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Liberals, NDP focus on dental, cost of living ahead of 2023 budget, but Singh disappointed over pharmacare



NDP leader Jagmeet Singh meets with Prime Minister Justin Trudeau on Parliament Hill in Ottawa on Nov. 14, 2019.Sean Kilpatrick/The Canadian Press

Liberals and New Democrats are emphasizing dental-care expansion and cost-of-living help – while playing down expectations for national pharmacare – ahead of the 2023 budget later this month.

The March 28 budget will be a key marker for progress on the deal Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and NDP Leader Jagmeet Singh struck just one year ago. The supply and confidence agreement involves the NDP voting to keep the minority Liberal government in power until 2025 in exchange for policy concessions.

Under the deal, Mr. Singh heralded a promise from the Liberals to create a low-income dental-care program and to make prescription drugs more affordable as key policy wins that justified the NDP’s decision to prop up the Liberals. He now says the pharmacare element isn’t turning out as he’d hoped.

A senior government official says the budget will include the promised dental-care expansion, pointing to the fact that a public tender inviting companies to qualify as plan suppliers has already been issued. The official also said the budget will include affordability measures along the lines of what the NDP is requesting.

On pharmacare, the Liberals are committed to the specific steps outlined in the deal, but the budget won’t launch a full pharmacare plan as called for by the NDP. A second source said the government is currently not planning to implement a full pharmacare plan.

The Globe and Mail is not identifying the sources as they were not authorized to comment publicly on internal matters.

In an interview, Mr. Singh said he and his party are prepared to keep supporting the minority Liberal government provided there is action on dental care and financial support for lower-income Canadians, while conceding he’s not getting all that he originally expected.

Despite disappointment on pharmacare, the NDP Leader said his party has made meaningful progress on dental care and secured the temporary doubling of the GST credit for lower-income Canadians, which wasn’t part of the original deal.

Mr. Singh said he expects the government will transition its interim dental plan, launched last year as a tax credit, to a permanent insurance program. The deal calls for the plan to be extended this year to cover low-income people in three categories: those up to 18 years of age; seniors; or those living with disabilities. The tax credit currently applies to children under 12.

When the NDP struck the three-year agreement last March, Mr. Singh said his party reserved the right to withdraw support if the Liberals didn’t follow through on the list of pledges, which also call for action on climate change and housing.

A year later, Mr. Singh said he thinks the Liberals will meet the letter of their agreement and put the framework for a universal, national pharmacare program in place, but won’t actually implement the program. Now, he says the only way voters will get a national plan to cover the cost of prescription drugs is if they elect an NDP government.

“If people really want to see a difference on pharmacare, they’re going to have to vote New Democrat,” Mr. Singh said. “I don’t think the Liberals are going to do that final step.”

That’s a dramatic change from Mr. Singh’s March, 2022, news conference when he outlined the conditions of the NDP’s support for the deal and said implementing a full pharmacare program would take time but people would quickly see change.

“It might start with some medication and expand, but we want to take real steps that make people’s lives better now,” he said in 2022.

The fine print of the deal Mr. Singh signed with Mr. Trudeau only required the Liberals to put the legal and regulatory framework in place for pharmacare. Mr. Singh said he was originally expecting the Liberals to go further.

”It’s surprising to me. I think the Liberals have shown clearly that they’re more interested in supporting the pharmaceutical lobby than they are supporting Canadians that can’t afford their medication,” Mr. Singh said.

Under the deal, the NDP Leader has quarterly meetings with the Prime Minister.

In addition, a liaison committee tracks progress on the pledges. The members are Intergovernmental Affairs Minister Dominic Leblanc, Canadian Heritage Minister Pablo Rodriguez and MP Ruby Sahota on the Liberal side, while the New Democrats are represented by MPs Daniel Blaikie, Laurel Collins and Blake Desjarlais.

Ministers and critics are also in regular contact. Health Minister Jean-Yves Duclos and NDP health critic Don Davies speak frequently about the details of the next phase of the dental-care plan.

The Liberals have been intermittently promising to act on pharmacare for years. In the 2015 campaign, the party promised to lower drug prices. Seven years later, however, the regulatory changes that were meant to do that have been scaled back and delayed. In the 2019 election, the Liberals promised to implement national pharmacare but dropped the pledge from their 2021 platform.

