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Coronavirus: What's happening in Canada and around the world April 16 –



The latest:

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has announced a new assistance program meant to help businesses offset monthly rent.

The Canadian Emergency Commercial Rent Assistance program will help small businesses offset rent in April, May and June, Trudeau said during his daily COVID-19 address. Ottawa will work with provinces to roll out the program, as it falls under provincial jurisdiction. 

The announcement was made in conjunction with plans to loosen eligibility requirements to the Canadian Emergency Business Account (CEBA), in order to aid more small- and medium-sized businesses struggling with the fallout of the pandemic, and on the day the number of COVID-19 cases across the country exceeded 30,000.

CEBA will now cover businesses who spent between $20,000 and $1.5 million on payroll last year, Trudeau said. Previously, the threshold for businesses was a minimum payroll of $50,000 and a maximum of $1 million.

Trudeau spoke Thursday evening with premiers about how to boost pay for critical support workers in long-term care homes. He tweeted following the phone call, but gave no details of the discussion. 

Public Safety Minister Bill Blair received a request from Quebec last night, he said, asking for government to send both doctors and members of the Canadian Armed Forces to help.

“It is impossible to imagine the anguish that families, and indeed our elders, are going through in this situation,” Trudeau said. “There is just so much fear, so much uncertainty. We need to do a better job of being there for them.”

WATCH | Trudeau talks about Quebec’s request for military help:

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau spoke with reporters on Thursday. 0:47

In a later question-and-answer period, Deputy Prime Minister Chrystia Freeland said the government is “urgently” looking at that request, but doesn’t yet have details on what aid could be sent.  

Trudeau had said Wednesday he would talk to provincial and territorial leaders about raising pay for essential workers making less than $2,500 a month. Quebec, where several long-term care homes are struggling with COVID-19 outbreaks, has already said it will increase pay for eligible workers.

Ontario announced more testing and infection control measures, as well as an emergency order that prevents long-term care staff from working at multiple facilities — though the provincial opposition said the order had a loophole around workers from temp agencies. Health-care worker unions have long raised the issue, saying staff often work at multiple facilities because they’re unable to get full-time positions.

“This is a temporary measure to allow for the reduction of the spread of COVID-19,” Long-Term Care Minister Merrilee Fullerton said.

The announcement came the same day news broke that a second health-care worker has died of COVID-19 in Ontario. The woman, in her 50s, worked at Altamont Care Community, a long-term care home in Scarborough Ontario. Last week, a 58-year-old health-care worker at Brampton Civic Hospital died of complications linked to COVID-19.

The province also announced a change to how it is tabulating data from its testing. Public health officials are now counting how many samples are being tested, rather than how many people. That means some of the 9,001 tests cited so far in the province could have come from the existing testing backlog or from hospitalized patients, from whom a minimum of two samples are collected and processed by labs.

Cautious optimism — and a reminder to stay vigilant

Dr. Theresa Tam, Canada’s chief public health officer, has previously said around half of Canada’s COVID-19-related deaths are linked to long-term care. The new coronavirus causes mild or moderate symptoms for most people, but seniors and people with underlying health issues face a higher risk of severe disease and death.

On Thursday, Tam restated her belief that the epidemic appears to be slowing, but Canadians now need to “double-down” on social distancing to prevent outbreaks in high-risk settings. Alongside long-term care homes and seniors’ residences, those experiencing homelessness and precarious housing are at particular risk, Tam said. If there is not immediate action, she said, there will be broader outbreaks and avoidable deaths.

“If the measure of a society is in how it cares for its most vulnerable, this pandemic has revealed the chink in our armour,” Tam said.

Despite President Donald Trump’s statement Wednesday that he would consider relaxing border restrictions at the Canada-U.S. border, Trudeau said Thursday that those restrictions will likely stand “for a good while to come.” 

Those restrictions were initially put in place on March 21, and are due to be reviewed on April 19. 

WATCH | ‘Significant amount of time still’ before looser border restrictions, Trudeau says: 

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau says there’s a “significant amount of time still” to go before Canada can consider loosening travel restrictions at the U.S.-Canada border, despite President Donald Trump saying they could ease soon. 2:26

Trudeau defends WHO

G7 leaders held a video teleconference Thursday and agreed the development of a vaccine will be crucial to stop the spread of the coronavirus, a British statement said following the virtual summit.

