Calamity at Queen's: Provost's panicked cuts consume a university older than Canada | Canada News Media
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Calamity at Queen’s: Provost’s panicked cuts consume a university older than Canada



The institution is spiralling, with faculty and students calling the provost a hatchet man who is exaggerating its financial crisis

The gravest mistake so far of Queen’s University’s new Provost Matthew Evans, who is presiding awkwardly over an existential financial crisis at the Kingston, Ont., school, was to speak the truth but phrase it as a conditional.

“I’m concerned about the survival of this institution. Because unless we sort this out, we will go under,” he said.

It was true, on the whole, but provocatively put. And when he said this to faculty and staff at a town hall in December, it was received poorly. To their ears, it turned a sympathetic rallying cry into a callous death threat.
Even worse, when a recording of the private town hall leaked to the press, it called down the demon shadow of public attention upon them all, which is the last thing a university wants in its weaker moments, precisely because of the bias toward wildly exaggerated claims of imminent catastrophe.

Universities are not supposed to be in the headlines. Look at Harvard, not really the Queen’s of the South, but similar enough, scandalized by its own failed leader over a foreign war and a plagiarism scandal. They are supposed to be in the journals, not the papers. No news is good news in the ivory tower, and most news is bad.

So it is today with Queen’s, which used to swagger against McGill University and the University of Toronto, boasting all their academic heft without being in a big city. Now it is barely in the top dozen, and flirts with dropping out of the all-important U15.

The place is floundering, and campus tension is high. A hiring freeze is in place for the foreseeable future. Government support seems variously incompetent and hostile. Nearly all university revenue comes from tuition and government operating grants based on student numbers, but at the provincial level, tuition has been frozen by law for several years, costing Queen’s nearly a quarter of a billion dollars. At the federal level, just this week came news of a cap on international students, who pay four times the tuition charged to Canadians, and have not returned in pre-pandemic levels. By failing to meet projected targets for numbers of international students, with 152 fewer than planned, most in Arts and Science, the whole school has lost more than $12 million this year.

But this pressure and others, like inflation, apply to all Canadian universities, which has raised questions about why Queen’s is the only one spiralling. The common fear is that the administration is exaggerating the crisis and its urgency to drive through budget cuts too quickly, and ignoring pleas for clarity and patience.

Queen’s has got a deficit, not a death wish. Of course it won’t “go under,” which is why the provost’s threat has backfired so explosively. What will happen, which is what he meant all along, is they will make budget cuts whether faculty like it or not, such as eliminating any course that attracts fewer than ten students or five at the graduate level.

But this is easier said than done. National Post interviews with department heads and other Queen’s students and faculty reveal these cuts are being made in a hurried panic, dictated from on high without clear rationale, guided by blunt strategy that is laying waste to the traditional academic cornerstones of an ancient Canadian institution, older even than the country itself.

Some even see a wider effort to not only increase class sizes, but to force all undergraduates into a more streamlined curriculum, less specialized, denying them the chance to pursue their fields into the darker corners in their upper years. Nine students reading Kant each year, for example, might seem like a waste of a room. But none seems like a waste of a university.

“It defeats the point of a university education, particularly a liberal arts education,” said Ethan Chilcott, a senior student and teaching assistant in Classics and Archaeology, who has organized protest against cuts. “It’ll be like a big high school.”

Queen’s takes its liberal arts heritage seriously. When it opened its first classes in 1842, its first professor, the Reverend Peter Colin Campbell, taught classical literature. In its Memorial Room to the school’s war dead, there is an inscription around the wall, from Wordsworth, another provocative conditional: “We must be free or die, who speak the tongue that Shakespeare spake; the faith and morals hold which Milton held.”

Now, under the blanket ban on small classes, Queen’s Department of Classics and Archaeology has to cut all instruction in Latin and Ancient Greek beyond the first year introduction. Shakespeare would not approve. What’s a Classics department without Latin and Greek?

“Precisely. That’s the death of our department,” said department head Daryn Lehoux.

This will lead to the end of most upper-year language courses at Queen’s

Bronwyn Bjorkman, Queen’s head of Languages, Literatures and Cultures.

Interested in modern languages? Too bad. All second-year courses in Italian, Arabic and Hebrew will be cut next year, along with third-year Spanish and German. Upper-year Chinese barely makes it past the 10-student cut off with a dozen students on average, so it might survive. German is done a little differently and might still be available in connection with literature studies, but not for studying the language.

