Welcome to this special report where you’ll discover how to write high converting copy and ads faster and easier than ever before. But first – a word of WARNING:
What I’m about to share with you flies in the face of everything you’ve been taught about copywriting, marketing, and writing ads that convert. If writing ads is a struggle or feels “hit or miss”… if you’ve ever wasted time thinking about what to say or grasping at straws to create the kind of copy that pulls your prospects closer and practically forces them to buy your product or service…
Know this – It’s Not Your Fault. There’s a process and system for writing copy that converts effortlessly and if you pay close attention to this presentation, I’ll pull back the curtain and expose the TRUTH about Copywriting, Marketing, And Ad Creation.
In this unique training you’ll discover:
Now, before we dive headlong into the training I want to let you know who this training is FOR and more importantly who it is not for.
This is for you if you’re a business owner, freelancer, or copywriter who wants… NO… who needs their ads, sales letters, emails, Facebook Posts, Instagram captions, and on and on it goes… to actually convert and make sales.
In short – if you need your customers, clients, leads or prospects to read your words and take an action -like actually paying you money – then this is the training for you. And even though I know I run the risk of sounding unbelievable… This may be the most important report you read this year.
But don’t worry, I’ll prove that statement to you in this letter and show you EXACTLY how you can triple your writing speed, increase your conversion rates, and completely rid yourself of writer’s block and the blank page for the rest of your life.
Now – just so we’re clear. This presentation is NOT for you if you don’t have an existing business, if you don’t have a product or service that you’re proud of, or if you’re not the kind of person who puts in effort. This is not a get rich quick scheme and it’s not for newbies. If that’s what you’re looking for then please close out of the page now.
Still, here? GREAT! Let’s go!
Just in case you’re wondering who I am… My name is Mike Giannulis and I’ve been a copywriter, consultant, online marketer and business owner since WAY back in 2006. I’ve been in the game for a long time and I’ve seen all the “gurus” come and go.
Quick random fact about me in case I look familiar at all – I was on the ABC show Extreme Makeover: Weight Loss Edition back in 2012 where I lost 255 pounds in one year. It was pretty awesome to inspire so many people and get my health back.
In the business world – I’ve personally launched and built close to ten different 7 figure companies and one 8 figure education business. And yet, despite all my success I’ve struggled with the uncertainty that my next sales letter was gonna suck and everyone would find out the truth – that I don’t know what I’m doing!
I remember sitting in my spacious office looking over at all my fancy degrees, my associates from little St. Petersburg College to my MBA from Western Governors University and thinking that I had NO idea what I was gonna write about in my next sales letter.
I recall laughing while holding up my Inc 5000 trophy because I had spent all night wallowing in mental and emotional pain trying to come up with a “hook” or unique idea to turn around our Facebook ads that were suddenly TANKING.
My point is I have been there! Both as a paid copywriter delivering results to my clients AND as a business owner with over 100 employees relying on ME to figure out how to sell our products and services.
Frankly, I was sick of it! Every time I had to write a new email, a new Facebook ad, a new blog post, and especially a new sales letter, webinar, or VSL I suffered from writer’s block and nagging doubt in my abilities.
Deep down, I knew I was procrastinating because of fear. Fear of not knowing what to say, fear of wasting all my time writing an ad that didn’t work, fear that my product or even worse – me, myself, wasn’t good enough. I always felt one “copy bomb” away from being outed as a phony.
Then, it finally happened. I QUIT copywriting. I even told one of my business partners James that I HATED copywriting and if it was up to me, I’d never write another sales letter again! I was burned out, fed up, and just sick of the pressure of writing copy that had to convert – or else!
I was at my wit’s end. It seemed like no matter what I tried, every new sales letter project began with me staring at a blank screen wondering what to write first.
Perhaps that’s what led me to being so open minded . I knew there had to be a better way to write copy that didn’t feel like such work. I kept saying to myself that creating a sales letter from scratch shouldn’t feel like moving a mountain!
I was skimming my email – probably avoiding a writing project – when I saw a subject line that caught my eye. It was something about a French girl who writes blog posts and emails almost every single day.
And these weren’t just pump and dump topics. I’m talking about scientific research around neuroscience, learning, and more. The woman’s name was Anne-Laure and I devoured the email and the accompanying podcast episode where she spilled the beans on her “secret” system for being a wordcount badass.
