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The Call for Change: Time Celebrities Get off the Money Train and Achieve for Their People



Intelligence is the ability to adapt to change. All things change and evolve. So many people believe holding onto their ideals, thoughts and traditions no matter how wrong they may be will protect them. Social prejudice, hatred and ignorance of historic wrongs are incestuous and contagious to the ignorant. It must be fought with all our might. (SK)

Of all the historical social movements we have experienced in North America, those led by non-white men and women were the most resonant and deafening. Whether you speak of the equal rights or women’s movement, Black Lives Matter or any social agenda the black community finds important to themselves and humanity as well, these women marched often along with supportive men to achieve their goal. None of these movements have disappeared and still exist because society continues to treat the non-white community as a second-class citizen.

You can speak about contemporary women facing a multitude of oppressive measures placed before them by history, social and individual prejudice, and economic factors initiated by the corporate world long ago. Corporations need cheap labour to achieve the profitability they desire. Was so at the beginning and now too. Blacks and non-whites find themselves still unable to feed their families and educate themselves. Medical treatment falls onto the insured and 41% of Black Americans are uninsured. Get sick, go into debt and pay your bills over a long period or declare bankruptcy if you can. Education is open to those who excel whether that be in the sciences or sports. A non-white often makes 15-30% less than whites in a comparative field of employment, and inflation weights these workers down. Inflation is created by those with money, greed and addiction to acquiring stuff.

What does the Black Community do in this situation? If they achieve the smallest of victories they celebrate it. They also celebrate those they look up to and wish they could be like black actors, sporting, professional and institutional black celebrities. And what do these celebrities do for the non-white masses? They entertain them and speak about their struggles to achieve their level of celebrity on social media, and reality shows. Occasionally they speak out about perceived wrongs done to their fellow citizens, but they also have their handlers beside them making sure they do not upset the social elites they depend upon.

Why are Black and Hispanic Celebrities not leading the BLM Movement, or speaking before a labour movement gathering working to pull its membership out of low-income poverty? Rich bubble-wrapped celebrities and even the so-called leaders of the institutional movement do not want to place themselves in financial or political jeopardy, No Sir. Beautiful People whose messages often are nothing more than socially worn platitudes that challenge no one in particular. Even the “Rap” Culture celebrities have fallen away from their original messaging and become institutionalized.

So if you want to have equal pay, equal rights, visible and sound improvement within your communities don’t whisper or talk, but SHOUT out LOUD. March with the attitude I know you can express, an attitude of want, desire and commitment. Remember all the leaders of the past who stood with their followers against oppression, prejudice and injustice, and often violently too. JESUS was himself violent when faced with ignorance, greed and misrepresentation by the temple leaders and money changers. Remember the Black Panthers, the Little Rock Nine, Chicago Housing Activists, the Chicano Movement and so many others who fought, bled and even died so you can enjoy what freedom of equality you now benefit from.

Have no leader that exemplifies what you and your community need? Have those who claim to be your leaders become a part of the “system” where self-interest is supreme? They stand up and be “that” leader. Some of history’s greatest and most effective leaders were uneducated, poor and unknown until they stood up and acted not for themselves but for the benefit of others.

Delores Huerta became a leader in the fight against Racism and Sexism. “Yes, we can” became her motto, saying “You should never wait for someone to ask for help, simply help them”. Working with Latino laborers this woman became a symbol of American Courage. How about you? See something that needs to be challenged and changed? A wrong needs to be made right? Your future is there waiting to be made, so become the opposite of evil, become an agent of truthful socially beneficial change.

Steven Kaszab
Bradford, Ontario


Federal money and sales taxes help pump up New Brunswick budget surplus



FREDERICTON – New Brunswick’s finance minister says the province recorded a surplus of $500.8 million for the fiscal year that ended in March.

Ernie Steeves says the amount — more than 10 times higher than the province’s original $40.3-million budget projection for the 2023-24 fiscal year — was largely the result of a strong economy and population growth.

The report of a big surplus comes as the province prepares for an election campaign, which will officially start on Thursday and end with a vote on Oct. 21.

Steeves says growth of the surplus was fed by revenue from the Harmonized Sales Tax and federal money, especially for health-care funding.

Progressive Conservative Premier Blaine Higgs has promised to reduce the HST by two percentage points to 13 per cent if the party is elected to govern next month.

Meanwhile, the province’s net debt, according to the audited consolidated financial statements, has dropped from $12.3 billion in 2022-23 to $11.8 billion in the most recent fiscal year.

Liberal critic René Legacy says having a stronger balance sheet does not eliminate issues in health care, housing and education.

This report by The Canadian Press was first published Sept. 16, 2024.

The Canadian Press. All rights reserved.

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Rent cap loophole? Halifax-area landlords defend use of fixed-term leases



HALIFAX – Some Halifax-area landlords say fixed-term leases allow property owners to recoup operating costs they otherwise can’t under Nova Scotia’s rent cap.

Their comments to a legislative committee today are in reaction to plans by the government to extend the five per cent cap on rental increases to the end of 2027.

