Sci-fi has a strong tradition of “deathworld” planets. David Gerrold’s Hella is one of them, on steroids. Everything on it is “Hella-bigger and Hella-meaner and Hella-more ferocious.” The herbivorous dinosaurs weigh hundreds of tons and migrate in earth-flattening herds; the carnosaurs that prey on them are outsize to match. The humans have lost a lot of colonists: a few to the ’saurs, more to infection, but most to stupidity.
In “Hella” (Daw, 441 pages, $26), Mr. Gerrold’s teenage hero, Kyle, has to learn deep lessons of survival. But as his forerunners, the heroes of Robert Heinlein’s “juveniles,” always found out, dealing with people and politics is a part of survival as well. Kyle needs to deal with dinosaurs but also navigate the power struggles of the colonists, who deviously pack committees and dominate meetings. This element of the story raises “Hella” above the level of a Young Adult adventure story. In everyday life we don’t cope with dinosaurs, but we do cope with bureaucrats and finaglers. Mr. Gerrold makes it plain that there’s as much drama and danger in office politics as there is in dealing with wild beasts. It’s just that in a survival scenario, the stakes are higher, and losers find they’re collected much more promptly.
Gene Wolfe, who died last year at 87, was among the most original sci-fi authors of his generation. In “A Borrowed Man” (2015), he imagined a world in which human minds can be recorded, stored in libraries, and if required, re-installed in cloned bodies. It’s immortality. But of a very qualified kind, because the revived constructs are “not fully human,” just “resources.” Mr. Wolfe’s last novel, “Interlibrary Loan” (Tor, 238 pages, $25.99) is a sequel to “A Borrowed Man.” It starts with three resources being sent across country to a different library. Ern Smithe, the hero/narrator, was a detective-story author in life, and he’s needed in order to solve a Missing Person case. Didn’t they have a copy of him in the library he’s being transferred to? Yes, but it’s been found dead and mutilated, and it was an earlier edition. The new edition must know something extra.
After that it gets complicated—maybe too complicated. Turns out the Missing Person, a medical doctor, has been visiting Lichholm, or Cadaver Island, where there is a cemetery of frozen but revivable corpses. When he too is murdered, we have a classic Country House murder-mystery, with eight well-motivated suspects. As Ern applies his experience to that, another issue comes up: ghosts. After all, Ern is (kind of) dead, and so are some suspects. In this strange world, what does “alive” mean? And what is the “treasure” eventually recovered at the very end? Wolfe fans will spend a lot of time discussing this. All the best detective stories have clues buried deep in them. You need to look back and check for the ones you missed. It’s an enigmatic final note from sci-fi’s most enigmatic author.
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