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Episode 5: 50+ Years in the Making, RSV Vaccine Arrives



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Forest W. Arnold, DO, MSc: Hello. I’m Dr Forest Arnold. Welcome to Medscape’s InDiscussion series on respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) in adults. Today we’ll be discussing RSV vaccines with Dr Barney Graham. Dr Graham is a senior advisor for Global Health Equity and professor of medicine and microbiology, biochemistry, and immunology at Morehouse School of Medicine.

Welcome to InDiscussion.

Barney S. Graham, MD, PhD: Thank you. I’m glad to be here.

Arnold: We can’t talk about the new RSV vaccines without talking about the beginning of the vaccines, which wasn’t 5 years ago. It was 1965, just a decade after the very successful polio vaccine was released. Could you take a couple minutes and review those first years and the children’s studies?

Graham: RSV was discovered in 1956, as the polio vaccine was having so much success. The initial attempts at making a vaccine were, at that time, to isolate the virus, grow it to high titer, and inactivate it, and that would be the vaccine. And that was done with RSV. A whole inactivated vaccine was tested.

In 1965, there were studies done in four cohorts of children, and in the youngest age cohort, vaccinations were started before 7 months of age. In children who had not yet experienced an RSV infection, there were some problems. And in that cohort of young, antigen-naive children, 20 out of the 31 vaccinated became infected during that winter season, just after Christmas of the 1966-67 season. Sixteen children had to be hospitalized. Two of those 16 children died.

That was a dramatic setback for vaccines in general. It was a real surprise and put a halt to vaccine development for RSV for several decades until the immunology and pathogenesis were better understood.

Arnold: In the mid-1980s, the fusion glycoprotein (F), which we’ll call F protein, was isolated. What is the importance of that F protein?

Graham: In the 1980s, we started getting sequences for RSV monoclonal antibodies and characterization of proteins of the virus. There’s three surface proteins: the small hydrophobic (SH), G, and the F glycoprotein. The F is considered to be the most important for vaccines and antibodies. Targeting F can neutralize the virus or prevent virus infection, and F is important because it is the protein that mediates membrane fusion. It helps fuse the viral membrane to the host cell or target membrane, and that’s how the viral genome gets into the cell to start the replication process. If you can prevent that F protein from doing its job, then you can largely prevent infection at the next cell.

Arnold: There is a pre-fusion form and a post-fusion form. What is the significance of those two forms, and what are they fusing to?

Graham: The F protein is referred to as a class I fusion protein. It’s a type of protein on enveloped viruses like parainfluenza, HIV, Ebola, and viruses like that, including coronaviruses. In RSV, the F protein is anchored in the membrane, and it starts out in one conformation, like a spring-loaded trap. As it approaches the cell, the top of it unfolds, and it inserts itself into the target cell membrane.

For RSV, it’s mostly the ciliated, bronchial, or epithelial cells, and the type I pneumocytes in the alveolar space. That attachment then leads to a rearrangement of the protein, where there are three identical parts — it’s a trimeric protein. The three identical protomers grab the host cell, and then the two ends — the one end inserted into the host and the other end inserted into the viral membrane — come back together, they’re pulled together, and that creates a fusion core that allows the virus replication process to start. When moving from prefusion to postfusion, you’re also moving from functional to non-functional form of the protein.

Arnold: It’s the postfusion that is short-lived. It’s usually in a pre-fusion state, is that correct?

Graham: On the native virus that’s budding off of cells, the protein starts as a prefusion. That is the spring-loaded form. The postfusion is a very stable molecule. Before work around 2010 and 2012, we didn’t really understand the important differences between these two forms of the protein in terms of what antibodies recognize. The post-fusion form of F is very stable. Once it makes that rearrangement, it is an extremely stable molecule, so it’s relatively easy to make, it’s easy to store, it’s easy from a manufacturing process, and it is what you get when you isolate the protein from a virus or make the protein in cell culture. The postfusion is what people had to work with up until around 2012 or 2013.

Arnold: The new vaccines utilize that F protein as part of their mechanism of action, correct?

Graham: That’s correct. Vaccine studies resumed in the 1990s after there was a better understanding of the vaccine-enhanced illness, where we learned only antigen-naïve people are susceptible to that kind of event. Once people are infected with RSV, which starts early in life and then repeated throughout life, they are primed in the right way for an immune response. Vaccination or infection doesn’t result in this kind of vaccine-enhanced disease.

