Children at École George V School put pen to paper to show their support for healthcare works.

Chief Nursing Officer Lanette Siragusa began her portion of Friday’s COVID-19 update by thanking a group of students in Grades 5 and 6 for their support. Lead by their teacher, Sara Doiron, the group created hand-made drawings.

<img alt="healthcare art" data-caption="(Supplied)” data-entity-type=”file” data-entity-uuid=”d7da4ed8-80d5-430d-9503-c6bad256d444″ src=””>(Supplied)

Siragusa says they love their artwork.

“The messages that stand out the most for me from these young students is their promise to ask their loves ones to stay home and do your part.”

Siragusa says this ask is the same one coming from public health officials.

<img alt="siragusa" data-caption=""They are doing their part and we need all Manitobans to do their part." (Screenshot: Government of Manitoba/YouTube)” data-entity-type=”file” data-entity-uuid=”57223082-aa04-4ffd-8171-efa943e73fdb” src=””>“They are doing their part and we need all Manitobans to do their part.” (Screenshot: Government of Manitoba/YouTube)

Early this week, the students’ work was sent to the Health Sciences Centre. The drawings are rotating regularly on the screens for staff to see.

“As we saw in the spring, messages like this go a far way in lifting spirits in our healthcare workers.”

In the earlier months of the pandemic, Manitobans acknowledged their “healthcare heroes” with art, banging pots, and posting messages on their windows. At this time, total case numbers were in the hundreds and hospitals were not being overwhelmed with COVID-19 hospitalizations.

“They are feeling tired, they are feeling stretched, and scared during this time.”

She says Manitobans need to do their part to work together to prevent the spread of the virus.

“These children, they get it,” Siragusa says. “They are doing their part and we need all Manitobans to do their part.”

As of Friday morning, there are 281 people in the hospital with COVID-19, with 43 of those in intensive care. The province says 207 people, so far, have died from the virus.