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Empathy as a Key Success Factor for High Performing Development Teams –



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Shane Hastie: Good day, folks. This is Shane Hastie for the InfoQ Engineering Culture Podcast. Today I’m sitting down with Cassie Shum. Cassie is in East Coast, USA, New York. Cassie, welcome. Thanks for taking the time to talk to us today.

Cassie Shum: Thank you for having me. This is exciting.

Shane Hastie: My usual starting point in these conversations is just who’s Cassie?

Introductions [01:11]

Cassie Shum: Yes, let’s start with that. So hi, everyone. I’m very excited to be on this podcast. My name’s Cassie and I have been a technologist for almost 20 years now. And so one of the things that I really love about my career is the different people that I’ve been working with, the different mentors that I’ve had over the years. I give a lot of credit to Thoughtworks where I was for about 12 years of my career as a software engineer, so engineer at heart. And then throughout the years, dabbled into quite a few areas like cloud infrastructure. I did a little bit of a foray into mobile applications because I thought I was going to be a millionaire from making one app. I was wrong. And so I went back into looking more into different enterprises and really driving enterprise architecture for quite some time.

And then quite recently, about a couple years ago, I started looking around to the next area of my career and I was very excited to meet my CEO now, Molham Aref with Relational AI. And I just got super excited about the product. And I am one of these people who really like looking at what the future of technology looks like given my history, working on the tech radar at Thoughtworks and the Doppler, and really looking at the tech trends. When I heard about the product that we were doing around the data-centric architectures and how this was going to affect enterprises at scale, I had to jump on the opportunity to come and see what that was like. And it’s been just a wonderful journey, actually. Very busy and very exciting. Startup land is a bit different than my consultant background, but yes, it’s been a great journey.

Shane Hastie: This is the Engineering Culture Podcast. What are some of the key elements of an engineering culture that you’ve exposed through your career? Some of the big learnings in that space?

Multiple levels of empathy as a key element of engineering culture [03:02]

Cassie Shum: I would say I think I’ve been very, very lucky to be on multiple teams as a team member when I’ve seen very good culture and then being able to lead some of these teams in future and taking some of those learnings. So I distil it to a couple of concepts, and there’s probably a lot that you can bring out of it, but the biggest one for me that I talk about a lot is empathy. And empathy for me operates at multiple different layers. So empathy, of course, within your team in itself, how are you empathizing with your team members? How are you empathizing with your leadership? And then also how do you empathize with your customer as well? Because at the end of the day, as engineers, we are building products for a customer of some sort. That customer may be an external customer that you’re building a product for, or it may be an internal customer if you’re working on developer portals or developer tools, your customers are the engineers and the developers.

So being able to think in the shoes of who you’re developing these things for is actually quite important. So I think empathy is a massive theme of mine, and I think if we can start at that core, a lot of things trickle out from that. And so the trickling effect leads to transparency within a team, a very healthy feedback cycle within a team in itself because with that empathy, you want to know how other people are working with you and how you’re collaborating together. And then at the end of it too, if you start removing your own ego and you start thinking about how do we be successful as a team and you empathize at a team level, then if everybody does that, then, again, I think that would be a perfect culture from an engineering perspective. Now, as we all know, in reality, we have a lot of different things and constraints in place, but I think if we can get some of those core fundamentals in place, then it would be good.

Shane Hastie: Moving from a group of individuals to a well-jelled team, as a leader, how do you encourage that? How do you enable that?

Helping teams become high performing rapidly [04:57]

Cassie Shum: I would say I wish we had a lot of time in the world because then we think about the norming and the storming and really getting to know each other and things like that. I actually more want to talk about when you don’t have the time and you have to quickly iterate. As me being in a startup land right now, time is usually not on our side. So I think really to think about moving from a group of individuals and moving into a team, it’s really about an aligned goal and aligned purpose. At least if we can actually focus from a team perspective or from a company perspective, however big that group you are focusing on, everyone needs to align to some purpose or goal that you’re driving to.