In the 1990s, immunization studies were resumed, and there were five phase 3 studies with what turned out to be the post-fusion F molecule. And they all worked to a certain extent, but they didn’t boost neutralizing activity very much, only maybe two- to three-fold on average. None of those phase 3 trials were able to progress. They didn’t meet their primary objectives. The big thing that happened in 2012 and then published in 2013 is that we were able to capture the atomic-level structure of the pre-fusion form of the F protein. Once we had that — and that was done at the Vaccine Research Center at the National Institutes of Health (NIH) in collaboration with a fellow, Jason McLellan, who was in Peter Kwong’s lab and my lab — we worked on this protein and got the structure. Were able to stabilize the structure by putting in some internal mutations and holding it together with what’s called a trimerization domain on one end and putting in disulfide and cavity-filling mutations inside. It holds it in the right shape and doesn’t let it flip around into the post-fusion form.

Once we had the protein in that form, it turned out to be a much better vaccine antigen. In animals, for instance, you could elicit 40-50, sometimes 80-fold higher neutralizing activity from the pre-fusion molecule than you could from a post-fusion molecule.

Arnold: We’ll get back to those neutralizing antibodies, but first, we have to sidestep and talk about COVID-19 for a second. There are two vaccines that just came out, and other drug companies are probably going to follow suit with new FDA-approved RSV vaccines, which makes it sound like the technology has happened after COVID-19 vaccines. But COVID-19 in a sense got in the way of making the RSV vaccines, which actually provided the technology and lessons learned to create the COVID-19 vaccine so quickly. Is that giving too much credit to the RSV vaccine?

Graham: No, I don’t think it is. The RSV vaccines — from that initial discovery of the pre-fusion conformation and that being a better vaccine antigen — have been on more of a traditional development timeline. Our phase 1 trial that we did and published in 2019, it took that long to evolve. As the companies have developed their products based on that conformation, it’s gone through about a 10-year development timeline, which historically is actually relatively fast for vaccine development that has usually been measured in decades.

This is only 1 decade. But the concept of making this fusion protein in its pre-fusion conformation is what led Jason McLellan and I, when Jason was starting his own lab at Dartmouth Hitchcock Medical Center, to extend the RSV findings to another enveloped virus, the coronaviruses.

Working on Middle East respiratory syndrome (MERS) and then the first severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS), and eventually human coronavirus HKU1, which is one of our endemic coronaviruses, we were finally able, with Andrew Ward’s collaboration at Scripps, to get the pre-fusion form of the spike protein of a beta coronavirus. That allowed us to find stabilized mutations. That research was used in prototype vaccines that we knew by 2019 could protect animals from a lethal challenge with the MERS coronavirus.

This concept of the pre-fusion stabilized protein being a better vaccine antigen that came from RSV was extended to coronavirus and is what prepared us in the field for rapidly making coronavirus vaccines in 2020.

Arnold: Let me summarize to this point. In the mid-1960s, we had a very revealing but horrendous study where many children who were vaccinated for RSV were either hospitalized and two died. Twenty years later, there was the isolation of the glycoprotein F, but it really wasn’t until it was outlined in an atomic form that we made progress.

Then, you move forward some more, and they’re working on RSV vaccines, and here comes COVID-19. The technology gained from RSV gave us the ability to rapidly form a COVID-19 vaccine. Now, we’re 3 years out from the COVID-19 vaccine, and we’ve got our first RSV vaccines. These are indicated for older adults. Why aren’t the RSV vaccines that are out now also for children?

Graham: The field spent 20-30 years working out the safety, and then it worked another 20 years or so working out the way to make vaccines effective. These new vaccines, based on subunit proteins, are being used initially to boost adults who have already been primed with prior infection.

The vaccine for adults, which we know can be given safely because everyone’s already been infected with RSV before, are being used to boost immunity in adults. They can boost immunity to supernormal levels — levels that are found in very few people from natural infection. They can provide a level of protection usually for severe disease of up above 90% and even above 70% for mild disease. These vaccines are effective in the elderly. They’re also effective in boosting women of childbearing age or pregnant women enough that their antibodies can be transferred to babies and protect the babies for around 6 months. We do have an approach that will be available for babies, but it comes through the mother or through antibodies made in a factory and given directly to babies at birth. That can protect them for around 6 months as well. The thing we still don’t have, and the thing that is still being worked on and will probably take a format other than a purified protein, is a vaccine for the 6-month to the 5-year-old child.

Most hospitalization and lung damage happens in children less than 6 months of age, but there’s still a lot of disease and hospitalization in children between 6 months and 5 years of age that we would like to eventually have something for. That is still something that’s being worked on.

Arnold: Can you describe disease enhancement? By that, I mean RSV vaccine-associated enhanced respiratory disease? Is that a problem that children or infants experience that adults don’t because they’ve already been exposed to RSV?

