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Coronavirus could cause a recession. Here’s what the US could do to prevent one. –



Lurking behind the daily gyrations of the stock market is a deeper story about the threat coronavirus carries to the global economy — a story that Congress needs to understand and act on now to stave off a potentially devastating recession.

There are economic problems caused by Covid-19 illness itself, like closed Chinese factories making components unavailable to other parts of the supply chain. But there’s a separate threat to the global economy. It’s an issue of demand, which can cause ripple effects that would potentially outlast direct disruption of the economy.

Since the pandemic began, global demand for every kind of raw material from industrial metals to staple crops like wheat and soybeans has dropped. Businesses know that means global spending is going to slow and so they take measures to prepare, like idling workers and reducing output. Already the aviation industry, which was initially shifting aircraft from China routes to other opportunities, is just settling for flying fewer planes and paying fewer workers.

The good news is that governments can step in to prevent mass firings by promising to spend money to keep demand stable. But companies are acting as though they do not believe the governments will act.

Congress and legislatures around the world need to promise now that measures will kick in automatically if the worst begins to happen. If they wait until then, it’ll be too late.

A global pandemic sounds deceptively like a supply-side problem: China shut a bunch of factories down to halt the spread of infection and now there’s no hand sanitizer to be had and Apple products are backordered.

But that’s not all that’s happening. We’re looking at what a college econ textbook would call a shock to the demand side of the economy on top of the supply-side disruptions.

A demand shock is something like what started to happen when American house prices began to slide downward in 2007 and 2008. Because prices were declining, investors get less interested in building new houses. And because prices were declining, homeowners felt poorer and became less likely to make major purchases.

These negative demand effects started to ripple through the economy. With sales of cars and major appliances on the decline, manufacturers reduced production and laid workers off. The decline in housebuilding also generated layoffs. Laid-off workers reduced their spending, and even employed people started to get fearful and pull back. Slower economic activity led to weak state and local budgets, who in turn cut spending.

Next thing you knew, it was a recession. Central banks try to fight recessions by cutting interest rates to encourage new investments and major purchases, and Congress can also step in with fiscal stimulus designed to fill the spending void.

A supply shock, by contrast, is something like a bad harvest or a war disrupting global oil production. The world’s physical capacity to make stuff — wheat, gasoline, whatever — goes down which raises prices and creates problems for business. In contrast to a demand side recession, in the face of a pure supply shock you can’t really stimulate the economy. You can do your best to address the underlying problem, or else you can just ride it out and hope next year is better.

Either kind of shock can lead to a stock market decline. If Apple can’t sell iPhones because nobody wants to buy them (demand problem), that’s bad for its share price. If Apple can’t sell iPhones because the factory where they’re assembled is closed (supply problem), that’s also bad for its share price.

But it’s important to distinguish a supply shock from a demand shock because the solutions are different.

We can look at financial market indicators besides stock prices to draw a clear distinction.

The global price of oil, for example, has fallen dramatically in the past month. The price of wheat has fallen too. Prices for industrial metals like copper and zinc have fallen. Sometimes prices can fall for good reasons — a bumper crop or a technological innovation that allows for a huge increase in production. But when the price of basically every kind of raw material or basic commodity is falling, you are probably looking at a worldwide slowdown in spending.

The prices of government bonds are telling a similar story. When investors don’t really want to invest in anything, they park their money in loans to safe governments, which pushes down the interest rates those governments need to pay.

The interest rate on a 10-year US government bond has fallen to below 1 percent. A German 10-year bond carries an interest rate of negative 0.87 percent. The same is happening throughout the developed world. From Canada and Australia to Japan, Switzerland, and Denmark interest rates — already very low by historical standards before the virus struck — are falling lower as investors give up on basically anything.

These kind of financial market indicators are less familiar to many people than share prices, but read together they tell a clear story of a global demand crisis.

Last but by no means least, consider this somewhat unfamiliar measure. The US government sells two kinds of 10-year bonds. One pays out a given interest rate specified in nominal terms. The other promises to pay such-and-such more than the rate of inflation. By comparing the interest rate on the nominal bond to the one on the inflation-protected bond, we can see what financial markets think is going to happen with inflation. In this case, they think it is going to go down and be below the Federal Reserve’s 2 percent target rate.

This is a double-whammy — demand is collapsing and investors do not believe that world governments will provide enough stimulus to prevent price drops. This is potentially a recipe for a serious recession, one that might last longer than the direct disruptions induced by the disease unless action is taken.

