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Canada Day festivities attract hundreds at ceremonies, parties across the country




The Maple Leaf flew on lampposts, flagpoles and patios across the country on Monday as cities from coast to coast welcome thousands of revellers for Canada Day.

Under a cloudless July sky, thousands of people dressed in red and white made their way to Ottawa’s LeBreton Park Flats for the annual Canada Day celebrations in the national capital.

People were in high spirits as they strolled down Wellington Street to the festival site, taking the airport-style security checks and porta-potties in stride. The sun was blazing by the time things got underway at noon, and many ducked under the umbrellas they brought for shade.

Algonquin elder Claudette Commanda opened the events with an Indigenous reflection. With a small wooden canoe on stage beside her, Commanda spoke about its importance to Indigenous Peoples. Using the canoe as a symbol of hope and healing, she said Indigenous and Canadian children will journey together.

“Learn from the past, appreciate the present and honour the future, for the future belongs to the children. Together let us journey in peace and friendship,” she said.

A young Indigenous dancer in regalia, an Inuit drummer and a Métis dancer performed during the reflection before they were joined by three children. The elders and children passed the canoe to one another as a drummer performed an honour song.

Canadian Heritage Minister Pascale St-Onge and Deputy Prime Minister Chrystia Freeland also spoke. Freeland was greeted with loud cheers as she said it was time to set aside “our national modesty” and declare that Canada is the best country in the world.

“Most importantly, ours is a country of good, kind people,” she said.

Freeland was there in place of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, who offered greetings via a recorded video while he attended events in St. John’s, N.L. There was a ripple of surprise through the crowd when Freeland introduced the Liberal leader and he appeared on a screen instead of in person. The prime minister was taking part in a ceremony to mark 100 years of the Newfoundland National War Memorial and the interment of the remains of a First World War soldier.

At Thomson Memorial Park in Toronto, blue skies and sunny weather greeted hundreds of red-and-white clad revellers, many waving small Canadian flags. Families set up picnics and children played on inflatable bouncy castles.

“Honestly, (Canada Day) didn’t really mean that much to me until I had my own family, and now it means a lot more,” said Darren Yeh, who has attended the festivities in Toronto for the last five or six years. “I’m very lucky to travel around the world. I’ve seen other places and Canada is a great place to live.”

Eight-year-old Diya Patel said Canada is a beautiful place.

“It’s fun to have friends and learn new things and explore a lot of new stuff,” she said.

Bhuwan Ghimire, who immigrated to Canada from Nepal in 2015, said he hopes all Canadians will try to get along and “work with each other rather than against each other.”

“Let’s make it a better country,” he said.

Meanwhile, his nine-year-old son, Shuvam, was particularly excited about the bouncy castles. “I love this place,” he said. “Everything’s been fun.”

In Ottawa, the national celebration included performances by Bedouin Soundclash and Montreal artist Marie-Mai. People in downtown Ottawa also saw a special fly-past in honour of the Royal Canadian Air Force’s 100th anniversary that’s set to feature the Snowbirds aerobatics team.

This year’s anniversary airshow in Ottawa features a series of aircraft that date back to the Second World War along with planes and helicopters the Air Force is flying today.

People will also get a glimpse of the RCAF’s future, courtesy of the U.S. Navy, which has flown in several of its own aircraft including a P-8 Poseidon surveillance plane. Canada signed a $4.3-billion deal to buy a fleet of P-8s last November and they’re set to arrive in 2026.

On Parliament Hill, where the main ceremonies had been held in years before the COVID-19 pandemic, the Air Force pipes and drums band and the air cadets bands were set to perform throughout the day, and the SkyHawks parachute team is set to drop by at 3 p.m.

Athletes who are representing Team Canada at the Olympics and Paralympics in Paris this summer will also be part of the events at LeBreton Flats.

The celebrations will be capped off by a fireworks display at the same location around 10 p.m..

Elsewhere, ceremonies, shows and other festivities are taking place in cities across the country.

This report by The Canadian Press was first published July 1, 2024.

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Small Quebec towns debate reducing council size amid recruitment challenges



MONTREAL – Some small Quebec municipalities are considering reducing the size of their city councils due to the challenges of recruiting candidates to run for office.

Quebec recently adopted a rule allowing communities of under 2,000 people to reduce their number of city councillors from six to four after next year’s elections.

The president of the Fédération québécoise des municipalités says the rule change has been a “recurrent” request from some towns that have struggled with persistent vacancies on city council or even for mayor.

Jacques Demers says it’s become harder for small towns to recruit candidates due to low salaries, the challenges of the job and a general lack of time and enthusiasm for community involvement.

“When we look at volunteers for leisure, volunteers for culture, volunteers for festivals, for exhibitions, all of this is becoming more and more difficult to recruit people,” he said in a phone interview.

Corina Lupu, mayor of the small community of Lac-des-Seize-Îles in the Laurentians, north of Montreal, says her council will debate the issue at the next meeting before making a decision.

“In small municipalities you don’t have a population of 20,000 to pick from,” she said in a phone interview. “Sometimes you have a population of 1,000 or 500.”