That one interview led me to uncover an underground “world” of people who were doing incredible, almost unbelievable things. Writing 1,000 word well-researched blog posts nearly everyday of the week. Producing academic research papers for their PHDs in record time, and even cranking out newsletters that were so well done, I couldn’t fathom how any one person could write with such detail and expertise… and so quickly!
I devoured every course, every podcast, every book, and even hunted people down on Twitter and jumped on Zoom calls with them. I wanted to learn every trick in the book. I had no shame anymore, I was enamored with a new concept of Effortless Output, Getting Things Done, and the idea of creating a “2nd Brain”. More on that soon…
I went crazy buying everything I could to learn about this new world…
There was only one problem – the world I entered was one of productivity experts, academics, and programmers – NONE of them knew anything about writing copy and ads.
It was up to me to take this system and combine it with my 15 years of experience as a top copywriter and marketer. So, that is what I set out to do.
Ask yourself this question. Why is copywriting so hard? Why does it feel like pulling teeth to go from a blank page to a finished sales letter? Even sitting down to write an email to promote your product or service can feel like a daunting task.
Many copywriters just think that’s the way it is – that’s the way it has to be. Writing is hard and we write ads and it’s hard.
Business owners think the problem is because they “aren’t writers” or they just don’t know how to “sell” people with their words.
Others just don’t want to come across as sleazy or cheesy and sound like a late night infomercial.
But, those are all just manifestations of the real problem. The real problem that plagues copywriters and business owners and freelancers alike is not the writing or the words or any of that “stuff”.
Nope, the problem is not having a reliable system that you can use again and again to create high converting copy. You may have heard this before, but some people say that the word SYSTEM stands for:
Save Yourself Stress Time, Energy & Money. And it’s true. That’s really what a system is meant to do. Think about your current “system” for creating ads. If you’re a copywriter it might involve doing a little research, throwing some notes into a Google Doc or Word file.
Then, you sit around and mull over what you should write about for a few days. You may wait for inspiration to strike then you write a few words and call it a day. Repeat this process enough times and you’ve strung together something you can send off to your client.
When you don’t hear back from them it’s most likely because it didn’t convert. Or even worse you do hear back and they ask you for the dreaded rewrite – and of course they aren’t going to pay you again – why should they? In many ways, you sold them a defective product. OUCH.
Or if you’re a business owner, maybe you spend days staring at a blank screen. You want to say the write thing but you just don’t even know where to begin! Writing isn’t your thing, besides you’re really busy anyway!
Maybe you go out and hire a copywriter. You spend a LOT more than you were expecting (us copywriters are really good at charging high prices haha). And what happens? They send you a HUGE form to fill out anyway!
Heck – if you knew all that you’d just write the copy yourself. So, after a few painful back and forth email sessions, you finally get something back from the copywriter. It’s not what you want, it doesn’t feel like you or your brand, and even worse it doesn’t convert.
The copywriter says something about “bad traffic” and you just move on. You either try again with another writer or just give up.
Sadly, for copywriters and business owners alike – this is the system they have set up for themselves. Because even if you think you don’t have a system, guess what? You do! And your system will pretty much get you the same result again and again.
If you have a bad system – you get bad results.
If you have a good system, you get good results.
I know it’s common sense, but this should have you jumping for joy. Because, once you discover a copywriting system that actually works, that’s when the fun really begins.
So, let’s talk about what it takes to FINALLY have a reliable way to produce high converting copy like clockwork.
I get it. Anyone and everyone has tossed around words like “systems” forever. But, I’m going to show you, here and now, inside my copywriting system so you can see how it works, why it works, and more importantly, how it can work for you.
This is the answer you have been looking for. This is what took me from a burned out business owner who had given up on writing copy to pumping out sales letters, emails, blog posts, and so much more effortlessly.
In fact, since I discovered this system I went on to:
And I did all this while never stressing or struggling with what to write about. What surprised me most wasn’t that I could now write sales letters fast and easy. I wasn’t shocked that I could produce ads for Facebook and Google in a fraction of the time. I wasn’t even surprised that writing long form blog posts felt fun and simple.
What actually did blow my mind was the sales letters. Not only the speed or even the quality. But the conversions. I was brought up in the hard-knock school of copywriting. If it wasn’t painful to create – it wasn’t gonna convert.
This new process was the EXACT opposite of my previous copy experience. Not only was I writing more copy, faster, and easier than ever before – the ads I wrote now were resonating with my audience more than ever.
