Why Trump’s Approval Ratings on the Economy Remain Durable - The New York Times | Canada News Media
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Why Trump’s Approval Ratings on the Economy Remain Durable – The New York Times



It is an enduring political question amid a pandemic recession, double-digit unemployment and a recovery that appears to be slowing: Why does President Trump continue to get higher marks on economic issues in polls than his predecessors Barack Obama, George W. Bush and George H.W. Bush enjoyed when they stood for re-election?

Mr. Trump’s relative strength on the economy, and whether Joseph R. Biden Jr. can cut into it over the next 10 weeks, are among the crucial dynamics in battleground states in the Midwest and the Sun Belt that are expected to decide the election. Many of these states have struggled this summer with rising coronavirus infection and death rates as well as job losses and vanishing wages and savings — hard times that, history suggests, will pose a threat to an incumbent president seeking re-election.

Yet polling data and interviews with voters and political analysts suggest that a confluence of factors are raising Mr. Trump’s standing on the economy issue, which remains a centerpiece of his pitch for a second term and is expected to be a major theme of the Republican National Convention this week.

The president has built an enduring brand with conservative voters, in particular, who continue to see him as a successful businessman and tough negotiator. Many of those voters praise his economic stewardship before the pandemic hit, and they do not blame him for the damage it has caused. In interviews, some of those voters cited record stock market gains — although only about half of Americans own any stock at all — as evidence of a rebound under the president.

“He’s had failures — so have I — in business,” said Dale Georgeff, 58, of Cedarburg, Wis., a Trump supporter who owns parts of a brewery and a vehicle paint shop and also sells insurance. “But I think the biggest thing is that — and I think this is how it rubs certain people the wrong way — he’s treating this like a business, and he’s running it like a business.”

David Winton, a Republican strategist and pollster, said that Mr. Trump’s ratings had been bolstered by the economy’s adding nine million jobs in May, June and July, after it lost more than 20 million in March and April. Mr. Trump’s approval on the economy “has still generally remained positive, and better than his overall job approval,” he said. “This has certainly been helped by the last three good monthly jobs reports that occurred despite the continuing restrictions on many businesses to operate.”

Polling suggests that Americans who form Mr. Trump’s voter base are less likely to have lost a job or income than Democratic or independent voters. That divergence is partially driven by race — the coronavirus crisis has disproportionately harmed Black and Latino workers, who lean heavily Democratic — but may also reflect regional divides. Small business owners in small, more rural states that backed Mr. Trump in the 2016 election report less economic damage from the crisis than those in larger blue states, according to an analysis of census survey data by the Economic Innovation Group in Washington.

Perhaps most notably, Mr. Trump is reaping the benefits of extreme polarization of the American electorate, a divide so intense that it has overpowered long-running connections between economic performance and presidential approval ratings. For many Republican voters and conservatives, optimism about the economy and approval of the president have become deeply entwined — and for Democrats, disfavor for Mr. Trump brought deep pessimism over the economy even in the years of growth and low unemployment before the crisis.

Credit…Doug Mills/The New York Times

Polls conducted in June, July and August for The New York Times by the online research firm SurveyMonkey underscore the degree to which even Republicans hit hard by the crisis continue to give Mr. Trump and his economy high marks. Eight in 10 Republican respondents who lost a job in the recession and have yet to return to work approve of Mr. Trump’s handling of the pandemic. Nearly three in 10 Republicans who lost jobs say they are better off economically than they were a year ago, a sentiment that is shared by barely one in 10 Democrats who have kept their jobs throughout the crisis.

“For so many of these voters, opinions of Trump are basically baked in,” said Amy Walter, national editor for the Cook Political Report in Washington, who has written extensively on the economy and Mr. Trump’s electoral fortunes. “And what the actual economic situation is in November is less important to them than it would be in a different time with different candidates.”