And so the way I like testing that is, yes, you can say, “Hey, as a team goal, this is what we’re doing.” But repetition is a very, very useful tool in my opinion. So with many of my teams, I always say, “So what do you think our team goal is?” And I need people to repeat it back to me as well. So it’s one aspect of saying, “This is our team goal.” It’s another one everybody really embraces it to their core because then everybody will be working within their own skill set and whatever their specialty is within that team, aligning to that one goal. So I think that’s usually the core area where people are misaligned from the beginning, but we don’t fix that. We just say, “Okay, we put in another smart person and we’ll figure it out together and this will happen.” But keeping that repetition of repeating goal and what we’re trying to drive towards and what are we measuring towards is really important as a fundamental.

Shane Hastie: As you say in many organizations today, there’s not necessarily the time to go through the form, storm, norm, to get to perform. So that focus on goals, and I love the empathy, transparency, feedback, some powerful stuff there. Shifting focus a little bit. Relational AI, VP of field engineering, what’s your job?

Aspects of the VP role that enable high performance [06:57]

Cassie Shum: It depends on what day you ask me. My job actually consists of a lot of different things right now. I would say when I came into the organization, and it still holds today, is my focus or what I would say my success criteria as a leader of field is customers. So how are we pleasing our customers with our products and with our wonderful field engineering team to really hold the hands of some of our early adopters in our product and really drive to those business successes, the business criteria for the customers. So that’s definitely, I would say, a key component of my role. But then, of course, that is everybody’s goal in field engineering. But one of the things that I then focus on is the team aspects. So how do I align the field engineering teams around customer centricity? How do I work with the teams to work with each other, work with our customers, and also work with the product engineering side to really tighten all the big feedback loops.

So a really wonderful way we go about this is if we’re going in front of the customer, our teams will be there solutioning with our customers, understanding what their business use cases are, and then implementing our product within their ecosystem. And as we both know, every type of ecosystem, it can be a different ball of wax, so being able to get that really, really beautiful feedback loop from the customer is really important to improve our product. And so there needs to be close collaboration, close communication from our field to the product engineering team as well, so we can actually give them feedback to strengthen our product that is very applicable in front of our customers.

Shane Hastie: Thinking about engineering teams, developer experience is a big topic today. Dare I say, it feels like finally we’re giving it the attention it needs. What are some key points that organizations should consider when they do want to go into improving that developer experience and why would they bother?

Ways to improve developer experience [09:04]

Cassie Shum: We could dedicate an entire podcast to this topic, but I think I could give some high-level of thoughts that I have. I am very excited, first off to agree with you that developer experience is now something that organizations are really putting their focus on. I do think that if we focus it on the wrong way, it could actually lead to something not so great for developers and engineers. So I’ll double-click into what I mean there. So essentially if we think about measuring developer productivity or developer effectiveness, I think if the leaders don’t really have a true understanding of where their developers are spending time, where the actual churn is, and I have seen some anti-patterns where it’s like, “Oh, how many lines of code are you writing?” Or, “How many commits do you have?” And we’ve even talked through from a Dora perspective, what is the time to commit, what’s the time to release, time to fix bugs and things like that. So I think in principle, a lot of these different metrics can be useful, but they cannot be the only metric that you measure developer productivity on.

So one of the things that I think about is how do we measure end-to-end all the way from the beginning of incepting a story from a product sense, how that formulates into code and QA, and then how does that get right in front of your customer for that instant feedback, continuous delivery loop. And so measuring that churn is actually really important to think about in the holistic area of developer effectiveness. So I’ll quote a little bit around Martin’s blog recently has had a whole series around developer effectiveness from Tim Cochran and team at Thoughtworks, and they talk about things like micro-feedback loops. What are the small things that happen in the developer cycle that’s creating a lot of churn? And so a lot of people like to measure the big things that stop developers, but what about those little things that add up? We call them death by a thousand cuts. So if my build time takes 40 minutes versus two minutes, once you do that repetitively over and over again, you can actually start measuring how much churn your developers are going through and things like that.

So that’s another area where it’d be good for folks to really focus on what that actually looks like. In order to make developers more effective, you have to make them happy, and being happy means that they’re productive. And so it kind of feedbacks onto itself as well. So there’s a lot of material there, but I am very excited that this is a focus now. So if I relate this back to Relational AI in a lot of my teams, one of the things that we want to look at is how much time does it take to actually work on something, get feedback from the customer and actually get feedback from the product and really iterate on those kinds of things. The tighter we can make those loops, the more excited our engineers and developers will be, so yes.

Shane Hastie: So what are the biggest bottlenecks for development today in your experience?

