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Global Affairs Canada data reveals extent of China’s diplomatic presence



As former governor general David Johnston prepares to release his report on foreign interference Tuesday, new data provided by Global Affairs Canada (GAC) sheds light on the breadth of China’s diplomatic presence.

A comparative analysis of Chinese foreign representatives in Western democracies by CTV News reveals the disproportionate attention China places on Canada. According to some national security experts, the disproportionate numbers could indicate diplomatic influence has tipped over into interference.


According to GAC, as of May 17, there are 176 Chinese nationals with diplomatic credentials in Canada. This number includes diplomats and consular employees, as well representatives with the International Civil Aviation Organization. Sixteen people are considered “administrative or technical staff.”

Not included in the 176 is Zhao Wei, who worked out of the Chinese consulate in Toronto, and has since been expelled from the country. The Trudeau government declared Zhao persona non grata on May 8, after intelligence leaks revealed the agent had targeted Conservative MP Michael Chong. It’s likely more diplomats other than Zhao have crossed the line.

Before a parliamentary committee earlier this month, Michel Juneau-Katsuya, the former CSIS Asia-Pacific chief, said the majority of Chinese diplomats in Canada are involved in espionage.

“Some of them are literally responsible to spy on the community. Many others are responsible to acquire influence on politicians and to get the politicians or elected officials to support Chinese policy in Canada,” said Juneau-Katsuya.

The former intelligence officer says media reports of Beijing’s intimidation of politicians and alleged efforts to get certain politicians elected is “just the tip of the iceberg.”


China has the second largest diplomatic presence in Canada after the United States, which has 290 foreign representatives. The United Kingdom has 44 accredited representatives in Canada, while Japan has 73.

Russia and Iran, which have also been cited as foreign interference threats by CSIS, have a significantly smaller presence in Canada compared to China. Seventy-nine Russians have diplomatic credentials in Canada, and only one Iranian representative is accredited through the International Civil Aviation Organization. Iran closed its embassy in Ottawa in 2012 after the federal government cited concerns about Iran’s support for terrorism.

The above data was gleaned through an online database of foreign representatives administered by GAC. Other democratic countries also provide similar databases listing foreign representatives, including the United Kingdom and Australia. A search of these registries raises even more questions about China’s disproportionate diplomatic focus on Canada.


The U.K.’s active database of foreign representatives indicates there are 124 Chinese diplomats working on British soil—50 fewer than there are in Canada despite having a much larger population of 67.3 million, with 4.7 million people identifying as ethnic Chinese in Britain.

Canada’s population is 37 million, with 1.7 million identifying as ethnic Chinese. Our demographics are similar to Australia, yet Canada has nearly three times as many Chinese foreign representatives. Australia has granted diplomatic credentials to 64 Chinese officials, compared to Canada’s 176.

That statistic raised Robert Daly’s eyebrows.

“You would expect Canada to be closer to Australia,” said Daly, a former U.S. diplomat to China, who provides analysis for the Wilson Center’s Kissinger Institute on China and the United States.

“China sees those two countries as similar. Both of them have a lot of resources that China wants to import. Both of them have very large diasporas, both of them host a lot of Chinese students. Only one of them is, of course, close to the United States of America geographically. And that may very well be a factor,” Daly said.

The number of Chinese diplomats, consuls and attaches south of the 49th parallel is almost identical to the number north of it. The most recent data from 2020, shows that the U.S. accredited 178 Chinese nationals, just two more than current Canadian numbers. It’s a surprising statistic given that the population of the U.S. is 10 times the size of Canada. America is also China’s top trading partner and the most popular immigration destination for Chinese nationals.


Canada’s closest ally is also more willing to hold China in check. In the summer of 2020, the U.S. government ordered China to close its consulate in Houston, accusing diplomats of trying to steal scientific research.

Recently, law enforcement in the U.S. has raided suspected Chinese police stations and arrested alleged foreign agents.

