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Do Smartphones Have a Place in Schools?



Schools aren’t the safe haven we’d like them to be. Students have access to many unhealthy options within its walls, such as junk food and drugs. The Toronto District School Board’s latest attempt at limiting students’ ability to cause self-harm is the creation of a new policy that would restrict students’ use of smartphones while in class, undoing a ban the TDSB enacted in 2007 and revoked in 2011.


It doesn’t take a wild imagination to envision what teachers are up against these days. Teachers are dealing with distractions, disruptions, and loss of focus associated with students using smartphones in class. Imagine trying to teach a student whose boyfriend broke up with her via text or assisting one student during a test while other students are photographing the test. In addition, teachers are dealing with students drowsy from screen-induced sleep deprivation.


Even when put away in their locker or knapsack, the student’s phone continues to inhabit their mind. They fret over what’s happening in their digital world, whether a BFF had left a consoling text, whether a fellow cheater sent last period’s exam questions, what names you’d been called and how many likes their last post garnered.


Smartphones pull—not just for students—as hard as magnets and seem to vibrate with expectancy when you merely look at them. Undeniably, getting students’ attention is more challenging today because they’re perpetually distracted and emotionally overstimulated, unlike when I was a student back in my day. On social media platforms, behind the backs of teachers and staff, drama, conflict, bullying, and adolescent scandals are being played out throughout the school day.


Smartphones don’t just pull students away from schoolwork; they also pull them away from one another.


A significant way smartphones have negatively impacted relationships is through “phubbing” (a contraction of phone snubbing), the act of checking a phone during a conversation. Adults are just as complicit of phubbing as are “the youth.” Phubbing undermines a currently happening physical, social interaction by conveying, “My phone is more important than you.”


You don’t need stats, only casual observations, to see that today, people give a fraction of their attention to the person they’re with. This explains why people who are the heaviest users of phones or social media are also the most depressed and lonely. Once a few students begin phubbing, the other students feel pressure to pull out their own smartphones, and voila, the entire school’s culture changes from students engaging with each other to walking the hallways with their heads down, staring at their phones.


A person’s school years are a time to develop social skills—get over teenage angst—and make friendships that’ll last a lifetime, not to avoid social interactions by using your smartphone to look “popular” and “busy.”


Parents, particularly, praised TDSB’s proposed crackdown, flooding the school board with messages of support. Unsurprisingly, there were parents who wanted to be able to communicate with their children during the day. You’d think parents would prioritize learning over unfettered access to their kids 24/7. (How did parents reach their children at school before the advent of the cell phone?) Then were those who pragmatically warned that a ban would be a headache to enforce—boiling down to whether students would comply, not likely, and whether teachers would be willing to take on the burden of enforcing—and that a better option is to teach kids how to use technology safely and not influence their mental landscape. (READ: digital literacy)


I’m of the school (pun intended) of thought that our educators are gravely negligent in not formally educating students, beginning in Grade Five, on how to use smartphones and navigate social media platforms responsibly. The issue that keeps being ignored is that social media apps aren’t designed to be used in moderation or responsibly. They’re designed to be as addicting as possible, making it extremely difficult for teachers to compete against this addiction, not to mention competing with their student’s parents, who are just as addicted as their kids are yet don’t have any restrictions on their smartphone usage, hence making a smartphone ban seem unfair.


Hopefully, we can agree on one positive benefit of banning smartphones in schools: Schools being a phone-free zone would create more brain space for engaging academically and socially. As a result of smartphones, students and adults are forever elsewhere. If we want children to be present while in school, do well, cultivate friendships, and feel like they belong, we wouldn’t allow smartphones and social media to dominate our student’s school day. Unfortunately, achieving this ideal isn’t possible because it isn’t a priority with educators and parents; therefore, educating students and conducting classes in Social Media 101, 102 and 103 is the next best option.


I may be oversimplifying, but given how powerful and potentially damaging smartphones are, parents—ultimately, it’s not educators’ responsibility to raise their children—might want to seriously consider treating their kids’ having access to a smartphone like having access to car keys: When you’re old enough to drive, you’re old enough to have a smartphone.



Nick Kossovan, a self-described connoisseur of human psychology, writes about what’s

on his mind from Toronto. You can follow Nick on Twitter and Instagram @NKossovan.


Motorcycle rider dead in crash that closed Highway 1 in Langley, B.C., for hours



LANGLEY, B.C. – Police in Langley, B.C., say one person is dead in a crash between a car and a motorcycle on Highway 1 that shut down the route for hours.

Mounties say their initial investigation indicates both vehicles were travelling east when they collided shortly before 4:20 a.m. near 240 Street on the highway.

The motorcycle rider died from their injuries.

Highway 1 was closed for a long stretch through Langley for about 11 hours while police investigated.

RCMP say their integrated collision analysis reconstruction team went to the scene.

The Mounties are asking anyone who witnessed the crash or who may have dash-camera footage from the area to call them.

This report by The Canadian Press was first published Sept. 19, 2024.

The Canadian Press. All rights reserved.

