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How the federal government has milked the cannabis business almost to death



The historic policy shift remains Trudeau’s most significant feat, but the onerous excise tax has marred the journey to sunny days

A few weeks after Canada’s fifth anniversary of cannabis legalization, industry executives gathered in the Crystal Ballroom of the Omni King Edward Hotel in downtown Toronto.

They had travelled from across the country to attend the two-day, invite-only event, with tickets going for $1,800. Now in its third iteration, the room was humming a much different tune than it was in 2021, its inaugural year.

In those days, the conversation centred around cash, mostly on how to best allocate the rapid injection of capital that was flowing into the burgeoning sector.

In 2023, just a few years removed from the pump-and-dump stock heights that saw some of the largest publicly traded companies’ valuations plummet by 99 per cent, the conversation is still centred around cash, but now it’s about how to find and preserve it.

“It’s very, very tough out there to raise capital right now,” said Darwin Fletcher, the event’s founder. “I think that’s one of the biggest challenges that people are facing.”

But it’s far from the only one. A half-decade into legalization — Prime Minister Justin Trudeau declared cannabis was legal as of Oct. 17, 2018 — the industry stands at an inflection point. On one hand, it has made substantial economic contributions — the sector’s GDP contributions are on par with the dairy industry — and it has carved out a global footprint, particularly in the growing medical cannabis export market.

On the other, it is grappling with financial strains, the need for clearer advocacy and education, and a regulatory framework that has been stuck in a state of inertia for years.

After more than eight years in office, the historic legalization policy shift remains Trudeau’s most significant feat, but regulatory hurdles and fiscal missteps have marred the journey to sunny days.
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One of the conversations happening on the 14th floor of the hotel is a topic that has implications that extend far beyond the walls of the room — the sector’s onerous excise tax.

The back-of-the-napkin calculation is out of line with the realities of the industry, critics say, impacting not only the large corporate behemoths but also the numerous mid and small-scale businesses that make up the majority of the sector.

Darwin Fletcher is the founder and CEO of CANEXEC. Photo by CANEXEC

Although other long-standing industry concerns, like the 10mg THC edible limit and regulatory fees, are also regularly raised, opposition to the excise tax seems to be a rare unifying factor in an otherwise wildly complex and varied industry.

On average, the excise tax generates close to $1.5 billion annually for the federal, provincial and municipal governments.

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“Everybody can say the excise is too high because it unequivocally is,” Barry Katzman, CEO of Peak Processing, a manufacturer of cannabis-infused beverages, told the room during a panel discussion. “The excise model was formulated based on $10 a gram and they haven’t altered it yet,” he added, as those in attendance nodded along.

Everybody can say the excise is too high because it unequivocally is

Barry Katzman

Under the excise structure, licensed producers are obligated to pay the tax when they package cannabis and related products for sale to provincially-approved distributors and retailers.

The tax was crafted by policymakers who erroneously forecasted that cannabis prices would stay around $10 a gram. In some instances, prices have compressed to little more than a dollar a gram, leaving razor-thin margins for producers, who say they are losing about 30 per cent of top-line revenue to excise. The fixed excise tax of $1 per gram of dried flower does not scale up and down with the selling price.

In October, the Cannabis Council of Canada (C3) published survey data from 122 licensed producers across Canada. It revealed that respondents paid 20 to 35 per cent of their 2022 gross sales in excise taxes, with over 70 per cent noting an increase in this rate from 2021 to 2022.

In the survey, one producer reported that excise tax was 16 per cent of its revenue in fiscal 2020, and had swelled to 30 per cent in fiscal 2023.

“This is unsustainable, not to mention illogical as it’s based on a price-per-gram formula, and prices have been steadily compressing,” they said.

The cannabis industry is also subject to a unique regulatory fee structure, which is not currently mirrored in the tobacco and alcohol sectors.

According to figures from C3, Health Canada collected about $75.7 million from its 2.3 per cent regulatory fee from cannabis companies in the fiscal year 2020-2021, and collected exactly zero in regulatory fees from tobacco or alcohol ventures across the same period.

