CORONAVIRUS LIVE UPDATES: Pandemic updates on the markets, economy and Canadian business for March 18 - Financial Post | Canada News Media
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CORONAVIRUS LIVE UPDATES: Pandemic updates on the markets, economy and Canadian business for March 18 – Financial Post



The COVID-19 pandemic is having a major impact on business, markets and the economy. For continuous updates, follow along with The Financial Post’s James McLeod @jamespmcleod as he live blogs here. Send tips, announcements and information to

1:40 p.m. — Canadians want to hear more from scientists, less from politicians: According to public opinion research, amid the COVID-19 pandemic, 88% of Canadians want to hear more from scientists, and not so much from politicians. Public relations firm Edelman does a regular “Trust Barometer” report, and they issued a special report Wednesday about the pandemic.

Other key takeaways:

  • Adults under 34 are split 50-50 on whether they’re getting most of their news from news organizations or from social media. Older Canadians are mostly getting their information from news orgs.
  • 56 per cent of Canadians say they’re following the COVID-19 story daily.

1:14 p.m. Trading halted as market plunges: Financial Post colleague Victor Ferreira reports that the Dow Jones Industrial Average has now wiped out all of the gains made since U.S. President Donald Trump took office. Trading was halted on the S&P 500 after the index dropped by seven mer cent.

12:32 p.m. — Gig economy workers: I missed this earlier, but my Financial Post colleague, Vanmala Subramaniam posted on Twitter about gig economy workers, who will get $900 every two weeks from the federal government to help get through the COVID-19 pandemic. These benefits will last for 15 weeks.

12:24 a.m. — Poloz says Canada is in a better position than 2008: Bank of Canada governor Stephen Poloz said that Canada has the ability to be nimble in response to the COVID-19 economic turmoil, and the Canadian banking system is stronger than it was in the 2008 financial crisis.

“We actually do have the best banking system in the world and it is, indeed, vastly strengthened compared to 12 years ago because of new global standards,” Poloz told journalists in Ottawa.

However, he said nobody knows what’s coming with the pandemic: “We honestly don’t know what’s coming our way.”

12:09 p.m. — Poloz not ruling out emergency rate cut or quantitative easing: Bank of Canada governor Stephen Poloz said he’s not necessarily holding off an interest rate cut until April 15, but he said that the Bank needs to do a lot of assessment of what’s happening in the economy.

“I was being fairly careful to not rule out actions at any time,” Poloz said, adding, “I’m not going to itemize what could cause us to move earlier or not move earlier  at this stage.”

Poloz said that a lot of the Bank of Canada moves have happened in the past week to maintain liquidity in the market, and he wants to assess the situation before taking more dramatic actions. He added: “it seems to be functioning well so far”

Asked specifically about the possibility of quantitative easing, Poloz said: “I would certainly not rule out quantitative easing. Of course now. That is something that is a standard part of the central bank toolkit.”

12:05 p.m. — Morneau says he’s ready to work with Alberta and N.L. on oil: Finance Minister Bill Morneau didn’t offer any details, but he said he’s ready to work individually with Alberta and Newfoundland and Labrador to address the economic issues arising from the crash in oil prices.

11:56 a.m. — Poloz says no change in rates “for now”: Bank of Canada governor Stephen Poloz says that he was waiting for details of the fiscal stimulus announced today by the federal government, and they will be updating economic forecasts based on the new information. Poloz said April 15 is the next scheduled announcement date for a change to rates, and “for now” that’s all he’ll say.

11:42 a.m. — Details of federal COVID-19 economic response: Ok, so I think this is the complete list of measures that the Department of Finance is announcing today. Finance Minister Bill Morneau is still speaking, and he’s emphasizing that this is only the first phase of the response.

I’ll be updating continuously, especially in the Q&A portion of the news conference with Morneau and Bank of Canada governor Stephen Poloz. I will also link to a write-up that summarizes that list as soon as possible. Keep refreshing this page for more details.