Bottlenecks to development [12:00]

Cassie Shum: I think the biggest bottlenecks right now is communication, actually. So a lot of the bottlenecks comes with miscommunication. Essentially, there’s a lot of assumptions that are usually made when you’re picking up a story or picking up pieces of code to develop. And, again, going back to how do you collaborate with your team? How do you empathize with a customer and your team members? That’s why I think it’s so fundamental because if you’re thinking more in the scope of what does Cassie as an engineer want to code and not think about what it’s being used for, then I might be coding something and my lack or miscommunication with a customer or the product team will actually lead to a lot of churn. It may lead to a lot of code that is actually not useful in the very end, and now we’ve taken long feedback loops in order to solve some of those problems. So I think that’s a huge bottleneck, is being able to have communication cross-functionally across teams and really understand what business value we’re trying to drive or use cases that we’re trying to drive.

Shane Hastie: And without being obvious, how do we fix that?

Cassie Shum: I think it’s really around processes… Not even processes. So it’s more about practices around these foundational things that I’ve talked about earlier. One of the things that I would say is, when you’re moving so fast, it’s so easy to forget about the team bonding. It’s so easy to forget about sitting together with your team and actually really understanding each other and what you’re trying to accomplish and things like that.

And then aligning on those goals that I discussed earlier, I even found that going to Zoom world as we have for the past couple of years has made that even harder in some sense because we may think that we’re being a lot more efficient because I don’t have to travel to work, and I’m actually on Zooms and we’re communicating a lot, but it’s really about the right kind of communication, not the amount of communication I’m doing with someone. So I think from a fundamental point of view, going back to the roots of what builds up teams and what builds up that trust between teams is really what’s going to make teams go a lot faster. So we just all try to do things on our own, then, well, that is the obvious statement, is that without that alignment, then we’re not going to really accomplish much, so yes.

Shane Hastie: Changing direction a little bit. When this podcast comes out, will be after QCon London this year, but you are the track host for the Architectures You’ve Always Wondered About track.

Cassie Shum: Yes.

Shane Hastie: Tell us a little bit about what’s going to be in that track, and by the time this is published, the conference will be over, but listeners will be able to access some of the content on InfoQ.

Architectures You’ve Always Wondered About at QCon London [14:36]

Cassie Shum: The theme of this track is that architecture happens at multiple different layers. So you have infrastructure architecture, you have data architecture, you have application architecture, and how do those things all work together? So the way that I’ve designed the track this year is getting a snippet from each of those horizontals, which is actually very antithesis to how I normally things in, in the cross-functional way, but I wanted to have talks that really talk about how these things interact with each other. So how does your infrastructure architecture impact the customer and what does that actually mean when we talk about tying to building features, for example. There’s a whole talk around data architecture and a bit of the use cases around data mesh, and what does that mean, that impacts the customer as well?

So all of these architectures we can do in silo and say, “Oh, I’m infrastructure, I’m data.” But really the whole theme of it is how is this impacting your customer and how are you working across all of these different horizontals in order to drive business value, especially in large scale organizations. So there will be some case studies discussed. I’m excited. We have folks from Spotify who are going to be talking about their developer portal and the plugin architecture that they use for their marketplace. Yes. We have a really wonderful talk from Duolingo and they talk about how they scaled for a big event that they had recently, which I’m not going to give too much away until they give that talk, so yes.

Shane Hastie: We’ll include the links to the conference and to the content on InfoQ for this.

Where are we going as an industry?

Cassie Shum: Big question.

Shane Hastie: Big question.

The impact of LLMs and GenAI on development [16:16]

Cassie Shum: Where are we going? I mean, I think the obvious thing that’s happening right now that’s affecting everyone is the rise of the LLMs and GenAI. I think that is a very interesting and exciting pivot. I don’t want to say pivot. I think we were always leading up to something like this, but to be able to change the way that we think about, I would say even as engineers. As engineers with co-pilots and all of these different technologies, how are these things making our lives easier? How are they assisting us in terms of making us more productive as we talked a little bit earlier? So I think there is a shift to how we have been doing things and to now we have a whole slew of tools and technologies that could really assist us in going much, much faster.

However, I think we have to look at those kind of things with a grain of salt. We have to use them pragmatically. We have to ensure that as engineers and as people who are writing code, is that we don’t lose some of the fundamentals that we have when we’re learning how to actually write code and write business use cases and things like that. So being able to utilize these tools effectively I think is going to be a big focus for a lot of folks in engineering.