But it’s not just the large-scale producers who are reeling from the excise tax and other regulatory missteps. Consumers pay a price, too.

Earlier this year, a report from Ernst & Young found that nearly 50 per cent of the price of a basket of legal cannabis products is due to government taxes and provincial markups. According to that report, the price of legal cannabis in Ontario is dictated by the original cost from the producer (27.1 per cent), the markup from the provincial distributor (18.8 per cent), the retail markup (26.3 per cent) and government taxes (27.8 per cent).

Everyone’s waking up and realizing that the government can’t just keep milking it

Owen Allerton, CEO of Highland Cannabis in Kitchener, Ont., a retail store, is involved in a new initiative from retailers aimed at educating consumers on the tax structure by placing stickers at the checkout with a breakdown of the prices,  illustrating how much tax is included. He says it’s akin to the stickers found on gas pumps.

A former director at BlackBerry, Allerton opened Highland in 2021. He entered the regulated sector with an expectation that it would “operate like a legal industry.”

“Everyone’s waking up and realizing that the government can’t just keep milking it,” he said.

“There’s a significant portion of the population that cares about this industry and about these products. And for the government to be completely turning a blind eye to it is a huge misstep, because I do think this is going to blow up in their face as the industry suffers. And as we all become aware of how it works, and start communicating and sharing this with our customers.”

Allerton said if the government is hesitant to make large-scale regulatory changes, it should at least introduce a tier for micro and craft growers that offers more relief and encourages small and independent businesses.

“There seems to be a lot of finger-pointing and maybe, to be fair, it’s not within their mandate to make some of these changes the industry needs, but I don’t know how it’s possible that the government isn’t looking at this and saying ‘We need to do something,” he added.
Kitchener’s Highland Cannabis is owned and managed by Niki and Owen Allerton. Photo by Highland Cannabis

One of the small and independent businesses recently impacted by Canada’s regulatory framework is Fritz’s Cannabis Company, which operated as a grey market cannabis brand before joining the regulated industry in 2021. The brand was beloved within the cannabis community for its fierce independence and small-batch, handmade edibles.

The brand could recently be seen in ads from the Ontario Cannabis Store, with a focus on its entrepreneurship, a campaign that the husband and wife behind the brand say was at odds with the realities of working within the sector.

“We essentially folded last month,” co-founder Ari Cohen told National Post in October. “It was kind of a long time coming. So much was stacked against us, based on the regulations, based on (Ontario Cannabis Store) royalties, and the restrictions on what we could market and what we couldn’t. We just got pushed out of the market.”

Cohen said that while the excise tax played a role in the business’s demise, so did the central control of the OCS, the provincial wholesaler and the most profitable provincial cannabis agency in the country.

Despite four years of being in the black — the OCS banked $459 million in the last fiscal year — the entity has not paid any dividends to the Ontario government. Of that $459 million, $310 million was excise tax and $148 million was sales tax.

Further complicating matters, the OCS markup is now 25 per cent and this markup is applied on top of the price of the product, which already includes the excise tax. Because the markup is a percentage added to the total cost, it effectively increases the impact of the excise tax.

Tabitha Fritz, the other founder of the brand, was featured on the OCS’s website in a roundup of small businesses that had made the jump from legacy to legal, but she said the support for their business stopped there.

“Within a week they told us they’re not picking up any of our products for the website. They literally said you’re not big enough for us to support you,” she said.

The couple believed that as a fully Canadian Mom and Pop legacy brand with a devoted following, they would have a good shot at surviving the regulated landscape. But their pockets couldn’t stack up against larger businesses that have been operating at a loss for years as the market consolidates.

For its part, the government has repeatedly stated the industry is not about generating revenue, but about fixing a failed policy and protecting public health. What they missed, in Fritz’s opinion, is that those aspects are inextricably linked.

“It’s really just basic economics,” she said. “Until Health Canada addresses issues like edibles dosing and making sure budtenders are safe by not having coverings on windows, basic things like this, we’re going to continue to have two markets for weed. We’re going to have a regulated market and we’re going to have an underground market where consumers continue to access products that they want at prices that make sense. Until these things are addressed, you’re not actually addressing public health and safety, and you’re not meeting the claims of the Cannabis Act like you said you were trying to.”

