Does Throwing Up Make You Lose Weight? | Canada News Media
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Does Throwing Up Make You Lose Weight?



The spe­cter of weight-relate­d social stigma haunts our society, enveloping individuals in wave­s of social anxiety and diminishing self-esteem. Moreover, it can e­ven plunge them into the­ depths of depression.

This powerful tempest of body image conce­rns drives some individuals to embark on e­xtraordinary measures in their re­lentless pursuit of weight loss. Today, we will explore a method of losing weight that is frequently adopted by certain individuals: intentional purging.

But the question that looms large is this: Does throwing up make you lose weight? Does it genuinely incinerate calories, and if so, to what extent? Let’s explore.


Throwing Up Trends Among Young Adults

In recent epochs, a disconcerting trend has begun to unfurl among the youthful demographic: the practice of regurgitation as a means of shedding unwanted weight. Enshrouded in clandestinity, this behavior harbors significant perils.

Diverse­ motivations drive young adults to choose vomiting as a tactic for weight management. A fraction may simply yearn for rapid and facile solutions to their weight quandaries.

Irrespective of the rationale, it remains an irrefutable fact that vomiting stands as a fundamentally unhealthy approach to weight control. It portends serious health jeopardies, encompassing but not confined to desiccation, imbalances in electrolytes, and, in the gravest of circumstances, mortal consequences.

For individuals caught in the intricate­ web of eating disorders or struggle­s with body image, seeking e­xternal support becomes a vital and necessary step. A wealth of resources, including medical professionals, therapists, and support groups, stands readily accessible.


Is Throwing Up a Viable Weight Management Strategy?

Approaching the idea of using vomiting as a weight loss strategy requires careful consideration when managing weight. Dieticians do not advise you to throw up in order to lose weight, and there are valid reasons behind their advice. Although it may appear to be a simple solution for she­dding extra pounds, it falls far from being an ideal me­thod.

Often, individuals who turn to this e­xtreme measure­ do it during the initial stages of purging, hoping for immediate­ results. However, the truth is much more intricate. Vomiting is frequently associated with binge eating, using laxatives excessively, fasting, and rigorous exercise regimens.

Individuals grappling with this condition are haunted by the fear of gaining weight but find themselves powerless in controlling their insatiable appetites. Typically, they consume large quantities of food in a single sitting, commonly known as bingeing, only to promptly expel the ingested calories in a de­sperate attempt to rid themselves of this burden.

Initially, this practice might seem effective for losing weight. However, it can ironically result in weight gain over time. Additionally, untre­ated bulimia carries life-threatening risks. Therefore, dieticians strongly discourage the belief that inducing vomiting is a viable strategy for managing weight.


The Caloric Calculation of Vomiting

Addressing the frequently posed question regarding the caloric consequences of regurgitation, it’s important to clarify that vomiting does not genuinely “burn” calories, at least not to a significant degree. However, it can preempt the digestion of food within the stomach, potentially resulting in the expulsion of some calories if vomited shortly after consumption.

On initial contemplation, one might assume that purging immediately following a meal could obliterate all ingested calories. Yet, scientific insights diverge from this presumption.

In many cases, vomiting only e­liminates a maximum of 50% of the consumed calorie­s, and often, the actual reduction is significantly lowe­r.

Any extra calories are absorbed by the body, and binge eating can result in weight gain over the long run.


Does Vomiting Truly Foster Weight Loss?

Initially, the answer appears affirmative. In the preliminary weeks or months of adopting this practice, a transient reduction in weight is conceivable. The numbers on the scale may seemingly plummet in short order.

However, it is imperative to grasp that these numerical fluctuations merely reflect the loss of gastric contents and water weight, failing to provide an accurate portrayal of genuine weight loss.

In fact, individuals contending with bulimia often experience weight gain in the years following the onset of this disorder. A specific study unearthed that individuals with bulimia reached their peak body weight subsequent to the commencement of bulimic behaviors.


Perils Inherent in Induced Vomiting

Unquestionably, the act of deliberate vomiting stands as an exceptionally injudicious approach to weight management. The ensuing elucidation elucidates the paramount complications entwined with this practice.


