Red Boost Reviews - Does It Work or Cheap Supplement Ingredients?
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Red Boost Reviews – Does It Work or Cheap Supplement Ingredients?



Red Boost

Male sexual health is still treated as a private topic, and people hesitate while discussing it openly. In fact, millions of men across the world suffer from sexual health issues at certain points in their lives, and they just hold back their problems just because of the fear of embarrassment.

Despite the liberal advancement of society, some taboos are still existing, and male sexual health is a key one among them. Men with severe sexual health concerns are still laughed at by many people, and that’s why they remain hesitant while disclose their issues openly.

As men keep hiding their sexual problems instead of seeking available treatment plans, they end up having multiple breakups and divorces. These men can’t tell their partners about their inabilities, and later they can’t satisfy their partners in bed. As a result, they keep being rejected by their partners eventually, which adds more stress to their lives.

Erectile dysfunction, premature ejaculation, insufficient penile hardness, and other similar issues are more prevalent than ever before because of the unhealthy lifestyles of people. This is a decade of junk foods and ready foods that barely need to be cooked. People don’t remember how unhygienic these foods are, and they keep consuming them regularly.

Idle and active lifestyles can add more complications to cause sexual problems. The escalation rate of the number of prostate cancer patients has skyrocketed shockingly in the past few years.

Can you relate your lifestyle to these words? Probably yes, and that’s what made you land here. We can completely empathize with the problems you’re going through in your conjugal life due to your incapability. At this point in time, you must be looking for a proven sexual health supplement to enhance sexual well-being.

But where can you find the right one for yourself? Inefficient sexual health supplements have corrupted the market completely, and people who are using them end up being defrauded. An ideal male sexual health supplement is supposed to rejuvenate your sexual energy within a few weeks, but most gimmicky supplements sold on the market can’t do that.

Anyway, you need not worry about picking the right one among so many fake dietary supplements that claim to treat erectile dysfunction and similar issues. We are here to assist you in making the right choice. According to our extensive research, there’s nothing better than the Red Boost tonic in terms of male sexual empowerment.

The dietary supplement contains the most effective mix of handpicked natural components that maximize the nitric oxide production in every user’s body to offer the claimed health benefits.

Plenty of Red Boost reviews are also live on the internet to inform people about the legacy and efficiency of the product, but the majority of those reviews contain incomplete details about Red Boost. This Red Boost review is a result of the conclusive research of our editorial team, and we are looking forward to presenting every possible information about Red Boost elaborately in this review.

What Is Red Boost?

Formulation Capsules
Price One bottle at $59.Three bottles at $147.Six bottles at $234.
Dosage Consuming 2 capsules daily can help you get the best results within a few weeks.
Ingredients Horny Goat Weed, Tongkat Ali, Fenugreek, Citrulline, and Nettle root
Refund Policy 180-day money-back guarantee on all three purchase options
Health Benefits Better sexual vigor and higher levels of sexual desire.Enhanced libido and longer intimacy sessions.More satisfying and intense orgasms.Helps retain healthy condition of the prostate.Increased Energy levels.Optimized blood pressure levels.More intense and robust immune functions.Helps get rid of erectile dysfunction and similar issues.
Side Effects Not a single user has reported any side effects after using Red Boost to date.

Red Boost is a dietary supplement that purports to ensure seamless blood flow through your blood vessels to make your sexual performance better than ever before. According to the makers, the Red Boost formula is meant for the betterment of the overall sexual health of every user.

It’s possible to achieve better sexual health easily by maximizing your body’s nitric oxide levels with the help of the Red Boost formula. The scientific backing of Red Boost is the reason why we recommend you rely on the supplement in terms of optimizing sexual strength and performance.

An ordinary blood flow support formula can’t help you get rid of an ongoing sexual dysfunction easily. The sexual health benefits endorsed by the makers of Red Boost are unmatchable and mind-boggling indeed.

Most significantly, the natural dietary supplement is made of 100% naturally-sourced components. Being sourced from vegan and natural resources, the components present in Red Boost are also favorable for vegan users. In addition, Red Boost comes with a gluten-free composition to help people who are allergic to gluten and similar substances.

More pleasurable sexual interactions can make your days more colorful and your overall health better. The amino acid profile of Red Boost is also exciting, and that’s another reason behind the efficacy of the supplement.

