Pierre Poilievre wins Conservative leadership on first ballot | Canada News Media
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Pierre Poilievre wins Conservative leadership on first ballot




Pierre Poilievre is the new leader of the Conservative Party of Canada, securing victory on the first ballot after a record-setting and divisive leadership campaign.

After a seven-month campaign, the long-time MP and former cabinet minister from Ontario won the election decisively, securing 22,993 of the just under 33,800 electoral points up for grabs. Poilievre secured support across the country, coming in as members’ first choice in almost every riding.

“Tonight begins the journey to replace an old government that costs you more and delivers you less, with a new government that puts you first, your paycheck, your retirement, your home, your country,” Poilievre said in his first speech as leader on Saturday evening from the Ottawa convention centre floor where the leadership announcement was held on Saturday night.

Receiving 68.15 per cent of the vote, Poilievre far outpaced his progressive Conservative rival and runner up Jean Charest’s 16.07 per cent of the vote.

Social conservative and MP Leslyn Lewis placed third, with 9.69 per cent of the vote. Former Ontario MPP Roman Baber placed fourth, with 5.03 per cent of the vote, and mayor-turned-MP Scott Aitchison finished last with 1.06 per cent of the vote.

The unveiling of results of the mail-in ballot election was done in a more pared-down way than initially planned, on account for the country being in an official mourning period given the death of Queen Elizabeth II. A moment of silence and tribute was held before Poilievre was named the winner.

While the party aimed to hold a subdued event, pulling the plug on confetti cannons, the crowd of approximately 1,000 erupted into cheers and some chants of “freedom,” when the results were announced.

After Poilievre was cheered up onto the stage, he started his remarks with a message of condolence.

“I feel a small catch in my throat when I utter the words that no leader has stated in this country for over seven decades, God Save the King,” he said.

One of the main questions heading into this evening was whether Poilievre was able to take it on the first ballot, a feat last achieved by former prime minister Stephen Harper in 2004.

Ahead of the results, Charest’s camp indicated they still felt they had a path to victory, though touting the Poilievre’s campaign’s statistics, top adviser Jenni Byrne said they were feeling “pretty good.”

The results were calculated in points, with up to 100 points allocated to each of the 338 ridings. Ultimately there were 33,737 points up for grabs after the verification process was complete, making the threshold needed to win 50 per cent plus one: 16,869, a metric Poilievre considerably exceeded.

In an attempt to avoid the considerable delays seen in the party’s 2020 race due to a mechanical issue that resulted in thousands of ballots being damaged upon opening, result tabulations began on Saturday. Still, the results were delayed approximately half an hour from what the party had initially planned.

In his speech—his first opportunity to signal the direction the party is heading and set the tone for his tenure— Poilievre took the opportunity to outline some of his main commitments, and made a point of thanking each one of his opponents’ for their contributions to the party, and the country.

“To supporters of all of these fine candidates I open up my arms to you. Now, today, we are one party serving one country,” he said.

Reacting to the results, Charest thanked his supporters and said he was proud of the campaign they ran, but signalled that Poilievre should be granted a “clean slate” opportunity to unite the party.

“We still have a critical role to play in shaping our forward-looking policy agenda and attracting new voters to the Conservative Party. I will have more to say tomorrow,” he tweeted.

Despite his efforts to extend an olive branch to the progressives in the party, don’t expect Poilievre to take a more moderate approach post-campaign.

“What you see is what you get,” said Byrne. “What you should expect to hear from Pierre is exactly what he’s talking about. But it’s going to be predominantly on the issues that Canadians care about, and right now the economy is the number one issue.”

Poilievre made the pitch Saturday night for a government that offers Canadians hope.

“There are people in this country who are just hanging on by a thread… They don’t need a government to run their lives, they need a government that can run a passport office,” Poilievre said to cheers. “They need a prime minister who hears them, and offers them hope that they can again afford to buy a home, a car, pay their bills, afford food, have a secure retirement, and god forbid even achieve their dreams if they work hard. They need a prime minister who will restore that hope, and I will be that prime minister.”