“That is as dire as it sounds,” said Bronwyn Bjorkman, department head of Languages, Literatures and Cultures. “This will lead to the end of most upper-year language courses at Queen’s.”

Over in Art History and Art Conservation, the class size cap will eliminate some of the technical courses in one of the only programs in Canada to offer technical art study, said department head Norman Vorano. “If we begin to see these types of restrictions on our graduate courses, I worry that it will seriously reduce our graduate art conservation program,” he said.

“Students come to Queen’s for the chance to work in close proximity to internationally recognized experts and this often occurs in upper-year undergraduate seminars. Some upper-year seminars are capped because of lab requirements. Other seminars are small because they involve student travel and field research. Other seminars have low enrolments because they offer highly specialized and deep subject matter engagement, precisely why students come to Queen’s,” Vorano said.

Queen’s University Master of Public Administration students Sarah Homsi and Thomas Goyer inside the Queen’s School of Policy Studies. The students are concerned about the potential temporary suspension of their program following a program review. Jan Murphy/Postmedia Network

The School of Music and Drama is in a similar situation, and so are some upper-year chemistry laboratory courses, among many others.

“We’re facing the devastation of the Faculty of Arts and Science,” said Samantha King, head of the School of Kinesiology and Health Studies.

“There’s still no sense of a vision for the university or for Arts and Science,” King said. “And there is an implicit devaluing of Arts and Science whenever leaders are asked about the vision that’s driving this and what we’re looking at at the other end. That’s a real concern.”

“There’s no pedagogical justification for making classroom sizes larger, they’re already too large,” said Dax D’Orazio, a postdoctoral fellow in political studies.

He said junior lecturers like him are at risk of losing the teaching experience that is crucial to graduate student training and a key part of the skills that traditionally transfer from graduate education to professional jobs, such as managing conflict and giving and receiving feedback.

“From my perspective as junior scholar, research is part of the heart of the institution but it’s not everything,” D’Orazio said.

There’s still no sense of a vision for the university or for Arts and Science

Samantha King, head of Queen’s School of Kinesiology and Health Studies.

As word of this calamity has spread through the residence halls and back home to tuition-paying parents, students and their parents have recently been calling professors in panic, wondering whether their department, or even their school, will exist by the end of their undergraduate degree. Reassurance is not always available.

For an old school in Canada’s first capital, this has been a painful existential exercise, not just reflecting changes in post-secondary education and how it is funded in Canada, but reflecting its own peculiar evolution from a Victorian theological college to an establishment liberal arts school and top research institution to an almost bankrupt winter camp for clever rich kids from Toronto, Ottawa and Shanghai.

Evans’ work so far has seemed to make things worse on the way to hopefully making them better. Hired last August, he has developed a reputation as a hatchet man who answers questions with rebuttals and provocations. In the faculty town hall in December, he was remarkably chippy for a crisis meeting, telling people that their questions were “predicated” on plainly ridiculous assumptions, such as that he can manipulate the Board of Trustees or that there is some secret stash of endless money.

You could not miss the scolding tone.

“Everyone was happy about it,” Evans said of the period a few years ago when the school was in surplus, before the provincial government imposed a tuition freeze, when Queen’s was flush with money from high-paying international students. “Now, when we’re in a situation where we have deficit, faculties, some faculties, are complaining about the fact that they have a deficit. Well, you didn’t complain about it when you were making surpluses and hanging on to those surpluses. So, you now have to deal with it when you have a deficit.”

By “some faculties” he meant Arts and Science, which is the biggest, but also carries a disproportionate amount of the deficit. Queen’s overall deficit this year was projected to be more than $62 million, but has now been revised down to $48 million, of which the Faculty of Arts and Science accounts for $37 million.

Evans said the urgency of the budget cuts is due to two reasons. One is that last May, the Board of Trustees signed off on a deficit budget for this year with a condition that in 2024-25 there be a deficit of no more than five per cent, with a balanced budget the next year. The other, as he put it to an audience member at the faculty town hall: “Frankly, if we don’t do it in that time, we will run out of money… Yes, we will… Do you want me to answer the question or not?… Honesty you’re getting. That’s your problem.

“If we carry on spending at that rate, we will run out of reserves by 2025-26. This faculty (Arts and Science) in fact will run out of reserves earlier than that. This faculty will run out of reserves next year,” he said.