Hormonal imbalance has been pointed out as the main reason behind a decline in one’s sexual performance by numerous scientific studies and research papers. Hormonal imbalance can also cause excessive weight gain and other similar issues, and these problems can also be handled easily by incorporating Red Boost into your daily schedule.

There are different ways to approach a weight loss journey. But if you want to improve sexual health, you’re bound to enhance the testosterone production rate inside your body while elevating the production of nitric oxide as well.

Both things are done by Red Boost simultaneously and with efficiency. That’s why it’s considered by finest choice for improving sexual health as a whole.

The Functionality of Red Boost

Do you know where smooth muscle is located in your body? Most people don’t even know that they have smooth muscles inside their bodies. But the fact is that smooth muscle tissues are responsible for sexual power and stamina in men. A man performs as well in bed as strong as his smooth muscles are.

In simple words, a man faces erectile dysfunction and similar sexual dysfunctions when his smooth muscles become weaker. Anatomically, smooth muscles are located in the pelvic region of a man’s body. You must have heard people saying that strengthening core muscles is important for better sexual strength and vigor. Unknowingly, they refer to strengthening the smooth muscles.

When your smooth muscles become stronger, they help you trap the blood inside your penis naturally, resulting in stronger and longer erections. As you work on your smooth muscles, you eventually make your testis produce higher levels of testosterone as well. In fact, higher testosterone levels and stronger smooth muscles work combinedly to make your sex life better.

The best fact about Red Boost is that its components are meant to strengthen your core muscles and smooth muscles. Certain ingredients are present in Red Boost that can improve blood flow to your penile tissues and other internal organs naturally.

Let’s break down the functionality of Red Boost into steps so that you understand the supplement’s efficiency in a better way. First, it attempts to improve blood circulation in your whole body so that your penile tissues receive enough blood as well. Simultaneously, it makes your smooth muscles stronger to help trap more blood inside your penis so that you can last longer in bed and perform better as well.

Lastly, it also enhances the production of the testosterone hormone inside your body to amplify your sexual vigor and stamina. Red Boost also offers other health benefits to make your overall lifestyle better, and you will come to know them in the following segments.

Red Boost Natural Ingredients

Red Boost is pretty different from other dietary supplements that claim to fix erectile dysfunction and other sexual problems. The uniqueness of Red Boost lies in its ingredient profile.

It’s a compact combination of multiple natural ingredients that are scientifically proven to help fix erectile dysfunction and similar problems. Once you discover how beneficial the natural ingredients of Red Boost are, you will understand the value of the supplement in a better way.

Horny Goat Weed

Horny Goat Weed is considered the best natural component to ensure healthy blood flow. The natural properties of this herb enrich your blood circulation inside your body. The Red Boost tonic consists of robust amounts of this ingredient to deliver better results.

People who suffer due to poor blood flow tend to have erectile problems more prevalently. This scientifically proven herb aims to support healthy blood flow through your blood vessels without requiring you to follow a healthy diet plan.

As you go through Red Boost customer reviews in detail, you will come to understand that the presence of Goat Weed in Red Boost adds more efficacy to the product. According to Ayurvedic science, this natural herb is highly beneficial for elevating testosterone levels naturally.

Additionally, this component supercharges the nitride production rate of your body impactfully too. The official website states that clinical amounts of this herb are added to the formula to offer better results.

Tongkat Ali

Increasing blood flow inside your body won’t be possible easily unless you start consuming clinical doses of Tongkat Ali. According to Red Boost reviews, the inclusion of Tongkat Ali in the supplement is the key to the supplement’s supremacy.

It is a superb ingredient to ensure stronger sexual functions and better sexual longevity. Unlike many other natural ingredients for sexual enhancement, Tongkat Ali adds more length and girth to your penis naturally. Some scientific reports also claim that this ingredient is important to better prostate health too.

Tongkat Ali focuses on increasing the production of nitric oxide inside your body to dilate your blood vessels almost instantly so that all your vital organs receive an adequate volume of blood. Due to the presence of Tongkat Ali in the Red Boost pills, these pills are also beneficial for enhancing energy levels too.

As this supplement manages to dilate your blood vessels promptly, your blood pressure also gets balanced naturally. Retaining a healthy blood pressure level makes sure that you don’t suffer from cardiac issues at all. Reportedly, this ingredient supports healthy cholesterol levels as well.

