Wetaskiwin City Council, friends and family of Susan Spyker joined her in cutting the ribbon on Spyker Arts, art therapy and creative wellness this weekend.
Spkyer, who worked for many years as a Recreation Therapist at the Wetaskiwin Hospital and Care Centre’s Long-Term care said she had seen the benefits of art therapy at work and in her travels.
“So, I decided to take the plunge and get my Masters,” she said. “I decide I would do it so other people can have the opportunity to experience the benefits.”
Providing counselling, therapeutic family support, movement and dance medicine, workshops for children, teens, adults and couples, Spyker Arts provides one-on-one counselling and group sessions online or in person.
Art therapy is a mental health profession using art media and creative processes like drawing, writing, sculpture, drama, clay, paint, dance and movement to explore feelings, improve self-awareness and help reduce anxiety in people.
“Art therapy helps dig deeper,” she said. “Talking, when you talk about something, it stays in the head. This digs deeper and uses the whole being.”
Spyker has been trained in both creative methods and psychological and psychotherapeutic methods to support clients as they find ways to express themselves, improve well-being and connect with their inner selves.
Spyker said anyone can benefit from art therapy, including people with development and differing abilities like ADD, ADHD, Autism spectrum as well as those with depression, anxiety and indecision.
It can help people dealing with loss, grief and bereavement or those dealing with cancer, dementia and other chronic conditions.
People dealing with trauma and post-traumatic stress can benefit, as can those with acquired brain injury, traumatic brain injury as well as their partners and caregivers.
Art therapy can help people with relationship concerns and aspirations and help people through transitions.
As the COVDI-19 pandemic continues to impact the lives of people, Spyker said art therapists are finding the majority of their clients are working through concerns surrounding the pandemic.
“COVID-19 has had a huge impact,” she said. “There is increased anxiety, problems in families, added stresses. Even for people who had stresses before, this has increased that.”
To find out more, call Spyker at 780-361-2092 or email spykerartstherapy@gmail.com
Located at 4802 49 Ave., Spyker does offer her services on a sliding scale for those in need.