In a presentation to the Queen’s Senate to discuss the operating budget and Queen’s academic mission and priorities for “rebalancing,” Evans said a “tax” of 1.5 per cent has been levied on all the school’s faculties and shared services to create a “deficit mitigation fund” that will be used to help the Faculty of Arts and Science eliminate its deficit on time. He also anticipates having to negotiate with other faculties and schools — applied science, business, medicine, law, education — for one-off subsidies to Arts and Science, which will test just how much the school values its largest faculty.

He denied there was any reserve money that could be spent to spread the cuts over a longer period. He said they cannot touch endowments, money for research or funds set aside for a new building.

“They have to be used for the purposes they were given. In the end, that’s why Laurentian went down,” Evans said at the December town hall. (Laurentian University in Sudbury filed for creditor protection in 2021, closing many of its programs.)

There is a cold irony, then, in the school’s recent project to legally review several historical awards established with donor funding “to assess original donor intent and what changes or revisions may be permitted,” as internal correspondence describes it.

Lehoux, for example, said he got a call from a donor who wanted to top up the funds of the Wallace Near Prizes, founded by the late W.W. Near, Esq. of Toronto, but was told by school the money could not be directed so explicitly, to the study of Latin and Greek.

“So the money is gone, I can’t give those prizes anymore,” Lehoux said. “My department has always turned a profit. We have never had a budget deficit. And we’re on the chopping block as if we’re the problem. It’s just that we’re a soft target.”

A Queen’s spokesperson said the school is reviewing and updating 500 or so student awards across all faculties, worth more than $4-million. Some are many decades old and use “restrictive terms with old or outdated language,” sometimes by designating a student in a program that is no longer offered.

A statement read: “In order to change the terms of awards such as these, it is necessary in most cases to go through the courts who set a high bar in terms of making any changes the university may want to make to the original terms of these awards that were set when the original donation was made. We are working to update and adjust these terms to provide more flexibility so we can distribute all available funding to students while respecting the spirit of the original gift.”

The Faculty of Arts and Science is led by Dean Barbara Crow, who has a different reputation than Evans as a leader. She has barely answered any questions about this crisis, to the point of joining a town hall for the faculty’s undergraduate student society and sitting mum in the audience. She presided over the surplus years that Evans described, boosting salary spending for various new administrative positions.

Provost Evans declined an interview with National Post. Through a spokesperson, Dean Crow first declined an interview, then said she was reconsidering, then declined.

On Tuesday night this week, Evans was to address the student government assembly. It promised to be dramatic. Faculty planned to show up, as students had done at their fateful town hall in December. On the agenda was an item for discussion asking the Arts and Science Undergraduate Society executive why they have not lobbied Dean Crow for answers, given her lack of transparency. “When will there be an opportunity for students to get answers? How do we know she will actually attend?”

Barely 24 hours before it was to begin, the provost cancelled, according to a report by the Queen’s Journal, the student paper that has closely followed the saga.

The provost’s withdrawal, abrupt and late, recalled his curt exit from the town hall in December. At the end, he grimaced as he noticed students walking into the auditorium, silently protesting the cuts at the meeting from which they had been formally excluded, holding signs and wearing campus merch.

“Oh god,” Evans muttered, exasperated, then stood up and left.


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A linebacker at West Virginia State is fatally shot on the eve of a game against his old school




CHARLESTON, W.Va. (AP) — A linebacker at Division II West Virginia State was fatally shot during what the university said Thursday is being investigated by police as a home invasion.

The body of Jyilek Zyiare Harrington, 21, of Charlotte, North Carolina, was found inside an apartment Wednesday night in Charleston, police Lt. Tony Hazelett said in a statement.

Hazelett said several gunshots were fired during a disturbance in a hallway and inside the apartment. The statement said Harrington had multiple gunshot wounds and was pronounced dead at the scene. Police said they had no information on a possible suspect.

West Virginia State said counselors were available to students and faculty on campus.

“Our thoughts and prayers are with Jyilek’s family as they mourn the loss of this incredible young man,” West Virginia State President Ericke S. Cage said in a letter to students and faculty.

Harrington, a senior, had eight total tackles, including a sack, in a 27-24 win at Barton College last week.

“Jyilek truly embodied what it means to be a student-athlete and was a leader not only on campus but in the community,” West Virginia State Vice President of Intercollegiate Athletics Nate Burton said. “Jyilek was a young man that, during Christmas, would create a GoFundMe to help less fortunate families.”

Burton said donations to a fund established by the athletic department in Harrington’s memory will be distributed to an organization in Charlotte to continue his charity work.