Shane Hastie: One of the concerns that I have from some of the stuff I’ve seen that I’d like to get your opinion on is the use of these LLM models is I’ve seen them make good programmers better. What I’m not sure is, are we losing the basics and how do people new to the profession, in any profession that is utilizing these tools, where do they get the basic knowledge? Or am I just being old fashioned and do they need it?

Open questions about learning pathways [18:03]

Cassie Shum: I’m going to agree with you on here. This is what I’ve struggled with a bit. And, again, maybe I’m being old fashioned myself, but I think a lot of where good architectural patterns come in, good design patterns come in, are from some of these foundational and fundamental things that we learn when we are starting our career in engineering. So I do question this. I don’t also have the answer to this as well, but as I think about how say co-pilot, for example, really helps with a lot of the commoditized code, like the building up of different things here, I think it’s really good for speeding up productivity for more experienced engineers who they know that’s going to happen. They know that that’s how it’s going to be built, and I’ve just saved many, many hours doing that. But yes, I am questioning what that means for the next generation of engineers.

And so do we need to find a different way to teach those types of fundamentals. Or do we need to think about a different way to teach how to design systems or how to be a systems thinker and things like that. So I’m going to answer your question with a question. I don’t know, but I’m looking forward to seeing what this holds. And I’m keeping a strong eye on it too, because as we are all as leaders building our teams, we have to watch out for these things because it’s different from me hiring five years ago to hiring right now. So something to think about for sure.

Shane Hastie: And to ground us out. You said you’ve been in the industry two decades, you’ve got a lot of experience, you’ve moved through your career. A fair proportion of our listeners are people who are fairly new to leadership roles. What advice can you give them?

Advice for new leaders [19:44]

Cassie Shum: Oh, so many. But at the core of it, one of the things that I learned when I transitioned more into leadership roles is that you’re not going to get it right the first time. You’re not even going to get it right the second time. And so ask for help, reach out for help, talk to people about what leadership actually means. I have been very lucky, and I encourage anyone who’s listening to me, as well is find a mentor, find some leader that you look up to that you want to be like and go and have discussions with them. So I know earlier, Shane, we were talking about Rebecca Parsons, who was the CTO for Thoughtworks. And during my career there, I was very lucky to have her as one of my mentors. And so because she was someone that I looked up to as wanting to be a leader like her. So being able to surround yourselves with people on who you want to be is, I think, a very important advice for me.

And then the second one is really, as I said before, you’re not going to get it right the first time. It’s okay to make mistakes, but make mistakes fast. Don’t dwell on mistakes for a very long time because those rippling impact can be much, much bigger. So if you make a mistake, fail fast. The same thing with engineering, the same thing with coding. We want to fail fast very quickly and fail safely. And then each of those failures are learning to make you a better leader on the next iteration and on and on.

Shane Hastie: Cassie, thank you so much. A lot of good points, great advice in here. If people want to continue the conversation, where do they find you?

Cassie Shum: LinkedIn. I’m mostly on LinkedIn. Yes. So definitely feel free to ping me and add me. And yes, I’m very, very excited to have joined this podcast and excited about these topics. This is the big passion of mine is culture around engineers, so yes.

Shane Hastie: Thank you so much for your time today.

Cassie Shum: Thank you, Shane.

•    Martin Fowler blog on Developer Experience
•    Architectures You’ve Always Wondered About track at QCon London
•    Cassie Shum on LinkedIn
•    Relational AI

About the Author

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How to Preorder the PlayStation 5 Pro in Canada



Sony has made it easy for Canadian consumers to preorder the PlayStation 5 Pro in Canada directly from PlayStation’s official website. Here’s how:

  • Visit the Official Website: Go to and navigate to the PS5 Pro section once preorders go live on September 26, 2024.
  • Create or Log in to Your PlayStation Account: If you don’t have a PlayStation account, you will need to create one. Existing users can simply log in to proceed.
  • Place Your Preorder: Once logged in, follow the instructions to preorder your PS5 Pro. Ensure you have a valid payment method ready and double-check your shipping information for accuracy.