11:37 a.m. — Lots of different mechanisms to get money to workers: To be blunt, Finance Minister Bill Morneau is announcing so many different programs and services for workers, it’s difficult for a liveblogger to keep up. I’ll post the full list as soon as I can find it online.

The bottom line is that the federal government has a lot of different mechanisms to get money to workers who have lost income due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Morneau indicated that the Canada Child Benefit will be boosted, there will be GST rebates, and a suite of Employment Insurance measures.

Morneau said that listening to medical advice and social distancing is vitally important.

11:33 a.m. — Morneau says “fiscal firepower” is coming: Finance Minister Bill Morneau said that fiscal discipline is out the window, and his sole focus is to help Canadians through the COVID-19 pandemic.

Morneau emphasized that the $27 billion direct aid, plus $55 billion in deferred taxation for businesses, is just the “first phase” of the government response.

“My only job is to make sure that Canadians can keep food in the fridge, that they can keep a roof over their heads, to make sure they can afford medicine,” Morneau said.

11:22 a.m — Consumer confidence is way down: In another grim sign of the times, the Conference Board of Canada is reporting the largest ever monthly drop in consumer confidence.

“There were no positives in this month’s survey – every region saw a double-digit decline in confidence and every question saw a significant weakening in responses,” the Conference Board said.

11:19 a.m. — Trudeau stimulus underwhelming: Quick reaction from Financial Post columnist Kevin Carmichael is that the stimulus announced by Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is underwhelming. Kevin points out that Sweden is doing six per cent of GDP, as stimulus, compared to three per cent so far in Canada.

11:12 a.m. — Morneau speaking momentarily: Prime Minster Justin Trudeau has finished his media availability from outside his residence where he’s in self-quarantine. Finance Minister Bill Morneau is expected to speak to Canadians momentarily, with more detail about economic supports for business and workers amid the COVID-19 pandemic crisis.

11:05 a.m. — More detail on Trudeau economic measures:Here’s a quick write-up of what Prime Minister Justin Trudeau announced this morning.

10:55 a.m. — Full measures announced by PMO: National Post reporter Brian Platt has posted the full list of measures announced today by Trudeau to provide funding to the businesses and groups hardest hit by COVID-19. And here are the business-specific measures, from Brian.

10:53 a.m. — Trudeau announces various targeted funding: Prime Minister Justin Trudeau announced a suite of different direct funding efforts for Indigenous communities, for homeless, for victims of domestic abuse, for farmers and others.

Trudeau said more measures will be coming to support sectors of the economy particularly hard hit by COVID-19. In speaking to media in Ottawa, he emphasized that the government is prepared to do more as the crisis unfolds.

10:48 a.m. — Wage subsidy for small business: Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said that small business owners will be able to access a wage subsidy equivalent to 10 per cent of their total wage bill, in an effort to encourage employers to not lay off workers amid the COVID-19 crisis.

10:45 a.m. — Trudeau announces $82 billion in stimulus: Prime Minister Justin Trudeau announced $27 billion in direct support for people affected by COVID-19, plus another $55 billion in liquidity for business, through tax deferrals. Trudeau says this amounts to more than three per cent of Canada’s GDP.

10:41 a.m. — Canadian crude drops below $10/barrel: The fallout of the COVID-19 turmoil and the global oil price war is pushing down crude prices, Bloomberg reports.

10:22 a.m. — Porter Airlines suspending service: On Twitter, the airline announced that it’s suspending service on Friday, and will keep operations shut down until at least June 1.

10:20 a.m. — Rogers shuts most stores: Rogers Communications Inc. said it’s closing “most” of its retail stores until March 31. The news release does not say how many stores will be closing, but the company will be keeping 93 locations open.

10:15 a.m. — Trudeau to speak at 10:30 a.m.: As a programming note, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is expected to speak at 10:30 a.m. with Finance Minister Bill Morneau and Bank of Canada governor Stephen Poloz speaking to media after that.

