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The Menopause Solution



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My Brand-New, All-Natural Step-By-Step Plan Eliminates Menopause Symptoms in Just Days!

To My Fellow Peri-Menopausal and Menopausal Friends:

It can make you dizzy, bloated, hot and cranky. It comes and goes like the tide…striking your helpless body when you least expect it.

And no matter what you’ve tried to do to stop it, nothing has worked for you.

It’s the frustrating symptoms of menopause and the worst part of the process that once defined who I was as a woman…but not anymore!

Before I tell you my amazing story of how I stopped menopause dead in its tracks, I want to let you know that there are many other women just like you and me who struggle with these horrendous symptoms.

Hi there. My name is Julissa Clay and I used to let menopause symptoms push me around and run my entire life. Before I uncovered an all natural remedy to rebalance my wacky menopausal hormones, the symptoms used to run me ragged.

Let me ask you if any of these symptoms that I wrestled with every single day sound familiar to you:

Weight Gain: I started to pack on the pounds during peri-menopause. It’s like my metabolism went from a Ferrari to a Ford Focus! I gained weight on my thighs, butt and belly…even though I ate like a rabbit and exercised like a madwoman!

Hot Flashes: It didn’t matter where I was or what I was doing…hot flashes would hit me like a white-hot bolt of lightning. Even when I was working in the office or playing my kids I was terrified of the next hot flash! Hot flashes aren’t just unpleasant…they can (and frequently do) bring dizziness with them. That’s dangerous!

Fatigue: Everyone at work used to call me the “office sparkplug” because of my tenacious energy. That all changed when during peri-menopause and worsened in menopause. I had to drag my feet just to get myself to the office and I felt like I needed two Venti Starbucks coffees just make it to 5 pm.

Sexual Problems: My husband and I used to have a loving and intimate relationship in the bedroom. Peri-menopausal symptoms were wrecking my libido and our joy. Whether I just wasn’t “in the mood” or simply didn’t have the energy, my life in the bedroom was a shadow of its former self.

Health Problems: I’ll never forget the doctor’s appointment when my doc told me that I had high blood pressure and needed to consider medicine for that. Until my mid-thirties I had been the picture of health…and now I was at “risk for heart disease?” What gives?

Irregular Periods: My periods used to be as reliable as Dick Clark on New Year’s Eve. But peri-menopause made my periods unpredictable, heavy and incredibly painful!

That’s not to mention the night sweats, incontinence and balding (eek!) that creeped their way into my once-happy life!

I’ll never forget “the big day” that changed my life forever.

Dressed in a gown with my three wonderful kids and incredible husband at my bed side, the last thing I remember is getting admitted for surgery to remove my damaged and faulty uterus and ovaries.

Luckily, everything went fine and I was lucky enough to walk out of the hospital with nothing but a few puncture wounds from a state-of-the-art surgery.

But that’s not the end of the story.

In the weeks following my procedure I noticed some weird changes to my body:

At first, I thought these were just side effects from the surgery. But when these symptoms stretched from days to weeks…that’s when I knew something was horribly wrong!

“…Remember Surgical Menopause is Immediate”

Like any level headed women, I weighed all the options with my doctor regarding the treatments that I could try to free myself from the chains of these new symptoms.

I had eliminated a flood of peri-menopausal symptoms only to be thrust into surgical menopause. I wanted to have my cake and eat it, too. I loved being free from the peri-menopause problems, but I wanted to be free of the menopausal symptoms, too.

I was still in my 30s and refused to take “that’s part of menopause” lying down. Especially since I knew it doesn’t have to be!

I left the doctor’s office dissatisfied and returned to my research like a woman afire. Anymore, I use the Internet as the go-to place for most of my research.

Sadly, most of the information I found was completely bogus. Worst of all, these websites repeated the same old info over and over (and over!) again. Maybe you’ve seen these sites that recommend treatments and remedies that simply don’t work!

Eventually, I found something that DID work (which I’m about to reveal to you). But that was AFTER trying the ‘usual suspects’ of cookie-cutter treatments most women try:

Soy: I started adding soy to everything that I ate: tofu burgers, soy bacon and soybeans salad. It got the point where I was eating more tofu than a dreadlocked hippie! Unfortunately, soy didn’t make a DENT in my hot flashes or my other symptoms of menopause UNTIL I figured out how I was supposed to have been using this plant (my guide shows you how to use soy to find relief!)