The White House said that the leaders also called for a review and reform process at the World Health Organization (WHO) and agreed to ensure a co-ordinated global approach to the pandemic. Earlier this week, Trump cut funding to WHO amid accusations it is too cozy with China, while other countries including Canada have defended the UN agency as vital to fighting the pandemic.

The prime minister defended WHO after the G7 meeting.

“I think we all recognized on the call how important it is to continue to co-ordinate and collaborate the science around the pandemic, to work on public health measures around the world, to share information around vaccine development, around treatments that can work,” Trudeau said.

“There is a need for international co-ordination and the WHO is an important part of that collaboration and co-ordination.”

That includes supporting international efforts “to develop a vaccine, expand treatment, expand testing and ensure the critical medical supplies get to the front lines,” he added.

As of 7 p.m. ET on Thursday, Canada had 30,106 presumptive and confirmed COVID-19 cases. Provinces and territories that provide data on recovered cases listed 9,742 as resolved or recovered.

A CBC News tally of COVID-19-related deaths based on provincial and regional public health data, as well as CBC’s reporting, stood at 1,273. There have also been two reported coronavirus-related deaths of Canadians abroad.

WATCH | How do you predict who will be hit hard by COVID-19?

Researchers can’t yet say who will be hardest hit by the coronavirus, says infectious disease specialist Dr. Isaac Bogoch, but a person’s immune system is key. 5:03

Read on to see what’s happening across Canada, in the U.S. and around the world.

Here’s what’s happening in the provinces and territories

In British Columbia, Correctional Service Canada has confirmed an inmate from the Mission Institution has died of COVID-19-related complications. It is the first death related to COVID-19 among federally sentenced inmates.  Read more about what’s happening in B.C.

In Alberta, there are at least 12 cases of COVID-19 linked to the Kearl Lake oilsands facility north of Fort McMurray. The site is jointly owned between Imperial and ExxonMobil Canada. “We are taking this situation very seriously,” Simon Younger, vice-president of production for Imperial, told CBC News. “We have completed contact tracing for all of these individuals and have asked additional members of our workforce to self-isolate while further testing is underway.” Read more about what’s happening in Alberta, including the latest coronavirus case numbers

Saskatchewan’s premier said it isn’t likely schools in that province will reopen this academic year. Scott Moe also said the province’s state of emergency will be in place at least another two weeks. Read more about what’s happening in Saskatchewan.

WATCH | What happens after Canadians flatten the curve:

The curve for COVID-19 cases in Canada is starting to flatten, but before cases see a major decrease in the number of deaths that number will continue to rise. 2:02

Manitoba is looking at expanding its testing. The province currently tests only symptomatic people in certain higher-risk categories, including health-care workers, recent travellers and known contacts of those with COVID-19. “To be frank, though, the opening of our economy is vital, and so this is an issue of importance and discussion that we’re undertaking right now,” Premier Brian Pallister said Thursday. People from remote communities, long-term care centres, jails and shelters also are being tested, as well as patients hospitalized for respiratory symptoms.  Read more about what’s happening in Manitoba.

Despite an emergency order prohibiting employees in Ontario from working at multiple long-term care facilities, a loophole allows temporary workers to do just that. That order was passed after it became clear that outbreaks were linked to employees working at more than one site. Read more about what’s happening in Ontario.

A 44-year-old Quebec doctor has died from complications of COVID-19, the province’s public health director said on Thursday. That doctor, who had not been treating patients, is the first doctor in Quebec to die from the disease. Read more about what’s happening in Quebec, which has also seen large-scale outbreaks in long-term care facilities.

New Brunswick has extended its state of emergency for another 14 days. The province reported no new COVID-19 cases Thursday, but officials said it is not the time to loosen restrictions. “This is good news, but we must not lose focus,” chief medical officer Dr. Jennifer Russell told reporters during the daily update in Fredericton. Read more about what’s happening in N.B.

Long-term care homes in Nova Scotia are planning for how they would handle an increase in COVID-19 cases, with some setting up isolation units for coronavirus cases. Read more about what’s happening in N.S.

P.E.I. declared a state of emergency on Thursday and renewed their state of public health emergency for an additional 30 days. Under the measures, anyone travelling to the province will need to disclose the purposes of their travel to determine if it is essential or not. Read more about what’s happening in P.E.I. 

Newfoundland and Labrador is expanding its testing criteria for COVID-19. Read more about what’s happening in N.L., including why the premier says the province urgently needs more financial support.

COVID-19 testing guidelines are being expanded in the Northwest Territories, meaning people with milder symptoms will be able to get a test. Read more about what’s happening across Canada’s North.