Preorder Through Major Canadian Retailers

While preordering directly from PlayStation is a popular option, you can also secure your PS5 Pro through trusted Canadian retailers. These retailers are expected to offer preorders on or after September 26:

  • Best Buy Canada
  • Walmart Canada
  • EB Games (GameStop)
  • Amazon Canada
  • The Source

Steps to Preorder via Canadian Retailers:

  • Visit Retailer Websites: Search for “PlayStation 5 Pro” on the website of your preferred retailer starting on September 26.
  • Create or Log in to Your Account: If you’re shopping online, having an account with the retailer can speed up the preorder process.
  • Preorder in Store: For those who prefer in-person shopping, check with local stores regarding availability and preorder policies.

3. Sign Up for Notifications

Many retailers and websites offer the option to sign up for notifications when the preorder goes live. If you’re worried about missing out due to high demand, this can be a useful option.

  • Visit Retailer Sites: Look for a “Notify Me” or “Email Alerts” option and enter your email to stay informed.
  • Use PlayStation Alerts: Sign up for notifications directly through Sony to be one of the first to know when preorders are available.

4. Prepare for High Demand

Preordering the PS5 Pro is expected to be competitive, with high demand likely to result in quick sellouts, just as with the initial release of the original PS5. To maximize your chances of securing a preorder:

  • Act Quickly: Be prepared to place your order as soon as preorders open. Timing is key, as stock can run out within minutes.
  • Double-Check Payment Information: Ensure your credit card or payment method is ready to go. Any delays during the checkout process could result in losing your spot.
  • Stay Informed: Monitor PlayStation and retailer websites for updates on restocks or additional preorder windows.

Final Thoughts

The PlayStation 5 Pro is set to take gaming to the next level with its enhanced performance, graphics, and new features. Canadian gamers should be ready to act fast when preorders open on September 26, 2024, to secure their console ahead of the holiday season. Whether you choose to preorder through PlayStation’s official website or your preferred retailer, following the steps outlined above will help ensure a smooth and successful preorder experience.

For more details on the PS5 Pro and to preorder, visit or stay tuned to updates from major Canadian retailers.

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Introducing the PlayStation 5 Pro: The Next Evolution in Gaming



Since the PlayStation 5 (PS5) launched four years ago, PlayStation has continuously evolved to meet the demands of its players. Today, we are excited to announce the next step in this journey: the PlayStation 5 Pro. Designed for the most dedicated players and game creators, the PS5 Pro brings groundbreaking advancements in gaming hardware, raising the bar for what’s possible.

Key Features of the PS5 Pro

The PS5 Pro comes equipped with several key performance enhancements, addressing the requests of gamers for smoother, higher-quality graphics at a consistent 60 frames per second (FPS). The console’s standout features include:

  • Upgraded GPU: The PS5 Pro’s GPU boasts 67% more Compute Units than the current PS5, combined with 28% faster memory. This allows for up to 45% faster rendering speeds, ensuring a smoother gaming experience.
  • Advanced Ray Tracing: Ray tracing capabilities have been significantly enhanced, with reflections and refractions of light being processed at double or triple the speed of the current PS5, creating more dynamic visuals.
  • AI-Driven Upscaling: Introducing PlayStation Spectral Super Resolution, an AI-based upscaling technology that adds extraordinary detail to images, resulting in sharper image clarity.
  • Backward Compatibility & Game Boost: More than 8,500 PS4 games playable on PS5 Pro will benefit from PS5 Pro Game Boost, stabilizing or enhancing performance. PS4 games will also see improved resolution on select titles.
  • VRR & 8K Support: The PS5 Pro supports Variable Refresh Rate (VRR) and 8K gaming for the ultimate visual experience, while also launching with the latest wireless technology, Wi-Fi 7, in supported regions.

Optimized Games & Patches

Game creators have quickly embraced the new technology that comes with the PS5 Pro. Many games will receive free updates to take full advantage of the console’s new features, labeled as PS5 Pro Enhanced. Some of the highly anticipated titles include:

  • Alan Wake 2
  • Assassin’s Creed: Shadows
  • Demon’s Souls
  • Dragon’s Dogma 2
  • Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth
  • Gran Turismo 7
  • Marvel’s Spider-Man 2
  • Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart
  • Horizon Forbidden West

These updates will allow players to experience their favorite games at a higher fidelity, taking full advantage of the console’s improved graphics and performance.