Hormone Replacement Therapy: Did you know this is the most common treatment for menopause? Surprisingly, hormone replacement therapy only works about 5% of the time! Not to mention that the American Heart Association has found that HRT significantly increases risk breast cancer- The World Health Organization published studies that show an increased risk of at least 50%.

Prescription Drugs: My doctor prescribed me a laundry-list of drugs to help me sleep better and keep hot flashes at bay. All these drugs did was run up my medical bills and make me even more tired and grouchy than before!

Eventually, I decided to stop relying on doctors…and took menopause head-on!

Lucky for me, I spent 5-years as a medical researcher at a top University…so I knew how to do my homework.

And what I found blew my socks off!

Here are some of the amazing things I uncovered about menopause:

But I didn’t stop there. I dug deep like a mole to find out what REALLY works. Call me greedy, but I also wanted a system that was all-natural so I wouldn’t have to worry about the nasty side effects of HRT or prescription meds.

Let me tell you, it took a lot more than a simple Google search to find the truth about menopause. I spent countless days pouring over medical textbooks, physiology articles and scientific research studies just to get the bottom of what causes the symptoms.

It wasn’t easy, but the final product – a surefire system for eliminating menopause symptoms – was well worth the effort.

After more than 850 hours of research, refining and testing I can confidently say that I’ve developed the fastest, safest and most effective program for stopping menopause symptoms on the planet.

I knew that my incredible success with my menopause program may have been just a fluke. That’s why I had everyone I know in peri-menopause and menopause give it a try for themselves. In a flash, word spread like wildfire and I was getting “fan mail” from around the country…all to say “thank you for changing my life.”

That’s when I decided to don my lab coat and get to work. After testing my program in controlled conditions I found that it worked in more than 95.4% of women!

Even better, NOT ONE noted a single side effect from using my program. In fact, even the 4.6% that didn’t get rid of their menopause symptoms told me that they lost weight and had more energy than ever before! It was a win-win for everyone involved.

Important Note: And just because I entered menopause early doesn’t mean that my program only works for people like me. Young or old, peri-menopausal or menopausal, you WILL find the relief you’re looking for from my guide.

Here’s a sneak preview of the incredible information you’ll find in my breakthrough guide:

You’re Symptoms Will Much More Manageable: Maybe it won’t happen overnight (and anything that does promise that is flat-out lying to you). But if you stick to the advice in my guide I guarantee that you’ll feel like menopause is a thing of the past for you!

You’ll Be Healthier: There’s no point in reducing your symptoms if it puts your health in jeopardy. Unlike dangerous HRT, my program actually makes you MORE healthy as you feel FEWER symptoms!

You’ll Feel Better: Forget hot flashes, night sweats and energy zaps. You’ll have a spring in your step and a new lease on life after you try my program for yourself.

You’ll Save Money: Hormones, drugs, doctor’s visits and useless supplements add up fast! I don’t know about you, but I can’t afford to spend money on things that don’t work. Luckily, my guide lets you ditch the expensive stuff for dirt-cheap solutions that work even better!

Look, I know that you want a complete guide that takes the guesswork out of dealing with menopause symptoms. I know that you don’t want to pay an arm and a leg. And I definitely know that you want it to be simple and easy to follow.

Boy do I have good news for you!

The Natural Menopause Solution eBook: The world’s definitive guide on menopause. Complete with symptom checker and the low-down of today’s treatment options.

Natural Menopause Solution 21-Day Plan: This is what people love about my program. A real-life ‘paint-by-numbers’ approach to menopause relief. I hold your hand!

Video Presentations: For the visual learners out there I’ve put together a series of videos, narrated by yours truly, that recaps the top tips in every chapter in video format. You won’t find this anywhere else!

Natural Menopause Solution Audio Book: Don’t have time to read through the guide or watch the videos? No problem! With the Natural Menopause Solution Audio Book you can sit back and listen to the program on your iPod or in the car!

Personal Consultation: I’m using Blue Heron publishing (one of the most respected names in health publishing) to distribute my guide. One of the perks of buying my program is that they offer personal advice! If you have a burning question simply email their team of experts and they’ll get back to you with a detailed and personalized answer…100% Free!

I know the two words you have on your mind right now: “how much?”

