Forbes ranks TECH as ''The best online university in the world'' | Canada News Media
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Forbes ranks TECH as ”The best online university in the world”




The leading business and finance magazine highlights the success story of TECH Technological University, which allows people to learn from the best academic programs and in 100% online mode from anywhere in the world

The prestigious magazine specializing in business and finance Forbes has highlighted TECH Technological University as “The best digital university in the world”. They have recently said in an extensive article in its digital edition in which they echo the success story of this institution, “Thanks to the academic offerings it provides, the selection of its teaching staff, and an innovative learning method aimed at training the professionals of the future”.

In this way, the renowned business publication has highlighted the constant work of this university to be at the forefront of the education sector. All this, at a time when health and social conditions have accelerated the decline of traditional pedagogical models in favor of new online and distance approaches.

Thus, Forbes highlights TECH’s 100% online method and its results, which “are outstanding, surpassing with flying colors the world quality standards that evaluate the effectiveness of online training”. In fact, this academic approach has obtained scores above the 4 points out of 5 offered by the ‘Likert Scale’. In the same way, the Relearning method has obtained more than 8 points out of 10, placing TECH as the best online university in the world.

“According to Forbes, TECH has managed to rank among the 200 fastest growing companies in Europe in only 6 years of business activity.”

Currently, TECH the world’s largest university is positioned as a benchmark in online and distance education. Its extensive academic catalog, consisting of more than 10,000 titles, the selection of a first-class teaching team, and the constant effort to offer high quality content endorse it which positions TECH’s more than 500,000 graduates as the most valued professionals, providing them not only with the most updated knowledge but also making them highly sought-after assets by major international companies.

Forbes also highlights TECH’s extensive business expansion, which since its creation in 2015 has managed to position itself among the 200 fastest growing companies in Europe and as the Spanish technology company with the highest valuation in recent years. These recognitions, added to the commitment to expansion and quality education make TECH Technological University the largest educational operator globally.

The most complete academic offer in the online educational panorama

One of the aspects that makes TECH unique is its outstanding academic offer because it has an extensive catalog of higher education programs consisting of Bachelor’s Degrees, Master’s Degrees, University Experts, Management Development Programs, Language Courses and Diplomas. All of them are taught online, which makes it easier for students to combine their academic, professional, and personal lives.

In addition, the university not only has traditional faculties, they also have included new areas of knowledge aligned with today’s professional world. Thus, today TECH has programs related to the world of the metaverse, cryptocurrencies, or virtual reality, without leaving aside the traditional academic areas that require constant updating at a professional level, such as Health Sciences or the world of Business, among others.

“TECH degrees cover the vast majority of professional fields, as well as different levels of specialization depending on the student’s needs: Masters, Courses, Experts, among others.”

Bearing in mind the above, the University has a catalog of areas of knowledge that is unique in the sector, which includes faculties such as Sports Science, Design, Education, Nursing, Business School, Language School, Pharmacy, Physiotherapy, Geography and History, Humanities, Computer Science, Engineering, Law, Medicine, Dentistry, Nutrition, Psychology, Journalism and Communication, Veterinary Medicine, and Video Games.

The reiteration of concepts as a learning method: Relearning

Considering the failure of traditional teaching methods, TECH Technological University, in its bid to improve the learning system, has implemented an innovative method based on the reiteration of concepts. Under the name of Relearning, this pedagogical method is unique for combining high educational quality with the highest academic demands and the latest educational technology. In addition, TECH is the only university accredited to use this educational method in its programs.

In this sense, Forbes states that “the results obtained by its learning methodology are outstanding” and that “they improve the overall satisfaction levels of students in the indicators that identify TECH as the best online university”. This is what makes more graduates of this institution value positively the learning process at TECH and recommend studying at this university instead of others.

Thus, to apply this method effectively, TECH focuses on providing students with teaching materials in different formats: text, interactive videos, illustrations, and knowledge maps, among others. All of them, are designed by qualified teachers who focus their work on combining real cases with the resolution of complex situations through simulation, the study of cases applied to each professional career, and learning based on repetition through audio, videos, presentations, animations, and images, among others.

The essence of this method is to supply confidence and autonomy to the student. In this way, knowledge is permanently anchored in the student, who can also learn at his own pace and according to their time and lifestyle, this is something that was unthinkable with traditional learning methods.

TECH Technological University

TECH Technological University was founded in 2015 with the aim of moving the structure of traditional education by proposing a new academic model based on the quality of content and a unique method founded on offering immersive learning focused on knowing a subject and how to apply it.

Also, TECH educational group has recently been recognized as one of the 200 fastest growing companies in Europe. Thus, it is structured as an international cluster of private digital universities oriented to offer postgraduate degrees of the highest quality.


Man charged with second-degree murder after two dead, one injured in Kingston: police



KINGSTON, Ont. – Police say a 47-year-old man has been charged with two counts of second-degree murder and one count of attempted murder after two people were left dead and one was seriously injured in a series of alleged assaults in Kingston, Ont.

Police had said that officers were called to an encampment near a safe injection site and Integrated Care Hub around 10:40 a.m. on Thursday after a report of a serious assault.

