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Periods, productivity, and posting on social media – Halifax Examiner




1. Grocery store workers and the pandemic

A person's hand rests on a green grocery basket while they wait in line to pay at a check-out in a grocery store.

Photo: Flickr

Well, I was happy to read this news. On Tuesday, Yvette d’Entremont interviewed Dalhousie University professor Haorui Wu, who, along with another investigator at the University of Calgary, is launching an online survey to see how grocery store workers are being affected by the pandemic. Wu said the idea for the survey was inspired by hearing the stories from his students who work in local grocery stores. Wu said:

They told me all kinds of things like how at-risk they are, and also about the awful behaviour they were receiving from some customers.

At that point, I realized, OK, there’s something we need to do in order to support them.

The online survey will be launched in the new year, and Wu told d’Entremont they hope the results will be used to help shape policy and public health to support these workers. He told d’Entremont: “We really need to build some research capacity to understand what their vulnerabilities and their challenges are so that we can support them.”

For the story, d’Entremont also interviewed Janet, who works in a grocery store, about her experiences in the past year. d’Entremont writes:

She said one ongoing issue is customers yelling and cursing at her because of the province’s mask mandate.

“The worst is when they scream at you for no reason because they’re upset and frustrated,” she said. “Guess what? I’m upset and frustrated too but I’m not treating you like garbage.”

I wish there wasn’t a need for a survey on this. Please be patient and kind to these workers, pandemic or not.

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2. What’s at stake as Halifax heads to Supreme Court of Canada over Blue Mountain-Birch Cove Lakes

Three people are seen in a grey canoe on a calm lake on a sunny day. There's a rock protruding from the water nearby, and in the background, granite dots the shoreline, with green and yellow trees and red huckleberry growing just behind. The water is calm enough for the trees to reflect in the lake.

Caitlin Grady and Reanne Harvey, conservation coordinators for the Canadian Parks and Wilderness Society Nova Scotia Chapter, along with Hunter Stevens, a CPAWS volunteer, paddle a canoe between Quarry and Susies Lakes in the Blue Mountain-Birch Cove Lakes Wilderness Area. Photo: Zane Woodford

In February, Halifax Regional Municipality and property developer Annapolis Group Inc. are heading to the Supreme Court of Canada next year over a battle about Blue Mountain-Birch Cove Lakes. And as Zane Woodford reports in this story today, there will be a lot of people watching the potentially precedent-setting case, including eight intervenors. This is what Woodford wrote about the case — which involves 965 acres of land on the east side of the provincially-protected Blue Mountain-Birch Cove Lakes Wilderness Area — back in January:

Most of the land was zoned urban reserve in 2006 — meaning it couldn’t be developed until 2031 without a significant council process.

Annapolis Group and another developer hoped to build a sprawling subdivision through the lakes and wilderness anyway, and applied to develop the land in 2007. Their plans cut into the municipality’s conceptual park boundary, and the two sides hired an independent facilitator to try to come to an agreement.

The facilitator, Justice M. Heather Robertson, sided with the developer.

Robertson’s report, tabled in June 2016, was not well received, with more than 1,400 people writing to council in opposition. Following a staff recommendation, regional council voted in September 2016 to refuse to start the development process and move ahead with the park as planned.

In January 2017, Halifax developer Annapolis Group Inc. sued the municipality for “alleged de facto expropriation, abuse of public office and unjust enrichment,” seeking $119 million in damages.

That claim of de facto expropriation, central to Annapolis Group’s case, is an allegation that, by not allowing the company to develop its land, Halifax took it from the developer without paying.

Lawyers for the municipality sought in 2019 to have that portion of the lawsuit thrown out, applying for partial summary judgement to dismiss the claim as without evidence and unworthy of a trial. Justice James Chipman ruled for Annapolis Group in November 2019, writing that the company’s claim “raises genuine issues of material fact requiring a trial.”

In January, the Nova Scotia Court of Appeal unanimously overturned that decision. Then Annapolis appealed that decision to the Supreme Court of Canada. Woodford reported on that in June. The court agreed to hear the case and the date is set for February 16, 2022.

This article is for subscribers only. Click here to read about our subscription options.

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3. COVID update

Illustration of a red coronavirus, with distinctive spikes, surrounded by syringes arranged in a circle, with the pointy tips aimed at the stylized virus.