Graham: Yes, the vaccine-enhanced illness associated with RSV and immunization in infants is called vaccine-associated enhanced respiratory disease (VAERD). That is a syndrome that has an immunological basis. Over the years, we’ve found two problems. One was an antibody problem, meaning that there were a lot of antibodies induced that could bind the virus protein that did not neutralize the virus infection.

Because the virus could still grow, and because the antibody levels were high, it was found in those early studies to have caused an immune complex-mediated disease where you could find immune complexes in the small airways that activated complement. We think that is part of what happened originally.

Part of the problem to fix that vaccine-enhanced disease is to keep the protein in the conformation that will elicit more potent, effective antibodies. There was also a T-cell problem, and it was found in animal models with some corroboration in people who are primed with a protein or whole inactivated virus-type vaccine that, when they are challenged or infected with RSV, they get more of an allergic inflammation. They get what’s called a Th2 response or a CD4 T-cell response. That includes IL-4, IL-5, and IL-13, which means you get a lot more mucus, you get a lot more bronchoconstriction, you get a lot of eosinophils and neutrophils.

And that kind of response is not as effective at clearing RSV, and it causes a lot of problems with airway obstruction. That kind of immune response is something that needs to be avoided, especially in the very young child. Making sure that we have the vaccines set just right and all the children primed in just the right way to create the best possible immune response is going to take a little longer than it has for the adults. In the adults, the T-cell response is already set, and all you have to do is make sure you’re boosting the right antibodies, which we can now do with this pre-fusion F protein.

Arnold: The immune-mediated response in children is what causes them a problem if they receive the same kind of vaccine that we’re giving to older adults. Was the immune-mediated response the problem with the whole inactivated vaccine back in the 1960s?

Graham: Well, what we know is that the way they made that vaccine in the 1960s was to heat it at 36 degrees for 72 hours. And we know that if you do that with virus, all of the F protein flips into the post-fusion form within about 24-48 hours. That vaccine that was given back in the 1960s was a post-fusion F antigen, it didn’t have any pre-fusion F on it. So, it’s possible that the pre-fusion F protein by itself could be a solution for young children. If we have the antibody right, the T-cell problem won’t be an issue, but because there’s a little uncertainty about that, there’s going to have to be a lot more work. Most of the vaccines being developed for the young child are live attenuated viruses, which would mimic better the natural infection, or potentially gene-based delivery of vaccines that would mimic infection more.

They also elicit a Th1-type of CD4 T-cell response that would have more interferon gamma and less IL-4. Those kinds of vaccines are coming along, and it’s possible that just the protein that’s in the right shape would work. But because most developers are mostly focused on safety first and efficacy second, this is going to be done with a lot of caution.

Arnold: Today we’ve had Dr Graham discussing several important parts of the RSV vaccine. We’ve talked about its beginning in the 1950s. We’ve talked about the importance of the F protein, especially the pre-fusion form. We’ve talked about its impact on the COVID-19 vaccine and how it made that possible quickly, and we’ve talked about disease enhancement as well as neutralizing antibodies that would be present in mothers who would be vaccinated, which may be available soon, and the protection it could offer fetuses in the first 6 months of life. Thank you so much for joining us. This is Dr Forest Arnold for InDiscussion.



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Canada to donate up to 200,000 vaccine doses to combat mpox outbreaks in Africa




The Canadian government says it will donate up to 200,000 vaccine doses to fight the mpox outbreak in Congo and other African countries.

It says the donated doses of Imvamune will come from Canada’s existing supply and will not affect the country’s preparedness for mpox cases in this country.

Minister of Health Mark Holland says the donation “will help to protect those in the most affected regions of Africa and will help prevent further spread of the virus.”

Dr. Madhukar Pai, Canada research chair in epidemiology and global health, says although the donation is welcome, it is a very small portion of the estimated 10 million vaccine doses needed to control the outbreak.

Vaccine donations from wealthier countries have only recently started arriving in Africa, almost a month after the World Health Organization declared the mpox outbreak a public health emergency of international concern.

A few days after the declaration in August, Global Affairs Canada announced a contribution of $1 million for mpox surveillance, diagnostic tools, research and community awareness in Africa.

On Thursday, the Africa Centres for Disease Control and Prevention said mpox is still on the rise and that testing rates are “insufficient” across the continent.

Jason Kindrachuk, Canada research chair in emerging viruses at the University of Manitoba, said donating vaccines, in addition to supporting surveillance and diagnostic tests, is “massively important.”

But Kindrachuk, who has worked on the ground in Congo during the epidemic, also said that the international response to the mpox outbreak is “better late than never (but) better never late.”

