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This Week at Bungie – 7/28/22 > News – Bungie



This week at Bungie, we’re planning a raid date night.  

Happy Solstice, everyone! The bonfire is lit, there is grass in the Tower, and Guardians are donning their new armor with the stats and glows to go with it. We hope you are enjoying your time in the EAZ this year. We have been tracking your feedback on what you are liking about the event, changes that aren’t feeling good, as well as any improvements you would like to see added. Thanks for sharing your feedback and keep it coming. 

We’ve got a busy TWAB planned for you today. As promised, we will be going over the launch date of the next raid and then also talking over some matchmaking changes rolling out in Season 18 and Season 19. 

Let’s get into it.  

Raid the Date 

Coming up in Season 18 will be our second go at bringing a raid out of the Destiny Content Vault and this time it’s going to be… [REDACTED]. Sorry, we’re saving the reveal of which raid is coming to Destiny 2 for our Destiny 2 Showcase on August, 23. But we wanted to make sure you had time to make any arrangements necessary to be ready on day-one. So, request off work, hire a babysitter, but don’t skip school please, your education is important.  

[REDACTED] raid goes live at 10 AM Pacific on August 26, 2022.  

Because this will be a raid that many of you are already somewhat familiar with, we will be changing up the World First race a bit similar to how we did with Vault of Glass. Here is what to expect: 

  • The raid will launch with Contest Mode enabled for 24 hours. 
      • You will need to be at 1560 Power to be at the cap for all of the encounters.  
  • Clearing the raid with Contest Mode active is the first step to access the new Challenge Mode in the Director and the special Triumph for completing all of the challenge Triumphs for each encounter.   
  • Completing the secret Triumph, a curated list of challenges in this newly unlocked Challenge Mode, will be how a fireteam crosses the World First finish line and claims their prize. 
  • To enforce the Triumph requirements in the Challenge Mode, your team will wipe if you fail the success conditions during any encounter. 

Challenge Mode and the secret Triumph will only be available for the first 24 hours, so make haste if completing it is on your bucket list. The first fireteam to do so will be declared the World First winners—pending a review from our team. If everything checks out, the final six members of the winning fireteam in the activity will be awarded the coveted raid belts as a monument to their achievement. 

Good luck! 

Making Matches 

Starting in Season 18, we will be introducing some changes in how we play matchmaker in the Crucible. This will be the first iteration that is part of a larger plan going through Season 19. Our World Systems teams are leading the charge on this transition and are here with a big info dump on what to expect. 

Let’s Talk About Skill and Connection 

We know this has been discussed with a lot of passion and goodwill in many places in the community (and inside Bungie), so we are going to give you a clear tl;dr before we get deeper into the how and why: 

  • We’re striving towards a goal that all players—including New Lights!—can enter the Crucible and regularly get matches where they can feel competitive and have a reasonable chance of winning/competing. 
  • Making fair matches using Skill-Based Matchmaking (SBMM) is going to be important to help meet that goal. 
  • We are starting by implementing loose SBMM to the Control playlist at the start of Season 18. 
      • Loose SBMM has a wider starting skill-similarity than Survival and should result in matching with a wider variety of players, while also eliminating some of the frustrations we see in our current system. 
  • Expect loose SBMM to expand to other playlists in future Seasons as we tune what we consider a “high-quality match” by gathering real data and feedback from you. 
  • We are not planning to add it to every matchmade Crucible playlist. 
  • We will continue tuning until we are in a good place. 
  • We will report tuning updates regularly. 
  • We will be implementing a form of fireteam-size-preferred matchmaking in Season 19. 

A lot of what follows is pretty in-depth, feel free to skip to the Tuning section below if you aren’t interested in the details and just want a high-level view of what you will be experiencing! 

Goals of Creating High-Quality Matches

We developed some goals which we will be working on over the next few Seasons: 

  • All players (including New Lights!) can enter the Crucible and regularly get matches where they can feel competitive. 
  • All players, whether solo or with a fireteam, can find a place in the Crucible where they can play a variety of matches and have a reasonable chance of winning/competing. 
      • We are defining reasonable as “expected win rate between 40 and 60% for most matches.” 
  • Players are rewarded based on their skill, and proud of their skill. 
  • Reserve a place for players who do not want to engage in the skill system. 