Mr. Trump’s overall approval ratings have never cracked a majority throughout his presidency. Voters have given him higher approval ratings on his handling of the economy — he topped 60 percent in one survey this year before the pandemic hit — even as some of his signature economic initiatives, like the 2017 tax cut package he signed into law, remain relatively unpopular.

But the plunge in economic activity since the coronavirus began to spread rapidly in the United States late this past winter has hurt Mr. Trump’s standing on economic issues as well as his overall approval. Most polls now find Americans are evenly split on whether they approve of his handling of the issue.

Gallup, for example, found Mr. Trump enjoyed a 48 percent approval rating on the economy this month, down from 63 percent in January. The decline was particularly acute among moderates, independents and voters who attended at least some college.

In a recent ABC News/Washington Post poll, two-thirds of Americans said the economy was in bad shape — the most since 2014, and a 20-percentage-point increase in negative ratings of the economy since Mr. Trump took office.

The decline in sentiment is hurting Mr. Trump in his campaign against Mr. Biden, the Democratic nominee. Among registered voters who said they thought the economy was doing badly, 70 percent planned to support Mr. Biden and his running mate, Senator Kamala Harris of California, in November, according to the ABC/Post poll.

But Mr. Biden, the former vice president, is far from commanding on the issue: Voters were split almost evenly into thirds on the question of whether the economy would be in better, worse or about the same shape now, if he were president. And while some polls this summer showed the candidates deadlocked on the question of who would best handle the economy, Mr. Trump led Mr. Biden on handling the economy in an NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll released this week. A Reuters poll had the men tied.

Mr. Biden emphasized his plans to create jobs and to bring the virus under control in his acceptance speech at the Democratic National Convention last week, and he criticized Mr. Trump’s handling of the pandemic. “I understand something this president doesn’t,” Mr. Biden said. “We will never get our economy back on track, we will never get our kids safely back to school, we will never have our lives back — until we deal with this virus.”

The Biden campaign has sought to link Mr. Trump to the recession in television advertisements, including one that proclaims that “Trump’s botched handling of the coronavirus pandemic cost jobs.” Campaign officials say Mr. Biden and his surrogates will increase those attacks in the weeks to come.

Mr. Trump “still has no plan to bring the pandemic under control or end the recession he catastrophically and needlessly worsened,” Andrew Bates, a Biden spokesman, said on Saturday.

The president continues to express confidence that economic issues favor him in the race, even as he overstates his mixed position in polls. “We’re building up the economy,” Mr. Trump said on Friday in Arlington, Va. “And we’re way ahead, by every poll — even the fake polls — we’re way ahead on the economy, which is very important.”

Credit…Erin Schaff/The New York Times

Partisan politics — and divergent experiences with the virus — factor heavily into the remaining divide. The SurveyMonkey polling shows Republicans are less likely to have lost a job in the crisis than Democrats or independents, though the gap shrinks when comparing only white voters. In the recovery from the depths of recession, the unemployment rate has remained higher for Black and Latino workers than for whites.

“Republicans are putting more importance on the economic issues of the pandemic,” said Laura Wronski, a research scientist for SurveyMonkey, “and Democrats are putting more importance on the health issues.”

Fewer than one in five conservative Republicans worries about losing a job in the crisis, far less than any other ideological group, the SurveyMonkey polling shows. (In perhaps a troubling sign for Mr. Trump, the group that worries most about job loss is independent voters.) Nearly two in five conservative Republicans say that by late October “the virus will be under control, and the economy will be strong or steadily improving,” which is more than double the rate of Americans overall. Only 3 percent of Democrats agree with that statement.

“I’ve seen a steady growth since he’s been in office,” said Rick Slowicki, president of Nonstop Couriers, a delivery service in Philadelphia that employs 11 people, runs 14 vehicles and expects revenue of $1.3 million this year. “I just bought three new vehicles with the confidence that we’re going to grow, even during Covid. I’m doubling down.”