Ahead of the 2019 election, a report commissioned by Mr. Trudeau pegged the cost of a universal, single-payer pharmacare plan at about $15.3-billion a year once fully in place.

Canadians pay more than other developed countries for prescription medications, something former Liberal finance minister Bill Morneau acknowledged in his recent political memoir. Still, he wrote that Mr. Singh’s demand that the government immediately implement pharmacare was “implausible.”

Lori Turnbull, director of Dalhousie University’s school of public administration, said the NDP is in a difficult spot, being the junior in the deal with the Liberals while still needing to show substantive impact. However, she believes that the New Democrats “haven’t made the most” of the deal and could have pushed for more concessions from Mr. Trudeau, in particular around democratic reform and the Liberals’ own broken promises in that field.

Mr. Singh appears to be “moving the goalposts” because the impression when the deal was introduced last year was that Canadians would see a difference in their drug prices within the three-year time span of the agreement, she said.

The NDP’s position might be explained, Prof. Turnbull said, by the fact that the party itself doesn’t want an election and is in a challenging position because it doesn’t hold enough seats in the House to push the Liberals into a corner.

On Wednesday, Mr. Trudeau appeared to signal that an extension of the GST credit boost was on the table in the coming budget, when asked about Mr. Singh’s prebudget request. Mr. Singh said he ideally wants the doubling of the GST rebate for low-income people to become permanent. The original six-month boost came at a fiscal cost of $2.5-billion.

The New Democratic Leader said his quarterly meetings with the Prime Minister, which are usually in person, are frank and honest. He said he was able to secure the GST rebate increase through those discussions and by applying public pressure.

With Mr. Trudeau now on the defensive for resisting a public inquiry into recent allegations of Chinese interference in Canadian politics, Mr. Singh is also facing calls to pull his party’s support for the Liberals.

When asked about that pressure, Mr. Singh said most people he meets with are happy with the NDP’s approach.

“There are people that have maybe not liked Trudeau already and feel even more strongly about that,” he said. “But the general sentiment that I’m getting from people is that you’re trying to make Parliament work for us, and you’re trying to hold the government to account at the same time, and so they’ve been appreciative.”


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Moe visiting Yorkton as Saskatchewan election campaign continues




Saskatchewan Party Leader Scott Moe is set to be on the road today as the provincial election campaign continues.

Moe is set to speak in the city of Yorkton about affordability measures this morning before travelling to the nearby village of Theodore for an event with the local Saskatchewan Party candidate.

NDP Leader Carla Beck doesn’t have any events scheduled, though several party candidates are to hold press conferences.

On Thursday, Moe promised a directive banning “biological boys” from using school changing rooms with “biological girls” if re-elected.

The NDP said the Saskatchewan Party was punching down on vulnerable children.

Election day is Oct. 28.

This report by The Canadian Press was first published Oct. 18, 2024.

The Canadian Press. All rights reserved.

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Saskatchewan Party’s Moe pledges change room ban in schools; Beck calls it desperate




REGINA – Saskatchewan Party Leader Scott Moe is promising a directive banning “biological boys” from using school changing rooms with “biological girls” if re-elected, a move the NDP’s Carla Beck says weaponizes vulnerable kids.

Moe made the pledge Thursday at a campaign stop in Regina. He said it was in response to a complaint that two biological males had changed for gym class with girls at a school in southeast Saskatchewan.

He said the ban would be his first order of business if he’s voted again as premier on Oct. 28.

It was not previously included in his party’s campaign platform document.

“I’ll be very clear, there will be a directive that would come from the minister of education that would say that biological boys will not be in the change room with biological girls,” Moe said.

He added school divisions should already have change room policies, but a provincial directive would ensure all have the rule in place.

Asked about the rights of gender-diverse youth, Moe said other children also have rights.

“What about the rights of all the other girls that are changing in that very change room? They have rights as well,” he said, followed by cheers and claps.

The complaint was made at a school with the Prairie Valley School Division. The division said in a statement it doesn’t comment on specific situations that could jeopardize student privacy and safety.

“We believe all students should have the opportunity to learn and grow in a safe and welcoming learning environment,” it said.

“Our policies and procedures align with the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, the Canadian Human Rights Act and the Saskatchewan Human Rights Code.”

Asked about Moe’s proposal, Beck said it would make vulnerable kids more vulnerable.