After opting out of running in the 2020 race citing his family life, Poilievre came into this campaign at full force, framing his race as a run for prime minister, and one that would champion “personal freedom.”

His introductory campaign video promising to “give you back control of your life” has amassed 4.9 million views since it was posted in February.

With a strong team of experienced Conservatives behind him, Poilievre outpaced the other leadership candidates when it came to membership sign-ups and fundraising, raking in millions more dollars, and from a larger donor pool than any of his opponents.

The long-time Ottawa-area MP—he was first elected federally in 2004— has been connected to conservative politics from a young age.

At 43 now, Poilievre has built a reputation on Parliament Hill as a bit of a firebrand, not hesitant to say what he thinks. While he was given the nickname “skippy,” a descriptor that may better fit now is “scrappy” as he’s not one to back away from a policy debate or pull punches when it comes to calling out his opponents.

Poilievre met his wife Anaida working in politics and the pair eloped in Portugal in late 2017, together they have two children, Valentina and Cruz.

Anaida Poilievre, wife of Conservative Party leadership candidate Pierre Poilievre, touches his chin as they listen to speeches at the Conservative Party of Canada leadership vote, in Ottawa, on Saturday, Sept. 10, 2022. THE CANADIAN PRESS/Justin Tang

During the leadership campaign it was not uncommon to see Anaida by his side, and Saturday evening was no different. Introducing her husband as Canada’s next prime minister, she also took the opportunity to introduce herself, sharing some personal family history, in both official languages.

Poilievre and his family currently live in Greely, a suburban-rural neighbourhood 30 minutes from Parliament Hill. Poilievre, who was born to a teenage mother in Calgary, was adopted by schoolteachers from Saskatchewan, went on to graduate from the University of Calgary with a degree in international relations, and a keen interest in conservative activism.

Once Stephen Harper’s Conservative government came to power in 2006, Poilievre held a series of parliamentary secretary and junior minister roles. He then became a key critic of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s government, from his seat in the Official Opposition benches.

In this race, Poilievre attracted large crowds across the country, with supporters appearing to resonate with his affordability-focused and unapologetic, populist message of “taking back control” from “gatekeepers.”

According to his campaign, Poilievre held 80 events across the country that 93,000 people RSVP’d to, ultimately signing up more than 300,000 members.

A key messaging tool used by Poilievre—who rarely participated in interviews or answered journalists’ questions throughout the race—were social media videos featuring him speaking directly into the camera in various scenarios. In the videos he’d fixate on one issue, offering his perspective on housing, or the price of food, for example, making a case for why the current government is failing and what he’d do differently.

His platform included promises to get rid of the carbon tax, lift COVID-19 vaccine mandates, and fire the governor of the Bank of Canada. He said he would phase out “inflationary deficits” by culling spending and reversing Liberal policies and programs.

Poilievre has also championed cryptocurrency, and supported the “Freedom Convoy,” a pair of positions that were condemned by some of his opponents as well as members from other parties.

A key moment for Poilievre’s campaign was when Harper endorsed Poilievre. In a video released on Twitter, the former prime minister said Poilievre has made the “strongest case” for being able to bring in new party members and win the next general election. Harper didn’t offer candidate endorsements in the preceding two leadership races that saw Andrew Scheer and Erin O’Toole take on the party’s top job.

While he took part in the first two official party debates, Poilievre came under fire when he decided to skip a third event organized by the party in the aftermath of Patrick Brown’s disqualification.

When Brown was removed from the race, his campaign quickly accused the Conservative Party of acting in Poilievre’s favour. Brown claimed Poilievre’s supporters were behind his ouster, something the party has ardently denied.


The campaign began after O’Toole resigned in February following considerable infighting in the aftermath of his unsuccessful 2021 federal election campaign.

Appearing via video message on Saturday, O’Toole said the party has to put Canadian unity first, because pandemic-exacerbated frustrations are eroding trust, and damaging democratic institutions.