Photo: Jeremy Bezanger / Unsplash

A man in his 50s who lived in Nova Scotia Health’s Northern Zone has died from COVID-19. He is the 111th person to die from the virus. Tim Bousquet has the full COVID update.

And the province announced 537 new cases on Wednesday. Here’s the breakdown by Nova Scotia Health zones:

• 434 Central
• 36 Eastern
• 44 Northern
• 23 Western

There 10 people in hospital with the disease; three of those patients are in ICU.

Bousquet also included details on outbreaks at hospitals and nursing homes. Here are those details:

• Dartmouth General — there is now an outbreak at Dartmouth General Hospital. Fewer than five patients have tested positive.

• St. Martha’s Regional Hospital (Antigonish) — There is one additional case, but still fewer than five patients are positive.

• Halifax Infirmary — There are no new cases

Nursing homes

• Parkstone Enhanced Care — another resident has tested positive, bringing the total to two residents and one staff member. No one has been hospitalized.

• Parkland Antigonish — another resident has tested positive, for a total of three residents and two staff members. No one has been hospitalized.

• Ocean View Continuing Care Centre (Eastern Passage) — No new cases. A total of three staff members have tested positive. No one has been hospitalized.

On Wednesday afternoon, Nova Scotia Health tweeted out this news about testing:

A tweet from Nova Scotia Health that says If you test positive on a take-home rapid testing kit, do not book a PCR test. You need to assume you have COVID-19, assume you are contagious, and you and your household must self-isolate. You must inform your close contacts.

Click here to read Bousquet’s complete update.

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4. Bowden “disheartened” by decision to drop charges against New Glasgow mayor

Left Photo: Headshot of Nancy Dicks, a white lady with shoulder length blond hair. Right photo: Angela Bowden, a Black lady with her dark hair tied up

Matthew Byard interviewed author and poet Angela Bowden after last week’s news that assault charges against New Glasgow mayor Nancy Dicks were dropped. Byard writes:

The charge against Dicks stemmed from a Black Lives Matter event in New Glasgow in September 2020. African Nova Scotian author and poet Angela Bowden said that while sitting down after the event, Dicks approached her, became verbally aggressive before physically grabbing her leg, squeezing it, and saying “Now, you listen here.”

Bowden said she immediately got up and removed herself from the situation. She said there were several witnesses present including Bowden’s mother. Bowden said that earlier in the day at the event, she and Dicks had a verbal disagreement around the organizing and painting of one of the streets.

Bowden detailed her version of events in a vlog post on Facebook in May. In August, Cape Breton Regional Police charged Dicks after investigating the allegations.

Last Monday, the morning the charges against Dicks were dropped, Bowden attended the appeal hearing into Kayla Borden’s complaint against members of Halifax Regional Police as a support person to Borden. Bowden said Bill Gorman made her aware that the charges would be dropped prior to Monday.

“If it came down then — and quite often it comes down to your word and the person you accused — then that’s for the judge to decide,” Bowden said. “Because clearly the police believed me, and believed there was enough evidence because they set the charge.”

“So what I’m disheartened at is that we didn’t even have an opportunity to allow the wheels of justice to move because they stopped it midway.”

Byard made a few attempts to contact Gorman about why the charges were dropped and also learned through Hansen that internal consultation took place with an equity and diversity committee. You can read Byard’s complete story here.

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5. The Tideline, episode 59: In Review, in conversation

The logos for Screen Nova Scotia, Music Nova Scotia, and Theatre Nova Scotia.

In this week’s episode of The Tideline, Tara Thorne and her guests talk about the highs and lows of film, music, and theatre in Nova Scotia in 2021.

Here is the show’s description:

Amidst an auspicious and downtrodden record week in Nova Scotia, the leaders of its arts sector organizations drop by the show to discuss 2021 in full. Screen Nova Scotia’s executive director Laura Mackenzie has perhaps the best news of all — a record year in the film industry. Music Nova Scotia’s ED Allegra Swanson returns to report on her first Nova Scotia Music Week, and what musicians will need to make it in 2022 and beyond. And Dr. Cat MacKeigan, brand-new executive director of Theatre Nova Scotia, discusses the highs and (multiple) lows of the year in theatre, which has just been handed another shutdown. It’s not fun exactly, but it IS informative!