Moe is desperate to stoke fear and division after having a bad night during Wednesday’s televised leaders’ debate, she said.

“Saskatchewan people, when we’re at our best, are people that come together and deliver results, not divisive, ugly politics like we’ve seen time and again from Scott Moe and the Sask. Party,” Beck said.

“If you see leaders holding so much power choosing to punch down on vulnerable kids, that tells you everything you need to know about them.”

Beck said voters have more pressing education issues on their minds, including the need for smaller classrooms, more teaching staff and increased supports for students.

People also want better health care and to be able to afford gas and groceries, she added.

“We don’t have to agree to understand Saskatchewan people deserve better,” Beck said.

The Saskatchewan Party government passed legislation last year that requires parents consent to children under 16 using different names or pronouns at school.

The law has faced backlash from some LGBTQ+ advocates, who argue it violates Charter rights and could cause teachers to out or misgender children.

Beck has said if elected her party would repeal that legislation.

Heather Kuttai, a former commissioner with the Saskatchewan Human Rights Commission who resigned last year in protest of the law, said Moe is trying to sway right-wing voters.

She said a change room directive would put more pressure on teachers who already don’t have enough educational support.

“It sounds like desperation to me,” she said.

“It sounds like Scott Moe is nervous about the election and is turning to homophobic and transphobic rhetoric to appeal to far-right voters.

“It’s divisive politics, which is a shame.”

She said she worries about the future of gender-affirming care in a province that once led in human rights.

“We’re the kind of people who dig each other out of snowbanks and not spew hatred about each other,” she said. “At least that’s what I want to still believe.”

Also Thursday, two former Saskatchewan Party government members announced they’re endorsing Beck — Mark Docherty, who retired last year and was a Speaker, and Glen Hart, who retired in 2020.

Ian Hanna, a speech writer and senior political adviser to former Saskatchewan Party premier Brad Wall, also endorsed Beck.

Earlier in the campaign, Beck received support from former Speaker Randy Weekes, who quit the Saskatchewan Party earlier this year after accusing caucus members of bullying.

This report by The Canadian Press was first published Oct. 17, 2024.

— With files from Aaron Sousa in Edmonton

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Promise tracker: What the Saskatchewan Party and NDP pledge to do if they win Oct. 28




REGINA – Saskatchewan‘s provincial election is on Oct. 28. Here’s a look at some of the campaign promises made by the two major parties:

Saskatchewan Party

— Continue withholding federal carbon levy payments to Ottawa on natural gas until the end of 2025.

— Reduce personal income tax rates over four years; a family of four would save $3,400.

— Double the Active Families Benefit to $300 per child per year and the benefit for children with disabilities to $400 a year.

— Direct all school divisions to ban “biological boys” from girls’ change rooms in schools.

— Increase the First-Time Homebuyers Tax Credit to $15,000 from $10,000.

— Reintroduce the Home Renovation Tax Credit, allowing homeowners to claim up to $4,000 in renovation costs on their income taxes; seniors could claim up to $5,000.

— Extend coverage for insulin pumps and diabetes supplies to seniors and young adults

— Provide a 50 per cent refundable tax credit — up to $10,000 — to help cover the cost of a first fertility treatment.

— Hire 100 new municipal officers and 70 more officers with the Saskatchewan Marshals Service.

— Amend legislation to provide police with more authority to address intoxication, vandalism and disturbances on public property.

— Platform cost of $1.2 billion, with deficits in the first three years and a small surplus in 2027.


— Pause the 15-cent-a-litre gas tax for six months, saving an average family about $350.

— Remove the provincial sales tax from children’s clothes and ready-to-eat grocery items like rotisserie chickens and granola bars.

— Pass legislation to limit how often and how much landlords can raise rent.

— Repeal the law that requires parental consent when children under 16 want to change their names or pronouns at school.

— Launch a provincewide school nutrition program.

— Build more schools and reduce classroom sizes.

— Hire 800 front-line health-care workers in areas most in need.

— Launch an accountability commission to investigate cost overruns for government projects.

— Scrap the marshals service.

— Hire 100 Mounties and expand detox services.

— Platform cost of $3.5 billion, with small deficits in the first three years and a small surplus in the fourth year.

This report by The Canadian Press was first published Oct .17, 2024.

The Canadian Press. All rights reserved.

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