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The Giveaway’s Continue: The Rich Get Richer & the Working Class Poorer



The Corporate Lottery that all Big Business has been a part of, has been paying off for some. Donations with promises of future lucrative positions in Big Business have resulted in a firestorm of economic activity and financial jackpots for those in Big Pharma, the Electric Vehicle Sector and others. Between Premier Ford, Justin Trudeau and other Canadian Premiers the EV Industry has and will receive $57 Billion from the taxpayers. Perhaps there will come a day when EV Batteries will last more than a year or two, and the cost of these vehicles could match the overpriced gas models of the day, but this largess is seriously questionable at best, forked out to Corporations that will severely profit shortly and on the public dime too.

You don’t care about the various hidden agreements made by your Province with these Corporations, where there is no Transparency of the Agreements nor Accountability placed on the Government or Corporation? Corporate Welfare went wrong, worse than the Kathleen Wynne days when a photo shoot was needed, so they gave a $125 Million check to some Automotive Facility in Oshawa. Sure the Liberals were possibly guilty of undeclared fraud, allowing donations to sway their purchasing and Planning Departments, selling time with a Minister and wasting $Billions closing down operations that did not need to have been started, except for political gains. The Doug Ford Team has done some of these above-mentioned scams, and their ties to the Corporate World were never fully forthcoming. The Corporate Sector Controls The Conservatives of Ontario, and this has been a hidden truth for some time.

Victor Fedeli and Francois-Philippe Champagne invited Corporate Participation in their plans to create a new sector in Canada, the EV Panacea, and then the Corporate World took over. How else can you see the fact that all the agreements between the government and corporations are secret, unseen to the publics eye? All the Government offers is promises and propaganda/social media rushes “the future this, the futures that” but absolutely no real proven numbers for the public to consider.

With the total amount of money somewhat known, given and basically donated to rich corporations, the possible 3000 jobs created will cost $5 Million per job. Excessive don’t you think?


What cost to create jobs? Is it not the corporate Worlds responsibility to take care of its own employment needs? The Conservatives have become Socialistic Corporate Hacks, financially giving a windfall of cash to the Rich, while not paying our Essential Service Employee properly for years. Booooooooooooooooooo!

Steven Kaszab
Bradford, Ontario

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MP Kevin Vuong Introduces Petition Against Anti-Semitic Chants At Protests



OTTAWA — In Early June, independent MP Kevin Vuong, representing Spadina-Fort York, introduced a petition that was tabled in the House of Commons against anti-semitic chants.

Vuong’s petition was signed by 13,000 Canadians and was developed with the support of the Canadian Women Against Anti-Semitism (CWAA). It calls on the government to designate certain antisemitic chants as hate speech. Phrases such as “from the river to the sea”, among others, are becoming commonplace amongst pro-Palestinian protestors in Canadian cities and on college campuses. Vuong and the signees believe that phrases calling for the eradication of Israel cross a line into unacceptable anti-semitism.

Vuong spoke on behalf of the petition in the House of Commons, saying that it “calls for definitive action from the government to provide clarity to law enforcement agencies and provincial and territorial attorneys general, as well as for it to examine and provide clarity on the legality of other slogans, such as “globalize the intifada” and “long live October 7.”

Vuong is also calling on the government to convene a national antisemitism summit focused on immediate measures to combat hate speech.


After introducing the petition, MP Vuong reported harassing behaviour around his home and involving members of his family. Vuong shared details of the harassing behaviour with both parliamentary security and Toronto police. He claims that, as he and his wife were out for a routine walk, they were followed and photographed by an unknown woman in a slow-moving car. Vuong submitted photos of the driver along with their licence plate.

Vuong’s route also featured several protestors with signs condemning the MP’s support for Canadian Jews, with accusations of supporting genocide.