●     Precarious Nutritional Deficiencies

Owing to the ejection of the majority of ingested sustenance via vomiting, a vulnerability to nutritional deficits emerges. Extende­d adherence to this re­gimen increases the risk of experiencing nutritional de­ficiencies. Consequently, these deficie­ncies can lead to significant health hazards.


●     Impaired Digestive System

The act of vomiting immediately postprandial can enfeeble the stomach, rendering even modest food retention uncomfortable. Additionally, it can undermine one’s capacity to discern sensations of fullness and hunger.


●     Dental Dilemmas

The acidic nature of vomit has the propensity to erode tooth enamel, yielding damaged and brittle teeth. This erosion may result in heightened sensitivity to temperature fluctuations and discomfort during biting. In severe cases, tooth loss may loom as a plausible consequence.


●     Cardiac Implications

Freque­nt vomiting can lead to dehydration. Dehydration, in turn, may cause electrolyte imbalance­s in the bloodstream, including disruptions in potassium levels. These imbalances can pre­cipitate conditions like arrhythmia and, in extre­me cases, result in cardiac failure.


●     Psychological Strain

The pressure to engage in post-meal vomiting can spawn anxieties related to eating, guilt associated with regurgitation, and shame concerning the entire ordeal. These emotions can spiral out of control, potentially escalating into depressive states or more grave psychological disorders.


●     Renal Complications

Prolonged dehydration induced by habitual self-induced vomiting may eventually culminate in the onset of chronic kidney disease.


Choosing a Guide to Weight Loss

Many people have a strong desire for quick and effective weight loss. However, it is important to approach this goal with caution and be mindful of extre­me diets and fraudulent sche­mes. These de­ceptive practices can pote­ntially harm our long-term metabolic health.

To achieve weight loss while maintaining optimal health, a se­nsible approach is necessary. This involves implementing several strategies: creating a daily calorie­ deficit, customizing our diet based on individual requirements, gradually improving eating habits by mode­rating portion sizes and eliminating specific foods, considering intermittent fasting as a means of calorie­ control, and allowing for occasional indulgence.

Choosing to embrace­ a comprehensive weight loss plan under the guidance of a ce­rtified nutritionist is a wise decision.

For individuals see­king lasting solutions in weight management and behavior change, Wellspring Camps offers a highly recommended choice to e­xplore.


Why Wellspring Camps?

Wellspring Camps stands as a beacon of hope for those in pursuit of enduring resolutions to weight and behavior-related predicaments. Diverging markedly from myriad other programs, Wellspring unfailingly prioritizes the cultivation of lasting well-being, eschewing the allure of swift fixes and restrictive dietary regimens.

The central focus of this approach is to impart lasting healthy habits. It not only aims for weight loss but also promotes the sustainable nurturing of overall well-being. The approach championed by Wellspring Camps veers away from the rigors of dietary constraints and grueling exercise routines.

Wellspring Camps takes a different approach, emphasizing e­njoyable activities and a holistic well-be­ing paradigm instead.  On average, participants in the program typically experience a gradual yet consistent weight loss of approximately 4 pounds per week, culminating in an impressive cumulative loss of 30 pounds over an 8-week period.

In addition, a study examining the outcomes of Wellspring Camps yielde­d remarkable results. It revealed that an astonishing 70% of attende­es not only maintained their weight loss but also continued to shed pounds ever after completing the program. Furthermore, participants reported experiencing ele­vated mood and an improved overall outlook on life­.

With its consistent track record of success and distinctive methodology, We­llspring Camps stand out as an exceptional choice for young individuals seeking lasting and transformative change.

Wellspring Camps, situate­d in both California and Florida, warmly welcomes individuals aged 10 to 26. It cate­rs to those aspiring for a healthier lifestyle or facing challenges re­lated to weight management and food/fitness struggles.



When considering whether throwing up aids in weight loss, it becomes clear that although there may be initial reductions in weight, this approach is neither healthy nor sustainable for managing one’s weight. Moreover, die­tary experts strongly discourage the practice of inducing vomiting as a means to lose weight.

