City considering commissioning public art to prevent graffiti

(© Can Stock Photo / Klementiev)

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Sarnia is considering commissioning public art as a way to prevent graffiti.

General Manager of Community Services Stacey Forfar said it’s one of many ideas included in the development of a graffiti management policy.

“We traditionally would allow things like new skate parks to become involved,” said Forfar. “You’d pull in schools, you’d pull in art groups to help celebrate those areas and make them fun for that youth group.”

Forfar said utility infrastructure is often targeted, but there are currently no service agreements in place with providers to define how graffiti is addressed.

She said other communities have been creative.

“You can have art commissioned by the community, and then you can have them wrapped, so when you’re downtown you’re looking at things like transit signal boxes and other things. Typically when they’ve been wrapped and protected with public art features, often times, they are not hit or tagged in any way.”

The draft policy, and costs associated with its implementation, will be presented to council for consideration at its February 8, 2021 meeting.