Most crucially, Tongkat Ali makes it pretty effortless to make smooth muscles way stronger. This component replenishes the damaged smooth muscle tissues in people with sexual impotence.


Fenugreek is a common ingredient to be found in several blood flow support supplements. The ingredient is an absolute one that supports better overall health while increasing your sexual potency. The first priority of Fenugreek is to enhance blood flow inside your body without conducting changes in your normal bodily functions.

In fact, regular consumption of Fenugreek makes sure that your internal organs work optimally. Besides improving blood flow, Fenugreek enhances the testosterone production rate of your body. Consuming Fenugreek will help you achieve better erectile functions, better sexual stamina, and more satisfying orgasms.

Those who can’t satisfy their partner due to the lack of sexual stamina and vigor can better their conditions with the help of Fenugreek. Scientific reports also suggest that consuming Fenugreek helps enhance sexual desires, libido, and energy. Like Tongkat Ali, Fenugreek also supports stronger smooth muscles to promote better sexual health in men.


Besides Goat Weed and other potent ingredients, Citrulline is also there in Red Boost to make the supplement stronger. Citrulline is generally considered a blood flow support ingredient, and the core purpose of this component is to keep your blood vessels dilated enough for longer spans.

Citrulline also betters your cardiac functions by strengthening the entire cardiovascular system. It’s a powerful amino acid that is generally found in fruits like watermelon, and it gets extracted pretty easily. Apart from making your cardiovascular system stronger and more functional, Citrulline also empowers a healthy immune system.

Though Red Boost is not generally marketed as a blood flow support formula, the presence of Citrulline in this supplement helps it support better blood flow in users’ bodies. Citrulline is also responsible for higher nitric oxide levels in your body.

Nettle Root

According to the official website of Red Boost, substantial doses of Nettle root have been blended into Red Boost to increase its sexual enhancement properties. Due to the presence of Nettle root in the Red Boost formula, the product helps maximize your overall sexual function.

Millions of men with prostate health issues have improved their situations with the help of Nettle Root extract. If you want to increase your sexual power and stamina, you better start consuming this ingredient in the form of Red Boost capsules.

All these ingredients are tested and approved by an FDA-approved third-party laboratory before getting blended into the supplement. The combination of these powerful and scientifically tested ingredients makes Red Boost way more efficient.

Red Boost Health Benefits

Plenty of health advantages have been reported by the existing users of the Red Boost tonic. This dietary supplement is highly important for increasing one’s energy levels and achieving other health advantages.

Better Male Sexual Health

Most Red Boost reviews state the same fact that consuming Red Boost pills ensure better male sexual vigor and strength. Red Boost pills mostly focus on maximizing male longevity while making male sexual performance more intense. As you start consuming Red Boost pills, you don’t need to try something new to become more functional in bed.

Better Prostate Health

Red Boost also helps improve the functions of your prostate. Also, if you’re already dealing with certain prostate issues, Red Boost can help you manage the severity of your symptoms to some extent. As your prostate condition becomes better with the help of this supplement, your sexual potency and the functions of your urinary system become better as well.

Better Nitric Oxide Production Rate

Nitric Oxide is a necessary substance that participates in most vital bodily functions. Red Boost makes sure that your body’s nitric oxide production rate remains healthy and normal. Consuming the supplement also ensures that your body doesn’t get deprived of the required Nitric Oxide.

Higher Testosterone Production

Most doctors suggest maintaining healthy diet plans and doing workouts to increase testosterone levels. You can level up your body’s testosterone production rate even without doing that as you choose to use the Red Boost pills. The supplement makes your body produce testosterone in higher volumes so that your sexual potency and sperm count both get better.

Fixes Sexual Dysfunctions

Red Boost can reverse the progression of several sexual dysfunctions without requiring you to seek medical assistance. To be more specific, issues like erectile dysfunction, premature ejaculation, and longevity issues can be resolved easily with the help of this supplement.

Healthy Blood Pressure

By making your body produce more volumes of Nitric Oxide, Red Boost keeps your blood vessels dilated naturally. Therefore, your blood pressure doesn’t go too high or low. Your blood pressure level always remains balanced as you consume Red Boost. Better blood circulation is assured with the help of Red Boost.

Higher Energy Levels

Regular consumption of Red Boost ensures optimized energy levels too. Many men suffer from sexual problems as their energy levels remain too low. Red Boost effectively boosts your energy levels so that you never run out of energy during sexual intercourse. All Red Boost reviews disclose that the product supercharges one’s energy levels.