“The Conservative Party needs to be compassionate, because Canadians need to be heard and need to be understood more than ever before. And the Conservative Party needs to be strong— not with the strength to overpower our rivals—but with the strength of character needed to carry those in need or those who are losing faith in our country,” he said.

The race—the party’s third in the last six years— was largely seen as a ‘battle for the soul of the party’ and a result, the campaign has had no shortage of attacks as candidates pitched themselves—through rallies and on debate stages—as the best placed person to lead.

The attacks throughout the race were largely exchanged between Charest and Poilievre. Charest suggested that his convoy-supporting opponent was unfit to lead, while Poilievre accused his rival of being a Liberal in blue clothing.

As the race rolled to a close, prominent Conservatives have emphasized the need for the membership to come together once the winner is named, and focus on defeating the Liberals rather than post-leadership unity questions.

“This is Canadian political history. No other political party has had this many members and no other political party has had more than 400,000 Canadians vote in a leadership election. What it tells me as president is that the Conservative Party is growing. It tells me that there is a desire among Canadians for a change in government, and that changing government, in many ways starts tonight,” said Conservative Party President Rob Batherson on Saturday night.

Ahead of the results, Charest campaign co-chair Tasha Kheiriddin said that the most important thing regardless of who won, “the most important thing” is whoever the party elects, has to take the party forward in a united way.

“The biggest challenge is to make people feel welcome and to make them understand that they have a place at the table… It’s going to be a case of also I think, letting go of some of the things that people are turned off by,” she said.

“I’m watching for a sign that we’re going to look for what unites us and what is in common as opposed to some of the things that have divided. Whoever becomes leader that’s what they have to build on because otherwise we will never beat Justin Trudeau,” said Kheiriddin.

On this, Byrne and Kheiriddin agree. Byrne said she’s confident members—new and old—will unite behind the new leader, and dismissed suggestions this campaign was any more divisive than previous races.

“The modern Conservative party is a party of coalition. It’s a party of social conservatives, fiscal conservatives, democratic reformers. And that coalition has changed,” she said.

Poilievre will be talking the helm of His Majesty’s Loyal Opposition 10 days before the fall sitting of Parliament will begin.

In an early indication of the fight ahead, long-time Liberal MP and cabinet minister Dominic LeBlanc— attending Saturday’s event, he said, to congratulate the winner—questioned Poilievre’s sincerity.

“What we’ve seen in his leadership campaign is a series of reckless and irresponsible ideas that we don’t think will improve the Canadian economy,” LeBlanc said.

“Somebody who’s telling people to buy Bitcoin, somebody who’s calling childcare agreements ‘slush funds,’ doesn’t feel like somebody who’s serious about big issues around affordability, around the economy.”

It’s possible one of Poilievre’s first acts as Opposition leader could be attending Queen Elizabeth II’s funeral as part of the Canadian delegation.

Once the political season does get underway, CTV Political Commentator Tom Mulcair is predicting some eventful question periods.

“This guy is not going to hold back. But at the same time, he knows that he’s got to present a very straight face to Canadian voters… And I think that that’s what Poilievre is going to have to work on,” Mulcair said. “We’ve been told nonstop that the party had big fractures in it. Now Poilievre gets to really play a good strong hand.”

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Alaska man charged with sending graphic threats to kill Supreme Court justices




WASHINGTON (AP) — An Alaska man accused of sending graphic threats to injure and kill six Supreme Court justices and some of their family members has been indicted on federal charges, authorities said Thursday.

Panos Anastasiou, 76, is accused of sending more than 465 messages through a public court website, including graphic threats of assassination and torture coupled with racist and homophobic rhetoric.

The indictment does not specify which justices Anastasiou targeted, but Attorney General Merrick Garland said he made the graphic threats as retaliation for decisions he disagreed with.

“Our democracy depends on the ability of public officials to do their jobs without fearing for their lives or the safety of their families,” he said.

Anastasiou has been indicted on 22 counts, including nine counts of making threats against a federal judge and 13 counts of making threats in interstate commerce.

