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A state divided: Wisconsin’s political polarization fracturing families, friendships



WEST BEND, Wis. – Mary Herrick has lived in Washington County, just outside of Milwaukee, for 50 years but during a recent lunch with a close friend there was an uncomfortable moment: Herrick said she was going to vote for Vice-President Kamala Harris and her friend said she would be voting for former president Donald Trump.

“I think my jaw probably hit the floor,” Herrick, 76, said in a recent interview from her home in West End.

The upcoming election has caused relationships to fracture as Americans deal with intensifying political polarization. The division, heightened by social media echo chambers, has spilled into friend groups and families where political ideology is pushing people apart.

“I just couldn’t say anything,” Herrick said about how the conversation with her friend ended. “I just don’t understand why people would vote for him.”

The country’s two major parties sit at virtual parity. About half of registered voters, 49 per cent, lean toward the Democratic party, while 48 per cent identify as Republicans, according to the Pew Research Center.

Political parties used to be ideologically heterogeneous, said the University of Pennsylvania’s Marc Trussler, meaning their membership included people with a range of different priorities. But over the last 12 years, party support has become more sorted by ideology or world view.

The result: elections feel much more existential, he said, and it becomes easier to fundamentally dislike the other side.

“It’s increasingly the case that, ‘People like me are in my political party and people not like me are in the other political party’,” said Trussler, director of data science for the university’s program on opinion research and election studies.

Political division is particularly stark in Wisconsin, an important battleground state that could prove crucial to deciding the November election.

A neighbour stopped by to talk to Herrick on recent warm afternoon. Pointing to the Kamala Harris sign in her yard, the neighbour laughed and said she could vote for those communists, referencing an often-used Trump attack about the vice-president. Unfazed by her neighbour’s remark, Herrick reflected on what was behind her decision in the election.

“Maybe my choice shouldn’t be made this way but … Trump as a person, I just don’t like him,” Herrick said.

Trump took Wisconsin in 2016 by less than a percentage point. President Joe Biden narrowly edged ahead in 2020, helping him take the White House.

The state has seen its political division play out in numerous ways beyond the presidential ticket. Until very recent changes, Wisconsin was considered one of the most gerrymandered states in the U.S., formerly with a “Swiss cheese” appearance to its electoral maps.

Its senators, conservative Republican Ron Johnson and liberal Democrat Tammy Baldwin, could not be further apart on nearly every core issue. It’s also where Scott Walker was the controversial Republican governor, bringing in a law that ended nearly all collective bargaining in the state until he was replaced by Democrat Tony Evers in 2019.

A large Trump flag waves in the wind outside Donna Hass’ house as the 65-year-old talked about crime and immigrants. Her county is considered one of most red in Wisconsin, and on social media she only uses Truth Social, a media platform owned by Trump.

“I have one son that doesn’t like to talk to me because he’s a lefty,” Hass said. “It’s horrible. You can’t even talk to your own kid and that’s just because of all the rhetoric.”

A recent Marquette Law School survey in Wisconsin found 46 per cent of people polled had stopped talking to someone about politics because of the presidential race.

Trump has exacerbated the division, said Allison Prasch, an associate professor at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. The former president’s powerful use of language galvanizes his base through fear, emotional appeals, and by tapping into anger and rage, she said.

“You see individuals responding very strongly in response to Trump,” the expert on U.S. presidential rhetoric said. “Whether that is moving toward a love and affiliation for him or being motivated by a deep hatred for him.”

Race, income and the rural-urban divide are some of the most important predictors of voting behaviour. Madison and Milwaukee, and some of their surrounding suburbs, lean Democrat while the rest of the state largely leans Republican.

College education is an important voting predictor. At Marquette University during a break from class, Chase Harris said sometimes it feels like “it’s Milwaukee versus the entire state.”

Sydney Tepley said people are too focused on the personal aspects of the candidates and it means there are not enough conversations about their policies and vision for the future of America.

“The long story short: the cost of living, inflation and taxes,” she said.

Tepley and Harris, nurses who are updating their training to become anesthetists, say it feels like the most pivotal election for their futures. But they are disheartened by what has taken place during the tumultuous campaign. Both intend to vote but are begrudgingly casting their ballot.

“I think I have an idea of where I lie,” Harris said. “But I will tell you for the first time ever I don’t want to vote for either of them.”

This report by The Canadian Press was first published Oct. 13, 2024.

— With files from The Associated Press

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How gloves belonging to Audrey Hepburn and Marilyn Monroe wound up in Newfoundland



POINT LEAMINGTON, N.L. – A five-hour drive from St. John’s, N.L., and well off the beaten path, Point Leamington seems an unlikely spot for a one-of-a-kind tourist attraction.

But this is where the owner of an Ontario-based glove manufacturer has opened what is billed as the country’s first museum devoted entirely to gloves, hoping to draw visitors to the seaside Newfoundland community of about 575 people.

