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3 Awe-Inspiring Décor Ideas with Rugs for Your Living Room



The living room is the heart of your home, where all the family members sit together after a long, hectic day to interact and catch up with each other. No matter what’s the theme of your living room, adding an elegant and classy touch to it is a must. Bear in mind that decorating a living room isn’t a breeze.

Without any doubt, rugs are the most crucial and must-have part of a living room. In addition to adding elegance and stylish accent to your home, they enhance the functionality of your living room’s décor.

In this blog post, we’ll spotlight five worth-considering living room décor ideas with rugs so you can maximize your efforts.



1.    Harmonize Rugs with Furniture

It’s another best way to make your living room appear more cohesive right off the bat. You just need to pick out a rugs canada from a trustworthy brand that has bright colors for your couches, tables, and chairs. However, it’s not just one option.

If you recently updated your living room with new furniture, you must have a rug that best matches the furniture. Rugs are the best yet budget-friendly option, but you can also buy a pair of matching cushions, a wall painting, or any other decorative goods to put in front of the table.

Be sure that your rug makes an interesting statement on its own without affecting the other room’s decorations or furnishings.


2.    Always Place a Rug in Front of the Sofa

A rug placed in front of the sofa is an excellent idea to keep shoes off the floor and add some bright colors to that area. Rugs work best when it comes to filling an empty space and offering a decent backdrop for your furniture.

If you already have a rug in your living room but not in front of the sofa, be sure to place it there. It will help define the comfortable seating area and make it appear more spacious than it actually is.

Remember to utilize a high-end rug pad underneath your rugs to ensure they won’t slip on your hardwood or tile floors when you walk or sit on them.


3.    Don’t Forget to Match Rugs with Curtains

If your living room has windows, consider adding sheer crushed velvet curtains to close for privacy or open for light and air. You can locate curtains and rugs in contrasting colors and designs in the market. You shouldn’t match the colors of the rugs perfectly because it will appear overdone and unnatural.

Try to opt for a rug in a modest color scheme; it will make your living room a more spacious and relaxing space to spend quality time in. If your living room’s curtains are printed, then always add a simple yet single-colored rug, resulting in a more decent and comfortable appearance.

On the contrary, the colors of both rugs and curtains can be the same, ensuring that you have other furnishings in other colors. Hence, we can say that the final finishing of your living room will enhance the overall home interior design.


The Giveaway’s Continue: The Rich Get Richer & the Working Class Poorer



The Corporate Lottery that all Big Business has been a part of, has been paying off for some. Donations with promises of future lucrative positions in Big Business have resulted in a firestorm of economic activity and financial jackpots for those in Big Pharma, the Electric Vehicle Sector and others. Between Premier Ford, Justin Trudeau and other Canadian Premiers the EV Industry has and will receive $57 Billion from the taxpayers. Perhaps there will come a day when EV Batteries will last more than a year or two, and the cost of these vehicles could match the overpriced gas models of the day, but this largess is seriously questionable at best, forked out to Corporations that will severely profit shortly and on the public dime too.

You don’t care about the various hidden agreements made by your Province with these Corporations, where there is no Transparency of the Agreements nor Accountability placed on the Government or Corporation? Corporate Welfare went wrong, worse than the Kathleen Wynne days when a photo shoot was needed, so they gave a $125 Million check to some Automotive Facility in Oshawa. Sure the Liberals were possibly guilty of undeclared fraud, allowing donations to sway their purchasing and Planning Departments, selling time with a Minister and wasting $Billions closing down operations that did not need to have been started, except for political gains. The Doug Ford Team has done some of these above-mentioned scams, and their ties to the Corporate World were never fully forthcoming. The Corporate Sector Controls The Conservatives of Ontario, and this has been a hidden truth for some time.

Victor Fedeli and Francois-Philippe Champagne invited Corporate Participation in their plans to create a new sector in Canada, the EV Panacea, and then the Corporate World took over. How else can you see the fact that all the agreements between the government and corporations are secret, unseen to the publics eye? All the Government offers is promises and propaganda/social media rushes “the future this, the futures that” but absolutely no real proven numbers for the public to consider.

With the total amount of money somewhat known, given and basically donated to rich corporations, the possible 3000 jobs created will cost $5 Million per job. Excessive don’t you think?


What cost to create jobs? Is it not the corporate Worlds responsibility to take care of its own employment needs? The Conservatives have become Socialistic Corporate Hacks, financially giving a windfall of cash to the Rich, while not paying our Essential Service Employee properly for years. Booooooooooooooooooo!