More comments, more clicks, more leads, more sales.
Never Start From A Blank Page
Write With “Lego Blocks” NOT An Etch-A-Sketch
Make Sure You Never Lose An Idea, Note, Or Thought Again
Let’s unpack those real quick. RULE # 1 is simple enough in theory. You shouldn’t start from a blank page. But how do you actually do that? When I interviewed all those academics writing about neuroscience and advanced mathematics and programming I made a discovery.
The “brilliant” ones who produced true works of genius weren’t “creators” they were compilers. They basically read books, listened to audiobooks and podcasts, and read scholarly articles. They chose these “sources” because they contained the information they needed.
Then they jotted down ideas and thoughts from these multiple sources and disciplines. When it came time to write they NEVER started from scratch. In fact, they almost “wrote” as they went and they had more than enough ideas to work with.
One of the biggest complaints I heard from this group was that they had so much they wanted to write about and they had such a backlog of ideas they were sad that they couldn’t get to it all!
Imagine that – having more than enough material to work with so that writing is effortlessly putting together other people’s work and putting a spin on it to make it your own!
And that leads us to RULE # 2. Write with Lego Blocks… not an etch-a-sketch.
I may be dating myself here a bit, but when I was a kid we had this toy called an etch-a-sketch and you basically would spin these two knobs in order to create something.
It was hard work, sometimes taking hours or even days of intense focus and dexterity. And when you were done you may have this beautiful piece of art. But, then what happened? Well, you would shake the etch-a-sketch and all your hard work would vanish. Erased. Gone in the blink of an eye.
That’s how we tend to approach our copywriting and ad creation. We put in all this work creating a work of art (at least we think so anyway) only to lose it all the moment we’re done.
When you create your ads using the old Copywriting 1.0 paradigm – which I call the Etch-a-Sketch Method, you end up working hard once then erasing all that hard work.
The new model, the one that gets results, that’s backed by years of scientific research by professors like Dr. Sönke Ahrens is to use what I call the Lego Block Method.
If you have to manually draw a tower using an etch-a-sketch it could take hours. If you use Legos, it could take minutes. Why? Because legos already exist. You don’t have to create them from scratch.
You just go to your “Lego” collection and choose the right legos for the job. And over time, you get faster and faster as you know where your legos are and what you’ve used them for in the past.
With the system I discovered, I create little “Lego” like blocks of copy that I have one click access to. I drag and drop the legos in the right order, make a few edits, and voila… I have a near-instant and definitely effortless sales letter.
This “Lego Block” system is how one of my students Gerald wrote a 5,000 word sales letter in just 37 minutes. Really, he timed it. Now, obviously you have to learn my simple process for creating these blocks.
It involves doing some very basic research following my 6P Framework.
Once you start building blocks your ability to write high converting ads FAST and EASY compounds.
And that brings me to RULE # 3 – Make Sure You Never Lose An Idea, Note, Or Thought Again.
This one is painfully obvious, but I want you to really think about it.
How many great ideas have you had while driving in the car, on a walk, or in the shower. You mean to jot them down but then you forget them. Or, how about this one. How many books have you read and when you’re done you can barely even remember what the book was about?
How many podcasts do you listen to full of great ideas that never amount to anything?
To put it another way – aren’t you sick of consuming tons of interesting information without it having a meaningful impact on your copy or your business income? I mean call me crazy, but if you’re anything like me you probably read articles everyday, books every week, listen to podcasts and audiobooks in the car, and yet – what becomes of all that information?
For me – it was truly “in one ear and out the other”. Until, I discovered my copywriting system. This system leverages technology and tools that make capturing ideas, notes, thoughts, book and podcast highlights, pretty much anything you want – EASY and automatic.
I cringe when I think about how much information I’ve lost over the years. Book ideas, winning headlines, great leads, incredible guarantees, products that will never see the light of day – all because I didn’t have my Copywriting System setup.
I’m not gonna sugar coat it. RULE # 3 is the most important of them all. And it comes down to what I call the 3 Commandments of Rule 3. You must have a system in place to COLLECT information that can be used in all your advertising. You must then be able to CONVERT that information into “Lego Blocks” of copy that you can use time and time again.
And finally, you must be able to CLASSIFY this information into what I call the “Infinite Folder System”. This is the part of my system that blows people away. It’s such a leap into the future and it’s the secret sauce that makes copywriting so simple, so easy, so fast, so unbelievably effortless that it almost defies logic.