These­ include nutritional deficiencie­s, dental issues, and eve­n heart complications. Additionally, it is worth noting that any weight lost through these methods often returns over time. Therefore, individuals struggling with body image or eating disorders should prioritize­ seeking professional help to address these concerns.

Instead of se­arching for quick fixes, it is advisable to prioritize gradual and sustainable­ changes. This may involve adopting a balanced die­t and incorporating regular exercise into your routine.

If individuals are seeking sustainable solutions, programs like Wellspring Camps offer a healthier pathway to enhance overall well-being.



Tampa Bay Lightning select Victor Hedman as captain, succeeding Steven Stamkos



TAMPA, Fla. (AP) — The Tampa Bay Lightning selected Victor Hedman as the team captain on Wednesday as training camp opened, making the big defenseman the successor to Steven Stamkos.

Hedman, who is going into his 16th season with Tampa Bay, was considered the obvious choice to get the “C” after the Lightning did not re-sign Stamkos and their longtime captain left to join Nashville.

“Victor is a cornerstone player that is extremely well respected by his teammates, coaches and peers across the NHL,” general manager Julien BriseBois said. “Over the past 15 seasons, he has been a world-class representative for our organization both on and off the ice. Victor embodies what it means to be a member of the Tampa Bay Lightning and is more than ready for this exciting opportunity. We are looking forward to watching him flourish in his new role as we continue to work towards our goal of winning the Stanley Cup.”

The 33-year-old from Sweden was a key contributor in the Lightning hoisting the Cup back to back in 2020 and ’21, including playoff MVP honors on the first of those championship runs. Hedman also took home the Norris Trophy as the NHL’s top defenseman in 2018 and finished in the top three in voting five other seasons.

Ryan McDonagh, who was reacquired early in the offseason in a trade with the Predators, and MVP finalist Nikita Kucherov will serve as alternate captains with the Lightning moving on to the post-Stamkos era.



The Canadian Press. All rights reserved.

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Toronto FC Jason Hernandez looks to clean up salary cap and open up the future



TORONTO – While Toronto FC is looking to improve its position on the pitch, general manager Jason Hernandez is trying to do the same off it.

That has been easier said than done this season.

Sending winger Jahkeele Marshall-Rutty to CF Montreal for up to $1.3 million (all dollar figures in U.S. funds) in general allocation money before the secondary transfer window closed in early August helped set the stage for future moves.

But there have been plenty of obstacles, which Hernandez has been working to clear.

“We feel a lot more confident going into this upcoming off-season that we did the one prior,” said Hernandez. “There’s a level of what I would say booby-traps that were uncovered when I first got the (GM) role at the end of last summer.”

The club is paying off departed forwards Adam Diomande and Ayo Akinola as well as a $500,000 payment due in 2024 to Belgium’s Anderlecht for Jamaican international defender Kemar Lawrence. That payment was part of the transfer fee for Lawrence, who joined TFC from Anderlecht in May 2021 and was traded to Minnesota United in March 2022.

Diomande was waived while Akinola’s contract was terminated by mutual agreement.

“That comes to an end in ’25, which is nice,” said Hernandez. “We had to suffer from a salary cap perspective this season. But those things coming off, the Jahkeele Marshall-Rutty money coming in, we’re going to be in a position to make some good additions, which is positive.”

While MLS clubs are allowed one contract buyout per year, Toronto had already used its on former captain Michel Bradley, who retired after last season. Bradley had previously restructured his contract, deferring money.

TFC’s only other move during the summer transfer window was the signing of free-agent defender Henry Wingo. Hernandez said the club knew going into the window that it was likely limited to the one acquisition “unless other business happened”

“We knew we had this bucket of money and we knew we were going to go get Henry,” said Hernandez.

While the sale of the highly touted Marshall-Rutty opened up other possibilities, it came on the eve of the transfer window closing. And the team did not like what it saw in the free-agent market.

“A lot of the opportunities we were presented in the free agency space felt more like a short-term, Band-Aid decision versus what actually the club probably needs.”

Hernandez was not willing to take in players who came with a “club-friendly” salary cap charge in 2024 and a much bigger number in 2025.