Start with airlines. Currently executives are warning that the slowdown in global travel demand they are experiencing “could be worse than 9/11,” and airlines all over the world are cutting flights as fewer people want to fly. That’s going to reduce orders for new aircraft and hurt manufacturing in the United States, Europe, Canada, and Brazil, where airplanes are made.

Fewer flights is also going to mean fewer people in airports. Fewer people in airports is going to mean reduced hours and tips for people who work in airport retail. If the typical airport retail worker was sitting on a fat savings account, they could dismiss the hit to their income as temporary and probably take advantage of some discounts. But we know that most working-class people, even in a very rich country like the United States, more or less live paycheck to paycheck (they are “liquidity constrained” in economics jargon) and can’t actually take advantage of any good shopping opportunities unless they have money coming in.

Then there’s Seattle, which has seen the most cases in the United States Covid-19 outbreak.

Karen Weise and Kirk Johnson reported for the New York Times that “in pockets all around Seattle, people were heeding the advice of officials and staying in. Microsoft, Amazon and many other top employers told their employees to work from home. The South Lake Union area, where thousands of tech workers typically fill the streets, was mostly empty.”

This is good public health practice, and it is appropriate for Seattle’s major employers to cooperate with government requests for social distancing. But this is going to be a huge problem for coffee shops and lunch spots in Seattle business districts, whose whole purpose in life is that there are people around. Workers here, too, are going to lose hours and tips and they’re going to need to pull back on their spending.

Every time a conference is canceled or another major city ends up needing to follow Milan and Seattle into social distancing mode, you’re going to get something similar. Meanwhile, we appear to be experiencing a general slowdown in the travel industry as businesses roll back on nonessential travel and people reconsider their vacation plans.

So far, most of the world is not impacted by social distancing, and white-collar workers in the impacted cities are just doing a lot of teleconferencing. But in the developed world, most people work performing in-person services — they’re in restaurants and retail stores, cutting hair, and taking care of children and the elderly.

You don’t need posit any kind of apocalyptic casualty rate to see that there’s going to be a huge economic problem if basically everyone all around the world ends up being encouraged to leave the house less and do less stuff. And the white-collar workers hunkered down with Slack and Zoom apps aren’t going to be left unscathed if nobody has money to buy stuff.

A textbook would, again, say that there is an obvious answer to the global demand crisis — major central banks should cut short-term interest rates.

Rate cuts would make all kinds of debt financed activity — business investment, new home purchases, buying a car, buying a major appliance, doing a home renovation — suddenly more attractive and create a new wave of demand to largely offset the problems induced by Covid-19.

The problem is that interest rates were already very low in most countries before coronavirus hit. Experts disagree on the reasons. But the fact that interest rates have been systematically higher in Canada and Australia than in the US, higher in the US than in Europe, and higher in Europe than in Japan suggests it may have something to do with population growth rates. Whatever the reason, the point is that there is not a lot of extra rate-cutting that can be done.

That doesn’t mean central banks are impotent at this point. But it does mean their ability to further boost the economy hinges on trying some unorthodox ideas that would be controversial and whose efficacy is debatable. The measures could involve central banks buying stock index funds (illegal in the United States but not elsewhere — and the law could be changed), trying to directly set longer-term interest rates (but these are also already low), or “level targeting,” in which central banks would promise to make up for any current inflation shortfall with extra inflation later (there’s a lot of concern that this would not be a credible promise to make).

What the world is going to need instead is fiscal policy.

The coronavirus-induced collapse in demand is a fully global problem that in some sense requires a global solution. And indeed virtually every big country could be doing more to stabilize demand.

Germany, in particular, is worth calling out because it is currently running a large budget surplus, and with interest rates in negative territory out to 30 years there would be no long-term cost to Germany to considerably increasing its spending.

Transportation analyst Alon Levy estimates that for about €60 billion Germany could build a comprehensive high-speed rail network that would better connect all its major cities and make domestic air travel obsolete. It could also offer international links to Copenhagen, Prague, Vienna, Zurich, Basel, Paris, Brussels, and Amsterdam. The German government should almost certainly do that regardless of the coronavirus situation, but a global demand panic would be a great time to announce it. The only problem with this plan is, frankly, that it’s not expensive enough, so Germany could also just cut taxes.

In the United States, the best ideas would probably be to send unrestricted funds to state and local governments to help defray the cost of coronavirus, throw everything possible at increasing zero-carbon electricity generation, and a temporary reduction in employer-side payroll taxes to discourage companies from laying people off.