Former Canadian diplomat Charles Burton, who has been posted to China twice, says Beijing may place more diplomats in Canada because it sees this country as an “easy mark” because it has weak laws against foreign interference.

Now a senior fellow with the McDonald-Laurier Institute, Burton says the federal government needs to better monitor the activities of diplomats and prosecute foreign interference. The Americans, British and Australians have created foreign agent registries, requiring people who work to advance the interests of a foreign government to register their names, not doing so could be punishable by law. The Canadian government is still consulting on the matter.

Burton points out Canada’s participation in the Five Eyes intelligence alliance with the U.S., U.K., Australia and New Zealand could be at risk if the government doesn’t take sufficient steps to guard against espionage.

“We’re of interest to China because we’re a member of the Five Eyes consortium. We share a lot of military information with the United States. We could be seen as a weak link in the alliance and able to transfer to agents of the Chinese military data that’s shared in the Five Eyes.”


Colin Robertson, vice-president of the Canadian Global Affairs Institute, says Canada should brace for retaliation as it fights interference.

Robertson says China is willing to do things to Canada that it won’t do to the U.S.

“There’s a Chinese expression, ‘Kill a chicken to scare the monkey.’ In this case, we’re the chicken,” said Robertson.

There are approximately 50 Canadian diplomats working in China. The Communist regime has already expelled a Canadian diplomat in retaliation for the expulsion of Zhao, and has threatened to escalate.

Robertson, a former diplomat, says the federal government should have taken action against Chinese interference a decade earlier, and inaction has only emboldened China.

“The Chinese understand strength and they also understand weakness. We’ve only shown weakness by tolerating it.”



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Saskatchewan Party’s Moe pledges change room ban in schools; Beck calls it desperate




REGINA – Saskatchewan Party Leader Scott Moe is promising a directive banning “biological boys” from using school changing rooms with “biological girls” if re-elected, a move the NDP’s Carla Beck says weaponizes vulnerable kids.

Moe made the pledge Thursday at a campaign stop in Regina. He said it was in response to a complaint that two biological males had changed for gym class with girls at a school in southeast Saskatchewan.

He said the ban would be his first order of business if he’s voted again as premier on Oct. 28.

It was not previously included in his party’s campaign platform document.

“I’ll be very clear, there will be a directive that would come from the minister of education that would say that biological boys will not be in the change room with biological girls,” Moe said.

He added school divisions should already have change room policies, but a provincial directive would ensure all have the rule in place.

Asked about the rights of gender-diverse youth, Moe said other children also have rights.

“What about the rights of all the other girls that are changing in that very change room? They have rights as well,” he said, followed by cheers and claps.

The complaint was made at a school with the Prairie Valley School Division. The division said in a statement it doesn’t comment on specific situations that could jeopardize student privacy and safety.

“We believe all students should have the opportunity to learn and grow in a safe and welcoming learning environment,” it said.

“Our policies and procedures align with the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, the Canadian Human Rights Act and the Saskatchewan Human Rights Code.”

Asked about Moe’s proposal, Beck said it would make vulnerable kids more vulnerable.

Moe is desperate to stoke fear and division after having a bad night during Wednesday’s televised leaders’ debate, she said.

“Saskatchewan people, when we’re at our best, are people that come together and deliver results, not divisive, ugly politics like we’ve seen time and again from Scott Moe and the Sask. Party,” Beck said.

“If you see leaders holding so much power choosing to punch down on vulnerable kids, that tells you everything you need to know about them.”

Beck said voters have more pressing education issues on their minds, including the need for smaller classrooms, more teaching staff and increased supports for students.

People also want better health care and to be able to afford gas and groceries, she added.

“We don’t have to agree to understand Saskatchewan people deserve better,” Beck said.

The Saskatchewan Party government passed legislation last year that requires parents consent to children under 16 using different names or pronouns at school.

The law has faced backlash from some LGBTQ+ advocates, who argue it violates Charter rights and could cause teachers to out or misgender children.