Right now you most likely open a blank google doc and start typing. You hope and pray the right words come to you as you blindly battle the blank page. I’ve been there and it’s no way to live your life, trust me!
With the Infinite Folder System, every piece of knowledge you gather or create from anywhere in the world (online and offline) is magically transported to one central “brain” that you can access from anywhere.
Say you need to write an ad about a coaching or consulting business. You can literally type in the word “coach” and in a matter of seconds see everything you cataloged under that word.
If you need to write about a certain supplement, you type in the name of the supplement and there you’ll find every study, every chart, every note you’ve ever written down about that subject.
And perhaps even more importantly – all your notes are interconnected. Almost like a Wikipedia page where different thoughts link together. This takes writing ads from messy and boring to magical and fun. Copywriting is no longer a chore, but a playful discovery of ideas, notes, concepts, headlines, leads, and more.
And if you’re a business owner, it’s even better. Because this Infinite Folder System includes all the best, highest converting time-tested templates. You just type 2 keys on the keyboard and press enter – and the templates appear – like magic.
You fill in the blanks with your existing Copy – the Lego Blocks – and BAM – Sales Letter complete.
I could go and on about how wonderful this system is and how much it’s changed my life and how much I believe it can change your life… but this report is getting way too long already.
You see, when I set out on my journey of discovery to solve my own problem, I wasn’t trying to do anything other than help myself. Once I uncovered that underground world of academics and productivity nerds, I was hopeful I would find someone in the copywriting world who had been there before me so I could just “copy” their hard work.
Unfortunately for me, I was the first one from the “business” world and especially the copywriting world to find this subculture. After spending thousands of dollars and countless hours I knew what I had to do.
There was no “out of the box” solution. I had to take these two worlds – the world of “knowledge management” and copywriting and combine them. I was the midwife to this new baby, a baby that held the hope to make my copywriting and business work easier and better than ever before.
And thankfully, after months of trial and error, paid consultations with a programmer from the UK, a Stoic Philosopher from Amsterdam, a high-energy attorney from Texas, and watching way too many YouTube videos from a genius Japanese kid…. I put it all together.
I had a system that took the best of both worlds… knowledge management & copywriting. When I put it to use in my own business with my own copy and content I was blown away. I started making more money than before, wrote more content, got more positive feedback, and had more fun than I have had in years writing copy and selling products online! (obviously I can’t guarantee your results)
I mentioned what I was working on in a small underground forum and to my surprise I got a ton of positive feedback from people who asked me if I could help them set up this copywriting system for themselves.
So, I opened up a small beta group and almost right away I sold 50 spots! It was crazy! So many people told me this was exactly what they were looking for. They were business owners, freelancers, copywriters, marketers, and entrepreneurs who had struggled for years with having a systematic, proven, time-tested process for writing ads and copy that just worked.
I didn’t have plans beyond that first group, but the feedback was so amazing and the testimonials so strong, I felt like I had to share this with anyone and everyone I could. I gave it to my in-house copywriters and they loved it. That’s when I knew it was time to release this to the world.
But first I needed a name for this system. I knew it combined the methodology of what is known as 2nd brain systems along with copywriting.
So, I started calling it my Copywriter Brain. And the name sort of stuck.
So allow me to introduce to you the one and only system of its kind. My Course – Copywriter Brain. I know I am biased but I firmly believe that this course can change not only your copywriting ability and your business income, but also your entire life.
It’s worked like magic in my own life and in the lives of many people I’ve shown it to. But, what exactly is the Copywriter Brain course and what’s in it? Let’s look at it now so you can decide if this course is for you. Spoiler alert – if you want to write copy with ease, obliterate the blank page, see your conversion rates increase and your stress levels decrease – it’s for you.
Copywriter Brain is an 8 Module Course with each module building on the module before it. I’ll briefly run through each module and give you the high level overview of what you’ll discover in each module:
First up we have Module 1 – Copywriting Research Overview. If I were to rename this module I could call it “How To Ethically Steal All The Copy & Ads You Could Ever Want”.
Because in reality, that’s what this module is all about. I walk you through all the best places online (and offline) to uncover great ideas and studies and sales copy that you can just “take” from.
Obviously, you can’t just copy/paste it but you can have so much information at your fingertips that the blank page is DESTROYED forever.
