Outdoor art exhibit goes interactive

Art Gallery of Windsor, February 8th 2016, (Photo by Jess Craymer)

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The Art Gallery of Windsor has curated an outdoor interactive art exhibit in downtown Windsor.

Each stop of the Against the Current exhibit offers an augmented reality mini-game highlighting stories of the artists. The project is a collaboration with Moment Factory, a Montreal-based studio specializing in multimedia experiences.

“As an art gallery for the 21st century, we are using digital tools and gaming to help people see and experience art differently,” said Executive Director Jennifer Matotek.

There are eight pieces displayed throughout downtown Windsor.

“When you are standing in front of the artwork you can scan the QR code and what happens is it opens up to a unique game that’s specific to the artwork that’s in front of you,” said Matotek.

The reproductions and interactive exhibit will be displayed throughout downtown until the end of the year.

“As you solve the puzzles you get to learn a little bit about the art history, you get to learn a little bit about the artist and as you go along there’s all kinds of different treats and information that gets unlocked,” said Matotek.

To download the application and find the locations of the art pieces visit the art gallery’s website.