Beck has said if elected her party would repeal that legislation.

Heather Kuttai, a former commissioner with the Saskatchewan Human Rights Commission who resigned last year in protest of the law, said Moe is trying to sway right-wing voters.

She said a change room directive would put more pressure on teachers who already don’t have enough educational support.

“It sounds like desperation to me,” she said.

“It sounds like Scott Moe is nervous about the election and is turning to homophobic and transphobic rhetoric to appeal to far-right voters.

“It’s divisive politics, which is a shame.”

She said she worries about the future of gender-affirming care in a province that once led in human rights.

“We’re the kind of people who dig each other out of snowbanks and not spew hatred about each other,” she said. “At least that’s what I want to still believe.”

Also Thursday, two former Saskatchewan Party government members announced they’re endorsing Beck — Mark Docherty, who retired last year and was a Speaker, and Glen Hart, who retired in 2020.

Ian Hanna, a speech writer and senior political adviser to former Saskatchewan Party premier Brad Wall, also endorsed Beck.

Earlier in the campaign, Beck received support from former Speaker Randy Weekes, who quit the Saskatchewan Party earlier this year after accusing caucus members of bullying.

This report by The Canadian Press was first published Oct. 17, 2024.

— With files from Aaron Sousa in Edmonton

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Promise tracker: What the Saskatchewan Party and NDP pledge to do if they win Oct. 28




REGINA – Saskatchewan‘s provincial election is on Oct. 28. Here’s a look at some of the campaign promises made by the two major parties:

Saskatchewan Party

— Continue withholding federal carbon levy payments to Ottawa on natural gas until the end of 2025.

— Reduce personal income tax rates over four years; a family of four would save $3,400.

— Double the Active Families Benefit to $300 per child per year and the benefit for children with disabilities to $400 a year.

— Direct all school divisions to ban “biological boys” from girls’ change rooms in schools.

— Increase the First-Time Homebuyers Tax Credit to $15,000 from $10,000.

— Reintroduce the Home Renovation Tax Credit, allowing homeowners to claim up to $4,000 in renovation costs on their income taxes; seniors could claim up to $5,000.

— Extend coverage for insulin pumps and diabetes supplies to seniors and young adults

— Provide a 50 per cent refundable tax credit — up to $10,000 — to help cover the cost of a first fertility treatment.

— Hire 100 new municipal officers and 70 more officers with the Saskatchewan Marshals Service.

— Amend legislation to provide police with more authority to address intoxication, vandalism and disturbances on public property.

— Platform cost of $1.2 billion, with deficits in the first three years and a small surplus in 2027.


— Pause the 15-cent-a-litre gas tax for six months, saving an average family about $350.

— Remove the provincial sales tax from children’s clothes and ready-to-eat grocery items like rotisserie chickens and granola bars.

— Pass legislation to limit how often and how much landlords can raise rent.

— Repeal the law that requires parental consent when children under 16 want to change their names or pronouns at school.

— Launch a provincewide school nutrition program.

— Build more schools and reduce classroom sizes.

— Hire 800 front-line health-care workers in areas most in need.

— Launch an accountability commission to investigate cost overruns for government projects.

— Scrap the marshals service.

— Hire 100 Mounties and expand detox services.

— Platform cost of $3.5 billion, with small deficits in the first three years and a small surplus in the fourth year.

This report by The Canadian Press was first published Oct .17, 2024.

The Canadian Press. All rights reserved.

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Bad weather forecast for B.C. election day as record numbers vote in advance polls




VANCOUVER – More than a million British Columbians have already cast their provincial election ballots, smashing the advance voting record ahead of what weather forecasters say will be a rain-drenched election day in much of B.C., with snow also predicted for the north.

Elections BC said Thursday that 1,001,331 people had cast ballots in six days of advance voting, easily breaking a record set during the pandemic election four years ago.

More than 28 per cent of all registered electors have voted, potentially putting the province on track for a big final turnout on Saturday.