Click here to listen for free.

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6. “A joyous, humble kid”

A tweet from Quentrel Provo that says I’ve been doing Stop the Violence for almost 10 years, every killing over the years has hurt me deeply, but this one has broken me in a way I’ve never thought possible……My little cousin “Marmar” was ONLY 8 YEARS OLD, full of love & life. Heartbroken beyond word

Taryn Grant at CBC spoke with relatives of young Lee-Marion Cain who was killed in a shooting on Tuesday in Dartmouth. Grant interviewed Miranda Cain, a community advocate and CEO of the non-profit group, North Preston’s Future. Cain is also Lee-Marion’s cousin, who said the young boy was a “joyous, humble kid.” Grant writes:

Every summer, the Halifax-area community crowns a king and queen at a local celebration called North Preston Days. This year, Lee-Marion, who was also known to those who loved him as LeMar, was crowned king.

“He died ‘King Mar Mar Cain.’ He died being the king of North Preston,” Cain said in an interview Wednesday, a day after the fatal afternoon shooting in Dartmouth, N.S.

The boy was in a vehicle with a 26-year-old man when shots were fired at them from another vehicle near the intersection of Windmill Road and Waddell Avenue. The man suffered non-life-threatening injuries.

On Wednesday, Halifax Regional Police held a news conference in which they said the shooting was not a random incident.

Miranda Cain told Grant the community is supporting Mar-Mar’s parents and younger siblings. This part of the story is so heartbreaking:

“His mom, she didn’t spoil the kids, but she worked hard to make sure her kids had everything they wanted,” said Cain.

Cain said there are already Christmas gifts under the tree, with one section for each of the children.

“I’m just feeling sorry for them,” she said. “Christmas morning, to know that that one section is probably going to be left there. It’s going to be hard for [Cain’s mother] to remove that.”

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A calendar with red thumb tacks on a few dates. The 30th of the month is circled.

Should you schedule your social media around your cycle? Suzanne the skeptic wanted to find out. Photo: Towfiqu barbhuiya/Unsplash

Periods, productivity, and posting on social media

A couple of weeks ago, I listened to this Be Flawsome podcast hosted by Anita Kirkbride, a local social media expert, and her guest, Ashley Margeson, a naturopath with Cornerstone Naturopathic. Here’s the description of the episode:

Have you ever thought about aligning your schedule with your cycle? Anita chats with Dr. Ashley Margeson in this episode about using your natural energy to help plan, create, and execute your social media strategy. In addition, get inspired to show up in ways that are authentic!

Just reading the show description I had questions, and all of this seemed odd to me. And unrealistic. Planning your social media strategy around your period?

I sent the link to a friend and said, “Have you ever heard of such a thing? What if you’re menopausal?”

She replied half-jokingly, “If you’re menopausal you just don’t matter anymore.”


So, I listened to the show — the part about the periods and social media is in the first 10 minutes or so — and Margeson said women are designed to work on a 24-to-39 day cycle while men are designed to work on a 24-hour cycle. “Both are valid, both are real,” Margeson said, adding the typical 9-5 day doesn’t work with the cycles of people with periods.

Now, this episode wasn’t just about designing your social media strategy around your period, but designing your productivity around the cycle. So, how do you do this? Track your cycle — Margeson suggests using an app. And if you’re on an IUD, had a hysterectomy, or are on birth control, you can still track your month, just in a different way (Margeson didn’t elaborate).

Then she said you can start to figure out your day-to-day work based on your energy levels during your cycle. Margeson admits that this is not a perfect system and “shit just happens” — like you get an amazing client, for example, and you just do the work. But she broke down the work planning based on the three phases of your cycle:

Follicular phase: This is when your estrogen is rising. Time to brainstorm!

Ovulation: You’re at your peak! Margeson said this phase is “the time to get stuff done.” So, pitch ideas, make cold calls, do a presentation because you’re friendlier and your skin is vibrant and your hair is fuller.

Luteal phase: Margeson calls this “your get shit done phase.” So, you schedule social media, put the hashtags on, pull data on previous month’s work, and so on.

