Kids in home school have an opportunity to express themselves and their artistic creativity.

Huntsville’s ‘More Than Just Art’ group is offering a six-week Kids Art Program for those who are being homeschooled this academic year – which will provide kids with tools and techniques needed to explore various art mediums.

Co-owner of More Than Just Art Diane Finlayson says their goal is to help kids realize their self-worth and develop self-confidence.

“I’ve found children who’ve had extremely difficult challenges with learning thrive because they’re not constricted to a specific end result. Whatever they do is expressing how they’re feeling.”

Finlayson notes it’s their goal to unleash creativity within kids by providing them with time for practice and play and by providing opportunities to apply their new skills in their free time.

She adds that experimenting and play are key to children’s development. 

“It teaches children in an easy and very tactile way how to problem-solve, without having that specific goal-oriented expectation.”

Finlayson says the program will introduce kids to water-paint, sculpting and a number of other mediums.

For physical distancing purposes, class sizes will only be up to 8 students per class.

The six-week program starts on Tuesday, September 22nd and more information can be found at More Than Just Arts’ Facebook page.