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‘She is dying’: Lawsuit asks Lake Winnipeg to be legally defined as a person



WINNIPEG – A court has been asked to declare Lake Winnipeg a person with constitutional rights to life, liberty and security of person in a case that may go further than any other in trying to establish the rights of nature in Canada.

“It really is that simple,” said Grand Chief Jerry Daniels of the Manitoba Southern Chiefs’ Organization, which filed the suit Thursday in Court of King’s Bench in Winnipeg.

“The lake has its own rights. The lake is a living being.”

The argument is being used to help force the provincial government to conduct an environmental assessment of how Manitoba Hydro regulates lake levels for power generation. Those licences come up for renewal in August 2026, and the chiefs argue that the process under which those licences were granted was outdated and inadequate.

They quote Manitoba’s Clean Environment Commission, which said in 2015 that the licences were granted on the basis of poor science, poor consultation and poor public accountability.

Meanwhile, the statement of claim says “the (plaintiffs) describe the lake’s current state as being so sick that she is dying.”

It describes a long list of symptoms.

Fish species have disappeared, declined, migrated or become sick and inedible, the lawsuit says. Birds and wildlife including muskrat, beavers, duck, geese, eagles and gulls are vanishing from the lake’s wetlands.

Foods and traditional medicines — weekay, bulrush, cattail, sturgeon and wild rice — are getting harder to find, the document says, and algae blooms and E. coli bacteria levels have increased.

Invasive species including zebra mussels and spiny water fleas are now common, the document says.

“In Anishinaabemowin, the (plaintiffs) refer to the water in Lake Winnipeg as moowaakamiim (the water is full of feces) or wiinaagamin (the water is polluted, dirty and full of garbage),” the lawsuit says.

It blames many of the problems on Manitoba Hydro’s management of the lake waters to prevent it flushing itself clean every year.

“She is unable to go through her natural cleansing cycle and becomes stagnant and struggles to sustain other beings like animals, birds, fish, plants and people,” the document says.

The defendants, Manitoba Hydro and the provincial government, have not filed statements of defence. Both declined to comment on the lawsuit.

Daniels said it makes sense to consider the vast lake — one of the world’s largest — as alive.

“We’re living in an era of reconciliation, there’s huge changes in the mindsets of regular Canadians and science has caught up a lot in understanding. It’s not a huge stretch to understand the lake as a living entity.”

The idea has been around in western science since the 1970s. The Gaia hypothesis, which remains highly disputed, proposed the Earth is a single organism with its own feedback loops that regulate conditions and keep them favourable to life.

The courts already recognize non-human entities such as corporations as persons.

Personhood has also been claimed for two Canadian rivers.

Quebec’s Innu First Nation have claimed that status for the Magpie River, and the Athabasca Chipewyan First Nation in Alberta is seeking standing for the Athabasca River in regulatory hearings. The Magpie’s status hasn’t been tested in court and Alberta’s energy regulator has yet to rule on the Athabasca.

Matt Hulse, a lawyer who argued the Athabasca River should be treated as a person, noted the Manitoba lawsuit quotes the use of “everyone” in the Charter of Rights and Freedoms.

“The term ‘everyone’ isn’t defined, which could help (the chiefs),” he said.

But the Charter typically focuses on individual rights, Hulse added.

“What they’re asking for is substantive rights to be given to a lake. What does ‘liberty’ mean to a lake?

“Those kinds of cases require a bit of a paradigm shift. I think the Southern Chiefs Organization will face an uphill battle.”

Hulse said the Manitoba case goes further than any he’s aware of in seeking legal rights for a specific environment.

Daniels said he believes the courts and Canadians are ready to recognize humans are not separate from the world in which they live and that the law should recognize that.

“We need to understand our lakes and our environment as something we have to live in cohesion with.”

This report by The Canadian Press was first published Sept. 19, 2024.

— By Bob Weber in Edmonton

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MPs want Canadians tied to alleged Russian influencer op to testify at committee



OTTAWA – MPs on the public safety and national security committee voted unanimously to launch an investigation into an alleged Russian ploy to dupe right-wing influencers into sowing division among Americans.

A U.S. indictment filed earlier this month charged two employees of RT, a Russian state-controlled media outlet, in a US$10-million scheme that purportedly used social media personalities to distribute content with Russian government messaging.

While not explicitly mentioned in court documents, the details match up with Tenet Media, founded by Canadian Lauren Chen and Liam Donovan, who is identified as her husband on social media.

The committee will invite Chen and Donovan to testify on the matter, as well as Lauren Southern, who is among the Tenet cast of personalities.

The motion, which was brought forward by Liberal MP Pam Damoff and passed on Thursday, also seeks to invite civil society representatives and disinformation experts on the matter.

Court documents allege the Russians created a fake investor who provided money to the social media company to hire the influencers, paying the founders significant fees, including through a company account in Canada.

The U.S. Justice Department doesn’t allege any wrongdoing by the influencers.

Following the indictment, YouTube removed several channels associated with Chen, including the Tenet Media channel.

This report by The Canadian Press was first published Sept. 19, 2024.

The Canadian Press. All rights reserved.

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