The rate of antisemitic incidents in Canada continues to rise, including reports of harassment and intimidation against Jewish Canadians and their visible allies like Vuong. There is a widely shared “list” of incidents in Canada that keeps growing, revealing an unmistakable pattern of anti-semitic acts across the country. In the month of June alone, the Anshei Minsk Synagogue in Toronto experienced a rock being thrown through the window, and the front door of the Beth Jacob Synagogue in Kitchener was smashed.

Jewish leaders hope that, by introducing petitions like this, they can more clearly make the distinction between criticisms of Israeli policies and criticisms of the existence of the state itself, or of the Jewish people more broadly. They can also remind Canadians of the ominous pattern of anti-semitic acts.

Vuong has been a vocal supporter of Israel and the Canadian Jewish population as protests against the ongoing war against Hamas have peaked in the previous months. He has spoken out against acts of antisemitism on numerous news and commentary programs, as well as in the House of Commons. He also marched in Toronto’s 50,000-person-strong Walk With Israel in early June, helping to raise more than $1.2 million for the victims of the atrocities of October 7th.

Vuong has offered reassurances that the intimidation will not deter his support for the petition and the fight against antisemitism. When chants do call for the dissolution of Israel altogether, Vuong hopes that his support will give strength to the community to stand against hate speech.

“No one will dictate how my wife and I live,” Vuong declared. “We stand up for what is right and won’t abandon our values in the face of threats.”


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Juneteenth: Its Significance and Celebration Among Black Canadians



As June 19 approaches each year, the reverberations of Juneteenth—a day marking the end of slavery in the United States—are felt not only across the United States but also north of the border in Canada. Although Juneteenth is a quintessentially American holiday, its significance has begun to resonate with Black Canadians, who find in it a shared history of resilience, liberation, and community. While the recognition and celebration of Juneteenth are not as widespread in Canada as they are in the United States, the day is nonetheless gaining traction among those who are keenly aware of its historical and cultural importance.

The Origins of Juneteenth

Juneteenth, a portmanteau of “June” and “nineteenth,” commemorates the day in 1865 when Union General Gordon Granger arrived in Galveston, Texas, to announce that all enslaved people were free. This announcement came more than two years after President Abraham Lincoln’s Emancipation Proclamation had formally outlawed slavery in Confederate states. The delay was due to the continued resistance of Confederate states and the lack of Union enforcement in Texas.

Since then, Juneteenth has been celebrated annually, initially gaining recognition in Texas before spreading to other parts of the United States. It is a day that honors African American freedom and achievement, while also encouraging continuous self-development and respect for all cultures.

Juneteenth’s Emergence in Canada

In Canada, the awareness of Juneteenth has grown, particularly among Black Canadians who trace their lineage back to the United States, including descendants of African American refugees who fled to Canada via the Underground Railroad. For these communities, Juneteenth serves as a poignant reminder of their ancestors’ struggles and triumphs.


While Juneteenth is not a public holiday in Canada, its celebration is observed by various groups and individuals who recognize the interconnectedness of Black history across North America. This recognition is often part of broader community events, cultural festivals, and educational initiatives that highlight the history and contributions of Black Canadians.

Emancipation Day: Canada’s Own Commemoration

Canada has its own significant date that marks the end of slavery within its borders: Emancipation Day. Celebrated on August 1, Emancipation Day commemorates the abolition of slavery in the British Empire in 1834. This day holds particular importance for the Black Canadian community, as it signifies a key moment in the fight for freedom and justice.

In 2021, the Canadian Parliament officially recognized Emancipation Day, providing a national platform for acknowledging the history and legacy of slavery in Canada. This recognition has led to increased awareness and celebrations across the country, with events ranging from parades and cultural showcases to educational seminars and public discussions.

Celebrating Juneteenth in Canada

The celebration of Juneteenth in Canada is often intertwined with other cultural events and observances that honor Black history and heritage. Communities in cities such as Toronto, Vancouver, and Halifax have begun to incorporate Juneteenth into their annual calendars, hosting events that bring people together to reflect on the past and look toward the future.