I don’t track my cycle… well, not with an app (this is TMI, right?) And I can’t imagine how this would work in my professional world. While I am not a social media strategist, I do have my own social media accounts, I’m the admin for a couple of others, and, of course, I help Tim and Iris with the Examiner social media. Do I just say, “You know, I am in my follicular phase now, so I won’t post to the Examiner Twitter account. Wait until I am ovulating or in my luteal phase.”

And how does this work if you’re a full-time social media strategist for a big company and not a self-employed social media expert who likely has more flexibility? Even Margeson admits in the podcast she’s only on social media for five hours A MONTH. That makes for some easy planning around your cycle.

Still, I had questions about this, so I wanted to find out if there is any science behind this. Are people with periods more productive at certain times of the month? And is there any science to scheduling your social media around your cycle?

But first, I’d like to point out two things:

I am not an expert on social media. Like I said, I have my own personal accounts and help manage some professional accounts. I know very little about data, analytics, scheduling, and so on. Kirkbride is incredibly knowledgeable about social media and I follow her accounts and have learned tips on social media scams and how to make social media more accessible. And unfortunately, social media manager is one of those jobs that some companies expect people to do for little pay (or even for free.) We need more social media literacy, not less, these days.

And second, I am not an expert on hormones or even periods, except for my own. Some people with periods have a lot of challenges with their cycles, and I don’t want to speak to anyone’s productivity at any time of the month. I won’t be scheduling my work around my cycle because my deadlines are all over the place. So I contacted some experts to ask them about this.

(And I know some will say I didn’t interview any female OBGYNs or other experts, but I certainly tried! I couldn’t find anyone available this week for an interview.)

I reached out to the Society of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists of Canada (SOGC), sent them the podcast, and asked if they had a member who could speak on this topic. They set up an interview with Dr. Yang Wang, an OBGYN in Kingston, Ontario, who did his residency here in Halifax and is also a ​Contraception Advice Research and Education (CARE) Fellow at Queen’s University. He also works with patients on how to manage their menstrual cycles.

Wang told me he couldn’t find any definitive evidence that the menstrual cycle influences productivity and he didn’t look at its effects on social media.

“But in terms of productivity itself, I didn’t see any evidence that fluctuations of hormones on a month-by-month level really alter productivity,” Wang told me in our interview. 

Wang told me he wished Margeson would have spoken about her references on the topic and said he’d be interested in reading that. But based on his own literature review, he didn’t see any evidence this was the case or there was anything definitive. 

There’s probably a lot of anecdotal evidence that individuals who are specifically sensitive during their menstrual cycles do experience fluctuations, but on a science data collection level, I don’t think there’s a lot of well documented evidence of this phenomenon.

Some people do have challenging cycles, of course, which may mean they are less productive during those times. Wang said what he sees a lot in his practice are patients with painful periods/heavy bleeding or dysmenorrhea, which can severely impact your quality of life. Wang said in those cases, people may not be able to go to work or school because of that pain.  

And then there’s pre-menstrual syndrome (PMS) where people can experience fluctuations in their mental health. Those patients may have anxiety or mood swings. A more severe form is PMDD or pre-menstrual dysphoric disorder, in which people have suicidal ideations. Wang said,

Whether or not this was tying into what the podcast was speaking to, I don’t believe so, but again these are the experiences I see in the clinical practice I work in.

I do wonder how much of it is a self-fulfilling prophecy. If you are more aware of your cycle, you’re more aware of your time, and you make yourself more active in your productivity around that time. But this is all just me rattling thoughts in my head. But there’s no great evidence that productivity changes on a week-to-week basis during the menstrual cycle. 

So, is there any harm in scheduling your social media schedule around your menstrual cycle? Wang didn’t have specifics, but he said he already has patients who schedule their work around their cycles, mostly around the bleeding periods.  

I have a lot of patients who are coming to me for the first time who already doing that month-to-month changes in their work schedules just because they know what to anticipate. Most of the patients I deal with are trying to work their way through it, which is not something women should be forced to do.

I always tell patients if your cycles are affecting your quality of life, whether it’s pain or bleeding, then that’s not normal and you should always seek help, whether it’s through a family doctor or a gynecologist. There are always ways we can help you through it. It’s not something you should be forced to bear. 