Generally speaking, any matchmaking in a competitive multiplayer game tries to put together high-quality matches. We consider three things when assembling a high-quality match: 

  • Connection quality
      • There are two types of connections that are important:  
          • Connection to the game server. 
          • Connection to all other players in the match. 
      • Generally, bad connections to other players have a larger effect in Crucible than connection to the game servers, so when we talk about connection quality in Crucible, we are talking about that—connection from player-to-player.  
      • Lower quality matches result in jerky movement by other players, missed shots, or getting unexpectedly damaged or killed. 
      • When fireteams are spread across the globe, we pick a single player’s latency to speed up finding matches. 
  • Match fairness
      • Ideally, all players in a match have a reasonable chance to win that match (i.e., have similar skill). 
  • Matchmaking speed
      • We always consider matchmaking speed as a key element—no one wants to wait 10 minutes between matches, no matter how perfect they end up being. 

When matchmaking, we must balance these three elements. If we want to lower matchmaking speed, we are either going to need matches that are less fair or matches with a lower connection quality. 

We’ll continue tuning to find the best balance possible. 


Throughout this TWAB we will be using the term “skill.” In Destiny, that term refers to how we rate all players who participate in PvP on a scale of 2000. Player skill is reflected in a graph that looks like this: 

Internally, skill is a combination of stats made up of your performance (kills, deaths, captures, round wins, revives, dunks, etc.) that ranks you against all the other players in a match. Each player’s skill is compared against the skill of the other players in a match, and we make skill adjustments for all players at the end of a match where the two rankings differ. There is also a confidence rating—the more games the system has seen you in recently, the more confident the skill adjustment is. 

In addition to the stats mentioned above, skill encompasses all sorts of things: your reaction times/agility, how you approach fights, how well you know the map/mode, how well you know your character, how you build your character, the weapons, armor, and mods you use, and how you blend all of those into performance with other players. 

You won’t ever actually see a skill value in-game, and while we are currently only using it to try to get fairer matches in Survival and Elimination, we still track it for all modes (including Gambit!). This gives us a reasonable starting spot in new game types like Rift or Zone Control. 

Now, how do these skill numbers actually play out in-game? Here’s a good shorthand we use internally: 

  • If someone is 200 skill above you, you can definitely tell they are better than you, and they will win ~75% of engagements against you. The opposite is true if someone is 200 or more below you. 
  • By the time you get to a difference of 400, the better players are going to win ~90% of engagements and lower-skilled players need to get extremely lucky to pull off a win. 
  • Once you get to a difference of 600 there is basically zero chance for the lower-skilled player to ever win a 1v1 conflict. 

Engagements should get fairer the closer you get to the same skill. This is our goal. 

The Problem Space 

As we started looking at the competitive landscape in Destiny, we noted a few things: 

Outside of Survival and Elimination, the ability to influence whether your team wins or loses is usually out of your personal control if you are average skill or below (half the population!). This can feel bad, as the match outcome feels essentially random, and you don’t feel motivated to try to win. This has contributed to us de-emphasizing winning as a requirement to gain rewards in the Crucible.  

The current landscape also allows brand new players to match up with some of the highest skill veterans and are expected to compete. On the flip side, if you are highly skilled, you are often put on a team where it feels like you are carrying them and must constantly perform if you want to stand a chance at winning. This doesn’t feel good for anyone. 

In Control, the skill disparities on a team can be stark—over 50% of matches have a skill disparity of 900 or more between best and worst player, which is so significant that the outcome is already known before a single shot is fired. On the other hand, in Freelance Survival, 60% of matches have a 250-skill difference or less. This is much more reasonable.  

These wide variances in skill also lead to more mercy games than you would expect. For example, Control: 

Wide disparities in skill also exacerbate other problematic elements: 

  • With wide disparities in skill, trapping a single team in a spawn is significantly easier. 
  • With wide disparities in skill, it’s more likely that most of one team is dead at the same time, freeing the other side up to roam around and look for new targets without having to worry about danger. 

Because of these extreme factors, no matter what your skill, it becomes hard to tell if you are improving or not. “Was that a great play, or are they just a worse player than me?” You may, quite reasonably, look for other stats to demonstrate how good you are—kills, assists, and deaths (KDA) are great, but it’s still unclear how good your opponents are. Given that matchmaking is dependent on lots of factors, a KDA in a low population situation can mean a very different thing (skill-wise) than a KDA in a normal or high population scenario.  

If you can’t tell if you are improving, it’s hard to be motivated to try to improve! 