But there’s a political problem in the United States. Right now, the Trump administration isn’t really asking for fiscal stimulus. But if it does, Democrats will have mixed feelings about it. On the one hand, it’s a good idea. On the other hand, there is limited appetite for helping Trump secure reelection — especially because Democrats know from bitter experience that congressional Republicans would never help a Democratic president stimulate the economy.

The right solution is to agree to fiscal stimulus but require it to take the form of creating new automatic stabilizers. Programs that will, in the future, trigger immediately, without any additional congressional action.

Last spring, the Brookings Institution think tank published an edited volume called Recession Ready that lays out a bunch of automatic stabilizer ideas. Among them one of the most important was developed by Claudia Sahm, a former Federal Reserve staff economist who’s now with the Washington Center on Equitable Growth. Her research created something called the Sahm Rule Recession Indicator, which serves as a good trigger point — historically, when the unemployment rate over the past three months rises at least 0.5 percentage points above the average over the past 12 months, a recession is imminent.

Sahm’s idea is that when the rule triggers, the federal government should send cash directly to every household.

Another, more technically complicated idea to implement, was developed by Georgetown University’s Indi Dutta-Gupta and involves providing federal subsidies to employers to create jobs.

One could argue until the cows come home about exactly what the best automatic stabilizer package is. But what’s clear is that it would be a good idea for Congress to work as quickly as possible on crafting one and passing it into law now before a possible recession.

That would put the US in position to respond quickly — indeed, immediately — if the unemployment rate does spike. Even better, the mere fact that a plan is in place could help bolster economic confidence and avoid a recession. And if there isn’t a coronavirus recession this year, there’s sure to be a recession at some point in the future. When it comes, we’ll be glad to have a program in place.

The biggest problem with creating an automatic fiscal stabilizer program, after all, has been that Congress doesn’t like to focus on things until there’s an emergency. The public health emergency has now arrived, meaning it’s a great time to start working on addressing the economic emergency before it’s too late.

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A timeline of events in the bread price-fixing scandal




Almost seven years since news broke of an alleged conspiracy to fix the price of packaged bread across Canada, the saga isn’t over: the Competition Bureau continues to investigate the companies that may have been involved, and two class-action lawsuits continue to work their way through the courts.

Here’s a timeline of key events in the bread price-fixing case.

Oct. 31, 2017: The Competition Bureau says it’s investigating allegations of bread price-fixing and that it was granted search warrants in the case. Several grocers confirm they are co-operating in the probe.

Dec. 19, 2017: Loblaw and George Weston say they participated in an “industry-wide price-fixing arrangement” to raise the price of packaged bread. The companies say they have been co-operating in the Competition Bureau’s investigation since March 2015, when they self-reported to the bureau upon discovering anti-competitive behaviour, and are receiving immunity from prosecution. They announce they are offering $25 gift cards to customers amid the ongoing investigation into alleged bread price-fixing.

Jan. 31, 2018: In court documents, the Competition Bureau says at least $1.50 was added to the price of a loaf of bread between about 2001 and 2016.

Dec. 20, 2019: A class-action lawsuit in a Quebec court against multiple grocers and food companies is certified against a number of companies allegedly involved in bread price-fixing, including Loblaw, George Weston, Metro, Sobeys, Walmart Canada, Canada Bread and Giant Tiger (which have all denied involvement, except for Loblaw and George Weston, which later settled with the plaintiffs).

Dec. 31, 2021: A class-action lawsuit in an Ontario court covering all Canadian residents except those in Quebec who bought packaged bread from a company named in the suit is certified against roughly the same group of companies.

June 21, 2023: Bakery giant Canada Bread Co. is fined $50 million after pleading guilty to four counts of price-fixing under the Competition Act as part of the Competition Bureau’s ongoing investigation.

Oct. 25 2023: Canada Bread files a statement of defence in the Ontario class action denying participating in the alleged conspiracy and saying any anti-competitive behaviour it participated in was at the direction and to the benefit of its then-majority owner Maple Leaf Foods, which is not a defendant in the case (neither is its current owner Grupo Bimbo). Maple Leaf calls Canada Bread’s accusations “baseless.”

Dec. 20, 2023: Metro files new documents in the Ontario class action accusing Loblaw and its parent company George Weston of conspiring to implicate it in the alleged scheme, denying involvement. Sobeys has made a similar claim. The two companies deny the allegations.

July 25, 2024: Loblaw and George Weston say they agreed to pay a combined $500 million to settle both the Ontario and Quebec class-action lawsuits. Loblaw’s share of the settlement includes a $96-million credit for the gift cards it gave out years earlier.

