
  • Veterinary schools in Canada serve defined geographic regions, and only students residing in those regions can apply to attend.
  • Created in 1963, Western College of Veterinary Medicine (WCVM) at the University of Saskatchewan in Saskatoon is the only regional veterinary college to serve British Columbia, Saskatchewan and Manitoba.
  • The WCVM Interprovincial Agreement is a long-standing commitment from participating provinces to WCVM to ensure Western Canada has a steady supply of vets with in-depth knowledge and high-quality training.
  • The agreement upholds terms with respect to:
    • provincial enrolment quotas;
    • residency status of applicants to the college; and,
    • the cost-sharing formula for funding the regional college.
  • In both 2020 and 2021, 12 B.C. students were admitted to non-provincially subsidized seats at WCVM, requiring an additional $55,000 tuition fee per student.
  • The Province is providing an additional $1.2 million in funding to the college, which enables the school to waive $55,000 in tuition fees for 24 previously admitted B.C. students who were not in a provincially subsidized seat.