Others praise Mr. Trump’s populist trade policies, including tariffs on imports from China that Mr. Trump claims have returned manufacturing jobs to America. “He is the only individual who has actually brought jobs back to the U.S.A. and put the country first,” said Dale Palmer, 63, a Republican who supports Mr. Trump and owns a boiler service business in Byron Center, Mich.

Credit…Erin Schaff/The New York Times

Democrats predict that if the recovery stalls in the fall and economic damage mounts anew, Mr. Trump’s economic ratings will plunge.

“Trump is a master at convincing people of his alternative reality,” said Jared Bernstein, an economist at the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities who is an outside adviser to Mr. Biden. “But he will be unable to do so as people face evictions, job losses, falling incomes and tremendous difficulties meeting their basic needs. At some point, reality TV collides with reality.”

Reporting was contributed by Ben Casselman, Kathleen Grey, Jon Hurdle, Tom Kertscher, Alan Rappeport and Giovanni Russonello.

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Construction wraps on indoor supervised site for people who inhale drugs in Vancouver




VANCOUVER – Supervised injection sites are saving the lives of drug users everyday, but the same support is not being offered to people who inhale illicit drugs, the head of the BC Centre for Excellence in HIV/AIDS says.

Dr. Julio Montaner said the construction of Vancouver’s first indoor supervised site for people who inhale drugs comes as the percentage of people who die from smoking drugs continues to climb.

The location in the Downtown Eastside at the Hope to Health Research and Innovation Centre was unveiled Wednesday after construction was complete, and Montaner said people could start using the specialized rooms in a matter of weeks after final approvals from the city and federal government.

“If we don’t create mechanisms for these individuals to be able to use safely and engage with the medical system, and generate points of entry into the medical system, we will never be able to solve the problem,” he said.

“Now, I’m not here to tell you that we will fix it tomorrow, but denying it or ignoring it, or throw it under the bus, or under the carpet is no way to fix it, so we need to take proactive action.”

Nearly two-thirds of overdose deaths in British Columbia in 2023 came after smoking illicit drugs, yet only 40 per cent of supervised consumption sites in the province offer a safe place to smoke, often outdoors, in a tent.

The centre has been running a supervised injection site for years which sees more than a thousand people monthly and last month resuscitated five people who were overdosing.

The new facilities offer indoor, individual, negative-pressure rooms that allow fresh air to circulate and can clear out smoke in 30 to 60 seconds while users are monitored by trained nurses.

Advocates calling for more supervised inhalation sites have previously said the rules for setting up sites are overly complicated at a time when the province is facing an overdose crisis.

More than 15,000 people have died of overdoses since the public health emergency was declared in B.C. in April 2016.

Kate Salters, a senior researcher at the centre, said they worked with mechanical and chemical engineers to make sure the site is up to code and abidies by the highest standard of occupational health and safety.

“This is just another tool in our tool box to make sure that we’re offering life-saving services to those who are using drugs,” she said.

Montaner acknowledged the process to get the site up and running took “an inordinate amount of time,” but said the centre worked hard to follow all regulations.

“We feel that doing this right, with appropriate scientific background, in a medically supervised environment, etc, etc, allows us to derive the data that ultimately will be sufficiently convincing for not just our leaders, but also the leaders across the country and across the world, to embrace the strategies that we are trying to develop.” he said.

Montaner said building the facility was possible thanks to a single $4-million donation from a longtime supporter.

Construction finished with less than a week before the launch of the next provincial election campaign and within a year of the next federal election.

Montaner said he is concerned about “some of the things that have been said publicly by some of the political leaders in the province and in the country.”

“We want to bring awareness to the people that this is a serious undertaking. This is a very massive investment, and we need to protect it for the benefit of people who are unfortunately drug dependent.” he said.

This report by The Canadian Press was first published Sept. 18, 2024.

The Canadian Press. All rights reserved.