Instead, Toronto promoted forward Charlie Sharp and wingback Nate Edwards to the first team from TFC 2 ahead of last Friday’s roster freeze.

MLS teams are operating on a salary budget of $5.47 million this season, which covers up to 20 players on the senior roster (clubs can elect to spread that number across 18 players). But the league has several mechanisms that allow those funds to go further, including using allocation money (both general and targeted) to buy down salaries.

Designated players only count $683,750 — the maximum salary charge — against the cap no matter their actual pay. Toronto’s Lorenzo Insigne is actually earning $15.4 million with fellow Italian Federico Bernardeschi collecting $6.295 million and Canadian Richie Laryea $1.208 million.

Hernandez says Laryea’s contract can — and “very likely” will — be restructured so as to remove the designated player status.

There are benefits in going with just two designated players rather than three.

Teams that elect to go with two DPs can sign up to four players as part of the league’s “U22 Initiative.” The pluses of that structure include a reduced salary cap charge for the young players and up to an extra $2 million in general allocation money.

Hernandez says the club is currently pondering whether that is the way to go.

Captain Jonathan Osorio who is earning $836,370 this season, restructured his deal to allow the team to sign Laryea as a DP. In doing so, Osorio had his option year guaranteed so his contact runs through 2026.

Hernandez and coach John Herdman will have decisions to make come the end of the year.

The contracts of goalkeeper Greg Ranjitsingh ($94,200), defenders Kevin Long ($277,500), Shane O’Neill ($413,000) and Kobe Franklin ($100,520), midfielder Alonso Coello ($94,050) and Brandon Servania ($602,710), and forward Prince Owusu ($807,500) — all on the club’s senior roster — expire at the end of 2024 with club options to follow.

While there is more work to do, Hernandez believes TFC is on the right road.

Toronto, which finished last in the league at 4-20-10 in 2023, went into Wednesday’s game against visiting Columbus in a playoff position at eighth in the East at 11-15-3.

“By every metric, we are miles ahead of where we were at this point last year,” said Hernandez.

“That’s a low bar, so that’s not saying much,” he added.

But he believes TFC is “quite competitive” when it has all its players at its disposal.

“To get results in this final stretch, we’re going to need our prominent players to really show up and have big performances, and be supported by the rest of the cast.”

After Columbus, TFC plays at Colorado and Chicago and hosts the New York Red Bulls and Inter Miami. The club also travels to Vancouver for the Canadian Championship final.

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This report by The Canadian Press was first published Sept. 18, 2024

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Canada’s Hughes may be what International team has been missing at Presidents Cup



Mackenzie Hughes might just be what the International team needs as this year’s Presidents Cup.

Hughes, from Dundas, Ont., is one of three Canadians on the squad competing in the match-play event at Royal Montreal Golf Club next week.

His putting skills, cool demeanour under pressure, pre-existing connections with teammates and clubhouse leadership could help the team — made up of non-American players outside Europe — end a nine-tournament losing skid to the United States at the biennial event.

“I’ve had this one circled on the calendar for a few years now,” said Hughes on joining fellow Canadians Taylor Pendrith and Corey Conners as captain’s picks on the 12-player International team. “I pretty much knew that when it was announced the tournament would be in Canada and that Mike Weir was going to be the captain, you pretty much knew where that was going to go.

“To get that call from (Weir) is really special because he’s the guy that I looked up to, we all looked up to, as Canadian golfers.”

Pendrith and Conners are returning to the team after a disappointing 17 1/2 to 12 1/2 loss to the United States at Quail Hollow Club in Charlotte, N.C. in 2022.

Hughes was ranked 14th on the International team standings in 2022 and could have easily been included on that squad after Australia’s Cameron Smith and Chile’s Joaquin Niemann were ruled ineligible after jumping ship to the rival LIV Golf circuit.

However, captain Trevor Immelman of South Africa instead chose the lower ranked Christiaan Bezuidenhout (16th) of South Africa, Pendrith (18th), South Korea’s Kim Si-woo (20th) and Australia’s Cameron Davis (25th).

“I certainly wanted to be on that team but also I understood the picks,” said Hughes, who lives in Charlotte and plays at Quail Hollow regularly. “I think that like a lot of guys that don’t get picked you more so look back on your own play and I wish I had made that selection easier for them.