He was released from detention late Thursday by a federal magistrate in Anchorage with a a list of conditions, including that he not directly or indirectly contact any of the six Supreme Court justices he allegedly threatened or any of their family members.

During the hearing that lasted more than hour, Magistrate Kyle Reardon noted some of the messages Anastasiou allegedly sent between March 2023 and mid-July 2024, including calling for the assassination of two of the Republican-appointed Supreme Court justices so the current Democratic president could appoint their successors.

Instead of toning down his rhetoric after receiving a visit from FBI agents last year, Anastasiou increased the frequency of his messages and their vitriolic language, Reardon said.

Gray-haired and shackled at the ankles above his salmon-colored plastic slippers, Anastasiou wore a yellow prison outfit with ACC printed in black on the back, the initials for the Anchorage Correctional Facility, at the hearing. Born in Greece, he moved to Anchorage 67 years ago. Reardon allowed him to contact his elected officials on other matters like global warming, but said the messages must be reviewed by his lawyers.

Defense attorney Jane Imholte noted Anastasiou is a Vietnam veteran who is undergoing treatment for throat cancer and has no financial means other than his Social Security benefits.

She told the judge that Anastaiou, who signed his own name to the emails, worried about his pets while being detained. She said he only wanted to return home to care for his dogs, Freddie, Buddy and Cutie Pie.

He faces a maximum of 10 years in prison for each count of making threats against a federal judge and up to five years for each count of making threats in interstate commerce if convicted.

Threats targeting federal judges overall have more than doubled in recent years amid a surge of similar violent messages directed at public officials around the country, the U.S. Marshals Service previously said.

In 2022, shortly after the leak of a draft opinion overturning Roe v. Wade, a man was stopped near the home of Justice Brett Kavanaugh with weapons and zip ties.


Thiessen reported from Anchorage, Alaska.

The Canadian Press. All rights reserved.

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An iconic Churchill photo stolen in Canada and found in Italy is ready to return



ROME (AP) — Canadian and Italian dignitaries on Thursday marked the successful recovery of a photo portrait of Winston Churchill known as “The Roaring Lion,” stolen in Canada and recovered in Italy after a two-year search by police.

At a ceremony at the Canadian Embassy in Rome, Italian carabinieri police handed over the portrait to the Canadian ambassador to Italy, Elissa Goldberg, who praised the cooperation between Italian and Canadian investigators that led to the recovery.

The 1941 portrait of the British leader taken by Ottawa photographer Yousuf Karsh is now ready for the last step of its journey home to the Fairmont Château Laurier, the hotel in Ottawa where it was stolen and will once again be displayed as a notable historic portrait.

Canadian police said the portrait was stolen from the hotel sometime between Christmas 2021 and Jan. 6, 2022, and replaced with a forgery. The swap was only uncovered months later, in August, when a hotel worker noticed the frame was not hung properly and looked different than the others.

Nicola Cassinelli, a lawyer in Genoa, Italy, purchased the portrait in May 2022 at an online Sotheby’s auction for 5,292 British pounds. He says he got a phone call from the auction house that October advising him not to sell or otherwise transfer the portrait due to an investigation into the Ottawa theft.

Cassinelli, who attended Thursday’s ceremony, said he thought he was buying a regular print and quickly agreed to send the iconic Churchill photograph home when he learned its true story.

“I immediately decided to return it to the Chateau Laurier, because I think that if Karsh donated it to the hotel, it means he really wanted it to stay there, for the particular significance this hotel had for him, and for his wife too,” Cassinelli told The Associated Press.

The famous image was taken by Karsh during Churchill’s wartime visit to the Canadian Parliament in December 1941. It helped launch Karsh’s career, who photographed some of the 20th century’s most famed icons, including Nelson Mandela, Albert Einstein and Queen Elizabeth.

Karsh and his wife Estrellita gifted an original signed print to the Fairmont Chateau Laurier in 1998. The couple had lived and operated a studio inside the hotel for nearly two decades.

Geneviève Dumas, general manager of the Fairmont Château Laurier, said on Thursday she felt immensely grateful.