Tabitha Fritz and Ari Cohen, the founders Fritz’s Cannabis Company. Photo by Tabitha Fritz

In 2017, the Department of Finance published a backgrounder on the federal, provincial and territorial agreement on the cannabis taxation scheme.

Its first general principle notes that “taxes on cannabis will be kept low to support the objectives of its legalization: keeping it out of the hands of youth, and profits out of the hands of criminals.”

It went on to explain that taxes collected would largely be allocated to provincial and territorial governments, while 25 per cent would be directed to the federal government. It also noted that the federal portion of cannabis excise tax revenue would be capped at $100 million annually.

This year, though, the federal government’s share of excise taxes and estimated sales tax from cannabis sales are expected to exceed $455 million.

Beyond those coffers being stuffed far beyond what was initially planned, there’s also frustration within the industry as it’s not clear where that money, which should have tangible benefits for Canadians, is ending up.

David Brown, a cannabis industry policy analyst, was initially skeptical regarding corporate grievances about the excise tax but he also sees it playing out with the smaller producers. After accounting for the government’s take, some of these mid- and small-scale businesses barely manage to cover payroll and expenses, leaving no room for profit.

He said the industry needs to more effectively communicate the regulatory challenges that it’s facing, particularly on the small business side, as opposed to the focus on floundering pubcos like Canopy Growth, Aurora and Tilray Brands Inc.

“A lot of small businesses haven’t been able to cut through that noise. And policymakers aren’t going to put their neck out on something where the public perception is entirely different. So, in my opinion, the industry needs to show that it’s a bunch of small businesses, they need to be able to tell the story of the struggling small craft farmer, the struggling independent retailer, as opposed to a struggling publicly traded company with all kinds of handsomely compensated C-suite executives.”

He added that the excise tax being built around the $10 a gram assumption is one of the “biggest errors in the legislation.”

He also said that over-regulation was initially understandable as Canada was the first G7 country to legalize the plant but, five years later, any anticipated calamities haven’t come to pass and it’s time to adjust.

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Canada’s experience with cannabis regulation is becoming part of a larger global story. To escape the excise, Canadian companies are increasingly turning to the global export market, where Germany, Australia and Israel, among other countries, are taking on more Canadian products.

Germany, in particular, is at a pivotal moment, as its Cannabis Act is currently progressing through the German Parliament.

In January, “Pillar 1” of Germany’s cannabis strategy is anticipated to become law. The new legislation will remove cannabis from the Narcotics Act, allow for possession of up to 25 grams for adults, enable home cultivation of up to three plants and foster the establishment of not-for-profit cannabis cultivation clubs.

I think that Germany, and all of Europe, is the next big thing when it comes to cannabis

Niklas Kouparanis, co-founder of a German cannabis company

Niklas Kouparanis, CEO and co-founder of Bloomwell Group, one of Germany’s largest private cannabis companies, said the country is taking a conservative approach after watching Canada’s foray into legalization.

Niklas Kouparanis is the CEO and co-founder of Frankfurt-based Bloomwell Group. Photo by Bloomwell Group

He said the focus on large-scale production of cannabis that far exceeded market demand, along with faulty distribution channels, are partly to blame for the more than 1.5 billion grams in unsold cannabis that’s accumulated across the Canadian sector.

“The big times of the Canadian market are over,” he said. From his perspective, Europe is the new frontier in cannabis.

“If the Canadian companies, or at least what is left of them, do not position themselves and form reliable long-term partnerships in Germany, then there will be no future for them. I think that Germany, and all of Europe, is the next big thing when it comes to cannabis.”

Back in the Crystal Ballroom in downtown Toronto, industry executives are taking a long view of the sector from the 14th floor.

Despite the frustrations and complaints, there’s palpable pride in the room as the conversation focuses on the strides Canada has made as the first industry of its kind in the world.