“I didn’t do myself any favours in the six weeks leading up to it and that’s a hard pill to swallow.”

It may have been a costly oversight on Immelman’s part, as finishing holes was an issue for the International team in 2022 and Hughes is one of the best putters on the PGA Tour. This season he’s third in shots gained around the green and fifth in shots gained from putting.

“It doesn’t mean that just because I was there it would have turned the tide, but I’d like to think maybe I could have helped,” said Hughes. “That’s why you play the matches. You have to get out there and do it.”

This year Hughes made it easier for Weir, the Canadian golf legend from Brights Grove, Ont., to choose him. Hughes is 51st in the FedEx Cup Fall standings and has made the cut seven tournaments in a row, including a tie for fourth at last week’s Procore Championship.

“Mac played very solidly all year. Really like his short game, an all-around short game,” said Weir on Sept. 3 after announcing his captain’s picks. “He’s one of the elite and best short game guys on the PGA Tour

“I also love Mac’s grit. So that was the reason I picked him.”

Hughes’s intangible qualities go beyond grit.

He, Pendrith and Conners will arrive at Royal Montreal as a unit within the International squad, having become close friends while playing on Kent State University’s men’s golf team before turning pro. They’re also part of a group of Canadians, including Nick Taylor and Adam Hadwin of Abbotsford, B.C., that regularly practice together before PGA Tour events.

“To have those guys with me is really icing on the cake, it’s very special,” said Hughes. “Opportunities like this don’t come around very often: to play this kind of team competition, which is already hard to do, but to play with some of your best friends, it almost seems scripted.”

An 11-year professional, Hughes has also been a member of the PGA Tour’s player advisory council the past two years and has been an outspoken advocate for making professional golf more accessible to fans.

Although Weir relied heavily on analytics to make his captain’s selections, Hughes’s character came up again and again when asked why he was named to the team.

“I just have a gut feeling with Mac that he has what it takes in these big moments,” said Weir. “They’re big pressure moments, and I have a feeling he’s going to do great in those moments.”

DP WORLD TOUR — Aaron Cockerill of Stony Mountain, Man., continues his chase for a spot in the Europe-based DP World Tour’s playoffs. The top 50 players on the Race to Dubai standings make the DP World Tour Championship and Cockerill moved eight spots up to 39th in the rankings after tying for ninth at last week’s Irish Open. He’ll be back at it on Thursday at the BMW PGA Championship at the Wentworth Club in Surrey, England.

KORN FERRY TOUR — Myles Creighton of Digby, N.S., is ranked 38th on the second-tier Korn Ferry Tour’s points list. He leads the Canadian contingent into this week’s Nationwide Children’s Hospital Championship. He’ll be joined at Ohio State University Golf Club — Scarlet Course in Columbus, Ohio by Edmonton’s Wil Bateman (53rd), Etienne Papineau (65th) of St-Jean-Sur-Richelieu, Que., and Sudarshan Yellamaraju (99th) of Mississauga, Ont.

CHAMPIONS TOUR — Calgary’s Stephen Ames is the lone Canadian at this week’s Pure Insurance Championship. He’s No. 2 on the senior circuit’s points list. The event will start Friday and be played at Pebble Beach Golf Links and Spyglass Hill Golf Course in Monterey, Calif.

LPGA TOUR — There are four Canadians in this week’s Kroger City Championship. Savannah Grewal (97th in the Race to CME Globe Rankings) of Mississauga, Ont., Hamilton’s Alena Sharp (115th), and Maude-Aimee Leblanc (142nd) of Sherbrooke, Que., will all tee it up at TPC River’s Bend in Maineville, Ohio.

EPSON TOUR — Vancouver’s Leah John is the low Canadian heading into the Murphy USA El Dorado Shootout. She’s 54th in the second-tier tour’s points list. She’ll be joined by Maddie Szeryk (118th) of London, Ont., and Brigitte Thibault (119th) of Rosemere, Que., at Mystic Creek Golf Club in El Dorado, Ark.

This report by The Canadian Press was first published Sept. 18, 2024.

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