Clinton Public Hospital

Clinton Public Hospital hit by influenza outbreak

The Clinton Public Hospital has declared an influenza outbreak on the inpatient unit.

A news release by the Huron Perth Healthcare Alliance on Saturday states that two of Clinton Public Hospital site’s patients have tested positive for influenza.

“In response to the outbreak, we are working closely with the Huron County Health Unit. We have closed the unit to admissions and transfers, restricted visitors to two per patient and have put some limitations on staffing for the unit,” said Infection Control Practioner Larry Morrel.

All patients on the unit are currently being offered Tamiflu prophylaxis.

In addition, visitors to the unit are asked to follow proper hand hygiene procedures and are reminded to cough or sneeze into their arm versus their hands. Any visitors who are feeling under the weather are cautioned to refrain from visiting until they have recovered.

Exceptions will be made for direct family members of palliative patients.

With flu season arriving in the Huron and Perth communities, Morrell advises the public to be proactive.

“Get a flu shot, which is still available from your family doctor and local pharmacies; wash your hands often with soap and water or use an alcohol-based sanitizer; if you are not feeling well please stay home and rest; keep commonly touched surfaces clean and cough or sneeze into your sleeve.”