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Failed Deals, Litigation, and Fraud: Real Estate Lawyers Tell All in a Slowing Market



Financing is impossible, deals are falling apart, lawsuits are coming — real estate lawyers are the frontline workers of a sharp market drop.

We checked in with two legal experts about the market whiplash and the top three issues they’re seeing right now.

John Zinati, Partner, Zinati Kay Barristers & Solicitors

John Zinati, Partner at Zinati Kay Barristers & Solicitors, has closed more than 25,000 real estate transactions and provides industry expertise for media outlets. He regularly publishes an educational newsletter and speaks at real estate offices and conferences.

Bhupinder Lamba, Founding Partner, GLG LLP

Bhupinder Lamba, Founding Partner at GLG LLP, leads the real estate practice group for the full-service firm. His clients include institutional and private lenders, purchasers, vendors, construction companies and real estate investment corporations, among others.

ZINATI: Financing falls through, buyers can’t close

Earlier this year, around spring, Zinati says buyers were caught between two very different market realities — they were still bidding high in a hot market, but they had to close in a cool one.

“So the number one issue is buyers having trouble getting financing — and the fallout.

One reason might be that they can’t qualify at the new rates. Or they bought a house thinking it had this value, and then the bank does the appraisal and the house comes in at a lower value. So now that buyer, although they signed a firm deal, finds out that they can’t get a mortgage because … from the bank’s perspective, the house is not worth what the buyer paid for it. So now we have a buyer who’s scrambling to close a deal. That’s the number one problem by far, across the board.

What they will do is ask the seller to discount the price. The seller has no legal obligation to do so — we’ve actually had our sellers take a haircut, $100,000 less on a property, rather than lose the deal. Legally, they don’t have to… but their position was, ‘John, I’d rather not have to go to court and fight over this and resell it. Let’s just take the money off the price. And let’s close the deal.’

Or they will ask the seller to take back a mortgage. Let’s say I’m buying your house and I paid $1,000,000. And because of the value of the appraisal, I’m only going to get $850,000 from the bank now. You can lend me that $150,000 — it’s called the vendor take-back mortgage. So the seller basically is asked to lend the buyer the shortfall.

Now we have other kinds of problems with buyers getting financing. Let’s say you bought a condo four or five years ago, and now it’s ready to be built. You qualified for the mortgage four or five years ago, when the interest rate was 1, or 2, or 3%. But now you’re borrowing, or trying to qualify, at a much higher rate. And most of those pre-approvals that you get when you walk into sales office, they expire after three years — they rarely last right up until closing.

So we’ve had clients who’ve had to request extensions from builders. I had a guy who was trying to close his condo, he couldn’t qualify for his mortgage — we asked the builder for a three-week extension. In the past, that might have resulted in some reasonable request for compensation — $1,000 or $2,000, something like that. This builder actually said, ‘Your deal is done. We’re going to terminate. Because in the last five years or so, that property has gone up by $200,000. And we’d be happy to take the property back and keep the deposits.’ So we told our client, ‘You have to go to a litigation lawyer.’ There’s some duty in Common Law to be reasonable. And a litigator will basically tell the builder, ‘Look, you want to show up before a judge and tell them that you want to kick this guy and his three kids out of the property? And wouldn’t give him three weeks time, after you extended it for all these years, and keep his deposit?’ And [the builder] did give the guy an extension, but it cost him $18,000. For three weeks. And our client had to pay $3,000 to a litigation lawyer. And our client ended up paying almost 9% on his mortgage.

If you’re a buyer and you can’t close, you will lose your deposit. For sure. But the seller can come back and sue you. If I sold you my house for $1,000,000, and you gave me a $100,000 deposit, and you don’t close — now I have to put it back on the market, and I get 800,000 instead of $1,000,000. The deposit is released to me, plus another $100,000 [can be pursued in a lawsuit]. You have to make me whole, back to $1,000,000. That’s what the law says.”

