Solar eclipse at Pearson Airport in Mississauga.

Pearson Airport in Mississauga was briefly thrown into nighttime during the solar eclipse on Monday afternoon. (Photo: Screen capture from Pearson Airport video)

The solar eclipse that captured the attention and imagination of people across the continent on Monday afternoon put on a dazzling celestial show on numerous stages.

The stage at Pearson Airport in Mississauga was the series of runways where hundreds of planes take off and land daily, incoming from and outgoing to places all around the globe.

From the top of Pearson’s control tower, 23 storeys above the tarmac, airport officials took a short video of the eclipse (see below) as it unfolded just before 3:30 p.m.

“From up here, we will have a 360-degree view of the eclipse. Airport operations are continuing as normal, with aircraft arriving and departing,” Pearson officials said in a post to social media this afternoon shortly before the eclipse presented its impressive show. “We don’t anticipate the eclipse will cause any problems for the 133 aircraft arriving or departing during the eclipse. We expect the airfield lights to come on as the sky darkens to help safely guide pilots.”

The video below shows the skies quickly darkening as near totality approached and then becoming light again moments later as the rare event departed Pearson and the GTA.

NAV Canada said earlier today via social media it anticipated an uptick in the number of requests from pilots of both smaller private planes and larger commercial jets to get prime airspace for a look at the eclipse.

Operators of drones were also expected to put in requests with NAV Canada, which keeps the airspace at and around Pearson in safe order.