West Virginia State’s home opener against Carson-Newman, originally scheduled for Thursday night, has been rescheduled to Friday, and a private vigil involving both teams was set for Thursday night. Harrington previously attended Carson-Newman, where he made seven tackles in six games last season. He began his college career at Division II Erskine College.

“Carson-Newman joins West Virginia State in mourning the untimely passing of former student-athlete Jyilek Harrington,” Carson-Newman Vice President of Athletics Matt Pope said in a statement. “The Harrington family and the Yellow Jackets’ campus community is in our prayers. News like this is sad to hear anytime, but today it feels worse with two teams who knew him coming together to play.”


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Hall of Famer Joe Schmidt, who helped Detroit Lions win 2 NFL titles, dies at 92




DETROIT (AP) — Joe Schmidt, the Hall of Fame linebacker who helped the Detroit Lions win NFL championships in 1953 and 1957 and later coached the team, has died. He was 92.

The Lions said family informed the team Schmidt died Wednesday. A cause of death was not provided.

One of pro football’s first great middle linebackers, Schmidt played his entire NFL career with the Lions from 1953-65. An eight-time All-Pro, he was enshrined into the Pro Football Hall of Fame in 1973 and the college football version in 2000.

“Joe likes to say that at one point in his career, he was 6-3, but he had tackled so many fullbacks that it drove his neck into his shoulders and now he is 6-foot,” said the late Lions owner William Clay Ford, Schmidt’s presenter at his Hall of Fame induction in 1973. “At any rate, he was listed at 6-feet and as I say was marginal for that position. There are, however, qualities that certainly scouts or anybody who is drafting a ballplayer cannot measure.”

Born in Pittsburgh, Schmidt played college football in his hometown at Pitt, beginning his stint there as a fullback and guard before coach Len Casanova switched him to linebacker.

“Pitt provided me with the opportunity to do what I’ve wanted to do, and further myself through my athletic abilities,” Schmidt said. “Everything I have stemmed from that opportunity.”

Schmidt dealt with injuries throughout his college career and was drafted by the Lions in the seventh round in 1953. As defenses evolved in that era, Schmidt’s speed, savvy and tackling ability made him a valuable part of some of the franchise’s greatest teams.

Schmidt was elected to the Pro Bowl 10 straight years from 1955-64, and after his arrival, the Lions won the last two of their three NFL titles in the 1950s.

In a 1957 playoff game at San Francisco, the Lions trailed 27-7 in the third quarter before rallying to win 31-27. That was the NFL’s largest comeback in postseason history until Buffalo rallied from a 32-point deficit to beat Houston in 1993.

“We just decided to go after them, blitz them almost every down,” Schmidt recalled. “We had nothing to lose. When you’re up against it, you let both barrels fly.”

Schmidt became an assistant coach after wrapping up his career as a player. He was Detroit’s head coach from 1967-72, going 43-35-7.

Schmidt was part of the NFL’s All-Time Team revealed in 2019 to celebrate the league’s centennial season. Of course, he’d gone into the Hall of Fame 46 years earlier.

Not bad for an undersized seventh-round draft pick.

“It was a dream of mine to play football,” Schmidt told the Detroit Free Press in 2017. “I had so many people tell me that I was too small. That I couldn’t play. I had so many negative people say negative things about me … that it makes you feel good inside. I said, ‘OK, I’ll prove it to you.’”



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Coastal GasLink fined $590K by B.C. environment office over pipeline build



VICTORIA – British Columbia’s Environment Assessment Office has fined Coastal GasLink Pipeline Ltd. $590,000 for “deficiencies” in the construction of its pipeline crossing the province.

The office says in a statement that 10 administrative penalties have been levied against the company for non-compliance with requirements of its environmental assessment certificate.

It says the fines come after problems with erosion and sediment control measures were identified by enforcement officers along the pipeline route across northern B.C. in April and May 2023.

The office says that the latest financial penalties reflect its escalation of enforcement due to repeated non-compliance of its requirements.

Four previous penalties have been issued for failing to control erosion and sediment valued at almost $800,000, while a fifth fine of $6,000 was handed out for providing false or misleading information.

The office says it prioritized its inspections along the 670-kilometre route by air and ground as a result of the continued concerns, leading to 59 warnings and 13 stop-work orders along the pipeline that has now been completed.

This report by The Canadian Press was first published Sept. 12, 2024.

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