Stronger Immune System

The natural ingredients included in Red Boost collaborate with each other to empower the basic functions of your immune system.

Helps Maintain a Healthy Weight

According to hundreds of Red Boost reviews, the supplement is also pretty beneficial for weight reduction, and it helps maintain a healthy weight in the long term. The official website supports the same claim as well.

Scientific Evidence Behind Red Boost

The official website firmly states that all the ingredients included in the supplement are scientifically certified, and they come with strong scientific backing. Let’s discover the scientific evidence behind Red Boost.

L-Citrulline is an essential amino acid that supports better male sexual vigor, and that’s why it’s added to the supplement. This study promotes that men can enjoy higher sex drive by consuming clinical doses of Tongkat Ali. Horny Goat Weed, which is a key component of Red Boost, participates in reversing the serious symptoms of ED to some extent.

Red Boost Pricing and Refund

Supplements that optimize hormonal health usually cost higher than other supplements. Compared to most other sexual boosters, Red Boost is quite affordable and favorable for interested buyers of all financial standards.

Every bottle of Red Boost costs only $69. Ordering three Red Boost supplements altogether enables you to get a discount, and this package costs $147. There’s an even better package with an additional discount. If you order six bottles at once, you need to pay $234 only.

Placing orders on the Red Boost official website is quintessential to avoid purchasing fake products. As you place an order on the official website, you get a 180-day money-back guarantee with no questions asked. Users who are unsatisfied with the performance of the product can claim a refund within the duration of the money-back guarantee.

Red Boost- Side Effects

The natural ingredients of the dietary supplement have been scrutinized one by one by an authorized third-party laboratory, and they’re considered safe for consumption completely. We know that many sexual health supplements contain heavy doses of chemical substrates and artificial additives to offer faster results, and users remain afraid of the side effects of those substances.

That’s not the case with Red Boost. The makers of Red Boost sincerely picked every ingredient to retain the harmless nature of the formula. As long as you’re taking regular doses of Red Boost according to dosage recommendations specified by the makers. Overdosing on the Red Boost supplement can cause minor health complications like nausea, dizziness, and weakness that are not going to last too long.

You can stop these minor symptoms as you stop consuming Red Boost. Also, our team suggests you visit a physician for a health checkup prior to consuming the supplement.

Red Boost FAQs

How To Use The Red Boost Supplement?

We have already told you that adhering to the dosage recommendations specified by the makers is pretty important. The makers of the supplement suggest every user consume 2 Red Boost capsules consistently for a couple of weeks to recharge sexual stamina and strength.

Based on the severity of your sexual weakness, you may need more capsules to strengthen your penis. However, don’t even think of increasing the dosage yourself. Instead, visit a professional physician who can help you determine the preferable dosage for you.

What Makes The Red Boost Supplement Better Than Other Supplements?

Red Boost can be considered more effective than other sexual boosters sold on the market because no other supplement aims to strengthen the smooth muscle functions of one’s body. Also, the components of the Red Boost supplement can ensure healthy blood flow inside your body by dilating your blood vessels.

Can Red Boost Enhance Sexual Performance In Anyone?

Sexual performance enhancement is one of the key Red Boost benefits, and the supplement reportedly boosts sexual strength and stamina regardless of age. However, the formula mainly targets middle-aged people who are unable to perform well in bed.

Can The Red Boost Supplement Increase Testosterone Levels?

When you think about a sexual enhancer, you must assume that the product is supposed to boost the levels of testosterone in your body. Well, Red Boost does that, evidently. As a potent sexual enhancer, Red Boost is pretty effective in terms of elevating your body’s testosterone levels.

How To Claim a Refund?

It’s normal for someone not to feel satisfied with the performance delivered by the Red Boost supplement, and the refund policy offered by the makers turns out to be helpful in that case. To claim a refund, you need to visit the official website of Red Boost to get in touch with the customer support team. They can guide you through the claiming process.

Red Boost- Final Words

A lower sex drive is a curse for an average man because that takes away the most satisfying pleasure from life. Getting involved in sexual intercourse with your partner is possibly the most enjoyable time for you, but you can’t enjoy the moment if you have a low sex drive.

But you need not be disappointed because thousands of men out there are suffering as much as you’re suffering. That’s where Red Boost comes into the picture to revive men’s sexual health. Every man desires a rock-solid penis to leave his partner with no opportunities to complain about his stamina and strength.

