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‘It’s go time’: Upcoming MLB talks could offer pathway out of stalemate –



TORONTO – Pathway to a breakthrough or a prelude to escalation?

Those will be the stakes in New York next week when Major League Baseball and its locked-out players hold their first set of continuous in-person negotiations toward a new collective bargaining agreement.

Spurred along by a Feb. 28 ownership deadline to rescue opening day, and a union threat to scrap expanded playoffs this year if regular season games are lost, the meetings are the first signs of urgency in an oft-moribund process that Friday led to the cancellation of spring games through March 4.

Though the sides made little headway while exchanging proposals from MLB last Saturday and the players’ association Thursday, the latter in an ominously brief session, Toronto Blue Jays player-union rep Ross Stripling wants to be “optimistic about what that means.”

“I know (Thursday’s meeting) has taken a lot of flak for just being 15 minutes long,” Stripling said. “But all we did was we sent over a proposal, they didn’t really say anything one way or another about how they felt about it, at least on the Zoom call that I was on, and then within a couple hours we heard that they’re going to meet in person all next week.

“Obviously, on paper it’s not a lot of progress, but it feels like maybe our proposal at least got the ball rolling and saying, ‘OK, it’s time to get serious.’ I don’t know. I’m probably choosing to be a little bit more optimistic than what it is, but it feels like progress.”

How those discussions go will ultimately decide that, but the first pressure of an actual deadline may finally prompt some real movement now that opening day is legitimately in danger.

Brinkmanship has largely marked negotiations to this point, and now “it’s go time,” as Stripling quite aptly put it.

“Economic issues are certainly the main part of this CBA, but there’s a thousand other moving parts,” he said. “We haven’t gotten to playoff expansion, international draft, COVID protocols, drug testing, all that kind of stuff has to get settled, as well. So we are 100 per cent at the threshold of needing to get this sucker done.”

Owners may not have felt that same urgency since April games are typically the lowest-revenue dates for teams, while payroll costs are spread evenly across the season. That makes sacrificing the first month much more palatable to MLB than to players, prompting the union to link expanded playoffs in 2022 to a full season at full pay.

A pivotal lever in the upcoming talks is how far owners are willing to move the Competitive Balance Tax, or CBT, threshold, which in 2021 was set at $210 million and in recent years has turned into a de facto salary cap.

In its offer last Saturday, which commissioner Rob Manfred described as “a good-faith, positive proposal” before it was sent, MLB set the luxury tax at $214 million, $214 million, $216 million, $218 million and $222 million over a five-year deal, with more stringent penalties than those already in place. The union is countering at $245 million and the gap there has been a source of frustration for players because “we have made (it) obvious that is our biggest issue,” Stripling said.

“Manfred talked and acted like the proposal that they were going to send over was going to be real progress. We got the proposal on Saturday, and when they were done we told MLB straight-up, we were underwhelmed,” Stripling added. “It feels like we’re the ones continuing to make concessions, we’re the ones who want to continue to try to push the envelope forward. We knew that’s how it was going to be, we knew they would use time against us, try to sweat us out. But we continue to make these changes to try and get them to come to the table and bargain with us.”

The players had previously withdrawn their request for age-based free agency – a total non-starter for owners – and in Thursday’s proposal, they scaled back their ask for expanded arbitration. They had sought eligibility to begin once a player reaches two years of service time, but now they’re seeking arbitration rights for 80 per cent of players between two and three years of service.

“Over the course of a CBA, hundreds of millions of dollars are saved by not having everyone go to arbitration after two years,” Stripling said. “It’s a big financial move and the thought is they should reciprocate with a big move on CBT or on some of these other things.”

Among the other things is the bonus pool for pre-arbitration players, a concept both sides agree upon but are divergent in total dollars. MLB is offering $15 million, while the union increased its ask from $100 million to $115 million Thursday.

Stripling, in his role as player-union rep, continues to download the latest happenings to his Blue Jays teammates through a group chat that’s become increasingly active amid this ongoing state of suspended animation.

“A lot of people were saying, why are we making another concession?” Stripling said. “A lot of people are asking good questions that even our subcommittee and our union reps were battling with, as well. This proposal was kind of hard to put together, and it’s good to see that even some of our youngest players are stepping up in that group chat, asking questions, are involved and want to know what’s going on. That’s really what we need. Everybody in the loop and communicating. You don’t have to be on board with every little thing that happened, but once we send something over, we’ve got to all be on the same page.”

Stripling praised the leadership of the union’s executive subcommittee – led by association reps Max Scherzer, Andrew Miller, Marcus Semien and Francisco Lindor – on that front, but also other veterans around the game in helping to build unity.

Stripling had just completed his first season in the majors when the most recent CBA (covering the 2017-21 seasons, now expired) was negotiated and remembers the groundwork being laid then for what’s happening now.

“We knew this has been coming,” Stripling said. “After the last one, we knew it wasn’t a great CBA for players, and veterans were saying, ‘Look, this next one is going to be huge, guys. It’s four years away and you’re trying to keep your job, you don’t know if you’re going to be playing in four years, but we’ve got to be on the same page and we got to be ready for a fight and dig in.’ And that’s exactly what happened.

“I feel like even if you were in the minor leagues, or like Bo Bichette in 2016 when he was still in high school, I bet it trickled down to him from his dad, like, ‘Hey, this next one, get ready for it.’ It was an effort by all of us to make sure that this group of players was ready for this fight.”

They’re now more than two-and-a-half months into it, and the first intensive talks of this CBA negotiation loom. Spring training could begin in as little as a couple of weeks, or be a long, drawn-out fight away from beginning.