Margeson is a naturopath, and I admit I am suspicious of naturopathic medicine. Some of the treatments used by naturopaths — like homeopathic remedies — have been debunked many, many times. So, I contacted Timothy Caulfield, who is the Canada Research Chair in Health Law & Policy, a professor at the Faculty of Law and School of Public Health, and research director at the Health Law Institute, University of Alberta.

On Twitter, Caulfield is well known for fighting misinformation about COVID-19, but he’s been fighting misinformation about the wellness industry long before that. He had a Netflix special A User’s Guide to Cheating Death that ran for two seasons. And he’s written and been interviewed about naturopathic medicine many times, including here and here.

I will add here that naturopathic medicine is not fully regulated in Nova Scotia. According to the Nova Scotia Association of Naturopathic Doctors, they’re “working diligently toward the implementation of full regulatory legislation.” The current legislation for the industry is the Naturopathic Doctors Act (2008).

Anyway, Caulfield emailed this response to me:

Ugh. Gave a listen…

First, naturopathy is an alternative med approach that is built on pseudoscience. It is NOT a science-informed profession. Naturopathy is based on magical thinking, like vitalism. Her clinic offers science-free (and potentially harmful) services like “IV vitamin therapy”. The website is full of evidence-free claims.

The interview is a good example of “scienceploitation” — that is, real science and science-y terminology and ideas to inject credibility. It is an ironic strategy as naturopaths reject what the science says about their profession but LOVE to use science-y terminology to make their message sound more persuasive. They want it both ways! That is, they don’t want to be held to a scientific standard, but they want to use science-y to sell product and brand their clinics!

Sure, there is evidence about the role of hormones on cognition, etc. Can you take it as far as this naturopath does? Questionable. Is there good and robust clinical evidence to support her claims to the point that she should be building an entire practice around these ideas? I can’t find any. Interesting speculation, etc., in literature (not a lot of point…  See this article in pop press My friend and colleague, Dr. Jen Gunter would be a great person to contact on this point…

In this age of misinformation, I find it frustrating when noise like this gets exposure in popular culture.

Note: I did reach out to Dr. Jennifer Gunter, who I follow on Twitter, and whose book I own, The Vagina Bible. I plan to get her latest book, the Menopause Manifesto, as well. Her assistant said Gunter was too busy with her work schedule and deadlines for the manuscript for her latest book. I’d still love to hear what she has to say on this topic.

What I am more interested in, though, is how workplaces are supporting women during menstruation and menopause, whether their jobs involve social media or not!

But also, for those readers out there who have periods, are you more productive certain times of the month? And can you connect that with your period? And do you schedule your social media around your cycle? Or are you like me, and just wing it?

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The book cover for Power of Fun. How to Feel Alive Again by Catherine Price

It almost seems inappropriate to talk about fun right now. But I listened to this interview with science journalist and author Catherine Price on CBC Sunday Morning last weekend about how finding fun should be a priority in our lives.  

Price wrote the book How to Break Up with Your Phone and her most recent book, the Power of Fun: How to Feel Alive Again, came out of researching that book.  

“Once you create better boundaries with your screen, you find yourself with more time,” Price told host Piya Chattopadhyay.

So Price decided to learn how to play guitar with that extra time. Her grandmother played guitar and she gave Price money to buy a guitar when she was in college, but she never really learned how to play beyond a few chords. So she signed up for an adult guitar class, and she said,

I started to notice when I was going to the class I felt this sense of buoyant energy, this sense of joy that buoyed me through the whole week.

Those lessons became the highlight of Price’s week. She tried to put a word to that feeling she experienced and the most accurate word she found was “fun.”  

Price gathered what she called a “fun squad” of more than 1,000 volunteers from around the world who shared with her their own anecdotes of what they called fun. She learned that for these people, these stories were some of the most treasured moments of their lives.  

Price crafted a definition of “true fun” — the confluence of playfulness, connection, and flow, which she describes in the interview.  

That’s very different than what Price calls “fake fun,” which are activities that are marketed to us as fun, like social media or bingeing on Netflix, which can be bad for us.  

You know, I think I learned to have more fun when I had a kid. Of course, kids are so good at fun! And it doesn’t have to be complicated or expensive. Price shared a story about a man who recalled one of the most fun times had had was with a young nephew. The two sat on a park bench during an autumn day chatting and catching leaves falling from the trees.  