We were already expecting major news out of these media availabilities, with the government signalling that it would be announcing major economic stimulus. Meanwhile, U.S. president Donald Trump announced in a tweet that the border is closing to non-essential traffic.

So … lots happening. Stay tuned.

10:05 a.m. — Air Transat suspends flights: Transportation reporter Emily Jackson is reporting that Air Transat is suspending flights and laying off workers. The airline says the shutdown will last until April 30, in response to COVID-19. Read Emily’s story for a lot more detail on the situation.

9:50 a.m. — Markets drop at opening bell: The Toronto Stock exchange fell sharply in the opening minutes of trading, erasing yesterday’s gains. The TSX/S&P composite index was down 516.86 points, or 4.07 per cent.

Other major North American indexes dropped as well, with the Dow Jones Industrial Average falling more than a thousand points, or 4.94 per cent at opening. The S&P 500 was down 3.66 per cent and the Nasdaq Composite dropped 5.90 per cent.

9:47 a.m. — No rate cut from Bank of Canada today: Bank of Canada Governor Stephen Poloz will not be announcing an interest rate cut this morning, according to a statement from the Bank of Canada.

Reuters reports that the statement says Poloz “will not be announcing any new measures or actions” today.

9:35 a.m. — Trump announces border closure:In a tweet, U.S. President Donald Trump just announced that the Canada-U.S. border is closing “by mutual consent” for all non-essential traffic.

9:24 a.m. — CAD hits four-year low: Reuters is reporting that the Canadian dollar has hit a four-year low, trading at 69.47 U.S. cents Wednesday morning. The Loonie has been plunging due to a combination of the COVID-19 crisis, and the ongoing weakness in oil prices.

8:52 a.m. — Morneau, Poloz to hold joint announcement:A media advisory says that Finance Minister Bill Morneau and Bank of Canada governor Stephen Poloz will hold a joint news conference at 11:15 a.m. today.

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is also expected to speak to the media this morning at 10:30 a.m. It’s worth noting that Trudeau’s news conferences have often been delayed past their scheduled start time, and if he’s running late that will probably push back the Poloz and Morneau announcement.

I’ll be following both announcements and posting economic details here, so keep an eye on this page.

8:38 a.m. — COVID-19 trade implications: You’re probably not thinking about broccoli farming right now, but Financial Post reporter Naomi Powell has a great look at how COVID-19 travel restrictions could impact the food supply. Fruit and vegetable growers rely heavily on temporary foreign labour, and shutting the borders could cause significant disruptions.

8:30 a.m. — Posthaste updates: Even when there isn’t a global pandemic, Financial Post editor Yadullah Hussain does a daily “Posthaste” update, with a roundup of links and news stories to follow. With the world in turmoil, this is a good snapshot of what’s happening right now, and what to keep your eyes on as the day unfolds.

8:20 a.m. — Markets opening could be rough: It’s looking like investors are in for another rough morning, as futures markets are anticipating a sell-off when major North American exchanges open. Oil hit a 17-year low.

We’ll be keeping a close eye, but check out this report for what to expect in the coming hours.

8:15 a.m. — Stimulus, border shutdown anticipated: Today is looking like a big day for government response to COVID-19. Multiple media outlets are reporting that Ottawa is set to announce a stimulus package. The CBC is saying it’ll be $25 billion, and the Globe and Mail is saying it’ll be closer to $30 billion.

This report suggests that the economic aid package will be 1% of GDP. The details of how the money will get out to Canadians — whether it’s through GST rebates, employment insurance, or other measures — will be important to watch.

Meanwhile, Canada and the United States are working on a deal to close the border to non-essential travel.

According to this report, a joint statement on the border closure is expected sometime in the next 24 to 48 hours.

7:55 a.m. — Big six banks offering mortgage leniency: Canada’s biggest banks announced new measures to respond to the COVID-19 pandemic turmoil, potentially giving up to six months of payment deferral for mortgages, and other forms of financial relief.