You’ll be happy to know that I’m offering the guide at a special, super-low introductory price. I want to get the word out about the program…even if it hurts my pocketbook! I want to make sure every woman that needs this program can afford to get their hands on it.

So if you want to get rid of menopause symptoms and save a bundle, I highly recommend that you buy today.

On the fence about the Natural Menopause Solution? Don’t be! To make this decision a real no-brainer for you I’m going to give you my iron-clad 100% money-back guarantee.

Try The Natural Menopause Solution today. See if it works for you. If it doesn’t (or you simply don’t like it for any other reason) within 60 days of purchase, send me a quick message. The next email you get from me will be your refund talk about no questions asked!

Why let menopause wreak havoc on your body another day? Why let HRT destroy your internal organs?

With my all-natural program you can finally get the relief you deserve. And with my guarantee, you don’t have to pay a red cent if my program doesn’t work for you. You have absolutely nothing to lose!

I really don’t want to see you victimized by menopause symptoms for another day. My program simply works. And with my limited-time, low-low price the time to act is now. Go ahead and click that order button and try my program with no risk and watch you turn the tide in the battle against menopause!

PS-Whether you decide to buy my program or not, I want to thank you for stopping by and reading my story. I hope you learned something valuable along the way!

PPS-Are you going to let menopause ruin the rest of your life? You have an incredible chance to start fresh with a life that’s symptom-free!

PPPS-Remember: My money-back guarantee protects you from any risk. Don’t let fear stand in your way of a new, healthy life!

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Disclaimer: The website’s content and the product for sale is based upon the author’s opinion and is provided solely on an “AS IS” and “AS AVAILABLE” basis. You should do your own research and confirm the information with other sources when searching for information regarding health issues and always review the information carefully with your professional health care provider before using any of the protocols presented on this website and/or in the product sold here. Neither ClickBank nor the author are engaged in rendering medical or similar professional services or advice via this website or in the product, and the information provided is not intended to replace medical advice offered by a physician or other licensed healthcare provider. You should not construe ClickBank’s sale of this product as an endorsement by ClickBank of the views expressed herein, or any warranty or guarantee of any strategy, recommendation, treatment, action, or application of advice made by the author of the product.

Click here to get The Menopause Solution cb | Blue Heron Health News at discounted price while it’s still available…

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Health Canada approves updated Moderna COVID-19 vaccine




TORONTO – Health Canada has authorized Moderna’s updated COVID-19 vaccine that protects against currently circulating variants of the virus.

The mRNA vaccine, called Spikevax, has been reformulated to target the KP.2 subvariant of Omicron.

It will replace the previous version of the vaccine that was released a year ago, which targeted the XBB.1.5 subvariant of Omicron.

Health Canada recently asked provinces and territories to get rid of their older COVID-19 vaccines to ensure the most current vaccine will be used during this fall’s respiratory virus season.

Health Canada is also reviewing two other updated COVID-19 vaccines but has not yet authorized them.

They are Pfizer’s Comirnaty, which is also an mRNA vaccine, as well as Novavax’s protein-based vaccine.

This report by The Canadian Press was first published Sept. 17, 2024.

Canadian Press health coverage receives support through a partnership with the Canadian Medical Association. CP is solely responsible for this content.

The Canadian Press. All rights reserved.

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These people say they got listeria after drinking recalled plant-based milks




TORONTO – Sanniah Jabeen holds a sonogram of the unborn baby she lost after contracting listeria last December. Beneath, it says “love at first sight.”

Jabeen says she believes she and her baby were poisoned by a listeria outbreak linked to some plant-based milks and wants answers. An investigation continues into the recall declared July 8 of several Silk and Great Value plant-based beverages.

“I don’t even have the words. I’m still processing that,” Jabeen says of her loss. She was 18 weeks pregnant when she went into preterm labour.

The first infection linked to the recall was traced back to August 2023. One year later on Aug. 12, 2024, the Public Health Agency of Canada said three people had died and 20 were infected.

The number of cases is likely much higher, says Lawrence Goodridge, Canada Research Chair in foodborne pathogen dynamics at the University of Guelph: “For every person known, generally speaking, there’s typically 20 to 25 or maybe 30 people that are unknown.”

The case count has remained unchanged over the last month, but the Public Health Agency of Canada says it won’t declare the outbreak over until early October because of listeria’s 70-day incubation period and the reporting delays that accompany it.