LAMBA: Financing fallout

Lamba agrees — financing has collapsed, buyers can’t close, deposits can be forfeit and purchasers can be sued. At the height of the market frenzy, buyers were bidding high with no conditions. Once the ink dried, rate hikes suddenly yanked financing out of reach — and the no-conditions contract left no wiggle room.

“We’re seeing a lot of buyers coming to us, saying there’s a [financing] gap of $200,000 to $500,000 — the highest I saw was $480,000.

I’m seeing multiple files every month going sideways. And in some cases, you’re able to negotiate — [maybe] the gap is not too large. You know, maybe the seller says, ‘Okay, I’ll meet you in the middle.’

As an aside, people don’t seem to understand that an Agreement of Purchase and Sale is a contract. I have so many calls with [buyers] and they’ll say, ‘So I entered into an Agreement of Purchase and Sale.’ And I’ll say, ‘Is it firm?’ And they’ll say yes. And I’ll say, ‘So you have a binding contract.’ And they’ll say, ‘No, I didn’t sign a contract. I signed an Agreement of Purchase and Sale.’ Just because you call it a different term doesn’t mean it isn’t a contract. There’s obviously a gap in terms of the public’s understanding and the significance of the act of signing and Agreement of Purchase and Sale.

What is happening is unnerving. And in a lot of cases, the purchasers, you feel bad for them, because they were just trying to do what they needed to do at the time when the market was hot. And then these hikes just flipped everything upside down. And it’s not necessarily the purchaser’s fault. [The market] has been growing at rates that are unsustainable and they did nothing about it. And then one day, they woke up and they said, ‘Let’s slam the brakes.’ And it’s sad, because for a lot of these people, it’s their life savings.

It’s a unique period in real estate. Often when you get into a contract dispute with somebody, there is a bad actor or somebody that is clearly at fault. In many of the cases at hand, they’re often just victims of this situation that’s been created.”

ZINATI: Flipping condo contracts before they’re built

Condo assignments are another sore spot, Zinati says. Buyers would snap up a pre-construction condo contract — or several of them — with no intention to even close on the property, only to later assign it to someone else. They intended to sell the contract in a couple years with the assumption the market was only going up.

“Now a lot of things have happened with [assignments]. One is that it’s gotten tougher to assign, primarily because the value is not there anymore. Some people bought two or three, thinking that they can just flip it without even closing. Well, if the property hasn’t appreciated that much because the market is softened, you can’t necessarily flip it, you can’t necessarily get out of the deal. And you’re on the hook to close with the builder eventually.

It used to be that whether or not you had to pay HST on these assignment transactions depended on your original intention. So if your intention was to live in the property yourself, which everybody would say it was their intention, there wouldn’t be HST of 13% on the profit that you made. But the government basically knew that this was happening. And they made, at the beginning of this year, every assignment transaction, regardless of whether you intended to buy the property for yourself or not, is now subject to HST. So what you have now are people who are willing to assign out their contracts, just to break even, or just to get their deposits back.

They’re stuck. Even if they sold the contract, they’re still legally on the hook [if the second buyer also struggles to close.] They’re on the hook still to that builder — just as much as the new buyer was — and the builder can sue both of them to get his money.”

LAMBA: Mortgage fraud

When buyers have a financing gap, they assume they can go to another lender for the difference. In many cases, this is not possible — in fact, Lamba says, depending on the terms of your first mortgage, secretly securing a second mortgage can constitute mortgage fraud.

“There’s a lack of education — buyers, and people engaging in the real estate market, don’t actually understand the different moving parts. I’ll have people come to me [with a financing gap] but their mortgage broker says, ‘It’s okay, we’ll just get secondary financing.’ So [the buyer will] get two mortgages — one mortgage with, say, with one of the major Canadian banks, and then a second, which is a private mortgage, to come up with the difference. And they think this is a solution.

With secondary financing, there are some situations where they’ll allow it, but typically they do not. So [buyers] come to me and they say, ‘Okay, I’m in trouble. The bank says I can’t have a second mortgage.’ Well, this solution should have never been proposed in the first place. The broker who is selling you this product should have known that. And either they knew it and they wanted you to look the other way, or they didn’t understand the product they’re selling you.