Here’s a look at what’s happening in the U.S.

From Reuters and The Associated Press, updated at 5:30 p.m. ET

New White House guidelines outline a phased approach to restoring normal commerce and services, but only for places with strong testing and decreasing COVID-19 cases.

Trump unveiled his administration’s plans to ease social distancing requirements on a call Thursday with the nation’s governors. The new guidelines are aimed at clearing the way for an easing of restrictions in areas with low transmission of the coronavirus, while keeping them in place in harder-hit locations.

U.S. President Donald Trump issued guidelines Thursday to reopening the U.S. economy. (Leah Millis/Reuters)

Places with declining infections and strong testing would begin a three-phase gradual reopening of businesses and schools.

In phase one, for instance, the plan recommends strict physical distancing for all people in public. Gatherings larger than 10 people are to be avoided and nonessential travel is discouraged.

In phase two, people are encouraged to maximize distancing where possible and limit gatherings to no more than 50 people unless precautionary measures are taken. Travel could resume.

Phase three envisions a return to normalcy for most Americans, with a focus on identification and isolation of any new infections.

WATCH | Trump leaves it to states to decide when to reopen:

U.S. president says administration will provide guidance despite lack of widespread COVID-19 testing 1:16

Governors of both parties made clear they will move at their own pace. An audio recording of the conference call obtained by The Associated Press has the president telling the governors, “You’re going to call your own shots,” while his administration will be “standing alongside of you.” 

The comments came after a week in which he clashed with governors over his claim that he has “total” authority over how and when the country reopens.

Governors, for their part, have been moving ahead with their own plans for how to safely revive normal activity. Seven Midwestern governors announced Thursday they will co-ordinate on reopening their economies. Similar pacts were announced earlier in the week in the west and northeast.

New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo on Thursday extended an order closing businesses and schools by two weeks, until at least May 15, in co-ordination with other states in the region.

The number of people hospitalized for the novel coronavirus and related deaths in New York fell to their lowest levels in more than a week, adding to evidence that the hardest-hit state was controlling its spread, Cuomo said. 

A total of 17,735 people were hospitalized across the state — the lowest total since April 6 — while 606 people died from the virus on Wednesday.

WATCH | The race for a COVID-19 vaccine:

There are at least 70 research teams around the world, including in Canada, racing to develop a COVID-19 vaccine in a year, something that has never been done before. 1:58

The overall U.S. death toll in the global pandemic is approaching 32,000, with more than 654,000 cases nationwide, according to a tally by Johns Hopkins University.

The country is grappling with the challenge of ramping up contact tracing. Experts have said it could require new public health employees numbering in the six figures, and potential measures could include employing Peace Corps members or students studying in related fields.

The U.S. is also struggling to contain transmission in long-term care homes. New Jersey is reported to have at least one COVID-19 case in nearly every nursing home in the state. At one facility alone in northern New Jersey, more than 100 residents and staff members have tested positive for the novel coronavirus, the New York Times reported.

Here’s a look at what’s happening around the world:

From Reuters and The Associated Press, updated at 3 p.m. ET

More than one million COVID-19 tests will be rolled out starting next week in Africa to address the “big gap” in assessing the true number of cases on the continent, the head of the African Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said Thursday, while one projection estimates more than 10 million severe cases of the virus in the next six months.

“Maybe 15 million tests” will be required in Africa over the next three months, John Nkengasong said.

WATCH | Some good news from around the world on Thursday:

With much of the world struggling through the COVID-19 pandemic, there are still some good-news stories to report. Here’s a brief roundup. 2:18

Experts have said Africa is weeks behind Europe and the U.S., but the rise in cases has looked alarmingly similar.

The concern about how the outbreak will unfold in Africa comes as some European countries consider easing restrictions. WHO said countries that ease restrictions should wait at least two weeks to evaluate the impact, as some European countries including Spain and Austria have begun small-scale steps to reduce severe lockdowns.

Health-care workers put protective suits on before testing employees and residents for COVID-19 at the Hospital Sant Miquel care home for the elderly in Barcelona on Wednesday. (Lluis Gene/AFP/Getty Images)

In France, the overall death toll from the disease has risen to 17,167, including 10,643 at hospitals and 6,524 in nursing homes. National health agency chief Jerome Salomon says there were about 500 fewer people infected with the virus at hospitals than the day before, marking the first such decrease since the outbreak began.