Once you get through module 1, here’s how your life will be easier…
In this module I really break down what it takes to mentally move from Copywriting 1.0 to the new paradigm which I call Copywriting 2.0. You’ll discover the power of compounding network thought, how to build your own Wikipedia to make copywriting fun again, plus you’ll learn about the power of Atomic Notes.
This module will give you the clarity to shift from the old way of thinking and writing into a whole new world of possibilities.
Once you’re done with this module you’ll have at your fingertips:
Then there’s Module 3 – one of my favorite modules! It’s called Copywriting As A Research Factory and this one is next level, if I do say so myself. You’ll quickly discover that writing copy is just like running a factory. Your “product” is words and you are the plant manager.
You’ll learn how to set up your factory fast and easy so you have a system that practically runs itself. Again, some of this may sound unbelievable but you’ve got to see this module to really understand how powerful this new way of thinking is.
Once you’ve watched this module you’ll know:
Then, in module 4 we’ll go on a tour of all my favorite “hot spots” where you can grab all the knowledge and information you could ever want. In fact, I give you 20 different places to go to uncover all the things you need to know to write amazing copy.
In this section I also reveal my real “secret sauce” – the 37 ingredients that go inside every successful sales letter I’ve ever written or reviewed. Once you have these ingredients you no longer have to guess or wonder if you’ve written a good sales letter. In fact, if you’re nodding along as you watch this video it’s because I’ve already covered 31 of the sales ingredients so far.
You’ll also start writing your first Copy “Lego” blocks here in Module 4.
When you’ve consumed module 4, you’ll be able to:
Here’s where the Copywriter Brain course leaps ahead of any other copywriting or marketing course out there. Sure, there’s other copywriters sharing templates and teaching their copywriting methodology.
But NONE of them show you how to leverage existing technology to make what they teach faster and easier and ultimately more effective. In this section, I show you exactly how to use 10 different tools to make copywriting so much more enjoyable and easy for you.
See a quote you like as you read an article? Highlight it and in one click automatically have it saved to your “Infinite Folder” system. Reading a book on your kindle and think the story would be good for an email? Highlight it and like magic it appears in your Infinite Folder system aka your Copywriter Brain.
You don’t have to use all the tools, you can just choose the ones that are right for you. But, this module takes you from “theory” to action really fast. If you’ve ever bought information before and not put it into practice – this module will change all that for you.
You literally can follow along and create the ultimate “capture” system so fast you won’t believe it.
When you’ve finished this section you’ll have:
This is where the magic happens. This module is all about Using The Infinite Folder System. I want you to imagine a filing cabinet. You know how if you put something in one folder, then it can’t be in another folder right?
Pretty obvious. Therein lies the problem with copywriting 1.0 – the old way. Let’s say you find a great case study to help you sell one of your products. Where do you file it? It’s a case study, but it’s also about financial services, let’s say. You may create a folder for the project and put it under Case Studies.
But later, when you go to find it again – you most likely have no idea where it is. If it’s in Google Docs good luck finding it again! Did you share it with someone else or did they share it with you? Who knows!
Using this software I call the Infinite Folder System solves this problem forever. It allows you to sort and file your information in as many places as you want without creating a single file or folder. It’s designed to work just like your brain works. So when you go to find a topic later you just type in a word or two and there’s what you’re looking for. And the best part – this all happens inside of one system. You never have to leave to look for anything!
After you’ve watched this module you’ll have:
This is where the rubber meets the road. In this module we put it all together and start writing ads with this new system setup. This happens faster than you ever thought possible because I did all the hard work of trial and error.
You will see exactly how to set up a copywriting project, how to pull from the Copywriter Brain so you never start from scratch, and how to properly “clean up” your Copywriter Brain to keep it humming like a well oiled machine.
You’ll discover the 10 steps to producing killer copy that converts inside the Copywriter Brain system. I’ll also show copywriters how to set up clients and templates for tracking all your work.
For business owners and freelancers, you’ll get the complete methodology for writing ads using all the templates I created for you to make copywriting fast and easy.
When you’ve finished this section you’ll be able to:
And then finally, there’s module 8 where we recap everything together and make sure you are ready to “fly” on your own. This is a shorter module but you’ll also learn how you can start creating your own templates and processes to really make the Copywriter Brain system your own.