There have been missteps, many of them, but there’s a call for collective unity and a belief that, with time and regulatory evolution, a less volatile and more sustainable picture will take shape.

Fletcher reflected on the current state of the industry optimistically, crediting the people in the room around him. “The people that are still here in this room, they’re in for the long term,” he said. “They’re much more passionate about the industry and about the actual products versus just chasing a quick buck. I think, in 2021, we had a number of bankers, consultants and individuals who were just chasing a hot industry.”

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Despite existing for just five years, the obituary of the industry has been written repeatedly as the focus has largely remained on the capital and equity markets.

Fletcher sees a different story, one that still has him brimming with optimism.

“It takes a long time to develop an industry, I think people forget that. And this is not only a new industry, it’s a very novel industry and it’s still growing. Just from a human factor, the people have changed a lot. Now it’s focused on operational excellence. How do we save money? How do we get lean? And then, also, how do we make money?”


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Two youths arrested after emergency alert issued in New Brunswick




MONCTON, N.B. – New Brunswick RCMP say two youths have been arrested after an emergency alert was issued Monday evening about someone carrying a gun in the province’s southeast.

Caledonia Region Mounties say they were first called out to Main Street in the community of Salisbury around 7 p.m. on reports of a shooting.

A 48-year-old man was found at the scene suffering from gunshot wounds and he was rushed to hospital with non-life-threatening injuries.

Police say in the interest of public safety, they issued an Alert Ready message at 8:15 p.m. for someone driving a silver Ford F-150 pickup truck and reportedly carrying a firearm with dangerous intent in the Salisbury and Moncton area.

Two youths were arrested without incident later in the evening in Salisbury, and the alert was cancelled just after midnight Tuesday.

Police are still looking for the silver pickup truck, covered in mud, with possible Nova Scotia licence plate HDC 958. They now confirm the truck was stolen from Central Blissville.

This report by The Canadian Press was first published Sept. 16, 2024.

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World Junior Girls Golf Championship coming to Toronto-area golf course




MISSISSAUGA, Ont. – Golf Canada has set an impressive stretch goal of having 30 professional golfers at the highest levels of the sport by 2032.

The World Junior Girls Golf Championship is a huge part of that target.

Credit Valley Golf and Country Club will host the international tournament from Sept. 30 to Oct. 5, with 24 teams representing 23 nations — Canada gets two squads — competing. Lindsay McGrath, a 17-year-old golfer from Oakville, Ont., said she’s excited to be representing Canada and continue to develop her game.

“I’m really grateful to be here,” said McGrath on Monday after a news conference in Credit Valley’s clubhouse in Mississauga, Ont. “It’s just such an awesome feeling being here and representing our country, wearing all the logos and being on Team Canada.

“I’ve always wanted to play in this tournament, so it’s really special to me.”

McGrath will be joined by Nobelle Park of Oakville, Ont., and Eileen Park of Red Deer, Alta., on Team Canada 2. All three earned their places through a qualifying tournament last month.

“I love my teammates so much,” said McGrath. “I know Nobelle and Eileen very well. I’m just so excited to be with them. We have such a great relationship.”

Shauna Liu of Maple, Ont., Calgary’s Aphrodite Deng and Clairey Lin make up Team Canada 2. Liu earned her exemption following her win at the 2024 Canadian Junior Girls Championship while Deng earned her exemption as being the low eligible Canadian on the world amateur golf ranking as of Aug. 7.

Deng was No. 175 at the time, she has since improved to No. 171 and is Canada’s lowest-ranked player.

“I think it’s a really great opportunity,” said Liu. “We don’t really get that many opportunities to play with people from across the world, so it’s really great to meet new people and play with them.

“It’s great to see maybe how they play and take parts from their game that we might also implement our own games.”

Golf Canada founded the World Junior Girls Golf Championship in 2014 to fill a void in women’s international competition and help grow its own homegrown talent. The hosts won for the first time last year when Vancouver’s Anna Huang, Toronto’s Vanessa Borovilos and Vancouver’s Vanessa Zhang won team gold and Huang earned individual silver.