Britain extended its nationwide lockdown for at least another three weeks on Thursday, as stand-in leader Dominic Raab ordered Britons to stay at home to prevent the spread of an outbreak that has already claimed more than 138,000 lives globally. The U.K. has the fifth-highest official death toll from COVID-19 in the world, after the United States, Italy, Spain and France, though the figure only covers hospital fatalities and the real number is probably much higher.

Spain said on Thursday the overall number of COVID-19 fatalities rose to 19,130, even as figures from Catalonia indicated the real total could be several thousand more. Catalonia’s health department announced late on Wednesday its tally of deaths had nearly doubled after they began including data from funerary services on suspected and confirmed coronavirus deaths in nursing homes and private homes. Until now, the Catalan health department was only reporting coronavirus deaths in hospitals and those confirmed by tests.

New Zealand reported just 15 new cases of coronavirus on Thursday as Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern began outlining what restrictions imposed during a strict four-week lockdown might be eased from next Wednesday. New Zealand has reported 1,401 cases of COVID-19 and nine deaths.

Lawmakers will make a final decision on Monday on whether to proceed with easing the restrictions. Under Ardern’s plan, primary schools would reopen but attendance would be voluntary, and some businesses could reopen, including drive-thru and delivery restaurants. Malls and retail stores would remain closed and large gatherings banned.

New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern uses hand sanitizer while arriving with health director Dr. Ashley Bloomfield for an update on COVID-19. Under the country’s COVID-19 Alert Level Four measures, all non-essential businesses are closed, including bars, restaurants, cinemas and playgrounds. (Mark Mitchell/Getty Images)

South Korea has confirmed 22 more cases of the coronavirus over the past 24 hours, raising the country’s total tally to 10,613 with 229 deaths. The new cases recorded Thursday mean that South Korea’s daily increase in virus infections has been below 30 for the fourth consecutive day. The Korea Centers for Disease Control and Prevention says in a statement that 7,757 people have recovered and been released from quarantine.

Prime Minister of Japan Shinzo Abe announced a state of emergency in the country that will take effect Friday and last until at least May 6, the end of Japan’s “golden week” holidays. He said the nationwide state of emergency is aimed at stopping cross-border movement of people and achieving as much as an 80 per cent reduction in social contact “to overcome this national crisis in an all-out national effort.”

Abe’s previous state of emergency declaration on April 7 only covered Tokyo and six other prefectures deemed at highest risk of infection. He initially issued a stay-home request only to the people in those areas, though later expanded the measure to the rest of the country.

Singapore has reported a record 447 new coronavirus cases, it’s third straight day of sharp daily spikes, to raise its tally to 3,699. The number of infections has jumped by 1,167 since Monday, mostly linked to crowded dormitories that house foreign workers from Bangladesh, India and other poorer Asian countries.

Despite successfully managing the first wave of infections, Singapore has overlooked this vast population of foreign workers who live in dormitories that typically house up to 20 men in a room with shared kitchen, toilets and other facilities. Tens of thousands of workers have been quarantined in their dormitories, while some were moved to alternative sites to reduce crowding.

WATCH | See what experts had to say to your questions about COVID-19 in a CBC News virtual town hall:

CBC News held a virtual town hall Wednesday evening to address some of the questions and concerns on the minds of Canadians across the country. 1:19:45

China reported 46 new virus cases on Thursday, 34 of them brought from outside the country, but no new deaths from the outbreak. Of the domestic cases, three were recorded in the capital Beijing, which has been enforcing strict quarantine and physical distancing measures. Four others were reported in the northeastern province of Heilongjiang, where authorities have been rushing to stem a new flare-up among Chinese citizens crossing the border from Russia.

China has now reported a total of 3,342 deaths from the virus among 82,341 cases, though it has faced questions about how it counts and reports cases.  Around 3,000 people remain hospitalized with COVID-19 or under isolation and monitoring for showing signs of the illness or testing positive but not displaying symptoms.

Mexico’s government on Thursday said its health experts have recommended the country extend its current anti-coronavirus measures until May 30. But Deputy Health Minister Hugo Lopez-Gatell said restrictions could be eased in some parts of the country where there are no coronavirus cases or very few incidents of transmissions by May 17.

Haiti has decided to reopen its key textile industry next week, suggesting the country had escaped the worst of the pandemic by imposing a state of emergency early on.

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Alouettes receiver Philpot announces he’ll be out for the rest of season



Montreal Alouettes wide receiver Tyson Philpot has announced he will be out for the rest of the CFL season.

The Delta, B.C., native posted the news on his Instagram page Thursday.