At this point, you’re probably wondering about cost. I know that’s where my mind would be going right about now. I’d be thinking sure Mike this all sounds great – and obviously I want a copywriter brain system – I mean who doesn’t!
But how much does it cost?
If you’re a copywriter, you’ll be able to write more copy, better copy, copy that converts because you’re hitting on the right message… and you’ll be able to do this faster and easier than ever before.
No, the truth is, I didn’t create this product to get rich. I already do very well now with my multiple businesses. I don’t want to give it away obviously because I’ve poured my blood, sweat, and tears into this.
I you are ready for a copywriter brain that makes writing high converting ads, blog posts, sales letters, YouTube scripts, and really any kind of writing you may do nearly effortless than click the button below right now and place your order.
Covered By 60 Day Money Back Guarantee
Get Instant Course Access Immediately After You Purchase.
Covered By 60 Day Money Back Guarantee
Get Instant Course Access Immediately After You Purchase.
I don’t want you to have any fear or worry about this decision. That’s why your purchase today is backed by my 100% money back guarantee. Buy the course today, try it out for up to 60 days. If you don’t like it, don’t want it, don’t like the sound of my voice, whatever!
Just let me know and I’ll refund your order right away. I don’t want your money, I want you to get results. So, you can rest easy knowing that you have no risk today whatsoever. In fact, I’m taking on all the risk because that’s how much I believe in this course & program.
So, go right now, while it’s fresh on your mind and get the course. Click the BIG button below and place your order right now. You’ll be taken to the secure checkout form. This video will continue playing.
Fill out your contact information. Enter your credit card details and click order.
You’ll get an email confirmation right away with your login information.
That email comes from me so if you have any questions along the way you can shoot me a message and I do my best to answer ASAP. Also, if you decide the course is not for you, just reply to that email within 30 days and let me know and I’ll refund you no questions asked – and no bad feelings at all.
I want you to be happy and more than anything I want you to write HIGH CONVERTING KILLER COPY that gets RESULTS for your business. That’s my goal for you with my course. Because I think back to a couple years ago when I basically quit writing copy.
Had I not found this system I don’t know where I would be. I don’t want anyone else to have that feeling of despair or doubt any longer. You really can write better ads, ads that actually work and grow your business – when you have the right system to follow.
I believe that system is Copywriter Brain and it can help you write high converting copy faster and easier than you ever imagined.
So click the button below right now and place your order.
Covered By 60 Day Money Back Guarantee
Get Instant Course Access Immediately After You Purchase.
Covered By 60 Day Money Back Guarantee
Get Instant Course Access Immediately After You Purchase.
You can join the likes of Gerald who emailed me to let me know that he followed my system to write a 5,000 word sales letter in 37 minutes.
Or Max who knocked out the whole course in a day and told me that he now for the first time ever doesn’t feel nervous about starting on a new copywriting project. He feels like he has the ability to write about any topic with confidence. He, like many of my other students, has obliterated the blank page!
And there’s many other testimonials like Omari who said it was eye-opening for him even though he’s been a pro copywriter for 8 years! Or James, who said my course has been a godsend to his whole team.
And if you’re still on the fence, I want to let you know about a fast action bonus for signing up for the course right now. I am including 12 more additional training featuring 7 A-List Copywriters & 5“2nd Brain” experts.
I really wanted to over deliver on this product. I’m a sucker for providing value and probably should charge a lot more but that’s not my goal here. I really want to make copywriters better.
So, I went out and got all my Copywriter friends to do some interviews all about how they tackle their copywriting projects. And this list of copywriters includes some famous A-listers.
Here’s the list of the Copywriters I was able to interview and make a part of this amazing program:
This is a new bonus I am just adding now. I get asked all the time how to get more clients. While I never focused particularly on getting clients, I recently created a product with some copywriters who have built up quite a system to finding, attracting, and closing copywriting clients.
Most of these clients stick around too. So, if you want to improve your ability to write copy that converts & learn time-tested strategies for getting more clients, then grab the full Copywriter Brain course now. I’ll also include (FREE) the trainings on how to build out a Freelance Client Attraction System.
So, if you want those bonuses, then go ahead right now and click the button below and place your order. Remember you are protected by my 60 day money back guarantee so you have nothing to lose or worry about.
Covered By 60 Day Money Back Guarantee
Get Instant Course Access Immediately After You Purchase.
Covered By 60 Day Money Back Guarantee
Get Instant Course Access Immediately After You Purchase.