It’s mortgage fraud. Entering into an agreement, signing paperwork with the bank saying, ‘These are the conditions I agree to follow to obtain a mortgage’ — and then doing the opposite, is fraud.

Deceiving a lender is not an option. [Buyers will] come back to me and they’ll say, ‘Okay, well, I need help getting out of this deal.’ Okay, so now we’re talking about something different — we’re talking about damage control and seeing if we can maybe negotiate the price down, or if we can negotiate a walk-away where you pay the seller a certain amount, they let you out of the deal. So we’re seeing a lot of that as well.”

ZINATI: Lawsuits are coming

Zinati predicts litigation is going to increase as losses pile up, and people need someone to blame.

“People are having to understand what happens when deals fall apart. When the market is declining, there are actual losses. And when people start losing, they start suing.

So let’s say you couldn’t close on my house. And now I’m suing you for $200,000 [because the price has dropped in the market]. You might say, ‘Okay, I’m gonna go sue my realtor. Why did he let me buy this property firm?’

Litigators will be looking for people who they can hold responsible for the losses. Back in the early 90s, during the last crash, a lot of lawyers got sued. Because people look for who to sue for their losses. Lawyers, mortgage brokers, real estate agents.

I’ve actually had three litigators calling me saying, ‘Look, if you have real-estate-related litigation, let me know.’ Because they know that this is probably coming.

It’s a very tough thing for people to face litigation. It’s not for ordinary people. Litigation is expensive, messy, nasty. Most of my clients would avoid it as much as possible, but sometimes you can’t.”

LAMBA: Renters won’t leave

A stifling rental market means some renters are refusing to leave when their landlord sells, starting a roughly six-month process, which can bring deals to collapse. The seller, both hands tied, is on the hook for breach of contract.

“I’m getting a lot of calls about this recently. [A seller] served their tenant with paperwork, saying they need to vacate the property. The tenant looks around and says, ‘My rent is going to go up $800, $900 a month — I’m not leaving.’ So now it’s the process to get them out. And if you properly serve them, then we have grounds to have them vacate. If the tenant does not agree to leave then you need to go to the Landlord and Tenant Board. Most closings are a month to two months. The Landlord and Tenant Board, you’re probably looking at six months. So how are you going to close on time?

The Residential Tenancies Act is, I think, pretty tenant-friendly. And I think the concept behind it is, you know, there’s a power imbalance in law. These landlords are powerful and have means and tenants don’t — that’s not always the case. Especially downtown Toronto. A lot of landlords that are calling me right now are people that save their whole lives to get an investment property to have an asset for them to pass on to their children, hopefully one day. And their tenants aren’t unsophisticated — they’re young professionals that are educated and make a good amount of money, understand the leverage that they have due to the Act, and are not leaving. In some cases, these landlords are hemorrhaging money and they’re forced to sell … And now, in two months, [the landlord says,] ‘I have a closing date that I’m not going to be able to meet — I’m going to be in breach.’

You could argue [the renter is] a bad actor, but you know, when the market has changed so quickly, it might be out of necessity that they’re doing this — they can no longer afford to live in Toronto and be close to the job.”

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Two Quebec real estate brokers suspended for using fake bids to drive up prices




MONTREAL – Two Quebec real estate brokers are facing fines and years-long suspensions for submitting bogus offers on homes to drive up prices during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Christine Girouard has been suspended for 14 years and her business partner, Jonathan Dauphinais-Fortin, has been suspended for nine years after Quebec’s authority of real estate brokerage found they used fake bids to get buyers to raise their offers.

Girouard is a well-known broker who previously starred on a Quebec reality show that follows top real estate agents in the province.

She is facing a fine of $50,000, while Dauphinais-Fortin has been fined $10,000.

The two brokers were suspended in May 2023 after La Presse published an article about their practices.