Danone Canada’s head of communications said in an email Wednesday that the company is still investigating the “root cause” of the outbreak, which has been linked to a production line at a Pickering, Ont., packaging facility.

Pregnant people, adults over 60, and those with weakened immune systems are most at risk of becoming sick with severe listeriosis. If the infection spreads to an unborn baby, Health Canada says it can cause miscarriage, stillbirth, premature birth or life-threatening illness in a newborn.

The Canadian Press spoke to 10 people, from the parents of a toddler to an 89-year-old senior, who say they became sick with listeria after drinking from cartons of plant-based milk stamped with the recalled product code. Here’s a look at some of their experiences.

Sanniah Jabeen, 32, Toronto

Jabeen says she regularly drank Silk oat and almond milk in smoothies while pregnant, and began vomiting seven times a day and shivering at night in December 2023. She had “the worst headache of (her) life” when she went to the emergency room on Dec. 15.

“I just wasn’t functioning like a normal human being,” Jabeen says.

Told she was dehydrated, Jabeen was given fluids and a blood test and sent home. Four days later, she returned to hospital.

“They told me that since you’re 18 weeks, there’s nothing you can do to save your baby,” says Jabeen, who moved to Toronto from Pakistan five years ago.

Jabeen later learned she had listeriosis and an autopsy revealed her baby was infected, too.

“It broke my heart to read that report because I was just imagining my baby drinking poisoned amniotic fluid inside of me. The womb is a place where your baby is supposed to be the safest,” Jabeen said.

Jabeen’s case is likely not included in PHAC’s count. Jabeen says she was called by Health Canada and asked what dairy and fresh produce she ate – foods more commonly associated with listeria – but not asked about plant-based beverages.

She’s pregnant again, and is due in several months. At first, she was scared to eat, not knowing what caused the infection during her last pregnancy.

“Ever since I learned about the almond, oat milk situation, I’ve been feeling a bit better knowing that it wasn’t something that I did. It was something else that caused it. It wasn’t my fault,” Jabeen said.

She’s since joined a proposed class action lawsuit launched by LPC Avocates against the manufacturers and sellers of Silk and Great Value plant-based beverages. The lawsuit has not yet been certified by a judge.

Natalie Grant and her seven year-old daughter, Bowmanville, Ont.

Natalie Grant says she was in a hospital waiting room when she saw a television news report about the recall. She wondered if the dark chocolate almond milk her daughter drank daily was contaminated.

She had brought the girl to hospital because she was vomiting every half hour, constantly on the toilet with diarrhea, and had severe pain in her abdomen.

“I’m definitely thinking that this is a pretty solid chance that she’s got listeria at this point because I knew she had all the symptoms,” Grant says of seeing the news report.

Once her daughter could hold fluids, they went home and Grant cross-checked the recalled product code – 7825 – with the one on her carton. They matched.

“I called the emerg and I said I’m pretty confident she’s been exposed,” Grant said. She was told to return to the hospital if her daughter’s symptoms worsened. An hour and a half later, her fever spiked, the vomiting returned, her face flushed and her energy plummeted.

Grant says they were sent to a hospital in Ajax, Ont. and stayed two weeks while her daughter received antibiotics four times a day until she was discharged July 23.

“Knowing that my little one was just so affected and how it affected us as a family alone, there’s a bitterness left behind,” Grant said. She’s also joined the proposed class action.

Thelma Feldman, 89, Toronto

Thelma Feldman says she regularly taught yoga to friends in her condo building before getting sickened by listeria on July 2. Now, she has a walker and her body aches. She has headaches and digestive problems.

“I’m kind of depressed,” she says.

“It’s caused me a lot of physical and emotional pain.”

Much of the early days of her illness are a blur. She knows she boarded an ambulance with profuse diarrhea on July 2 and spent five days at North York General Hospital. Afterwards, she remembers Health Canada officials entering her apartment and removing Silk almond milk from her fridge, and volunteers from a community organization giving her sponge baths.

“At my age, 89, I’m not a kid anymore and healing takes longer,” Feldman says.

“I don’t even feel like being with people. I just sit at home.”

Jasmine Jiles and three-year-old Max, Kahnawake Mohawk Territory, Que.

Jasmine Jiles says her three-year-old son Max came down with flu-like symptoms and cradled his ears in what she interpreted as a sign of pain, like the one pounding in her own head, around early July.