These celebrations can include a variety of activities, such as:

  • Historical Reenactments and Educational Workshops: Providing a deeper understanding of the significance of Juneteenth and its relevance to Black Canadian history.
  • Cultural Performances: Featuring music, dance, and spoken word performances that highlight the rich cultural contributions of Black Canadians.
  • Community Gatherings and Picnics: Offering spaces for families and friends to come together, share stories, and celebrate their heritage.
  • Public Lectures and Panel Discussions: Addressing contemporary issues facing Black communities and exploring the ongoing fight for racial justice and equality.

The Broader Impact of Juneteenth

The growing recognition of Juneteenth in Canada is part of a broader movement to acknowledge and address the historical injustices faced by Black people across the world. This includes a renewed focus on the legacies of slavery, systemic racism, and the contributions of Black individuals to society.

For many Black Canadians, observing Juneteenth is an act of solidarity with their African American counterparts and a way to honor their own ancestors’ struggles for freedom. It is also an opportunity to educate others about the interconnected histories of Black people in North America and to foster a greater understanding of the ongoing challenges faced by Black communities today.

The Future of Juneteenth in Canada

As Juneteenth continues to gain recognition in Canada, there is potential for it to become a more prominent and widely celebrated observance. Increased awareness and education about the day can help foster a more inclusive and comprehensive understanding of Black history in Canada.

Advocates for Juneteenth in Canada hope to see it integrated into school curricula, community programming, and public policy initiatives. By doing so, they aim to ensure that the legacy of Juneteenth is preserved and that future generations can learn from and be inspired by the stories of those who fought for freedom and justice.


While Juneteenth remains primarily an American holiday, its significance is increasingly being recognized by Black Canadians who see in it a reflection of their own history and heritage. The celebration of Juneteenth in Canada, though not yet widespread, is a testament to the resilience and solidarity of Black communities on both sides of the border.

As more people come to understand the importance of Juneteenth, there is hope that it will continue to grow in prominence, serving as a powerful reminder of the enduring fight for freedom and equality. Through education, celebration, and reflection, Juneteenth has the potential to become a vital part of Canada’s cultural and historical landscape.

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A Soldiers Pride



My Grand Father fought for the other side,
standing against the Soviet Horde,
protecting his family, community and national pride,
an artilleryman pounding the other side.

A Colonel of distinction and professionalism clear,
he upheld the code of soldiers far and wide,
to protect, serve and possibly die.
A Hero perhaps, depending on your side.

Hungarians stood mostly against their Soviet Nemesis,
but fought on the Western Front as well,
in the Sicily campaign and in France too.

His artillery barraged the British, Americans and Canadians as well,
Doing what all soldiers are required by oath,
to achieve their goal, fight on until the battle is won,
but his heart was at home, with his family is plain,
the soldier should never really leave their domain.


Returning to his land, the Soviets arrested him at once,
and through a trial sentenced him to hang.
Before his house, he stood with the hangman’s noose tight,
until some Jewish citizens came forth with open eyes
declaring this man a saviour to their kind.

Rich, powerful and high-ranking was he,
so with his wife they hid away Jewish families.
It was said they saved many Jewish Lives,
and for that, his life was saved,
and to the Gulag 20 years he remained.

Living his remaining life in familiar peace,
away from the hell of war and destruction untold.
He told me his story and pronounced wholeheartedly,
that a soldier’s life for future generations should never be,
the horror that destroyed the lives of many never felt.

With tears in his old eyes, he told me true,
taking a life takes something dear from me and you.
If he could relive his life, a soldier he would never be,
but to live one’s life freely and most meaningfully.

My Grandfather respected his opponents with pride,
men and women fighting for their families and home.
He lifted a glass of wine to his lips with a tear,
toasting all People far and wide
dearly held in his heart was a soldier’s pride.

Steven Kaszab
Bradford, Ontario

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