At this point, you have a couple of choices ahead of you. You can close this video and go on with your life. If you’re a copywriter, you can go back to Google Docs and blank pages, and random notes stuck here and there.
You can go back to reading books you forget about, listening to audios you don’t remember, and even worse creating research that you use once and never see again.
That’s’ the easy path in many ways, because you don’t change and you just accept that your copy is what it is and that it’ll never get easier or better.
If you’re a business owner you can continue to write copy that doesn’t work, or hire expensive copywriters who end up letting you down again and again. Again, that’s the easy choice.
But it’s not the right choice.
The other option is to try Copywriter Brain out for yourself. Take it for a 30 day risk-free test drive. If this course and system isn’t everything I’ve said it is, then just email me and tell me you want your money back.
The old way is full of risk. Do you want to continue on with life as it has been? Do you want all your copy projects to be a struggle? Do you want to start every new sales letter staring at a blank page? Unsure of what to say next?
You have two choices in front of you. I think the safer play is to try out Copywriter Brain and get an edge and an advantage over your competition today.
So, the time to act is now. Click the order button below and place your risk free order. Compared to what I’ve paid to uncover this knowledge, the price you’re paying today is a drop in the bucket.
And remember you should consult with your CPA, but in the USA this should count as a business expense which means a tax write-off. And what better way can you invest in yourself, your business, and your future than getting a Copywriter Brain right now.
Click the button below now and place your order. We’ll have your Copywriter Brain up in no time flat. Just remember, everyday that goes by is one more day of “lost knowledge”… books you’ll never remember, articles you won’t recall, notes you’ll misplace.
Once your Copywriter Brain is turned on, it’s like an information magnet – collecting all your memories, notes, knowledge, and ideas and sending them to one central place where they will live forever… ready to be used by you to create the highest converting ads you’ve ever made.
So, go ahead and click the button below right now and fill out the form to place your order.
I want to thank you for reading this report and I’ll see you inside the Copywriter Brain course!
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Here’s some answers to some frequently asked questions. I’ll just go ahead and read them off to you if you’re still on the fence for whatever reason.
You will learn how to conduct thorough research and most importantly what to research when it comes to the research and work it takes to writing high converting copy. You will also learn the exact process on how to build a copywriter brain from A to Z. I give you videos on how to use all the tools and software so you never have to worry again about taking notes and losing them or starting from scratch. It’s the most complete course ever created on the copy creation process. (In My Opinion).
Not at all. If you are newer but want to get faster and write copy easier, this course will be great for you. It’s all about improving your research efficiency and writing faster because you’ll have an ever expanding database of knowledge to pull from – knowledge that you build upon every single day as you complete your assignments.
I think so, but I’m biased. It’s not diving deep into the how to write copy – though we do cover a lot of this material still. But this course mainly focuses on the process of writing copy. From research to output. It’s very much a “workers” course… It gives exact techniques and strategies to build a Copywriter Brain to pull from so you can write faster and more efficiently without facing a blank screen or the blinking cursor of doom.
As far as I know this is the first course of its kind. Pretty much every copy course out there teaches copy techniques. And believe me, I’ve bought them all. I’ve probably spent over a quarter of a million dollars on copywriting courses and books.
But this course focuses on process and technique. It shows you how to conduct research and create BIG ideas you can use to stand out from the crowd. It allows you to build your own Wikipedia-like database to pull copy and research from.
If you’re not a copywriter, this course may still be a good fit for you. The way I’ve structured this course, it’s good for marketers, growth hackers, content creators, and business owners who need to produce copy or content on their own.
In short, if you need to steadily product sales, marketing, or content to attract eyeballs to your company, then Copywriter Brain will help you tremendously.
Well, if you’re not happy, I’ll probably cry a little bit. JK JK. Seriously though, you are protected by my 30 day money back guarantee. You can get a full refund any time for up to 30 days after purchase. I only want you to keep this course if you love it. If not, just email me and let me know and I’ll cheerfully refund every penny. I only want happy students!
Yes, here are a few disclosures I want to make sure you see:
No income claims are being made or implied. I only work with existing business owners or freelancers who are growing their business. If you are brand new, this is not for you.
Furthermore, if you are selling products or programs that violate the law in any way, shape or form, do not buy my course. I only want to help real people selling real products that help customers. Thanks for understanding!