Sept. 12, 2024: Canada Bread files new documents in Ontario court as part of the class action, claiming Maple Leaf used it as a “shield” to avoid liability in the alleged scheme. Maple Leaf was a majority shareholder of Canada Bread until 2014, and the company claims it’s liable for any price-fixing activity. Maple Leaf refutes the claims.

This report by The Canadian Press was first published Sept. 19, 2024.

Companies in this story: (TSX:L, TSX:MFI, TSX:MRU, TSX:EMP.A, TSX:WN)

The Canadian Press. All rights reserved.

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S&P/TSX composite up more than 250 points, U.S. stock markets also higher




TORONTO – Canada’s main stock index was up more than 250 points in late-morning trading, led by strength in the base metal and technology sectors, while U.S. stock markets also charged higher.

The S&P/TSX composite index was up 254.62 points at 23,847.22.

In New York, the Dow Jones industrial average was up 432.77 points at 41,935.87. The S&P 500 index was up 96.38 points at 5,714.64, while the Nasdaq composite was up 486.12 points at 18,059.42.

The Canadian dollar traded for 73.68 cents US compared with 73.58 cents US on Thursday.

The November crude oil contract was up 89 cents at US$70.77 per barrel and the October natural gas contract was down a penny at US2.27 per mmBTU.

The December gold contract was up US$9.40 at US$2,608.00 an ounce and the December copper contract was up four cents at US$4.33 a pound.

This report by The Canadian Press was first published Sept. 19, 2024.

Companies in this story: (TSX:GSPTSE, TSX:CADUSD)

The Canadian Press. All rights reserved.

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Construction wraps on indoor supervised site for people who inhale drugs in Vancouver




VANCOUVER – Supervised injection sites are saving the lives of drug users everyday, but the same support is not being offered to people who inhale illicit drugs, the head of the BC Centre for Excellence in HIV/AIDS says.

Dr. Julio Montaner said the construction of Vancouver’s first indoor supervised site for people who inhale drugs comes as the percentage of people who die from smoking drugs continues to climb.

The location in the Downtown Eastside at the Hope to Health Research and Innovation Centre was unveiled Wednesday after construction was complete, and Montaner said people could start using the specialized rooms in a matter of weeks after final approvals from the city and federal government.

“If we don’t create mechanisms for these individuals to be able to use safely and engage with the medical system, and generate points of entry into the medical system, we will never be able to solve the problem,” he said.

“Now, I’m not here to tell you that we will fix it tomorrow, but denying it or ignoring it, or throw it under the bus, or under the carpet is no way to fix it, so we need to take proactive action.”

Nearly two-thirds of overdose deaths in British Columbia in 2023 came after smoking illicit drugs, yet only 40 per cent of supervised consumption sites in the province offer a safe place to smoke, often outdoors, in a tent.

The centre has been running a supervised injection site for years which sees more than a thousand people monthly and last month resuscitated five people who were overdosing.

The new facilities offer indoor, individual, negative-pressure rooms that allow fresh air to circulate and can clear out smoke in 30 to 60 seconds while users are monitored by trained nurses.

Advocates calling for more supervised inhalation sites have previously said the rules for setting up sites are overly complicated at a time when the province is facing an overdose crisis.

More than 15,000 people have died of overdoses since the public health emergency was declared in B.C. in April 2016.

Kate Salters, a senior researcher at the centre, said they worked with mechanical and chemical engineers to make sure the site is up to code and abidies by the highest standard of occupational health and safety.

“This is just another tool in our tool box to make sure that we’re offering life-saving services to those who are using drugs,” she said.

Montaner acknowledged the process to get the site up and running took “an inordinate amount of time,” but said the centre worked hard to follow all regulations.

“We feel that doing this right, with appropriate scientific background, in a medically supervised environment, etc, etc, allows us to derive the data that ultimately will be sufficiently convincing for not just our leaders, but also the leaders across the country and across the world, to embrace the strategies that we are trying to develop.” he said.

Montaner said building the facility was possible thanks to a single $4-million donation from a longtime supporter.

Construction finished with less than a week before the launch of the next provincial election campaign and within a year of the next federal election.

Montaner said he is concerned about “some of the things that have been said publicly by some of the political leaders in the province and in the country.”

“We want to bring awareness to the people that this is a serious undertaking. This is a very massive investment, and we need to protect it for the benefit of people who are unfortunately drug dependent.” he said.

This report by The Canadian Press was first published Sept. 18, 2024.

The Canadian Press. All rights reserved.

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