They allege a man may have been wielding an edged or blunt weapon, possibly both.

Police say the suspect was arrested after officers negotiated with him for several hours.

They say the man was not living at the encampment, but at a residence nearby.

Police say he has been remanded into custody.

The two people who died have been identified as 38-year-old Taylor Wilkinson and 41-year-old John Hood.

This report by The Canadian Press was first published Sept. 13, 2024.

The Canadian Press. All rights reserved.

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They are Only Human After All



Religious persecution
Misguided religious and cultural traditions
Fear of those who challenge the established order

Long ago a horrid thing happened in Europe and in many European Colonies. It was called the Inquisition, an instrument of the Catholic Church and used by the present-day public authorities to quell political and social protest and challenges from those considered rebels(Heretics).

In that day the Church of Rome was seen as the very roots of Western society, that which kept society on a path of righteousness and functioning practice. The political rulers of the day, kings, nobles and lords allied themselves to the church with absolute reason for doing so. The church kept them in power you see. There was a hierarchy prescribed to the present-day society where authority flowed from God to the Pope, Noblemen, Cardinals, and Priests to the public. Church law was often edited for the benefit of the higher classes. Therefore rebels standing against local or regional lords were viewed as heretics who stood against the wishes of the pope, church laws and God himself. This church-established a council of the Inquisition roamed Europe looking for heretics, those different, rebels, witches and those in league with the devil. Any form of social, cultural or political wrongdoing was dealt with with a heavy hand. The rich may have been accused of a wrongdoing, but able to seek their freedom through financial donations. The poor faced the Inquisition with terror and fear since no one was there to represent them. The church-Lord alliance maintained the most severe of punishments.

The Inquisition evolved into the massive witch-hunting movement. Millions of people perished having been accused of witchcraft and being in League with the Devil. There actually existed witch hunters who simply went to a village, watching who was odd, different, threatening to the authorities and voila, a witch was found and declared. Strange methods of finding a witch were developed. One involved sticking a pin into the back side of a person, usually a woman and if she did not cry out in pain, she was possibly a candidate for interrogation. The interrogators usually got a confession leading to that person’s death.

There exists today religious authorities with similar powers to prosecute and punish those deemed different or contrary to established religious or cultural practices. Arrest, torture and disappearances happen daily in places such as Iran, Saudi Arabia, and many African Nations. Fanatical Religious Dogma has cost millions of people their lives, and for what? The Acquisition and use of power. Power encompasses every aspect of control of others whether it be through intellect, threat or violence.

Never should such horrors happen in a civilized world. Just one question needs to be asked. Do we live in a civilized world?

Steven Kaszab
Bradford, Ontario

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Arbitrator awards Ontario doctors 10% increase in 1st year of new deal



TORONTO – An arbitrator has awarded Ontario’s doctors a nearly 10-per-cent compensation increase for the first year of their new Physician Services Agreement.

The province is in the midst of negotiations with the Ontario Medical Association for the four-year agreement, but an arbitrator was tasked with setting increases for the first year, while the two sides work on the 2025-2028 period.

The OMA had proposed a five-per-cent general increase plus 10.2 per cent as a catch up to account for inflation, while the government proposed three per cent.

Arbitrator William Kaplan concluded that while the OMA’s target was unprecedented, the government’s suggested three per cent was “completely unrealistic.”

He writes that other health-care workers like nurses have received far more for the same time period, and they do not have to pay the overhead costs of running a practice out of their compensation, as doctors do, so he awarded a three-per-cent general increase plus a “catch up” of 6.95 per cent.

The Ministry of Health’s arbitration arguments angered doctors, as the government wrote that recruitment and retention of doctors was “not a major concern” and there was “no concern of a diminished supply of physicians.”

Kaplan wrote that there is a physician shortage.

“Somewhere between 1.35 million and 2.3 million people in the province are not attached to a family doctor,” the arbitration decision said.

“These are real numbers. The Ministry’s own documents – which we ordered disclosed – demonstrate that there is a problem to address.”

Kaplan cites a ministry document that showed the growth rate for family doctors was 1.4 per cent, which was below the growth rate for the population, at 1.6 per cent.

“What was being said, in other words, in the Ministry’s words, in this Ministry document, was that the problem is structural: the number of new family doctors needs to significantly exceed population growth and until and unless it begins to do so, the attachment problem will persist and deteriorate.”

The OMA said in a statement that while it is encouraged by the award, there is still much to be done to address the fact that more than two million Ontarians do not have a family doctor.

“The OMA also remains concerned about access to care, particularly in northern and rural Ontario, and ensuring that specialist consults, surgeries, and diagnostic tests are provided to patients in a timely manner so that people receive the best outcome possible,” the group wrote.

Health Minister Sylvia Jones said in a statement that the agreement also provides for specific funding to be allocated to “targeted investments” to help enhance and connect people to primary care.

“This agreement builds on the $17.5 billion the province currently spends to connect people to family doctors, primary care and other services across the province, 50 per cent more than when we took office in 2018,” she wrote.

This report by The Canadian Press was first published Sept. 13, 2024.

The Canadian Press. All rights reserved.

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