BMO, CIBC, TD, RBC, Scotiabank and National Bank said that they’re ready to work with customers “on a case-by-case basis to provide flexible solutions” in response to childcare costs, gaps in pay, or illness from COVID-19.

In the news release issued Tuesday evening, the banks encouraged people to contact them directly to discuss options. In the statement, the banks said this is a “first step” and more action may be required.

March 18, 2020

Good morning! As the world continues to grapple with the COVID-19 pandemic, Wednesday is looking like another extremely busy day, with the federal government expected to announce a massive stimulus package, and markets showing signs of even more turmoil.  Keep refreshing this page to stay up to date on the latest COVID-19 business news as it happens.

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A timeline of events in the bread price-fixing scandal




Almost seven years since news broke of an alleged conspiracy to fix the price of packaged bread across Canada, the saga isn’t over: the Competition Bureau continues to investigate the companies that may have been involved, and two class-action lawsuits continue to work their way through the courts.

Here’s a timeline of key events in the bread price-fixing case.

Oct. 31, 2017: The Competition Bureau says it’s investigating allegations of bread price-fixing and that it was granted search warrants in the case. Several grocers confirm they are co-operating in the probe.

Dec. 19, 2017: Loblaw and George Weston say they participated in an “industry-wide price-fixing arrangement” to raise the price of packaged bread. The companies say they have been co-operating in the Competition Bureau’s investigation since March 2015, when they self-reported to the bureau upon discovering anti-competitive behaviour, and are receiving immunity from prosecution. They announce they are offering $25 gift cards to customers amid the ongoing investigation into alleged bread price-fixing.

Jan. 31, 2018: In court documents, the Competition Bureau says at least $1.50 was added to the price of a loaf of bread between about 2001 and 2016.

Dec. 20, 2019: A class-action lawsuit in a Quebec court against multiple grocers and food companies is certified against a number of companies allegedly involved in bread price-fixing, including Loblaw, George Weston, Metro, Sobeys, Walmart Canada, Canada Bread and Giant Tiger (which have all denied involvement, except for Loblaw and George Weston, which later settled with the plaintiffs).

Dec. 31, 2021: A class-action lawsuit in an Ontario court covering all Canadian residents except those in Quebec who bought packaged bread from a company named in the suit is certified against roughly the same group of companies.

June 21, 2023: Bakery giant Canada Bread Co. is fined $50 million after pleading guilty to four counts of price-fixing under the Competition Act as part of the Competition Bureau’s ongoing investigation.

Oct. 25 2023: Canada Bread files a statement of defence in the Ontario class action denying participating in the alleged conspiracy and saying any anti-competitive behaviour it participated in was at the direction and to the benefit of its then-majority owner Maple Leaf Foods, which is not a defendant in the case (neither is its current owner Grupo Bimbo). Maple Leaf calls Canada Bread’s accusations “baseless.”

Dec. 20, 2023: Metro files new documents in the Ontario class action accusing Loblaw and its parent company George Weston of conspiring to implicate it in the alleged scheme, denying involvement. Sobeys has made a similar claim. The two companies deny the allegations.

July 25, 2024: Loblaw and George Weston say they agreed to pay a combined $500 million to settle both the Ontario and Quebec class-action lawsuits. Loblaw’s share of the settlement includes a $96-million credit for the gift cards it gave out years earlier.

Sept. 12, 2024: Canada Bread files new documents in Ontario court as part of the class action, claiming Maple Leaf used it as a “shield” to avoid liability in the alleged scheme. Maple Leaf was a majority shareholder of Canada Bread until 2014, and the company claims it’s liable for any price-fixing activity. Maple Leaf refutes the claims.

This report by The Canadian Press was first published Sept. 19, 2024.

Companies in this story: (TSX:L, TSX:MFI, TSX:MRU, TSX:EMP.A, TSX:WN)

The Canadian Press. All rights reserved.