Targeting the key fact behind weak erections, which is weaker smooth muscles, Red Boost turns a man into a beast in bed. Besides that, Red Boost also participates in ensuring male health internally and externally by targeting oxidative stress. You can also expect quick betterment of your internal health as you start using Red Boost on a regular basis.

All men will agree that pleasurable sexual interactions with partners can make life feel more joyous and heavenly. There’s no point in frustrating yourself day by day by depriving yourself of getting the most exciting pleasure just because of decreased potency. Get Red Boost as soon as possible to stabilize your hormonal health.

We can’t specifically say how many bottles of Red Boost will make your situation better. You can keep using the supplement even after your sexual strength gets better to add more strength to your core muscles and penis. So, it’s always better to order the supplement in bulk amounts to avail yourself of additional discounts.

We invested our best endeavors into making this Red Boost review more detailed and helpful. Hopefully, we haven’t left any important information piece behind about the Red Boost supplement.

Also, stay away from the copied versions of Red Boost. Like every other popular supplement, Red Boost also gets copied by fraudsters, and getting a fake supplement will be of no use to you. That’s why Red Boost makers strongly suggest users order the supplement directly from the official Red Boost website.

The stock is not unlimited, though. You won’t get your Red Boost package if you keep delaying due to your insecurities. We understand that you’re extremely tired of trying useless supplement one after another, and that must have made you skeptical. In that case, you can visit the official Red Boost website to check out the Red Boost reviews posted by existing customers directly.

Affiliate Disclosure:

The links contained in this product review may result in a small commission if you opt to purchase the product recommended at no additional cost to you. This goes towards supporting our research and editorial team. Please know we only recommend high-quality products.


Please understand that any advice or guidelines revealed here are not even remotely substitutes for sound medical or financial advice from a licensed healthcare provider or certified financial advisor. Make sure to consult with a professional physician or financial consultant before making any purchasing decision if you use medications or have concerns following the review details shared above. Individual results may vary and are not guaranteed as the statements regarding these products have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration or Health Canada. The efficacy of these products has not been confirmed by FDA, or Health Canada approved research. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease and do not provide any kind of get-rich money scheme. Reviewer is not responsible for pricing inaccuracies. Check product sales page for final prices.

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Health Canada approves updated Moderna COVID-19 vaccine




TORONTO – Health Canada has authorized Moderna’s updated COVID-19 vaccine that protects against currently circulating variants of the virus.

The mRNA vaccine, called Spikevax, has been reformulated to target the KP.2 subvariant of Omicron.

It will replace the previous version of the vaccine that was released a year ago, which targeted the XBB.1.5 subvariant of Omicron.

Health Canada recently asked provinces and territories to get rid of their older COVID-19 vaccines to ensure the most current vaccine will be used during this fall’s respiratory virus season.

Health Canada is also reviewing two other updated COVID-19 vaccines but has not yet authorized them.

They are Pfizer’s Comirnaty, which is also an mRNA vaccine, as well as Novavax’s protein-based vaccine.

This report by The Canadian Press was first published Sept. 17, 2024.

Canadian Press health coverage receives support through a partnership with the Canadian Medical Association. CP is solely responsible for this content.

The Canadian Press. All rights reserved.

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These people say they got listeria after drinking recalled plant-based milks




TORONTO – Sanniah Jabeen holds a sonogram of the unborn baby she lost after contracting listeria last December. Beneath, it says “love at first sight.”

Jabeen says she believes she and her baby were poisoned by a listeria outbreak linked to some plant-based milks and wants answers. An investigation continues into the recall declared July 8 of several Silk and Great Value plant-based beverages.

“I don’t even have the words. I’m still processing that,” Jabeen says of her loss. She was 18 weeks pregnant when she went into preterm labour.

The first infection linked to the recall was traced back to August 2023. One year later on Aug. 12, 2024, the Public Health Agency of Canada said three people had died and 20 were infected.

The number of cases is likely much higher, says Lawrence Goodridge, Canada Research Chair in foodborne pathogen dynamics at the University of Guelph: “For every person known, generally speaking, there’s typically 20 to 25 or maybe 30 people that are unknown.”

The case count has remained unchanged over the last month, but the Public Health Agency of Canada says it won’t declare the outbreak over until early October because of listeria’s 70-day incubation period and the reporting delays that accompany it.