We know we have to do something to solve these problems (and more) to get Crucible into a better place. We know we won’t be able to address everything in one fell swoop in Season 18, but this will be the start of an ongoing process to improve PvP over time. 

Match Balancing 

Once we match a group of players into a lobby, assuming we don’t have any full fireteams, we try to split them up into balanced teams. If the player skills are somewhat random, the system has a tough time—we’ve tried several different algorithms here, to mixed results. For the time being, we are hoping that reducing the skill variability in any given lobby will make this easier. 

SBMM in Control 

At the start of Season 18, we are going to start turning match fairness back up in Control (and only Control) in the Crucible. We want to start slowly to limit the number of playlists we consider when tuning matchmaking with hundreds of thousands of people. We can do some testing, but nothing can fully simulate how the full population will be affected by these changes before we ship. We are going to be live-tuning the matchmaking parameters over the first few weeks until we land on something that provides a better balance between fairness, quality, and speed.  

We will not be touching any other Crucible playlists during Season 18. Trials has no planned changes to its matchmaking, Elimination and Glory will still use the same SBMM they have been using, and everything else will still use the connection-based matchmaking they have been using for years. We are currently planning to make further adjustments in Season 19 (based around the goals listed above), but rest assured, any major changes will be communicated in either a TWAB or a blog post, as well as patch notes. 

Connection-Based Matchmaking 

Connection-based matchmaking (CBMM) is what most of the Crucible playlists utilizes to find matches that have the best possible connection quality. 

  • First, we identify a pool of available players with a good connection to you.
  • Within that pool, we choose players with the very best connections. 
  • If we can’t find players within that pool, we widen the variance in connection.
  • We repeat until we find enough players, then we break them out into equally skilled teams. 

A key point about matchmaking in a fireteam: 

  • The latency we measure to find a good match does not take into account a fireteam with disparate connection speeds. We only measure latency for one of the players in a fireteam. So, if you are in Tokyo, and you are in a fireteam with someone in New York and someone else in Johannesburg, you are in for some LAGGY Crucible matches no matter what lobby you join! 

Skill-Based Matchmaking 

Better known as SBMM, skill-based matching uses a similar model to connection-based matchmaking. In addition to latency, SBMM uses skill similarity when asking to join a lobby. Like latency, the acceptable skill similarities expand over time: 

  • First, we identify a pool of available players with a good connection to you. 
  • Within that pool, we choose players closely matched to your personal skill rating. 
  • If we can’t find players within that pool, we widen the variance in skill. 
  • If THAT doesn’t work, we expand the search again with more variance in connection quality. 
  • Once enough players are selected, we break them out into equally skilled teams. 

Our current Glory matchmaking settings prioritizes connection quality and matchmaking speed  while still trying to find a fair match. The goal statement for our standard SBMM is: “We would rather sacrifice some match fairness in order to maintain connection quality and matchmaking speed.” 

Loose SBMM 

Our initial version of loose SBMM for the Control playlist is going to work a little differently. It starts with wider acceptable skill variance, and then expands very slowly on both acceptable skill and connection quality at the same time. 

The goal statement for this new loose SBMM is, “Start with a broad definition of match fairness and compromise on matchmaking speed in order to keep match fairness and connection quality high.” We expect overall matchmaking times to go up—moreso if you and your fireteam are on the eitherend of the skill curve—depending on the current population in your region. However, we are hoping the tradeoff for matches that aren’t super sweaty or lopsided blowouts will be worth it. 

We have analytics set up to review overall matchmaking data each hour (especially critical over the opening few weeks of the Season) and will be monitoring and adjusting timings and thresholds above while we try to home in on good settings. Control is generally a nice high-population playlist, so it will be a good testbed for tuning like this. 

What are we going to be looking at as we tune? 

Amongst other things, we’re looking at:

  • Matchmaking time
      • Minimize players who cannot find a match in 10 minutes with a goal to keep the average under 2 minutes, and under 4 minutes for 95% of players.
  • Mercy games
      • Right now, mercy rates vary based on the map (as low as 5%, and as high as 25%).
      • We believe the number of mercy games should be under 5% on all maps but not actually hit zero.
  • Final score differential
      • In general, games should be closer in score.
      • Right now, 65% of matches end with one team hitting the score target, (15% going to time, and 15% ending with a mercy). Our goal is that >80% of matches end with one team reaching the score target, and most of the rest ending with a time limit. We are looking for most matches to have under 10-point difference between the two teams.
  • Less variance between the top player and bottom player
      • Right now, 5-10% of matches have the best player scoring 30-39 more kills than the worst player in the match, and 50% of matches have the best player getting 20-29 more kills. 
      • We believe that 90% matches should have less than 20-kill difference between the best and worst players, and 50% should have no more than a 10-kill difference.