There is nothing left to see here. Your only remaining step is to click the button below and place your order for Copywriter Brain Now! Don’t miss out on the best price you’ll ever see this course for plus the fast action bonuses. Click the button below and order now.
I’ll see you inside the course.
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TORONTO – Roots Corp. may have built its brand on all things comfy and cosy, but its CEO says activewear is now “really becoming a core part” of the brand.
The category, which at Roots spans leggings, tracksuits, sports bras and bike shorts, has seen such sustained double-digit growth that Meghan Roach plans to make it a key part of the business’ future.
“It’s an area … you will see us continue to expand upon,” she told analysts on a Friday call.
The Toronto-based retailer’s push into activewear has taken shape over many years and included several turns as the official designer and supplier of Team Canada’s Olympic uniform.
But consumers have had plenty of choice when it comes to workout gear and other apparel suited to their sporting needs. On top of the slew of athletic brands like Nike and Adidas, shoppers have also gravitated toward Lululemon Athletica Inc., Alo and Vuori, ramping up competition in the activewear category.
Roach feels Roots’ toehold in the category stems from the fit, feel and following its merchandise has cultivated.
“Our product really resonates with (shoppers) because you can wear it through multiple different use cases and occasions,” she said.
“We’ve been seeing customers come back again and again for some of these core products in our activewear collection.”
Her remarks came the same day as Roots revealed it lost $5.2 million in its latest quarter compared with a loss of $5.3 million in the same quarter last year.
The company said the second-quarter loss amounted to 13 cents per diluted share for the quarter ended Aug. 3, the same as a year earlier.
In presenting the results, Roach reminded analysts that the first half of the year is usually “seasonally small,” representing just 30 per cent of the company’s annual sales.
Sales for the second quarter totalled $47.7 million, down from $49.4 million in the same quarter last year.
The move lower came as direct-to-consumer sales amounted to $36.4 million, down from $37.1 million a year earlier, as comparable sales edged down 0.2 per cent.
The numbers reflect the fact that Roots continued to grapple with inventory challenges in the company’s Cooper fleece line that first cropped up in its previous quarter.
Roots recently began to use artificial intelligence to assist with daily inventory replenishments and said more tools helping with allocation will go live in the next quarter.
Beyond that time period, the company intends to keep exploring AI and renovate more of its stores.
It will also re-evaluate its design ranks.
Roots announced Friday that chief product officer Karuna Scheinfeld has stepped down.
Rather than fill the role, the company plans to hire senior level design talent with international experience in the outdoor and activewear sectors who will take on tasks previously done by the chief product officer.
This report by The Canadian Press was first published Sept. 13, 2024.
VANCOUVER – Mediated talks between the union representing HandyDART workers in Metro Vancouver and its employer, Transdev, are set to resume today as a strike that has stopped most services drags into a second week.
No timeline has been set for the length of the negotiations, but Joe McCann, president of the Amalgamated Transit Union Local 1724, says they are willing to stay there as long as it takes, even if talks drag on all night.
About 600 employees of the door-to-door transit service for people unable to navigate the conventional transit system have been on strike since last Tuesday, pausing service for all but essential medical trips.
Hundreds of drivers rallied outside TransLink’s head office earlier this week, calling for the transportation provider to intervene in the dispute with Transdev, which was contracted to oversee HandyDART service.
Transdev said earlier this week that it will provide a reply to the union’s latest proposal on Thursday.
A statement from the company said it “strongly believes” that their employees deserve fair wages, and that a fair contract “must balance the needs of their employees, clients and taxpayers.”
This report by The Canadian Press was first published Sept. 12, 2024.
MONTREAL – Travel company Transat AT Inc. reported a loss in its latest quarter compared with a profit a year earlier as its revenue edged lower.
The parent company of Air Transat says it lost $39.9 million or $1.03 per diluted share in its quarter ended July 31.
The result compared with a profit of $57.3 million or $1.49 per diluted share a year earlier.
Revenue in what was the company’s third quarter totalled $736.2 million, down from $746.3 million in the same quarter last year.
On an adjusted basis, Transat says it lost $1.10 per share in its latest quarter compared with an adjusted profit of $1.10 per share a year earlier.
Transat chief executive Annick Guérard says demand for leisure travel remains healthy, as evidenced by higher traffic, but consumers are increasingly price conscious given the current economic uncertainty.
This report by The Canadian Press was first published Sept. 12, 2024.