Danone Canada’s head of communications said in an email Wednesday that the company is still investigating the “root cause” of the outbreak, which has been linked to a production line at a Pickering, Ont., packaging facility.

Pregnant people, adults over 60, and those with weakened immune systems are most at risk of becoming sick with severe listeriosis. If the infection spreads to an unborn baby, Health Canada says it can cause miscarriage, stillbirth, premature birth or life-threatening illness in a newborn.

The Canadian Press spoke to 10 people, from the parents of a toddler to an 89-year-old senior, who say they became sick with listeria after drinking from cartons of plant-based milk stamped with the recalled product code. Here’s a look at some of their experiences.

Sanniah Jabeen, 32, Toronto

Jabeen says she regularly drank Silk oat and almond milk in smoothies while pregnant, and began vomiting seven times a day and shivering at night in December 2023. She had “the worst headache of (her) life” when she went to the emergency room on Dec. 15.

“I just wasn’t functioning like a normal human being,” Jabeen says.

Told she was dehydrated, Jabeen was given fluids and a blood test and sent home. Four days later, she returned to hospital.

“They told me that since you’re 18 weeks, there’s nothing you can do to save your baby,” says Jabeen, who moved to Toronto from Pakistan five years ago.

Jabeen later learned she had listeriosis and an autopsy revealed her baby was infected, too.

“It broke my heart to read that report because I was just imagining my baby drinking poisoned amniotic fluid inside of me. The womb is a place where your baby is supposed to be the safest,” Jabeen said.

Jabeen’s case is likely not included in PHAC’s count. Jabeen says she was called by Health Canada and asked what dairy and fresh produce she ate – foods more commonly associated with listeria – but not asked about plant-based beverages.

She’s pregnant again, and is due in several months. At first, she was scared to eat, not knowing what caused the infection during her last pregnancy.

“Ever since I learned about the almond, oat milk situation, I’ve been feeling a bit better knowing that it wasn’t something that I did. It was something else that caused it. It wasn’t my fault,” Jabeen said.

She’s since joined a proposed class action lawsuit launched by LPC Avocates against the manufacturers and sellers of Silk and Great Value plant-based beverages. The lawsuit has not yet been certified by a judge.

Natalie Grant and her seven year-old daughter, Bowmanville, Ont.

Natalie Grant says she was in a hospital waiting room when she saw a television news report about the recall. She wondered if the dark chocolate almond milk her daughter drank daily was contaminated.

She had brought the girl to hospital because she was vomiting every half hour, constantly on the toilet with diarrhea, and had severe pain in her abdomen.

“I’m definitely thinking that this is a pretty solid chance that she’s got listeria at this point because I knew she had all the symptoms,” Grant says of seeing the news report.

Once her daughter could hold fluids, they went home and Grant cross-checked the recalled product code – 7825 – with the one on her carton. They matched.

“I called the emerg and I said I’m pretty confident she’s been exposed,” Grant said. She was told to return to the hospital if her daughter’s symptoms worsened. An hour and a half later, her fever spiked, the vomiting returned, her face flushed and her energy plummeted.

Grant says they were sent to a hospital in Ajax, Ont. and stayed two weeks while her daughter received antibiotics four times a day until she was discharged July 23.

“Knowing that my little one was just so affected and how it affected us as a family alone, there’s a bitterness left behind,” Grant said. She’s also joined the proposed class action.

Thelma Feldman, 89, Toronto

Thelma Feldman says she regularly taught yoga to friends in her condo building before getting sickened by listeria on July 2. Now, she has a walker and her body aches. She has headaches and digestive problems.

“I’m kind of depressed,” she says.

“It’s caused me a lot of physical and emotional pain.”

Much of the early days of her illness are a blur. She knows she boarded an ambulance with profuse diarrhea on July 2 and spent five days at North York General Hospital. Afterwards, she remembers Health Canada officials entering her apartment and removing Silk almond milk from her fridge, and volunteers from a community organization giving her sponge baths.

“At my age, 89, I’m not a kid anymore and healing takes longer,” Feldman says.

“I don’t even feel like being with people. I just sit at home.”

Jasmine Jiles and three-year-old Max, Kahnawake Mohawk Territory, Que.

Jasmine Jiles says her three-year-old son Max came down with flu-like symptoms and cradled his ears in what she interpreted as a sign of pain, like the one pounding in her own head, around early July.