“I would like to extend my deepest gratitude to everybody involved in solving this case, and ensuring the safe return of this priceless piece of history.”

Police arrested a 43-year-old man from Powassan, Ontario, in April and have charged him with stealing and trafficking the portrait. The man, whose name is protected by a publication ban, faces charges that include forgery, theft over $5,000 and trafficking in property obtained by crime exceeding $5,000.

The Canadian Press. All rights reserved.

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Mexican president blames the US for bloodshed in Sinaloa as cartel violence surges



CULIACAN, Mexico (AP) — Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador blamed the United States in part on Thursday for the surge in cartel violence terrorizing the northern state of Sinaloa which has left at least 30 people dead in the past week.

Two warring factions of the Sinaloa cartel have clashed in the state capital of Culiacan in what appears to be a fight for power since two of its leaders were arrested in the United States in late July. Teams of gunmen have shot at each other and the security forces.

Meanwhile, dead bodies continued to pop up around the city. On one busy street corner, cars drove by pools of the blood leading to a body in a car mechanic shop, while heavily armed police in black masks loaded up another body stretched out on a side street of the Sinaloan city.

Asked at his morning briefing if the U.S. government was “jointly responsible” for this violence in Sinaloa, the president said, “Yes, of course … for having carried out this operation.”

The recent surge in cartel warfare had been expected after Joaquín Guzmán López, a son of former Sinaloa cartel leader Joaquín “El Chapo” Guzmán, landed near El Paso, Texas on July 25 in a small plane with Ismael “El Mayo” Zambada.

Zambada was the cartel’s elder figure and reclusive leader. After his arrest, he said in a letter circulated by his lawyer that he had been abducted by the younger Guzmán and taken to the U.S. against his will.

On Thursday afternoon, another military operation covered the north of Culiacan with military and circling helicopters.

Traffic was heavy in Culiacan and most schools were open, even though parents were still not sending their children to classes. Businesses continue to close early and few people venture out after dark. While the city has slowly reopened and soldiers patrol the streets, many families continue to hide away, with parents and teachers fearing they’ll be caught in the crossfire.

“Where is the security for our children, for ourselves too, for all citizens? It’s so dangerous here, you don’t want to go outside,” one Culiacan mother told the Associated Press.

The mother, who didn’t want to share her name out of fear of the cartels, said that while some schools have recently reopened, she hasn’t allowed her daughter to go for two weeks. She said she was scared to do so after armed men stopped a taxi they were traveling in on their way home, terrifying her child.

During his morning press briefing, López Obrador had claimed American authorities “carried out that operation” to capture Zambada and that “it was totally illegal, and agents from the Department of Justice were waiting for Mr. Mayo.”

“If we are now facing instability and clashes in Sinaloa, it is because they (the American government) made that decision,” he said.

He added that there “cannot be a cooperative relationship if they take unilateral decisions” like this. Mexican prosecutors have said they were considering bringing treason charges against those involved in the plan to nab Zambada.

He was echoed by President-elect Claudia Sheinbaum, who said later in the day that “we can never accept that there is no communication or collaboration.”

It’s the latest escalation of tensions in the U.S.-Mexico relationship. Last month, the Mexican president said he was putting relations with the U.S. and Canadian embassies “on pause” after ambassadors criticized his controversial plan to overhaul Mexico’s judiciary by requiring all judges to stand for election.

Still, the Zambada capture has fueled criticisms of López Obrador, who has throughout his administration refused to confront cartels in a strategy he refers to as “hugs not bullets.” On previous occasions, he falsely stated that cartels respect Mexican citizens and largely fight amongst themselves.

While the president, who is set to leave office at the end of the month, has promised his plan would reduce cartel violence, such clashes continue to plague Mexico. Cartels employ an increasing array of tactics, including roadside bombs or IEDs, trenches, home-made armored vehicles and bomb-dropping drones.

Last week, López Obrador publicly asked Sinaloa’s warring factions to act “responsibly” and noted that he believed the cartels would listen to him.

But the bloodshed has only continued.

The Canadian Press. All rights reserved.

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