Another Vision staff member tests positive for COVID

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Lambton Public Health’s COVID-19 update Sunday night showed two more positive cases over the past 24 hours, bringing the total to 270.

The number of confirmed cases at Vision Nursing Home increased one to 52 after another staff member tested positive. The Sarnia long-term care facility has seen 26 residents and 26 staff test positive, including 10 deaths, all residents.

The health unit is reporting an additional three recovered cases, bringing the total to 226. The death-toll remains at 25.

The number of test results received by Lambton Public Health has now topped 8,000 to 8,177.

As of Sunday morning, Bluewater Health is reporting that 11 patients in hospital have tested positive for COVID-19, 19 patients are suspected to have the virus with tests pending, and 18 patients have died from COVID-19.