When Jiles heard about the recall soon after, she called Danone Canada, the plant-based milk manufacturer, to find out if their Silk coconut milk was in the contaminated batch. It was, she says.

“My son is very small, he’s very young, so I asked what we do in terms of overall monitoring and she said someone from the company would get in touch within 24 to 48 hours,” Jiles says from a First Nations reserve near Montreal.

“I never got a call back. I never got an email”

At home, her son’s fever broke after three days, but gas pains stuck with him, she says. It took a couple weeks for him to get back to normal.

“In hindsight, I should have taken him (to the hospital) but we just tried to see if we could nurse him at home because wait times are pretty extreme,” Jiles says, “and I don’t have child care at the moment.”

Joseph Desmond, 50, Sydney, N.S.

Joseph Desmond says he suffered a seizure and fell off his sofa on July 9. He went to the emergency room, where they ran an electroencephalogram (EEG) test, and then returned home. Within hours, he had a second seizure and went back to hospital.

His third seizure happened the next morning while walking to the nurse’s station.

In severe cases of listeriosis, bacteria can spread to the central nervous system and cause seizures, according to Health Canada.

“The last two months have really been a nightmare,” says Desmond, who has joined the proposed lawsuit.

When he returned home from the hospital, his daughter took a carton of Silk dark chocolate almond milk out of the fridge and asked if he had heard about the recall. By that point, Desmond says he was on his second two-litre carton after finishing the first in June.

“It was pretty scary. Terrifying. I honestly thought I was going to die.”

Cheryl McCombe, 63, Haliburton, Ont.

The morning after suffering a second episode of vomiting, feverish sweats and diarrhea in the middle of the night in early July, Cheryl McCombe scrolled through the news on her phone and came across the recall.

A few years earlier, McCombe says she started drinking plant-based milks because it seemed like a healthier choice to splash in her morning coffee. On June 30, she bought two cartons of Silk cashew almond milk.

“It was on the (recall) list. I thought, ‘Oh my God, I got listeria,’” McCombe says. She called her doctor’s office and visited an urgent care clinic hoping to get tested and confirm her suspicion, but she says, “I was basically shut down at the door.”

Public Health Ontario does not recommend listeria testing for infected individuals with mild symptoms unless they are at risk of developing severe illness, such as people who are immunocompromised, elderly, pregnant or newborn.

“No wonder they couldn’t connect the dots,” she adds, referencing that it took close to a year for public health officials to find the source of the outbreak.

“I am a woman in my 60s and sometimes these signs are of, you know, when you’re vomiting and things like that, it can be a sign in women of a bigger issue,” McCombe says. She was seeking confirmation that wasn’t the case.

Disappointed, with her stomach still feeling off, she says she decided to boost her gut health with probiotics. After a couple weeks she started to feel like herself.

But since then, McCombe says, “I’m back on Kawartha Dairy cream in my coffee.”

This report by The Canadian Press was first published Sept. 16, 2024.

Canadian Press health coverage receives support through a partnership with the Canadian Medical Association. CP is solely responsible for this content.

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B.C. mayors seek ‘immediate action’ from federal government on mental health crisis




VANCOUVER – Mayors and other leaders from several British Columbia communities say the provincial and federal governments need to take “immediate action” to tackle mental health and public safety issues that have reached crisis levels.

Vancouver Mayor Ken Sim says it’s become “abundantly clear” that mental health and addiction issues and public safety have caused crises that are “gripping” Vancouver, and he and other politicians, First Nations leaders and law enforcement officials are pleading for federal and provincial help.

In a letter to Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and Premier David Eby, mayors say there are “three critical fronts” that require action including “mandatory care” for people with severe mental health and addiction issues.

The letter says senior governments also need to bring in “meaningful bail reform” for repeat offenders, and the federal government must improve policing at Metro Vancouver ports to stop illicit drugs from coming in and stolen vehicles from being exported.

Sim says the “current system” has failed British Columbians, and the number of people dealing with severe mental health and addiction issues due to lack of proper care has “reached a critical point.”

Vancouver Police Chief Adam Palmer says repeat violent offenders are too often released on bail due to a “revolving door of justice,” and a new approach is needed to deal with mentally ill people who “pose a serious and immediate danger to themselves and others.”

This report by The Canadian Press was first published Sept. 16, 2024

The Canadian Press. All rights reserved.

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