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N.B. election: Parties’ answers on treaty rights, taxes, Indigenous participation




FREDERICTON – The six chiefs of the Wolastoqey Nation in New Brunswick distributed a survey on Indigenous issues to political parties ahead of the provincial election, which is scheduled to kick off Thursday. Here are some of the answers from the Progressive Conservative, Liberal and Green parties.

Q: How does your party plan to demonstrate a renewed commitment to recognizing our joint treaty responsibilities and acknowledging that the lands and waters of this territory remain unceded?

Progressive Conservative: The party respectfully disagrees with the assertion that land title has been unceded. This is a legal question that has not been determined by the courts.

Liberal: When we form government, the first conversations the premier-designate will have is with First Nations leaders. We will publicly and explicitly acknowledge your treaty rights, and our joint responsibility as treaty people.

Green: The Green Party acknowledges that New Brunswick is situated on the unceded and unsurrendered territories of the Wolastoqiyik, Mi’kmaq and Peskotomuhkati peoples, covered by the Treaties of Peace and Friendship. Our party is committed to establishing true nation-to-nation relationships with First Nations, grounded in mutual respect and co-operation as the treaties intended.

Q: How does your party propose to approach the issue of provincial tax agreements with First Nations?

Progressive Conservative: The government of New Brunswick operates in a balanced and fair manner with all organizations, institutions and local governments that represent the citizens of this province, including First Nations. Therefore, we cannot offer tax agreements that do not demonstrate a benefit to all citizens.

Liberal: Recent discussions with First Nations chiefs shed light on the gaps that existed in the previous provincial tax agreements with First Nations. Our party is committed to negotiating and establishing new tax agreements with First Nations that address the local needs and priorities and ensure all parties have a fair deal.

Green: The Green Party is committed to fostering a respectful relationship with First Nations in New Brunswick and strongly opposes Premier Blaine Higgs’s decision to end tax-sharing agreements. We believe reinstating these agreements is crucial for supporting the economic development and job creation in First Nation communities.

Q: How will your party ensure more meaningful participation of Indigenous communities in provincial land use and resource management decision-making?

Progressive Conservative: The government of New Brunswick has invested significant resources in developing a robust duty to consult and engagement process. We are interested in fully involving First Nations in the development of natural resources, including natural gas development. We believe that the development of natural gas is better for the environment — because it allows for the shutdown of coal-fired power plants all over the globe — and it allows for a meaningful step along the path to reconciliation.

Liberal: Our party is focused on building strong relations with First Nations and their representatives based on mutual respect and a nation-to-nation relationship, with a shared understanding of treaty obligations and a recognition of your rights. This includes having First Nations at the table and engaged on all files, including land-use and resource management.

Green: We will develop a new Crown lands management framework with First Nations, focusing on shared management that respects the Peace and Friendship Treaties. We will enhance consultation by developing parameters for meaningful consultation with First Nations that will include a dispute resolution mechanism, so the courts become the last resort, not the default in the face of disagreements.

This report by The Canadian Press was first published Sept. 18, 2024.

The Canadian Press. All rights reserved.

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Canadian Coast Guard crew member lost at sea off Newfoundland




ST. JOHN’S, N.L. – A crew member of a Canadian Coast Guard ship has been lost at sea off southern Newfoundland.

The agency said in a release Wednesday that an extensive search and rescue effort for the man was ended Tuesday evening.

He was reported missing on Monday morning when the CCGS Vincent Massey arrived in St. John’s, N.L.

The coast guard says there was an “immediate” search on the vessel for the crew member and when he wasn’t located the sea and air search began.

Wednesday’s announcement said the agency was “devastated to confirm” the crew member had been lost at sea, adding that decisions to end searches are “never taken lightly.”

The coast guard says the employee was last seen on board Sunday evening as the vessel sailed along the northeast coast of Newfoundland.

Spokeswoman Kariane Charron says no other details are being provided at this time and that the RCMP will be investigating the matter as a missing person case.

This report by The Canadian Press was first published Sept. 18, 2024.

The Canadian Press. All rights reserved.

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