We forget this as adults. And as Price said in the interview, fun lowers our stress levels and is good for our mental health.  

But also, there’s so much pressure to monetize everything, including hobbies in which you may excel, but just enjoy for the fun of it. There’s no need to be producing all the time. You don’t need to turn your hobby into a side hustle.  

It’s a good interview. Listen here and the go find your fun. It’s okay and you need it.  

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No meetings

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In the harbour

11:00: Oceanex Connaigra, ro-ro container, arrives at Pier 41 from St. John’s
11:30: MSC Kim, container ship, sails from Pier 42 for sea
12:30: Acadian, oil tanker, arrives at Irving Oil from Saint John
14:30: ZIM Monaco, container ship, arrives at Pier 42 from Valencia, Spain
16:30: Nolhanava, ro-ro cargo, sails from Pier 42 for Saint-Pierre
17:30: ZIM Monaco sails for New York
18:00: Oceanex Connaigra moves to Autoport

Cape Breton
No arrivals or departures


I’ve been chronicling the destruction of my fake white Christmas tree by our 10-month-old kitten, Donovan, who we now call Donovan the Destroyer. The tree is beyond saving. On Friday, I tried to fix its wire branches, to no avail. So, I bought another fake tree — a pink one my kid found in a flyer. It was on sale. We just put it up yesterday, and I’m not sure what to think of it. It’s the colour of cotton candy. And the lights on it are very bright. Like, blazing bright. I bet it’s visible from space.

But while I don’t have the “perfect” tree with ornaments set just so in the perfect spots, I don’t think I ever laughed as much as I have watching and photographing my hilarious kitten enjoy himself while jumping in and out of that now-wrecked white tree, and posing while building a nest in there. And in these days of where we take laughs where we can get them, I took every single one here.

Rest in peace, fake white tree. I know you never knew what hit you.

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What to stream this weekend: ‘Civil War,’ Snow Patrol, ‘How to Die Alone,’ ‘Tulsa King’ and ‘Uglies’




Hallmark launching a streaming service with two new original series, and Bill Skarsgård out for revenge in “Boy Kills World” are some of the new television, films, music and games headed to a device near you.

Also among the streaming offerings worth your time as selected by The Associated Press’ entertainment journalists: Alex Garland’s “Civil War” starring Kirsten Dunst, Natasha Rothwell’s heartfelt comedy for Hulu called “How to Die Alone” and Sylvester Stallone’s second season of “Tulsa King” debuts.


Alex Garland’s “Civil War” is finally making its debut on MAX on Friday. The film stars Kirsten Dunst as a veteran photojournalist covering a violent war that’s divided America; She reluctantly allows an aspiring photographer, played by Cailee Spaeny, to tag along as she, an editor (Stephen McKinley Henderson) and a reporter (Wagner Moura) make the dangerous journey to Washington, D.C., to interview the president (Nick Offerman), a blustery, rising despot who has given himself a third term, taken to attacking his citizens and shut himself off from the press. In my review, I called it a bellowing and haunting experience; Smart and thought-provoking with great performances. It’s well worth a watch.

— Joey King stars in Netflix’s adaptation of Scott Westerfeld’s “Uglies,” about a future society in which everyone is required to have beautifying cosmetic surgery at age 16. Streaming on Friday, McG directed the film, in which King’s character inadvertently finds herself in the midst of an uprising against the status quo. “Outer Banks” star Chase Stokes plays King’s best friend.

— Bill Skarsgård is out for revenge against the woman (Famke Janssen) who killed his family in “Boy Kills World,” coming to Hulu on Friday. Moritz Mohr directed the ultra-violent film, of which Variety critic Owen Gleiberman wrote: “It’s a depraved vision, yet I got caught up in its kick-ass revenge-horror pizzazz, its disreputable commitment to what it was doing.”

AP Film Writer Lindsey Bahr


— The year was 2006. Snow Patrol, the Northern Irish-Scottish alternative rock band, released an album, “Eyes Open,” producing the biggest hit of their career: “Chasing Cars.” A lot has happened in the time since — three, soon to be four quality full-length albums, to be exact. On Friday, the band will release “The Forest Is the Path,” their first new album in seven years. Anthemic pop-rock is the name of the game across songs of love and loss, like “All,”“The Beginning” and “This Is the Sound Of Your Voice.”

