South Nation Conservation (SNC) is looking for local artists.

The conservation authority will be holding an online art auction this fall to support local tree planting. SNC says multiple in-person fundraising events, including its annual charity golf tournament, have been cancelled because of the COVID-19 pandemic. SNC says this is an opportunity to promote artwork fund raise to help enhance local forest cover.

According to a media release, more than 3.4 million trees have been planted across SNC’s watershed jurisdiction thanks to community and municipal partnerships and fundraising since 1990.

SNC is hoping to plant 200,000 trees in 2021 and have planted over 140,000 trees this year. SNC says they are a not-for-profit, community-based environmental agency. They rely on donations and self-generated revenue to protect and enhance the environment.

Anyone interested in donating artwork for the fundraiser can email or call 1-877-984-2948 for more information. Art can be submitted until early October.