When Jiles heard about the recall soon after, she called Danone Canada, the plant-based milk manufacturer, to find out if their Silk coconut milk was in the contaminated batch. It was, she says.

“My son is very small, he’s very young, so I asked what we do in terms of overall monitoring and she said someone from the company would get in touch within 24 to 48 hours,” Jiles says from a First Nations reserve near Montreal.

“I never got a call back. I never got an email”

At home, her son’s fever broke after three days, but gas pains stuck with him, she says. It took a couple weeks for him to get back to normal.

“In hindsight, I should have taken him (to the hospital) but we just tried to see if we could nurse him at home because wait times are pretty extreme,” Jiles says, “and I don’t have child care at the moment.”

Joseph Desmond, 50, Sydney, N.S.

Joseph Desmond says he suffered a seizure and fell off his sofa on July 9. He went to the emergency room, where they ran an electroencephalogram (EEG) test, and then returned home. Within hours, he had a second seizure and went back to hospital.

His third seizure happened the next morning while walking to the nurse’s station.

In severe cases of listeriosis, bacteria can spread to the central nervous system and cause seizures, according to Health Canada.

“The last two months have really been a nightmare,” says Desmond, who has joined the proposed lawsuit.

When he returned home from the hospital, his daughter took a carton of Silk dark chocolate almond milk out of the fridge and asked if he had heard about the recall. By that point, Desmond says he was on his second two-litre carton after finishing the first in June.

“It was pretty scary. Terrifying. I honestly thought I was going to die.”

Cheryl McCombe, 63, Haliburton, Ont.

The morning after suffering a second episode of vomiting, feverish sweats and diarrhea in the middle of the night in early July, Cheryl McCombe scrolled through the news on her phone and came across the recall.

A few years earlier, McCombe says she started drinking plant-based milks because it seemed like a healthier choice to splash in her morning coffee. On June 30, she bought two cartons of Silk cashew almond milk.

“It was on the (recall) list. I thought, ‘Oh my God, I got listeria,’” McCombe says. She called her doctor’s office and visited an urgent care clinic hoping to get tested and confirm her suspicion, but she says, “I was basically shut down at the door.”

Public Health Ontario does not recommend listeria testing for infected individuals with mild symptoms unless they are at risk of developing severe illness, such as people who are immunocompromised, elderly, pregnant or newborn.

“No wonder they couldn’t connect the dots,” she adds, referencing that it took close to a year for public health officials to find the source of the outbreak.

“I am a woman in my 60s and sometimes these signs are of, you know, when you’re vomiting and things like that, it can be a sign in women of a bigger issue,” McCombe says. She was seeking confirmation that wasn’t the case.

Disappointed, with her stomach still feeling off, she says she decided to boost her gut health with probiotics. After a couple weeks she started to feel like herself.

But since then, McCombe says, “I’m back on Kawartha Dairy cream in my coffee.”

This report by The Canadian Press was first published Sept. 16, 2024.

Canadian Press health coverage receives support through a partnership with the Canadian Medical Association. CP is solely responsible for this content.

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B.C. mayors seek ‘immediate action’ from federal government on mental health crisis




VANCOUVER – Mayors and other leaders from several British Columbia communities say the provincial and federal governments need to take “immediate action” to tackle mental health and public safety issues that have reached crisis levels.

Vancouver Mayor Ken Sim says it’s become “abundantly clear” that mental health and addiction issues and public safety have caused crises that are “gripping” Vancouver, and he and other politicians, First Nations leaders and law enforcement officials are pleading for federal and provincial help.

In a letter to Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and Premier David Eby, mayors say there are “three critical fronts” that require action including “mandatory care” for people with severe mental health and addiction issues.

The letter says senior governments also need to bring in “meaningful bail reform” for repeat offenders, and the federal government must improve policing at Metro Vancouver ports to stop illicit drugs from coming in and stolen vehicles from being exported.

Sim says the “current system” has failed British Columbians, and the number of people dealing with severe mental health and addiction issues due to lack of proper care has “reached a critical point.”

Vancouver Police Chief Adam Palmer says repeat violent offenders are too often released on bail due to a “revolving door of justice,” and a new approach is needed to deal with mentally ill people who “pose a serious and immediate danger to themselves and others.”

This report by The Canadian Press was first published Sept. 16, 2024

The Canadian Press. All rights reserved.

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