Marc Serre, Nickel Belt MP, says he is proud the federal government has invested $625 million in the country’s child care sector.

Now, he says he wants his riding’s businesses and organizations to access that funding.

“All across West Nipissing, and all across Nickel Belt, families and parents are concerned about child care,” he said. “There are a lot less child care spaces available for use today and I am proud that our federal government has played a leadership role to support the provinces and to make sure those spaces are available to restart our economy.”

Serre says that looking at Canadian statistics, 80% of essential workers in the health care field are women.

“Participation of women in the workforce has been a priority for our government. We’ve heard this both locally and nationally. If we can’t provide more child care spaces, and if we don’t have affordable child care we will not see as many women re-enter the workforce during this pandemic. It is so important for all levels of government to work together. This $625 million is a first step in doing just that. This agreement looks at the next 6 to 8 months of restarting our economy. We then need to continue to make sure this is permanent and more spaces are available for years to come. My job is to make sure [my riding] has access to these federal and provincial dollars. My offices have been active in working with local organizations to make sure we get our fair share.”

Serre says the funds can be channeled to local communities ‘anytime now’.

“The dollars have not flown through the riding quite yet… but I’ve been hearing positive comments from organizations who are looking to access this funding for parents who really need it, really quickly. It is crucial. If we don’t have proper child care and if we’re not making sure that women re-enter the workforce, the recession will continue.” he finished.