Steven Kaszab
Bradford, Ontario
[email protected]

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A Soldiers Pride



My Grand Father fought for the other side,
standing against the Soviet Horde,
protecting his family, community and national pride,
an artilleryman pounding the other side.

A Colonel of distinction and professionalism clear,
he upheld the code of soldiers far and wide,
to protect, serve and possibly die.
A Hero perhaps, depending on your side.

Hungarians stood mostly against their Soviet Nemesis,
but fought on the Western Front as well,
in the Sicily campaign and in France too.

His artillery barraged the British, Americans and Canadians as well,
Doing what all soldiers are required by oath,
to achieve their goal, fight on until the battle is won,
but his heart was at home, with his family is plain,
the soldier should never really leave their domain.


Returning to his land, the Soviets arrested him at once,
and through a trial sentenced him to hang.
Before his house, he stood with the hangman’s noose tight,
until some Jewish citizens came forth with open eyes
declaring this man a saviour to their kind.

Rich, powerful and high-ranking was he,
so with his wife they hid away Jewish families.
It was said they saved many Jewish Lives,
and for that, his life was saved,
and to the Gulag 20 years he remained.

Living his remaining life in familiar peace,
away from the hell of war and destruction untold.
He told me his story and pronounced wholeheartedly,
that a soldier’s life for future generations should never be,
the horror that destroyed the lives of many never felt.

With tears in his old eyes, he told me true,
taking a life takes something dear from me and you.
If he could relive his life, a soldier he would never be,
but to live one’s life freely and most meaningfully.

My Grandfather respected his opponents with pride,
men and women fighting for their families and home.
He lifted a glass of wine to his lips with a tear,
toasting all People far and wide
dearly held in his heart was a soldier’s pride.

Steven Kaszab
Bradford, Ontario
[email protected]

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Breaking BoGlobal Live Art Event Showcases AI’s Creative Power, Amplifies Neurodivergent Awareness



                                             Breaking Boundaries:
Global Live Art Event Showcases AI’s Creative Power, Amplifies

                                         Neurodivergent Awareness                 

Toronto, On – A groundbreaking event broadcasting live on June 12 is set to bridge continents and disciplines, uniting five multidisciplinary artists in a real-time creative explosion. Combining sound design, vocals, instrumental music, and painting, the performance will harness the power of artificial intelligence (AI) in innovative ways, highlighting its potential to enhance and inspire the artistic process.

The event will feature a diverse range of talent, with  artists performing from each of the two participating continents. This global collaboration will not only showcase the artists’ individual skills but also demonstrate the power of technology to connect and foster creative exchange across vast distances, all to draw attention and raise awareness about the importance of inclusion.
A unique aspect of the event will be the integration of AI tools into each artist’s performance. From generating musical compositions to inspiring visual elements, AI will play an active role in shaping the artistic creations in real time. The goal is to demonstrate how AI can be a valuable tool, sparking new ideas, enhancing creative expression, and even adding an element of surprise to the artistic process. It can also be an incredibly powerful tool when it comes to facilitation of daily tasks of a child with autism.

In a powerful statement of inclusion, the event will also feature artwork created by children on the autism spectrum. By highlighting the work of neurodivergent children, the event aims to promote understanding and appreciation for the diverse ways in which creativity can manifest, and outline the benefits involved.
The event promises to be a visually stunning and sonically rich experience, with each artist’s performance captured and projected for the audience to enjoy, and cross-casted between locations. The event will culminate in a virtual gallery, where the artwork created during the performance, along with the children’s pieces, will be showcased. Workshops, mentorship and resources will be later provided for FREE to autism advocacy associations who would like to participate in the program.


By combining live performance, AI integration, and a focus on neurodiversity, this event is poised to push the boundaries of artistic expression and spark new conversations about the role of technology in the creative world and inclusivity. It’s a celebration of human creativity, amplified and enhanced by the power of AI, and a testament to the transformative potential of art to connect us all.

WHAT: virtual multimedia multidisciplinary, multicultural, multinational, AI powered artistic event

WHY: designed to draw attention to benefits of exposing spectrum individuals to creative artistic process

WHEN: June 12th at 10.15 EST

WHERE: Virtual event on ZOOM, broadcasted from Toronto Island and Porec, Istria
Event is free but registration is required. Register here:

 WHO:  EDQIA Savant Concept Alliance in collaboration with benefactors and friends

Media Inquiries:
Sasha Stoltz Publicity:
Sasha Stoltz | [email protected] | 416.579.4804

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