— For fans of raucous guitar music, Jordan Peele’s 2022 sci-fi thriller, “NOPE,” provided a surprising, if tiny, thrill. One of the leads, Emerald “Em” Haywood portrayed by Keke Palmer, rocks a Jesus Lizard shirt. (Also featured through the film: Rage Against the Machine, Wipers, Mr Bungle, Butthole Surfers and Earth band shirts.) The Austin noise rock band are a less than obvious pick, having been signed to the legendary Touch and Go Records and having stopped releasing new albums in 1998. That changes on Friday the 13th, when “Rack” arrives. And for those curious: The Jesus Lizard’s intensity never went away.

AP Music Writer Maria Sherman


— Hallmark launched a streaming service called Hallmark+ on Tuesday with two new original series, the scripted drama “The Chicken Sisters” and unscripted series “Celebrations with Lacey Chabert.” If you’re a Hallmark holiday movies fan, you know Chabert. She’s starred in more than 30 of their films and many are holiday themed. Off camera, Chabert has a passion for throwing parties and entertaining. In “Celebrations,” deserving people are surprised with a bash in their honor — planned with Chabert’s help. “The Chicken Sisters” stars Schuyler Fisk, Wendie Malick and Lea Thompson in a show about employees at rival chicken restaurants in a small town. The eight-episode series is based on a novel of the same name.

Natasha Rothwell of “Insecure” and “The White Lotus” fame created and stars in a new heartfelt comedy for Hulu called “How to Die Alone.” She plays Mel, a broke, go-along-to-get-along, single, airport employee who, after a near-death experience, makes the conscious decision to take risks and pursue her dreams. Rothwell has been working on the series for the past eight years and described it to The AP as “the most vulnerable piece of art I’ve ever put into the world.” Like Mel, Rothwell had to learn to bet on herself to make the show she wanted to make. “In the Venn diagram of me and Mel, there’s significant overlap,” said Rothwell. It premieres Friday on Hulu.

— Shailene Woodley, DeWanda Wise and Betty Gilpin star in a new drama for Starz called “Three Women,” about entrepreneur Sloane, homemaker Lina and student Maggie who are each stepping into their power and making life-changing decisions. They’re interviewed by a writer named Gia (Woodley.) The series is based on a 2019 best-selling book of the same name by Lisa Taddeo. “Three Women” premieres Friday on Starz.

— Sylvester Stallone’s second season of “Tulsa King” debuts Sunday on Paramount+. Stallone plays Dwight Manfredi, a mafia boss who was recently released from prison after serving 25 years. He’s sent to Tulsa to set up a new crime syndicate. The series is created by Taylor Sheridan of “Yellowstone” fame.

Alicia Rancilio


— One thing about the title of Focus Entertainment’s Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine 2 — you know exactly what you’re in for. You are Demetrian Titus, a genetically enhanced brute sent into battle against the Tyranids, an insectoid species with an insatiable craving for human flesh. You have a rocket-powered suit of armor and an arsenal of ridiculous weapons like the “Chainsword,” the “Thunderhammer” and the “Melta Rifle,” so what could go wrong? Besides the squishy single-player mode, there are cooperative missions and six-vs.-six free-for-alls. You can suit up now on PlayStation 5, Xbox X/S or PC.

— Likewise, Wild Bastards isn’t exactly the kind of title that’s going to attract fans of, say, Animal Crossing. It’s another sci-fi shooter, but the protagonists are a gang of 13 varmints — aliens and androids included — who are on the run from the law. Each outlaw has a distinctive set of weapons and special powers: Sarge, for example, is a robot with horse genes, while Billy the Squid is … well, you get the idea. Australian studio Blue Manchu developed the 2019 cult hit Void Bastards, and this Wild-West-in-space spinoff has the same snarky humor and vibrant, neon-drenched cartoon look. Saddle up on PlayStation 5, Xbox X/S, Nintendo Switch or PC.

Lou Kesten

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Trump could cash out his DJT stock within weeks. Here’s what happens if he sells



Former President Donald Trump is on the brink of a significant financial decision that could have far-reaching implications for both his personal wealth and the future of his fledgling social media company, Trump Media & Technology Group (TMTG). As the lockup period on his shares in TMTG, which owns Truth Social, nears its end, Trump could soon be free to sell his substantial stake in the company. However, the potential payday, which makes up a large portion of his net worth, comes with considerable risks for Trump and his supporters.