Design & Compatibility

Maintaining consistency within the PS5 family, the PS5 Pro retains the same height and width as the original PS5 model. Players will also have the option to add an Ultra HD Blu-ray Disc Drive or swap console covers when available.

Additionally, the PS5 Pro is fully compatible with all existing PS5 accessories, including the PlayStation VR2, DualSense Edge, Pulse Elite, and Access controller. This ensures seamless integration into your current gaming setup.

Pricing & Availability

The PS5 Pro will be available starting November 7, 2024, at a manufacturer’s suggested retail price (MSRP) of:

  • $699.99 USD
  • $949.99 CAD
  • £699.99 GBP
  • €799.99 EUR
  • ¥119,980 JPY

Each PS5 Pro comes with a 2TB SSD, a DualSense wireless controller, and a copy of Astro’s Playroom pre-installed. Pre-orders begin on September 26, 2024, and the console will be available at participating retailers and directly from PlayStation via

The launch of the PS5 Pro marks a new chapter in PlayStation’s commitment to delivering cutting-edge gaming experiences. Whether players choose the standard PS5 or the PS5 Pro, PlayStation aims to provide the best possible gaming experience for everyone.

Preorder your PS5 Pro and step into the next generation of gaming this holiday season.

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Google Unveils AI-Powered Pixel 9 Lineup Ahead of Apple’s iPhone 16 Release



Tech News in Canada

Google has launched its next generation of Pixel phones, setting the stage for a head-to-head competition with Apple as both tech giants aim to integrate more advanced artificial intelligence (AI) features into their flagship devices. The unveiling took place near Google’s Mountain View headquarters, marking an early debut for the Pixel 9 lineup, which is designed to showcase the latest advancements in AI technology.

The Pixel 9 series, although a minor player in global smartphone sales, is a crucial platform for Google to demonstrate the cutting-edge capabilities of its Android operating system. With AI at the core of its strategy, Google is positioning the Pixel 9 phones as vessels for the transformative potential of AI, a trend that is expected to revolutionize the way people interact with technology.

Rick Osterloh, Google’s senior vice president overseeing the Pixel phones, emphasized the company’s commitment to AI, stating, “We are obsessed with the idea that AI can make life easier and more productive for people.” This echoes the narrative Apple is likely to push when it unveils its iPhone 16, which is also expected to feature advanced AI capabilities.

The Pixel 9 lineup will be the first to fully integrate Google’s Gemini AI technology, designed to enhance user experience through more natural, conversational interactions. The Gemini assistant, which features 10 different human-like voices, can perform a wide array of tasks, particularly if users allow access to their emails and documents.

In an on-stage demonstration, the Gemini assistant showcased its ability to generate creative ideas and even analyze images, although it did experience some hiccups when asked to identify a concert poster for singer Sabrina Carpenter.

To support these AI-driven features, Google has equipped the Pixel 9 with a special chip that enables many AI processes to be handled directly on the device. This not only improves performance but also enhances user privacy and security by reducing the need to send data to remote servers.

Google’s aggressive push into AI with the Pixel 9 comes as Apple prepares to unveil its iPhone 16, which is expected to feature its own AI advancements. However, Google’s decision to offer a one-year free subscription to its advanced Gemini Assistant, valued at $240, may pressure Apple to reconsider any plans to charge for its AI services.

The standard Pixel 9 will be priced at $800, a $100 increase from last year, while the Pixel 9 Pro will range between $1,000 and $1,100, depending on the model. Google also announced the next iteration of its foldable Pixel phone, priced at $1,800.

In addition to the new Pixel phones, Google also revealed updates to its Pixel Watch and wireless earbuds, directly challenging Apple’s dominance in the wearable tech market. These products, like the Pixel 9, are designed to integrate seamlessly with Google’s AI-driven ecosystem.

Google’s event took place against the backdrop of a significant legal challenge, with a judge recently ruling that its search engine constitutes an illegal monopoly. This ruling could lead to further court proceedings that may force Google to make significant changes to its business practices, potentially impacting its Android software or other key components of its $2 trillion empire.

Despite these legal hurdles, Google is pressing forward with its vision of an AI-powered future, using its latest devices to showcase what it believes will be the next big leap in technology. As the battle for AI supremacy heats up, consumers can expect both Google and Apple to push the boundaries of what their devices can do, making the choice between them more compelling than ever.

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