One buyer ended up paying $40,000 more than his initial offer in 2022 after Girouard and Dauphinais-Fortin concocted a second bid on the house he wanted to buy.

This report by The Canadian Press was first published Sept. 11, 2024.

The Canadian Press. All rights reserved.

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Montreal home sales, prices rise in August: real estate board




MONTREAL – The Quebec Professional Association of Real Estate Brokers says Montreal-area home sales rose 9.3 per cent in August compared with the same month last year, with levels slightly higher than the historical average for this time of year.

The association says home sales in the region totalled 2,991 for the month, up from 2,737 in August 2023.

The median price for all housing types was up year-over-year, led by a six per cent increase for the price of a plex at $763,000 last month.

The median price for a single-family home rose 5.2 per cent to $590,000 and the median price for a condominium rose 4.4 per cent to $407,100.

QPAREB market analysis director Charles Brant says the strength of the Montreal resale market contrasts with declines in many other Canadian cities struggling with higher levels of household debt, lower savings and diminishing purchasing power.

Active listings for August jumped 18 per cent compared with a year earlier to 17,200, while new listings rose 1.7 per cent to 4,840.

This report by The Canadian Press was first published Sept. 6, 2024.

The Canadian Press. All rights reserved.

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Canada’s Best Cities for Renters in 2024: A Comprehensive Analysis



In the quest to find cities where renters can enjoy the best of all worlds, a recent study analyzed 24 metrics across three key categories—Housing & Economy, Quality of Life, and Community. The study ranked the 100 largest cities in Canada to determine which ones offer the most to their renters.

Here are the top 10 cities that emerged as the best for renters in 2024:

St. John’s, NL

St. John’s, Newfoundland and Labrador, stand out as the top city for renters in Canada for 2024. Known for its vibrant cultural scene, stunning natural beauty, and welcoming community, St. John’s offers an exceptional quality of life. The city boasts affordable housing, a robust economy, and low unemployment rates, making it an attractive option for those seeking a balanced and enriching living experience. Its rich history, picturesque harbour, and dynamic arts scene further enhance its appeal, ensuring that renters can enjoy both comfort and excitement in this charming coastal city.


Sherbrooke, QC

Sherbrooke, Quebec, emerges as a leading city for renters in Canada for 2024, offering a blend of affordability and quality of life. Nestled in the heart of the Eastern Townships, Sherbrooke is known for its picturesque landscapes, vibrant cultural scene, and strong community spirit. The city provides affordable rental options, low living costs, and a thriving local economy, making it an ideal destination for those seeking both comfort and economic stability. With its rich history, numerous parks, and dynamic arts and education sectors, Sherbrooke presents an inviting environment for renters looking for a well-rounded lifestyle.


Québec City, QC

Québec City, the capital of Quebec, stands out as a premier destination for renters in Canada for 2024. Known for its rich history, stunning architecture, and vibrant cultural heritage, this city offers an exceptional quality of life. Renters benefit from affordable housing, excellent public services, and a robust economy. The city’s charming streets, historic sites, and diverse culinary scene provide a unique living experience. With top-notch education institutions, numerous parks, and a strong sense of community, Québec City is an ideal choice for those seeking a dynamic and fulfilling lifestyle.

Trois-Rivières, QC

Trois-Rivières, nestled between Montreal and Quebec City, emerges as a top choice for renters in Canada. This historic city, known for its picturesque riverside views and rich cultural scene, offers an appealing blend of affordability and quality of life. Renters in Trois-Rivières enjoy reasonable housing costs, a low unemployment rate, and a vibrant community atmosphere. The city’s well-preserved historic sites, bustling arts community, and excellent educational institutions make it an attractive destination for those seeking a balanced and enriching lifestyle.