Medallists who have gone on to win on the LPGA Tour include Brooke Henderson of Smiths Falls, Ont., who was fourth in the individual competition at the inaugural tournament. She was on Canada’s bronze-medal team in 2014 with Selena Costabile of Thornhill, Ont., and Calgary’s Jaclyn Lee.

Other notable competitors who went on to become LPGA Tour winners include Angel Yin and Megan Khang of the United States, as well as Yuka Saso of the Philippines, Sweden’s Linn Grant and Atthaya Thitikul of Thailand.

“It’s not if, it’s when they’re going to be on the LPGA Tour,” said Garrett Ball, Golf Canada’s chief operating officer, of how Canada’s golfers in the World Junior Girls Championship can be part of the organization’s goal to have 30 pros in the LPGA and PGA Tours by 2032.

“Events like this, like the She Plays Golf festival that we launched two years ago, and then the CPKC Women’s Open exemptions that we utilize to bring in our national team athletes and get the experience has been important in that pathway.”

The individual winner of the World Junior Girls Golf Championship will earn a berth in next year’s CPKC Women’s Open at nearby Mississaugua Golf and Country Club.

Both clubs, as well as former RBC Canadian Open host site Glen Abbey Golf Club, were devastated by heavy rains through June and July as the Greater Toronto Area had its wettest summer in recorded history.

Jason Hanna, the chief operating officer of Credit Valley Golf and Country Club, said that he has seen the Credit River flood so badly that it affected the course’s playability a handful of times over his nearly two decades with the club.

Staff and members alike came together to clean up the course after the flooding was over, with hundreds of people coming together to make the club playable again.

“You had to show up, bring your own rake, bring your own shovel, bring your own gloves, and then we’d take them down to the golf course, assign them to areas where they would work, and then we would do a big barbecue down at the halfway house,” said Hanna. “We got guys, like, 80 years old, putting in eight-hour days down there, working away.”

This report by The Canadian Press was first published Sept. 16, 2024.

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Purple place: Mets unveil the new Grimace seat at Citi Field




NEW YORK (AP) — Fenway Park has the Ted Williams seat. And now Citi Field has the Grimace seat.

The kid-friendly McDonald’s character made another appearance at the ballpark Monday, when the New York Mets unveiled a commemorative purple seat in section 302 to honor “his special connection to Mets fans.”

Wearing his pear-shaped purple costume and a baseball glove on backwards, Grimace threw out a funny-looking first pitch — as best he could with those furry fingers and short arms — before New York beat the Miami Marlins at Citi Field on June 12.

That victory began a seven-game winning streak, and Grimace the Mets’ good-luck charm soon went viral, taking on a life of its own online.

New York is 53-31 since June 12, the best record in the majors during that span. The Mets were tied with rival Atlanta for the last National League playoff spot as they opened their final homestand of the season Monday night against Washington.

The new Grimace seat in the second deck in right field — located in row 6, seat 12 to signify 6/12 on the calendar — was brought into the Shannon Forde press conference room Monday afternoon. The character posed next to the chair and with fans who strolled into the room.

The seat is available for purchase for each of the Mets’ remaining home games.

“It’s been great to see how our fanbase created the Grimace phenomenon following his first pitch in June and in the months since,” Mets senior vice president of partnerships Brenden Mallette said in a news release. “As we explored how to further capture the magic of this moment and celebrate our new celebrity fan, installing a commemorative seat ahead of fan appreciation weekend felt like the perfect way to give something back to the fans in a fun and unique way.”

Up in Boston, the famous Ted Williams seat is painted bright red among rows of green chairs deep in the right-field stands at Fenway Park to mark where a reported 502-foot homer hit by the Hall of Fame slugger landed in June 1946.

So, does this catapult Grimace into Splendid Splinter territory?

“I don’t know if we put him on the same level,” Mets executive vice president and chief marketing officer Andy Goldberg said with a grin.

“It’s just been a fun year, and at the same time, we’ve been playing great ball. Ever since the end of May, we have been crushing it,” he explained. “So I think that added to the mystique.”



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