There are dainty gloves worn by Marilyn Monroe and Audrey Hepburn alongside a pair of worn-looking leather mitts that belonged to Elvis Presley. The mere sight of the hand coverings, a museum guide said, has been enough to prompt goosebumps and, in the case of the Elvis mitts, even requests to take a whiff.

“It’s just such a beautiful place,” Superior Glove president Tony Geng said of Point Leamington in a recent interview.

He said the town feels like a “second home.”

“Anything that we can do to keep it more alive and attract other people to it, I think is a cool thing.”

Inside the sunny, single-room museum, gloves sit upright in clear plastic cases, looking like they’re ready for a high-five. There’s a bright blue fishing glove with the tip of its pinky finger missing that belonged to David Suzuki, and a thick white glove with segmented fingers that was worn by astronaut Chris Hadfield as he somersaulted through space.

Presley’s mitts were part of his uniform in the late 1950s when he was in the U.S. army. Later, in Graceland, a “freak snowstorm” hit Memphis and he gave them to his private nurse’s daughter after he saw her playing in the snow in rubber dishwashing gloves, Geng said.

Marilyn Monroe’s tiny white gloves have a single pearl fastener on the wrist. Audrey Hepburn’s black leather Ralph Lauren gloves are longer, with three buttons gleaming in succession down the extended cuff.

They came from the collection of Sydney Guilaroff, the famed Hollywood hairstylist who created Vivien Leigh’s looks in “Gone With the Wind,” Tammy Fudge explained as she provided a tour last month.

The elegant gloves have been particularly popular with female visitors and plant workers, said Fudge, the research and development coordinator at the plant.

“There was one lady who had goosebumps,” she said. “But then again, you’ll have a few who will have goosebumps with Elvis Presley’s gloves as well.” Nobody has been permitted to smell Presley’s gloves, despite several requests.

Most of the items were bought through auctions or were given to Geng by his wife, who knows very well that he’s been fascinated by gloves his entire life. His late father, Frank Geng, bought the company in 1961, and Tony Geng began working there when he was just a boy.

Headquartered in Acton, Ont., Superior Glove specializes in industrial gloves and sleeves, built to protect workers from blades, fire and cold. They make a glove for SpaceX. At one point, the company furnished the Canadian Army with trigger mitts like the one worn by Presley, Geng said.

The glove museum is part of the sprawling Point Leamington factory, where machines spin, sew, stamp and sort as employees watch and calibrate. The plant produces more than 3,000 types of gloves and the yarn to make them — enough yarn in one day to go around the world one and a half times, Fudge said. Some machines spin threads of tungsten steel so thin they’re nearly impossible to see. The threads will be combined into yarn and knitted into cut-resistant gloves.

Point Leamington has a library, a post office, a few stores and not much else. Superior Glove began operations in the town hall in 1988, and it now employs nearly a quarter of the community’s population.

“We have husbands and wives, we have a mom and two sons, we have a husband and wife and son,” Fudge said of some of the plant’s employees.

Rural Newfoundland has a long history of young people moving away to mainland Canada for work. The Point Leamington plant is managed by one such person, Frazer Stuckless, who had worked at Superior Glove in Ontario. He planned to move home and start a taxi business, but Frank Geng asked Stuckless to help get a plant up and running in Point Leamington instead, Fudge said.

Since then, many more from the area have been able to return home and find a job at the factory, including Fudge.

The museum has attracted roughly 1,000 visitors since its grand opening in the spring of 2023, and Fudge led many of them on tours through the displays and the massive plant.

“Most people are surprised it’s even here,” she said. “Why wouldn’t we have a glove museum? We make gloves, and we make things that make gloves.”

This report by The Canadian Press was first published Oct. 13, 2024.

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Familiar faces and angry voters: Will B.C. elect an Independent MLA?



Vicki Huntington says two things are critical to be elected as an Independent member of the legislature in British Columbia — trusted name recognition and an angry constituency.

She would know.

In 2009, Huntington became the first Independent MLA elected to the B.C. legislature in 60 years and went on to become the first ever woman re-elected as an Independent, representing Delta until 2017.

Seven years later, she thinks the political landscape is primed to again to elect an Independent in the Oct. 19 election following the decision by BC United Opposition Leader Kevin Falcon shut down the party’s campaign.

Forty Independent candidates will be on the ballot, attempting to follow the path that Huntington blazed, including five former BC United incumbents: Mike Bernier, Dan Davies, Tom Shypitka, Coralee Oakes and Karin Kirkpatrick, who were left on their own after the collapse of the party.

Former NDP MLA Adam Walker, who was kicked out of caucus last year over a human resources complaint, is also seeking re-election as an Independent.

Huntington said in an interview that BC United “pulled the rug out” from under its candidates in August when Falcon suspended the campaign and threw his support behind B.C. Conservative Leader John Rustad.

She said there may be enough voters who don’t feel at home with either the NDP or the Conservatives, and who are angry enough with Falcon that they’ll vote for an incumbent name they recognize.

“I think if they’re well known, if they did a good job at being in MLA, if people are as upset with Falcon’s activities as he deserves, then I think they will have a good chance of winning,” she said.