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S&P/TSX composite up more than 250 points, U.S. stock markets also higher




TORONTO – Canada’s main stock index was up more than 250 points in late-morning trading, led by strength in the base metal and technology sectors, while U.S. stock markets also charged higher.

The S&P/TSX composite index was up 254.62 points at 23,847.22.

In New York, the Dow Jones industrial average was up 432.77 points at 41,935.87. The S&P 500 index was up 96.38 points at 5,714.64, while the Nasdaq composite was up 486.12 points at 18,059.42.

The Canadian dollar traded for 73.68 cents US compared with 73.58 cents US on Thursday.

The November crude oil contract was up 89 cents at US$70.77 per barrel and the October natural gas contract was down a penny at US2.27 per mmBTU.

The December gold contract was up US$9.40 at US$2,608.00 an ounce and the December copper contract was up four cents at US$4.33 a pound.

This report by The Canadian Press was first published Sept. 19, 2024.

Companies in this story: (TSX:GSPTSE, TSX:CADUSD)

The Canadian Press. All rights reserved.

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Construction wraps on indoor supervised site for people who inhale drugs in Vancouver




VANCOUVER – Supervised injection sites are saving the lives of drug users everyday, but the same support is not being offered to people who inhale illicit drugs, the head of the BC Centre for Excellence in HIV/AIDS says.

Dr. Julio Montaner said the construction of Vancouver’s first indoor supervised site for people who inhale drugs comes as the percentage of people who die from smoking drugs continues to climb.

The location in the Downtown Eastside at the Hope to Health Research and Innovation Centre was unveiled Wednesday after construction was complete, and Montaner said people could start using the specialized rooms in a matter of weeks after final approvals from the city and federal government.

“If we don’t create mechanisms for these individuals to be able to use safely and engage with the medical system, and generate points of entry into the medical system, we will never be able to solve the problem,” he said.

“Now, I’m not here to tell you that we will fix it tomorrow, but denying it or ignoring it, or throw it under the bus, or under the carpet is no way to fix it, so we need to take proactive action.”

Nearly two-thirds of overdose deaths in British Columbia in 2023 came after smoking illicit drugs, yet only 40 per cent of supervised consumption sites in the province offer a safe place to smoke, often outdoors, in a tent.

The centre has been running a supervised injection site for years which sees more than a thousand people monthly and last month resuscitated five people who were overdosing.

The new facilities offer indoor, individual, negative-pressure rooms that allow fresh air to circulate and can clear out smoke in 30 to 60 seconds while users are monitored by trained nurses.

Advocates calling for more supervised inhalation sites have previously said the rules for setting up sites are overly complicated at a time when the province is facing an overdose crisis.

More than 15,000 people have died of overdoses since the public health emergency was declared in B.C. in April 2016.

Kate Salters, a senior researcher at the centre, said they worked with mechanical and chemical engineers to make sure the site is up to code and abidies by the highest standard of occupational health and safety.

“This is just another tool in our tool box to make sure that we’re offering life-saving services to those who are using drugs,” she said.

Montaner acknowledged the process to get the site up and running took “an inordinate amount of time,” but said the centre worked hard to follow all regulations.

“We feel that doing this right, with appropriate scientific background, in a medically supervised environment, etc, etc, allows us to derive the data that ultimately will be sufficiently convincing for not just our leaders, but also the leaders across the country and across the world, to embrace the strategies that we are trying to develop.” he said.

Montaner said building the facility was possible thanks to a single $4-million donation from a longtime supporter.

Construction finished with less than a week before the launch of the next provincial election campaign and within a year of the next federal election.

Montaner said he is concerned about “some of the things that have been said publicly by some of the political leaders in the province and in the country.”

“We want to bring awareness to the people that this is a serious undertaking. This is a very massive investment, and we need to protect it for the benefit of people who are unfortunately drug dependent.” he said.

This report by The Canadian Press was first published Sept. 18, 2024.

The Canadian Press. All rights reserved.

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