“To Be Continued. Shoutout my team, the fans of the CFL and the whole city of Montreal! I can’t wait to be back healthy and write this next chapter in 2025,” the statement read.

Philpot, 24, injured his foot in a 33-23 win over the Hamilton Tiger-Cats on Aug. 10 and was placed on the six-game injured list the next week.

The six-foot-one, 195-pound receiver had 58 receptions, 779 yards and five touchdowns in nine games for the league-leading Alouettes in his third season.

Philpot scored the game-winning touchdown in Montreal’s Grey Cup win last season to punctuate a six-reception, 63-yard performance.

This report by The Canadian Press was first published Sept. 12, 2024.

The Canadian Press. All rights reserved.

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Tua Tagovailoa sustains concussion after hitting head on turf in Dolphins’ loss to Bills




MIAMI GARDENS, Fla. (AP) — Miami Dolphins quarterback Tua Tagovailoa sustained a concussion for the third time in his NFL career, leaving his team’s game Thursday night against Buffalo after running into defensive back Damar Hamlin and hitting the back of his head against the turf.

Tagovailoa remained down for about two minutes before getting to his feet and walking to the sideline after the play in the third quarter. He made his way to the tunnel not long afterward, looking into the stands before smiling and departing toward the locker room.

The Dolphins needed almost no time before announcing it was a concussion. The team said he had two during the 2022 season, and Tagovailoa was diagnosed with another concussion when he was a college player at Alabama.

Dolphins coach Mike McDaniel said Tagovailoa would get “proper procedural evaluation” and “appropriate care” on Friday.

“The furthest thing from my mind is, ‘What is the timeline?’ We just need to evaluate and just worry about my teammate, like the rest of the guys are,” McDaniel said. “We’ll get more information tomorrow and take it day by day from here.”

Some players saw Tagovailoa in the locker room after the game and said they were encouraged. Tagovailoa spoke with some players and then went home after the game, McDaniel said.

“I have a lot of love for Tua, built a great relationship with him,” said quarterback Skylar Thompson, who replaced Tagovailoa after the injury. “You care about the person more than the player and everybody in the organization would say the same thing. Just really praying for Tua and hopefully everything will come out all right.”

Tagovailoa signed a four-year, $212 million extension before this season — a deal that makes him one of the highest-paid players in the NFL — and was the NFL’s leading passer in Week 1 this season. Tagovailoa left with the Dolphins trailing 31-10, and that was the final score.

“If you know Tua outside of football, you can’t help but feel for him,” Bills quarterback Josh Allen said on Amazon following the game. “He’s a great football player but he’s an even greater human being. He’s one of the best humans on the planet. I’ve got a lot of love for him and I’m just praying for him and his family, hoping everything’s OK. But it’s tough, man. This game of football that we play, it’s got its highs and it’s got its lows — and this is one of the lows.”

Tagovailoa’s college years and first three NFL seasons were marred by injury, though he positioned himself for a big pay bump with an injury-free and productive 2023 as he led the Dolphins into the playoffs. He threw for 29 touchdowns and a league-best 4,624 yards last year.

When, or if, he can come back this season is anyone’s guess. Tagovailoa said in April 2023 that the concussions he had in the 2022 season left him contemplating his playing future. “I think I considered it for a time,” he said then, when asked if he considered stepping away from the game to protect himself.

McDaniel said it’s not his place to say if Tagovailoa should return to football. “He’ll be evaluated and we’ll have conversations and progress as appropriate,” McDaniel said.

Tagovailoa was hurt Thursday on a fourth-down keeper with about 4:30 left in the third. He went straight ahead into Hamlin and did not slide, leading with his right shoulder instead.

Hamlin was the player who suffered a cardiac arrest after making a tackle during a Monday night game in January 2023 at Cincinnati, causing the NFL to suspend a pivotal game that quickly lost significance in the aftermath of a scary scene that unfolded in front of a national television audience.

Tagovailoa wound up on his back, both his hands in the air and Bills players immediately pointed at him as if to suggest there was an injury. Dolphins center Aaron Brewer quickly did the same, waving to the sideline.

Tagovailoa appeared to be making a fist with his right hand as he lay on the ground. It was movement consistent with something that is referred to as the “fencing response,” which can be common after a traumatic brain injury.

Tagovailoa eventually got to his feet. McDaniel grabbed the side of his quarterback’s head and gave him a kiss on the cheek as Tagovailoa departed. Thompson came into the game to take Tagovailoa’s spot.