Editor’s Note: One of the 30 MLB teams, the Toronto Blue Jays, is owned by Rogers Communications Inc., which also owns Sportsnet.

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France investigating disappearances of 2 Congolese Paralympic athletes




PARIS (AP) — French judicial authorities are investigating the disappearance of two Paralympic athletes from Congo who recently competed in the Paris Games, the prosecutor’s office in the Paris suburb of Bobigny confirmed on Thursday.

Prosecutors opened the investigation on Sept. 7, after members of the athletes’ delegation warned authorities of their disappearance two days before.

Le Parisien newspaper reported that shot putter Mireille Nganga and Emmanuel Grace Mouambako, a visually impaired sprinter who was accompanied by a guide, went missing on Sept. 5, along with a third person.

The athletes’ suitcases were also gone but their passports remained with the Congolese delegation, according to an official with knowledge of the investigation, who asked to remain anonymous as they were not allowed to speak publicly about the case.

The Paralympic Committee of the Democratic Republic of Congo did not respond to requests for information from The Associated Press.

Nganga — who recorded no mark in the seated javelin and shot put competitions — and Mouambako were Congo’s flag bearers at the opening ceremony of the Paralympic Games, organizers said.


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Lawyer says Chinese doping case handled ‘reasonably’ but calls WADA’s lack of action “curious”




An investigator gave the World Anti-Doping Agency a pass on its handling of the inflammatory case involving Chinese swimmers, but not without hammering away at the “curious” nature of WADA’s “silence” after examining Chinese actions that did not follow rules designed to safeguard global sports.

WADA on Thursday released the full decision from Eric Cottier, the Swiss investigator it appointed to analyze its handling of the case involving the 23 Chinese swimmers who remained eligible despite testing positive for performance enhancers in 2021.

In echoing wording from an interim report issued earlier this summer, Cottier said it was “reasonable” that WADA chose not to appeal the Chinese anti-doping agency’s explanation that the positives came from contamination.

“Taking into consideration the particularities of the case, (WADA) appears … to have acted in accordance with the rules it has itself laid out for anti-doping organizations,” Cottier wrote.

But peppered throughout his granular, 56-page analysis of the case was evidence and reminders of how WADA disregarded some of China’s violations of anti-doping protocols. Cottier concluded this happened more for the sake of expediency than to show favoritism toward the Chinese.

“In retrospect at least, the Agency’s silence is curious, in the face of a procedure that does not respect the fundamental rules, and its lack of reaction is surprising,” Cottier wrote of WADA’s lack of fealty to the world anti-doping code.

Travis Tygart, the CEO of the U.S. Anti-Doping Agency and one of WADA’s fiercest critics, latched onto this dynamic, saying Cottier’s information “clearly shows that China did not follow the rules, and that WADA management did nothing about it.”

One of the chief complaints over the handling of this case was that neither WADA nor the Chinese gave any public notice upon learning of the positive tests for the banned heart medication Temozolomide, known as TMZ.

The athletes also were largely kept in the dark and the burden to prove their innocence was taken up by Chinese authorities, not the athletes themselves, which runs counter to what the rulebook demands.

Despite the criticisms, WADA generally welcomed the report.

“Above all, (Cottier) reiterated that WADA showed no bias towards China and that its decision not to appeal the cases was reasonable based on the evidence,” WADA director general Olivier Niggli said. “There are however certainly lessons to be learned by WADA and others from this situation.”

Tygart said “this report validates our concerns and only raises new questions that must be answered.”

Cottier expanded on doubts WADA’s own chief scientist, Olivier Rabin, had expressed over the Chinese contamination theory — snippets of which were introduced in the interim report. Rabin was wary of the idea that “a few micrograms” of TMZ found in the kitchen at the hotel where the swimmers stayed could be enough to cause the group contamination.

“Since he was not in a position to exclude the scenario of contamination with solid evidence, he saw no other solution than to accept it, even if he continued to have doubts about the reality of contamination as described by the Chinese authorities,” Cottier wrote.

Though recommendations for changes had been expected in the report, Cottier made none, instead referring to several comments he’d made earlier in the report.

Key among them were his misgivings that a case this big was largely handled in private — a breach of custom, if not the rules themselves — both while China was investigating and after the file had been forwarded to WADA. Not until the New York Times and German broadcaster ARD reported on the positives were any details revealed.

“At the very least, the extraordinary nature of the case (23 swimmers, including top-class athletes, 28 positive tests out of 60 for a banned substance of therapeutic origin, etc.), could have led to coordinated and concerted reflection within the Agency, culminating in a formal and clearly expressed decision to take no action,” the report said.

WADA’s executive committee established a working group to address two more of Cottier’s criticisms — the first involving what he said was essentially WADA’s sloppy recordkeeping and lack of formal protocol, especially in cases this complex; and the second a need to better flesh out rules for complex cases involving group contamination.


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French league’s legal board orders PSG to pay Kylian Mbappé 55 million euros of unpaid wages




The French league’s legal commission has ordered Paris Saint-Germain to pay Kylian Mbappé the 55 million euros ($61 million) in unpaid wages that he claims he’s entitled to, the league said Thursday.

The league confirmed the decision to The Associated Press without more details, a day after the France superstar rejected a mediation offer by the commission in his dispute with his former club.

PSG officials and Mbappé’s representatives met in Paris on Wednesday after Mbappé asked the commission to get involved. Mbappé joined Real Madrid this summer on a free transfer.


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