sara Eftekhar.

Kirkpatrick said she is confident that her re-entry to the race will not result in a vote split that allows the NDP to win the seat because the party has always had a poor showing in the riding.

“So, even if there is competition between myself and the Conservative candidate, it is highly unlikely that anything would swing over to the NDP here. And I believe that I have the ability to actually attract those NDP voters to me, as well as the Conservatives and Liberals who are feeling just lost right now.”

This report by The Canadian Press was first published Sept. 16, 2024.

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Blinken is heading back to the Middle East, this time without fanfare or a visit to Israel




WASHINGTON (AP) — Secretary of State Antony Blinken heads to Egypt on Tuesday for his 10th trip to the Middle East since the war in Gaza began nearly a year ago, this one aimed partly at refining a proposal to present to Israel and Hamas for a cease-fire deal and release of hostages.

Unlike in recent mediating missions, America’s top diplomat this time is traveling without optimistic projections from the Biden administration of an expected breakthrough in the troubled negotiations.

Also unlike the earlier missions, Blinken has no public plans to go to Israel to meet with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on this trip. The Israeli leader’s fiery public statements — like his declaration that Israel would accept only “total victory” when Blinken was in the region in June — and some other unbudgeable demands have complicated earlier diplomacy.

Blinken is going to Egypt for talks Wednesday with Egyptian Foreign Minister Badr Abdelatty and others, in a trip billed as focused both on American-Egyptian relations and Gaza consultations with Egypt.

The tamped-down public approach follows months in which President Joe Biden and his officials publicly talked up an agreement to end the war in Gaza as being just within reach, hoping to build pressure on Netanyahu’s far-right government and Hamas to seal a deal.

The Biden administration now says it is working with fellow mediators Egypt and Qatar to come up with a revised final proposal to try to at least get Israel and Hamas into a six-week cease-fire that would free some of the hostages held by Hamas in exchange for Palestinian prisoners held by Israel. Americans believe public attention on details of the talks now would only hurt that effort.

American, Qatari and Egyptian officials still are consulting “about what that proposal will contain, and …. we’re trying to see that it’s a proposal that can get the parties to an ultimate agreement,” State Department spokesman Matthew Miller said Monday.

The State Department pointed to Egypt’s important role in Gaza peace efforts in announcing last week that the Biden administration planned to give the country its full $1.3 billion in military aid, overriding congressional requirements that the U.S. hold back some of the funding if Egypt fails to show adequate progress on human rights. Blinken told Congress that Egypt has made progress on human rights, including in freeing political prisoners.

Blinken’s trip comes amid the risk of a full-on new front in the Middle East, with Israel threatening increasing military action against the Hezbollah militant organization in Lebanon. Biden envoy Amos Hochstein was in Israel on Monday to try to calm tensions after a stop in Lebanon.

Hezbollah has one of the strongest militaries in the Middle East, and like Hamas and smaller groups in Syria and Iraq it is allied with Iran.

Hezbollah and Israel have exchanged strikes across Israel’s northern border with Lebanon since the Oct. 7 attack by Hamas started the war in Gaza. Hezbollah says it will ease those strikes — which have uprooted tens of thousands of civilians on both sides of the border — only when there’s a cease-fire in Gaza.

Hochstein told Netanyahu and other Israeli officials that intensifying the conflict with Hezbollah would not help get Israelis back in their homes, according to a U.S. official. The official, who spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss the private talks, said Hochstein stressed to Netanyahu that he risked sparking a broad and protracted regional conflict if he moved forward with a full-scale war in Lebanon.

Hochstein also underscored to Israeli officials that the Biden administration remained committed to finding a diplomatic solution to the tensions on Israel’s northern border in conjunction with a Gaza deal or on its own, the official said.

Netanyahu told Hochstein that it would “not be possible to return our residents without a fundamental change in the security situation in the north.” The prime minister said Israel “appreciates and respects” U.S. support but “will do what is necessary to maintain its security and return the residents of the north to their homes safely.”

Israel Defense Minister Yoav Gallant, meanwhile, warned in his meeting with Hochstein that “the only way left to ensure the return of Israel’s northern communities to their homes will be via military action,” his office said.

In Gaza, the U.S. says Israel and Hamas have agreed to a deal in principle and that the biggest obstacles now include a disagreement on details of the hostage and prisoner swap and control over a buffer zone on the border between Gaza and Egypt. Netanyahu has demanded in recent weeks that the Israeli military be allowed to keep a presence in the Philadelphi corridor. Egypt and Hamas have rejected that demand.

The Hamas-led attacks in southern Israel on Oct. 7 killed about 1,200 people. Militants also abducted 250 people and are still holding around 100 hostages. About a third of the remaining hostages are believed to be dead.

Israel’s offensive in Gaza has killed more than 41,000 Palestinians, said Gaza’s Health Ministry, which does not distinguish between civilians and militants in its count. The war has caused widespread destruction, displaced a majority of Gaza’s people and created a humanitarian crisis.

Netanyahu says he is working to bring home the hostages. His critics accuse him of slow-rolling a deal because it could bring down his hardline coalition government, which includes members opposed to a truce with the Palestinians.

Asked earlier this month if Netanyahu was doing enough for a cease-fire deal, Biden said, simply, “no.” But he added that he still believed a deal was close.


Associated Press writer Aamer Madhani contributed to this report.

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