But opposition parties and housing activists say the bill’s failure to address fixed-term leases has created a loophole that allows large corporate landlords to boost rents past five per cent for new tenants.

But smaller landlords told a committee today that they too benefit from fixed-term leases, which they said help them from losing money on their investment.

Jenna Ross, of Halifax-based Happy Place Property Management, says her company started implementing those types of leases “because of the rent cap.”

Landlord Yarviv Gadish called the use of fixed-term leases “absolutely essential” in order to keep his apartments presentable and to get a return on his investment.

Unlike a periodic lease, a fixed-term lease does not automatically renew beyond its set end date. The provincial rent cap covers periodic leases and situations in which a landlord signs a new fixed-term lease with the same tenant.

However, there is no rule preventing a landlord from raising the rent as much as they want after the term of a fixed lease expires — as long as they lease to someone new.

This report by The Canadian Press was first published Sept. 16, 2024.

The Canadian Press. All rights reserved.

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Former military leader Haydn Edmundson found not guilty of sexual assault



OTTAWA – Former vice-admiral Haydn Edmundson has been found not guilty of sexual assault and committing an indecent act, concluding a trial that began in February.

Edmundson was head of the military’s personnel in 2021 when he was accused of assaulting another member of the navy during a 1991 deployment.

The complainant, Stephanie Viau, testified during the trial that she was 19 years old and in the navy’s lowest rank at the time of the alleged assault, while Edmundson was an older officer.

Edmundson pleaded not guilty and testified that he never had sexual contact with Viau.

In court on Monday, a small group of his supporters gasped when the verdict was read, and Edmundson shook his lawyer’s hand.

Outside court, lawyer Brian Greenspan said his client was gratified by the “clear, decisive vindication of his steadfast position that he was not guilty of these false accusations.”

Justice Matthew Webber read his entire decision to the court Monday, concluding that the Crown did not meet the standard of proving its case beyond a reasonable doubt.

He cited concerns with the complainant’s memory of what happened more than 30 years ago, and a lack of evidence to corroborate her account.

“There are just too many problems, and I’m not in the business of … declaring what happened. That’s not my job, you know, my job is to just decide whether or not guilt has been proven to the requisite standard, and it hasn’t,” Webber said.

During the trial, Viau testified that one of her responsibilities on board the ship was to wake officers for night watch and other overnight duties, and that she woke Edmundson regularly during that 1991 deployment.

The court has heard conflicting evidence about the wake-up calls.

Viau estimated that she woke Edmundson every second or third night, and she told the court that his behaviour became progressively worse during the deployment.

She testified that he started sleeping naked and that one night she found him completely exposed on top of the sheets.

Viau said she “went berserk,” yelling at him and turning on the lights to wake the other officer sleeping in the top bunk.

That incident was the basis for the indecent act charge.

Webber said he did not believe that Viau could have caused such a disruption on board a navy ship at night without notice from others.

“I conclude that (Viau’s) overall evidence on the allegation that Mr. Edmundson did progressively expose himself to her as being far too compromised to approach proof of those allegations that she has made,” he said in his decision.

Viau alleged that the sexual assault happened a couple of days after her yelling at Edmundson.

She testified at trial that he stopped her in the corridor and called her into his sleeping quarters to talk. Viau said Edmundson kept her from leaving the room, and he sexually assaulted her.

When Edmundson took the stand in his own defence he denied having physical or sexual contact with Viau.

During his testimony, Edmundson also said Viau did not wake him regularly during that deployment because his role as the ship’s navigator kept him on mostly day shifts.

Defence lawyer Brian Greenspan took aim at the Crown’s corroborating witness during cross-examination. The woman, whose name is protected by a court-ordered publication ban, was a friend of Viau’s on the ship.

She testified that she remembered the evening of the assault because she and Viau had been getting ready for a night out during a port visit, and she misplaced her reading glasses. She said Viau offered to go fetch them from another part of the ship but never came back, and that she went looking for her friend.

On cross-examination, the woman explained that she had told all of this to a CBC reporter in early 2021.

Greenspan produced a transcript of that interview that he said suggests the reporter told her key details of Viau’s story before asking her any questions.

Greenspan argued the reporter provided information to the witness and she wouldn’t have been able to corroborate the story otherwise.

In his decision, Webber said the woman’s evidence “cannot be relied upon in any respect to corroborate that evidence of the complainant, because it’s it’s clearly a tainted recollection, doesn’t represent a real memory.”

Edmundson was one of several senior military leaders accused of sexual misconduct in early 2021.

He stepped down from his position as head of military personnel after the accusation against him was made public in 2021. The charges were laid months later, in December 2021.

Edmundson testified that in February 2022, he was directed by the chief of the defence staff to retire from the Armed Forces.

The crisis led to an external review by former Supreme Court justice Louise Arbour in May 2022, whose report called for sweeping changes to reform the toxic culture of the Armed Forces.

The military’s new defence chief, Gen. Jennie Carignan, was promoted to the newly created role of chief of professional conduct and culture in an effort to enact the reforms in the Arbour report.

Outside court, Edmundson declined to comment on whether he was considering legal action against the government or the military.

This report by The Canadian Press was first published Sept. 16, 2024.

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