“I love Tua on and off the football field,” Bills edge Von Miller said. “I’m a huge fan of him. I can empathize and sympathize with him because I’ve been there. I wish him the best.”

Tagovailoa’s history with concussions — and how he has since worked to avoid them — is a huge part of the story of his career, and now comes to the forefront once again.

He had at least two concussions during the 2022 season. He was hurt in a Week 3 game against Buffalo and cleared concussion protocol, though he appeared disoriented on that play but returned to the game.

The NFL later changed its concussion protocol to mandate that if a player shows possible concussion symptoms — including a lack of balance or stability — he must sit out the rest of the game.

Less than a week later, in a Thursday night game at Cincinnati, Tagovailoa was concussed on a scary hit that briefly knocked him unconscious and led to him being taken off the field on a stretcher.

His second known concussion of that season came in a December game against Green Bay, and he didn’t play for the rest of the 2022 season. After that, Tagovailoa began studying ways where he may be able to fall more safely and protect himself against further injury — including studying jiu-jitsu.

“I’m not worried about anything that’s out of my hands,” McDaniel said. “I’m just worried about the human being.”



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Too much? Many Americans feel the need to limit their political news, AP-NORC/USAFacts poll finds




NEW YORK (AP) — When her husband turns on the television to hear news about the upcoming presidential election, that’s often a signal for Lori Johnson Malveaux to leave the room.

It can get to be too much. Often, she’ll go to a TV in another room to watch a movie on the Hallmark Channel or BET. She craves something comforting and entertaining. And in that, she has company.

While about half of Americans say they are following political news “extremely” or “very” closely, about 6 in 10 say they need to limit how much information they consume about the government and politics to avoid feeling overloaded or fatigued, according to a new survey from the Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research and USAFacts.

Make no mistake: Malveaux plans to vote. She always does. “I just get to the point where I don’t want to hear the rhetoric,” she said.

The 54-year-old Democrat said she’s most bothered when she hears people on the news telling her that something she saw with her own eyes — like the Jan. 6, 2021, attack on the U.S. Capitol — didn’t really happen.

“I feel like I’m being gaslit. That’s the way to put it,” she said.

Sometimes it feels like ‘a bombardment’

Caleb Pack, 23, a Republican from Ardmore, Oklahoma, who works in IT, tries to keep informed through the news feeds on his phone, which is stocked with a variety of sources, including CNN, Fox News, The Wall Street Journal and The Associated Press.

Yet sometimes, Pack says, it seems like a bombardment.

“It’s good to know what’s going on, but both sides are pulling a little bit extreme,” he said. “It just feels like it’s a conversation piece everywhere, and it’s hard to escape it.”

Media fatigue isn’t a new phenomenon. A Pew Research Center survey conducted in late 2019 found roughly two in three Americans felt worn out by the amount of news there is, about the same as in a poll taken in early 2018. During the 2016 presidential campaign, about 6 in 10 people felt overloaded by campaign news.

But it can be particularly acute with news related to politics. The AP-NORC/USAFacts poll found that half of Americans feel a need to limit their consumption of information related to crime or overseas conflicts, while only about 4 in 10 are limiting news about the economy and jobs.

It’s easy to understand, with television outlets like CNN, Fox News Channel and MSNBC full of political talk and a wide array of political news online, sometimes complicated by disinformation.

“There’s a glut of information,” said Richard Coffin, director of research and advocacy for USAFacts, “and people are having a hard time figuring out what is true or not.”

Women are more likely to feel they need to limit media

In the AP-NORC poll, about 6 in 10 men said they follow news about elections and politics at least “very” closely, compared to about half of women. For all types of news, not just politics, women are more likely than men to report the need to limit their media consumption, the survey found.

White adults are also more likely than Black or Hispanic adults to say they need to limit media consumption on politics, the poll found.

Kaleb Aravzo, 19, a Democrat, gets a baseline of news by listening to National Public Radio in the morning at home in Logan, Utah. Too much politics, particularly when he’s on social media sites like TikTok and Instagram, can trigger anxiety and depression.

“If it pops up on my page when I’m on social media,” he said, “I’ll just scroll past it.”


Sanders reported from Washington. David Bauder writes about media for the AP. Follow him at

The AP poll of 1,019 adults was conducted July 29-August 8, 2024, using a sample drawn from NORC’s probability-based AmeriSpeak Panel, which is designed to be representative of the U.S. population. The margin of sampling error for all respondents is plus or minus 4.0 percentage points.

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