All of this is great, but there are some things it does not address that we will be looking toward in future Seasons: 

Skill Distribution 

As we discussed in the Skill section, player skill in Destiny (and most games) tends to follow a bell curve, centered around skill 100. That means half of the players are clustered between -100 and 300 skill, and just 1% above 800 or lower than –550. 

When you do skill-based matchmaking with skill windows, what ends up happening is players at either end of the bell curve have fewer potential players to match against, and thus potentially take longer to find a match with a good connection. This is one of the reasons we will start with a wider skill threshold and expand more slowly (to make sure we go through all available players). Like we’ve said, we expect this to cause longer matchmaking times initially, but it’s important to note that we are going to be looking at outlier skill thresholds and tuning the experience for them.  

In a future Season, we are hoping to introduce some technology that allows us to search with a wider skill variance based on your position in the skill curve and keep matchmaking times more consistent (with the downside of loosening some match fairness). 

Fireteam Size Mismatches 

It’s no mystery that full fireteams often stomp six solo players who matched against them. Fireteams that are used to playing together may also be in voice chat with each other, allowing them to communicate more effectively than those who are not. Oddly enough, if we look at the average skill for solo players, it fits the bell curve from above clearly. If we look at the average skill for full fireteams in Control, we can see the bell curve centers around 400-500. So, not only do the fireteams have a communication advantage, but they also have a decisive skill advantage. The big question is, “Are high-skill players more inclined to play in fireteams? Or do regular fireteams make your skill go up?” 

Either way, we will be implementing a form of fireteam-size preferred matching in Season 19. We will be sharing details about how it works closer to release. Our goal is for it to be utilized like skill—sometimes as a strict requirement, sometimes as a loose one, (or sometimes not used at all!). Further, it will allow us to eventually replicate the benefits of playing in a Freelance playlist without having to split the population.  

That is our current plan going forward. We will keep you updated as we tune settings in Season 18 and beyond. 

Votes Are In 

Last week, we revealed that three maps would be voted on by the community to determine this week’s Trials of Osiris map. Eternity, Widow’s Court, and Rusted Lands were all on the ballot. But there could only be one winner: 

Eternity is the community picked map for the Trials weekend of July 25. 

This one was close with Widow’s Court and Rusted Lands coming in within 1% of each other, but Eternity pulled away to win with 39% of the vote.  


  • Eternity – 39% 
  • Widow’s Court – 31% 
  • Rusted Lands – 30% 

What wasn’t close was our challenge to the community to tally up 77,000 votes in the first 48 hours. You all completely decimated that goal and have unlocked the special new emblem for everyone through Bungie Rewards. Players can pick up this emblem starting next week after reset on August 2. 

Primed and Ready 

What is better than free rewards? That question is rhetorical so I’m not going to answer it for you but am going to tell you how you can get some awesome rewards in Destiny 2 just by having Amazon Prime. Here is how it works: sign up for Prime Gaming, link to your account, and get the sweet cosmetics listed below. Lined up for this month, we have the Flip Out Exotic emote, the Takanome Wings Exotic ship, the Constricting Exotic Ghost Shell, and the Spaded Knife Legendary Sparrow. Check them out! 

Player Support Report 

A bonfire a day keeps the Darkness away 


Now we introduce our Player Support Team. They are our live-game experts, getting you the info you need on any issues or upcoming maintenance and fixes.  

This is their report. 


Last week we identified an issue causing players who purchased the Seashore Pack from Eververse to not receive the included items when opening the bundle.  

This issue has since been resolved for future purchases of the Seashore Pack, and affected individuals who previously purchased the set should now have the individual items unlocked to acquire from Rahool in the Tower. 


Players should ensure that they complete and claim all Event Challenges and event rewards from their Solstice Event Card prior to its expiration at the weekly reset on August 9. 

After the weekly reset, players won’t be able to acquire any unclaimed rewards from their Event Card. 