Trump’s stake in TMTG comprises nearly 59% of the company, amounting to 114,750,000 shares. As of now, this holding is valued at approximately $2.6 billion. These shares are currently under a lockup agreement, a common feature of initial public offerings (IPOs), designed to prevent company insiders from immediately selling their shares and potentially destabilizing the stock. The lockup, which began after TMTG’s merger with a special purpose acquisition company (SPAC), is set to expire on September 25, though it could end earlier if certain conditions are met.

Should Trump decide to sell his shares after the lockup expires, the market could respond in unpredictable ways. The sale of a substantial number of shares by a major stakeholder like Trump could flood the market, potentially driving down the stock price. Daniel Bradley, a finance professor at the University of South Florida, suggests that the market might react negatively to such a large sale, particularly if there aren’t enough buyers to absorb the supply. This could lead to a sharp decline in the stock’s value, impacting both Trump’s personal wealth and the company’s market standing.

Moreover, Trump’s involvement in Truth Social has been a key driver of investor interest. The platform, marketed as a free speech alternative to mainstream social media, has attracted a loyal user base largely due to Trump’s presence. If Trump were to sell his stake, it might signal a lack of confidence in the company, potentially shaking investor confidence and further depressing the stock price.

Trump’s decision is also influenced by his ongoing legal battles, which have already cost him over $100 million in legal fees. Selling his shares could provide a significant financial boost, helping him cover these mounting expenses. However, this move could also have political ramifications, especially as he continues his bid for the Republican nomination in the 2024 presidential race.

Trump Media’s success is closely tied to Trump’s political fortunes. The company’s stock has shown volatility in response to developments in the presidential race, with Trump’s chances of winning having a direct impact on the stock’s value. If Trump sells his stake, it could be interpreted as a lack of confidence in his own political future, potentially undermining both his campaign and the company’s prospects.

Truth Social, the flagship product of TMTG, has faced challenges in generating traffic and advertising revenue, especially compared to established social media giants like X (formerly Twitter) and Facebook. Despite this, the company’s valuation has remained high, fueled by investor speculation on Trump’s political future. If Trump remains in the race and manages to secure the presidency, the value of his shares could increase. Conversely, any missteps on the campaign trail could have the opposite effect, further destabilizing the stock.

As the lockup period comes to an end, Trump faces a critical decision that could shape the future of both his personal finances and Truth Social. Whether he chooses to hold onto his shares or cash out, the outcome will likely have significant consequences for the company, its investors, and Trump’s political aspirations.


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Arizona man accused of social media threats to Trump is arrested



Cochise County, AZ — Law enforcement officials in Arizona have apprehended Ronald Lee Syvrud, a 66-year-old resident of Cochise County, after a manhunt was launched following alleged death threats he made against former President Donald Trump. The threats reportedly surfaced in social media posts over the past two weeks, as Trump visited the US-Mexico border in Cochise County on Thursday.

Syvrud, who hails from Benson, Arizona, located about 50 miles southeast of Tucson, was captured by the Cochise County Sheriff’s Office on Thursday afternoon. The Sheriff’s Office confirmed his arrest, stating, “This subject has been taken into custody without incident.”

In addition to the alleged threats against Trump, Syvrud is wanted for multiple offences, including failure to register as a sex offender. He also faces several warrants in both Wisconsin and Arizona, including charges for driving under the influence and a felony hit-and-run.

The timing of the arrest coincided with Trump’s visit to Cochise County, where he toured the US-Mexico border. During his visit, Trump addressed the ongoing border issues and criticized his political rival, Democratic presidential nominee Kamala Harris, for what he described as lax immigration policies. When asked by reporters about the ongoing manhunt for Syvrud, Trump responded, “No, I have not heard that, but I am not that surprised and the reason is because I want to do things that are very bad for the bad guys.”

This incident marks the latest in a series of threats against political figures during the current election cycle. Just earlier this month, a 66-year-old Virginia man was arrested on suspicion of making death threats against Vice President Kamala Harris and other public officials.

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