“In the case of the Conservatives, there’s a lot of nervousness in the province, both federally and provincially, I’d say. So, if an incumbent can understand whether the riding is nervous or whether they really are conservative, they should be able to … set up some sort of campaign that tells people what the difference is and how they can be represented.”

Huntington came to power in Delta after years as a popular local councillor and following fights with the provincial government over the community hospital and highway construction.

She beat Liberal heavyweight and former judge Wally Oppal by 32 votes.

Huntington said there is a misconception that Independents don’t have power in the legislature.

She said her budget was enough to hire two research assistants dedicated to the concerns of her riding, rather than having to share with many party members.

After negotiations with then-opposition house leader Mike Farnworth, Huntington was also allowed to ask two questions a week during question period in the legislature.

She said in established political parties it would be “unheard of” for a single MLA to get that many questions to ask specifically about their ridings.

“I had, on three or four occasions, members of the opposition and even a member of the government party come to me and say, ‘Vicki, I have a critical issue in my riding. I’m not going to be able to get up and ask a question — government can’t ask questions — Would you ask a question for me?'” she said.

“And in two cases, I did.”

But holding the mantle alone is not without its challenges, particularly when running an election campaign.

She said larger donors didn’t want to publicly put their name behind an Independent candidate.

“Obviously people were voting for me, but they didn’t necessarily send me money because, of course, it’s all public,” she said.

She said some of the former BC United MLAs may not have the same problem because of their established connections.

“You don’t get the big pockets giving you the money when you’re an Independent. Whereas this time, I’ll bet the big pockets are still helping,” she said.

Davies, who is running in the Peace River North Riding he represented as a BC United MLA since 2017, said his campaign was “fully funded” before Falcon’s decision, but as an Independent he has no access to the money which he says “was stolen.”

“I had already purchased my signs out of that fundraised money through the BC United, and they were right in my campaign office. So, I already had those signs,” he said.

“Not only did I have to go buy new signs, but some of my bigger signs, I had to repurchase with my own money, my newly fundraised money. I had to buy them back again from the BC United.”

Davies said his campaign also lost critical data that was held by BC United, including volunteer lists.

He said Falcon’s move left his campaign working “pretty much from ground zero again, or probably even a couple feet under,” but he has since rebounded under the Independent banner.

Davies said changes in election law since Huntington ran mean that large corporate donations are not available, but his constituents have been more than willing to open their chequebooks.

University of the Fraser Valley political scientist Hamish Telford said having six incumbent MLAs running as independents “is unprecedented” in a B.C. election.

He said in ridings where the governing NDP is not a factor — such as parts of the north — and the fight is between a Conservative and a former BC United incumbent, the Independents could have a “ground advantage.”

“They are known in the communities, they’ve campaigned before, they know how to do it. They know where their supporters are. But they’re facing a big Conservative wave,” he said.

“In other places, it’s going to be a three-way race. There will be strong NDP candidates, and with three-way races, it’s very hard to predict outcomes.”

Huntington said if two Independents win it would be enough to qualify them as a party in the legislature — something that could change the dynamic, especially if the election is close.

“So, you might see a new party come out of this, and you might see a concerted effort at a coalition within the legislature itself,” she said.

“And that changes the dynamic, because depending on how close the election actually is, the Independents, if they’re a coalition, could hold a balance of power in this legislature, and that would be very interesting.”

Davies said any talk of forming a party is a hard thing to consider before election day.

“First of all, what does the legislature look like after Oct. 19? How close it is, who’s sitting there as Independent candidates or Green Party candidates?” he said.

“You know the other thing, and this is the big one, I will only do what is right for Peace River North, and if that decision to form a coalition is what’s best for Peace River North, then so be it. If it’s joining the B.C. Conservatives, you know, obviously, after a conversation with (leader) John (Rustad), then that’s the decision that will be made.”

This report by The Canadian Press was first published Oct. 13, 2024

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Nationwide recall issued for seasoned chicken and mushroom pasta sauce



A nationwide recall has been issued for the Rana brand Tagliatelle Seasoned White Chicken & Mushroom Sauce due to possible listeria contamination.

The Canadian Food Inspection Agency says consumers should not use, sell, serve or distribute the recalled product.

The recall involves packages weighing 1.14 kg and with best before dates of Oct. 10 up to and including Nov. 16.

The food inspection agency says food contaminated with listeria monocytogenes may not look or smell spoiled but can still make people sick, especially pregnant women, the elderly and those with a weakened immune system.

Symptoms can include vomiting, nausea, persistent fever, muscle aches, severe headache and neck stiffness.

It says there have been no reported illnesses associated with the recalled product, which the agency says consumers should throw out or return.

The agency says anyone who might have become sick after eating the recalled product should contact their health-care provider.

The recalled product contains the UPC code 8 77448 00481 1.

This report by The Canadian Press was first published Oct. 13, 2024.

The Canadian Press. All rights reserved.

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