While it’s not an issue in her community, she believes it’s also getting harder to get people to run for office due to the hostile climate elected officials increasingly face.

“Some politicians are rather abused,” she said. “It’s not really a pleasant environment.”

Vacancies are a persistent problem at the municipal level in Quebec. Some 120 mayor and councillor positions went unfilled during the last municipal elections in 2021, while close to 5,000 candidates were elected unopposed.

Both Lupu and Demers say the very low salaries paid to small-town councillors is also a problem.

“In our small communities, municipal involvement is almost volunteer work since many people earn $1,000, $2,000, $3,000 per year for their involvement,” Demers said.

While Lupu says salaries in her community are higher than that, it doesn’t equal much per hour when considering the scope of the job, noting the province has increasingly offloaded responsibilities onto municipalities over time.

“We’re a small municipality, but we still have to fill in all the same paperwork as a large municipality,” she said. “It’s the same bureaucracy, but for less people.”

Chantal Richer, the general director for the 168-person town of Val St-Gilles in the Abitibi region, said her community will consider reducing the size of council.

“It would be easier to find candidates and we could divide the money saved between the four, which would increase their salaries a little more,” said Richer, adding the matter will be discussed at the next council meeting.

The mayors of Barkmere and Lac-Tremblant-Nord, both in the Laurentians, said they felt maintaining a six-person council was better for democracy, despite their small population bases.

“By reducing to four councillors, we could end up with a quorum of three people at council meetings,” Barkmere Mayor Luc Trépanier said in an email. “We do not believe that only three people should decide for an entire municipality.”

Lupu says moving from six to four councillors would allow towns like hers to save some money on salaries, which can be a consideration in places with very small tax bases.

However, she also worries that four-person councils in general could allow strong personalities to dominate and make decisions harder. Despite having fewer than 200 year-round residents, her lakeside community has never had a council vacancy as far as she can remember, and she struggles to imagine council without any of its current members on it.

“I think I’ve gotten a lot of value out of having six councillors, six opinions, six perspectives,” she said.

Municipalities that want to reduce the size of council after the 2025 elections have until the end of December of this year to pass a resolution to that effect. Demers says about 700 municipalities are eligible to make the change, but believes that most will stick with the current six-member-plus mayor format.

This report by The Canadian Press was first published Sept. 29. 2024.

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‘Programming error’ results in accidental sale on Quebec liquor products



MONTREAL – The provincial Crown corporation in charge of liquor sales in Quebec says a computer issue resulted in all its products being temporarily listed at 30 per cent off on its website.

Société des alcools du Québec spokesperson Laurianne Tardif confirmed the accidental sale happened between midnight and 8:30 a.m. on Saturday.

She says the SAQ was able to fix the issue shortly after it was reported.

An analysis is currently underway to determine what happened, but Tardif says the issue was a programming error and not an external virus or hack.

The SAQ did not answer a question on how many products were bought during the eight-and-a-half hour window, or how many customers took advantage of the reduced prices.

The Canadian Press. All rights reserved.

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Liberals roll out more security cash, details in strategy for fighting hate



OTTAWA – The Liberal government is announcing more details on its existing strategy and funding to fight a rise in hate crimes targeting multiple communities.

Diversity Minister Kamal Khera released the Action Plan on Combatting Hate last week, which aims to co-ordinate how various departments promote diversity and prevent violent incidents and speech online targeting minorities.

Khera said the funding is needed because Statistics Canada is reporting an increase in hate crimes involving Jews, Muslims, LGBTQ+ people and other communities.

“Whether it is online or on our streets, hateful words (and) actions are having a devastating impact on our communities and our entire country, whether it is our mosques being attacked, communities being divided or even losing loved ones,” she said outside a mosque in Brampton, Ont.

She noted the arrest last week of a London, Ont. man whom police say had verbally harassed a woman wearing an Islamic headscarf and brandished a knife. A self-described white nationalist in that same southwestern Ontario city murdered four members of a Muslim family in 2021 in what a judge ruled to be an act of terrorism.

“We cannot allow hate to go unchecked; the cost of inaction is far too great,” Khera said.

The action plan released last Tuesday details how Ottawa intends to spend the $273.6 million the Liberals allocated in this April’s budget for various programs, over the course of six years.

Khera said that allocation includes a $65 million top-up to a fund that helps community institutions and religious centres cover the cost of installing cameras or hiring security guards. She noted Ottawa has increased the annual amount of cash institutions can apply for, such as those who feel it’s necessary to get round-the-clock security.

The Centre for Israel and Jewish Affairs said the extra cash for security is “very welcome as many institutions have been stretched beyond capacity,” noting Jewish schools have been shot at, synagogues have been vandalized and Jewish businesses have been set ablaze.

Tuesday’s action plan largely reiterates work that federal departments and agencies are already doing, with the idea of creating consultation panels that can spot gaps in laws and programs or address barriers to implementing an existing Anti-Racism Strategy.

It listed various programs helping anti-racism organizations to monitor and combat online hatred, as well as training for Crown prosecutors on “the unique dynamics of hate crimes.”

This report by The Canadian Press was first published Sept. 29, 2024

The Canadian Press. All rights reserved.

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