Saguenay, QC

Saguenay, located in the stunning Saguenay–Lac-Saint-Jean region of Quebec, is a prime destination for renters seeking affordable living amidst breathtaking natural beauty. Known for its picturesque fjords and vibrant cultural scene, Saguenay offers residents a high quality of life with lower housing costs compared to major urban centers. The city boasts a strong sense of community, excellent recreational opportunities, and a growing economy. For those looking to combine affordability with a rich cultural and natural environment, Saguenay stands out as an ideal choice.

Granby, QC

Granby, nestled in the heart of Quebec’s Eastern Townships, offers renters a delightful blend of small-town charm and ample opportunities. Known for its beautiful parks, vibrant cultural scene, and family-friendly environment, Granby provides an exceptional quality of life. The city’s affordable housing market and strong sense of community make it an attractive option for those seeking a peaceful yet dynamic place to live. With its renowned zoo, bustling downtown, and numerous outdoor activities, Granby is a hidden gem that caters to a diverse range of lifestyles.

Fredericton, NB

Fredericton, the capital city of New Brunswick, offers renters a harmonious blend of historical charm and modern amenities. Known for its vibrant arts scene, beautiful riverfront, and welcoming community, Fredericton provides an excellent quality of life. The city boasts affordable housing options, scenic parks, and a strong educational presence with institutions like the University of New Brunswick. Its rich cultural heritage, coupled with a thriving local economy, makes Fredericton an attractive destination for those seeking a balanced and fulfilling lifestyle.

Saint John, NB

Saint John, New Brunswick’s largest city, is a coastal gem known for its stunning waterfront and rich heritage. Nestled on the Bay of Fundy, it offers renters an affordable cost of living with a unique blend of historic architecture and modern conveniences. The city’s vibrant uptown area is bustling with shops, restaurants, and cultural attractions, while its scenic parks and outdoor spaces provide ample opportunities for recreation. Saint John’s strong sense of community and economic growth make it an inviting place for those looking to enjoy both urban and natural beauty.


Saint-Hyacinthe, QC

Saint-Hyacinthe, located in the Montérégie region of Quebec, is a vibrant city known for its strong agricultural roots and innovative spirit. Often referred to as the “Agricultural Technopolis,” it is home to numerous research centers and educational institutions. Renters in Saint-Hyacinthe benefit from a high quality of life with access to excellent local amenities, including parks, cultural events, and a thriving local food scene. The city’s affordable housing and close-knit community atmosphere make it an attractive option for those seeking a balanced and enriching lifestyle.

Lévis, QC

Lévis, located on the southern shore of the St. Lawrence River across from Quebec City, offers a unique blend of historical charm and modern conveniences. Known for its picturesque views and well-preserved heritage sites, Lévis is a city where history meets contemporary living. Residents enjoy a high quality of life with excellent public services, green spaces, and cultural activities. The city’s affordable housing options and strong sense of community make it a desirable place for renters looking for both tranquility and easy access to urban amenities.

This category looked at factors such as average rent, housing costs, rental availability, and unemployment rates. Québec stood out with 10 cities ranking at the top, demonstrating strong economic stability and affordable housing options, which are critical for renters looking for cost-effective living conditions.

Québec again led the pack in this category, with five cities in the top 10. Ontario followed closely with three cities. British Columbia excelled in walkability, with four cities achieving the highest walk scores, while Caledon topped the list for its extensive green spaces. These factors contribute significantly to the overall quality of life, making these cities attractive for renters.

Victoria, BC, emerged as the leader in this category due to its rich array of restaurants, museums, and educational institutions, offering a vibrant community life. St. John’s, NL, and Vancouver, BC, also ranked highly. Québec City, QC, and Lévis, QC, scored the highest in life satisfaction, reflecting a strong sense of community and well-being. Additionally, Saskatoon, SK, and Oshawa, ON, were noted for having residents with lower stress levels.

For a comprehensive view of the rankings and detailed interactive visuals, you can visit the full study by Point2Homes.

While no city can provide a perfect living experience for every renter, the cities highlighted in this study come remarkably close by excelling in key areas such as housing affordability, quality of life, and community engagement. These findings offer valuable insights for renters seeking the best places to live in Canada in 2024.

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