“It would have been fantastic for us globally to not be in this position by having provided doses a much, much longer time prior than when we are,” he said, noting that the outbreak of clade I mpox in Congo started in early 2023.

Clade II mpox, endemic in regions of West Africa, came to the world’s attention even earlier — in 2022 — as that strain of virus spread to other countries, including Canada.

Two doses are recommended for mpox vaccination, so the donation may only benefit 100,000 people, Pai said.

Pai questioned whether Canada is contributing enough, as the federal government hasn’t said what percentage of its mpox vaccine stockpile it is donating.

“Small donations are simply not going to help end this crisis. We need to show greater solidarity and support,” he said in an email.

“That is the biggest lesson from the COVID-19 pandemic — our collective safety is tied with that of other nations.”

This report by The Canadian Press was first published Sept. 13, 2024.

Canadian Press health coverage receives support through a partnership with the Canadian Medical Association. CP is solely responsible for this content.

The Canadian Press. All rights reserved.

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How many Nova Scotians are on the doctor wait-list? Number hit 160,000 in June




HALIFAX – The Nova Scotia government says it could be months before it reveals how many people are on the wait-list for a family doctor.

The head of the province’s health authority told reporters Wednesday that the government won’t release updated data until the 160,000 people who were on the wait-list in June are contacted to verify whether they still need primary care.

Karen Oldfield said Nova Scotia Health is working on validating the primary care wait-list data before posting new numbers, and that work may take a matter of months. The most recent public wait-list figures are from June 1, when 160,234 people, or about 16 per cent of the population, were on it.

“It’s going to take time to make 160,000 calls,” Oldfield said. “We are not talking weeks, we are talking months.”

The interim CEO and president of Nova Scotia Health said people on the list are being asked where they live, whether they still need a family doctor, and to give an update on their health.

A spokesperson with the province’s Health Department says the government and its health authority are “working hard” to turn the wait-list registry into a useful tool, adding that the data will be shared once it is validated.

Nova Scotia’s NDP are calling on Premier Tim Houston to immediately release statistics on how many people are looking for a family doctor. On Tuesday, the NDP introduced a bill that would require the health minister to make the number public every month.

“It is unacceptable for the list to be more than three months out of date,” NDP Leader Claudia Chender said Tuesday.

Chender said releasing this data regularly is vital so Nova Scotians can track the government’s progress on its main 2021 campaign promise: fixing health care.

The number of people in need of a family doctor has more than doubled between the 2021 summer election campaign and June 2024. Since September 2021 about 300 doctors have been added to the provincial health system, the Health Department said.

“We’ll know if Tim Houston is keeping his 2021 election promise to fix health care when Nova Scotians are attached to primary care,” Chender said.

This report by The Canadian Press was first published Sept. 11, 2024.

The Canadian Press. All rights reserved.

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Newfoundland and Labrador monitoring rise in whooping cough cases: medical officer




ST. JOHN’S, N.L. – Newfoundland and Labrador‘s chief medical officer is monitoring the rise of whooping cough infections across the province as cases of the highly contagious disease continue to grow across Canada.

Dr. Janice Fitzgerald says that so far this year, the province has recorded 230 confirmed cases of the vaccine-preventable respiratory tract infection, also known as pertussis.

Late last month, Quebec reported more than 11,000 cases during the same time period, while Ontario counted 470 cases, well above the five-year average of 98. In Quebec, the majority of patients are between the ages of 10 and 14.

Meanwhile, New Brunswick has declared a whooping cough outbreak across the province. A total of 141 cases were reported by last month, exceeding the five-year average of 34.

The disease can lead to severe complications among vulnerable populations including infants, who are at the highest risk of suffering from complications like pneumonia and seizures. Symptoms may start with a runny nose, mild fever and cough, then progress to severe coughing accompanied by a distinctive “whooping” sound during inhalation.

“The public, especially pregnant people and those in close contact with infants, are encouraged to be aware of symptoms related to pertussis and to ensure vaccinations are up to date,” Newfoundland and Labrador’s Health Department said in a statement.

Whooping cough can be treated with antibiotics, but vaccination is the most effective way to control the spread of the disease. As a result, the province has expanded immunization efforts this school year. While booster doses are already offered in Grade 9, the vaccine is now being offered to Grade 8 students as well.

Public health officials say whooping cough is a cyclical disease that increases every two to five or six years.

Meanwhile, New Brunswick’s acting chief medical officer of health expects the current case count to get worse before tapering off.

A rise in whooping cough cases has also been reported in the United States and elsewhere. The Pan American Health Organization issued an alert in July encouraging countries to ramp up their surveillance and vaccination coverage.

This report by The Canadian Press was first published Sept. 10, 2024.

The Canadian Press. All rights reserved.

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