“It reflects what I believe, which is this election is critically important for the future of our province,” New Democrat Leader David Eby said Thursday at a news conference in Vancouver. “I understand why British Columbians are out in numbers. We haven’t seen questions like this on the ballot in a generation.”

He said voters are faced with the choice of supporting his party’s plans to improve affordability, public health care and education, while the B.C. Conservatives, led by John Rustad, are proposing to cut services and are fielding candidates who support conspiracy theories about the COVID-19 pandemic and espouse racist views.

Rustad held no public availabilities on Thursday.

Elections BC said the record advance vote tally includes about 223,000 people who voted on the final day of advance voting Wednesday, the last day of advance polls, shattering the one-day record set on Tuesday by more than 40,000 votes.

The previous record for advance voting in a B.C. election was set in 2020 amid the COVID-19 pandemic, when about 670,000 people voted early, representing about 19 per cent of registered voters.

Some ridings have now seen turnout of more than 35 per cent, including in NDP Leader David Eby’s Vancouver-Point Grey riding where 36.5 per cent of all electors have voted.

There has also been big turnout in some Vancouver Island ridings, including Oak Bay-Gordon Head, where 39 per cent of electors have voted, and Victoria-Beacon Hill, where Green Party Leader Sonia Furstenau is running, with 37.2 per cent.

Advance voter turnout in Rustad’s riding of Nechako Lakes was 30.5 per cent.

Total turnout in 2020 was 54 per cent, down from about 61 per cent in 2017.

Stewart Prest, a political science lecturer at the University of British Columbia, said many factors are at play in the advance voter turnout.

“If you have an early option, if you have an option where there are fewer crowds, fewer lineups that you have to deal with, then that’s going to be a much more desirable option,” said Prest.

“So, having the possibility of voting across multiple advanced voting days is something that more people are looking to as a way to avoid last-minute lineups or heavy weather.”

Voters along the south coast of British Columbia who have not cast their ballots yet will have to contend with heavy rain and high winds from an incoming atmospheric river weather system on election day.

Environment Canada said the weather system will bring prolonged heavy rain to Metro Vancouver, the Sunshine Coast, Fraser Valley, Howe Sound, Whistler and Vancouver Island starting Friday.

Eby said the forecast of an atmospheric weather storm on election day will become a “ballot question” for some voters who are concerned about the approaches the parties have towards addressing climate change.

But he said he is confident people will not let the storm deter them from voting.

“I know British Columbians are tough and they’re not going to let even an atmospheric river stop them from voting,” said Eby.

In northern B.C., heavy snow is in the forecast starting Friday and through to Saturday for areas along the Yukon boundary.

Elections BC said it will focus on ensuring it is prepared for bad weather, said Andrew Watson, senior director of communications.

“We’ve also been working with BC Hydro to make sure that they’re aware of all of our voting place locations so that they can respond quickly if there are any power outages,” he said.

Elections BC also has paper backups for all of its systems in case there is a power outage, forcing them to go through manual procedures, Watson said.

Prest said the dramatic downfall of the Official Opposition BC United Party just before the start of the campaign and voter frustration could also be contributing to the record size of the advance vote.

It’s too early to say if the province is experiencing a “renewed enthusiasm for voting,” he said.

“As a political scientist, I think it would be a good thing to see, but I’m not ready to conclude that’s what we are seeing just yet,” he said, adding, “this is one of the storylines to watch come Saturday.”

Overall turnout in B.C. elections has generally been dwindling compared with the 71.5 per cent turnout for the 1996 vote.

Adam Olsen, Green Party campaign chair, said the advance voting turnout indicates people are much more engaged in the campaign than they were in the weeks leading up to the start of the campaign in September.

“All we know so far is that people are excited to go out and vote early,” he said. “The real question will be does that voter turnout stay up throughout election night?”

This report by The Canadian Press was first published Oct. 17, 2024.

Note to readers: This is a corrected story. An earlier version said more than 180,000 voters cast their votes on Wednesday.

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