  • While we continue investigating various known issues, here is a list of the latest issues that were reported to us in our #Help forum
  • The Hyperborean Pinion Sparrow does not appear in Collections. 
  • The Photodraulic Actuators Exotic ornament for Synthoceps appears owned for all players when inspecting armor cosmetics for the armor piece. 
  • Tracked Seasonal Challenges may not disappear from nav mode view once completed. 
  • Nightmare Containment does not award progress for the Solstice Jubilee Event Challenge. 
  • The Arc, Solar, and Void Solstice glows appear less bright than prior to Hotfix 
  • Some players are only receiving one Silver Ash on secondary characters when completing a Bonfire Bash. 
For a full list of emergent issues in Destiny 2, players can review our Known Issues article. Players who observe other issues should report them to our #Help forum.

Invasions and Sweeper bots 


Ivan: Since Bruno is enjoying his well-deserved vacation, today I’m the one to select #MOTW. Enjoy: 

Movie of the Week: Born to Rule

I love Gambit. It’s like comfort food for me—always soothing. This #MOTW will inspire you to jump through that portal. Go and make Drifter proud, Guardian! 

Movie of the Week: LANDFALL: A Destiny 2 Story (Ep. 5) 

Sweeper bots are not useless. It’s always a pleasure to meet one in the Tower—at least someone is doing something while you are pointlessly jumping around and showing off emotes. Apparently sometimes sweeper bots can help Guardians too. I bet you will be waiting for the next episode. Well done, OVERHEAL. 

It “Wimdy” But We Knittin’ Through It  


Hippy: It’s no secret that a lot of us are lowkey in love (don’t judge) with Caiatl and her promise of breaking “small men” in half. (Seriously, how cool was that line?!) But what if our favorite behemoth was bite-sized? As a massive collector myself, this Caiatl action figure was too good to pass up, and many of you in the community agreed! Pocket Caiatl… it does have a certain ring to it.  

Art of the Week: Pocket Caiatl  

Sam: I know that I should probably not pick “yarny” things all the time, but also, why shouldn’t I?! Can you just imagine what is going through their heads?  

  • Zavala: “Oh this is lovely. I cannot wait to cast on my next project!”  
  • Caiatl: “Knit one, purl two, knit three, purl fo—STOP TALKING I’M COUNTING!” 

That makes me laugh. Oh, can we also talk about how she gave him the big chair? Because ohmygosh that’s too precious. Okay, enough from me now, stay crafty, Guardians. 

Art of the Week: Knitting Besties 

Hippy: I would say we’re sorry for this bonus art, but we’re not. We’re really, really not.  

Bonus Art of the Week: It “Wimdy.”  

Alright, we covered a lot today, so I am going to keep this outro short. You have another date to mark on your calendar with the [REDACTED] raid going live on August 26. If you haven’t already, make sure you also have August 23 on there as well for the Destiny 2 Showcase. Cant wait for you to see what we’ve been cooking up!  

<3 Cozmo 

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The Internet is Littered in ‘Educated Guesses’ Without the ‘Education’



Although no one likes a know-it-all, they dominate the Internet.

The Internet began as a vast repository of information. It quickly became a breeding ground for self-proclaimed experts seeking what most people desire: recognition and money.

Today, anyone with an Internet connection and some typing skills can position themselves, regardless of their education or experience, as a subject matter expert (SME). From relationship advice, career coaching, and health and nutrition tips to citizen journalists practicing pseudo-journalism, the Internet is awash with individuals—Internet talking heads—sharing their “insights,” which are, in large part, essentially educated guesses without the education or experience.

The Internet has become a 24/7/365 sitcom where armchair experts think they’re the star.

Not long ago, years, sometimes decades, of dedicated work and acquiring education in one’s field was once required to be recognized as an expert. The knowledge and opinions of doctors, scientists, historians, et al. were respected due to their education and experience. Today, a social media account and a knack for hyperbole are all it takes to present oneself as an “expert” to achieve Internet fame that can be monetized.

On the Internet, nearly every piece of content is self-serving in some way.

The line between actual expertise and self-professed knowledge has become blurry as an out-of-focus selfie. Inadvertently, social media platforms have created an informal degree program where likes and shares are equivalent to degrees. After reading selective articles, they’ve found via and watching some TikTok videos, a person can post a video claiming they’re an herbal medicine expert. Their new “knowledge,” which their followers will absorb, claims that Panda dung tea—one of the most expensive teas in the world and isn’t what its name implies—cures everything from hypertension to existential crisis. Meanwhile, registered dietitians are shaking their heads, wondering how to compete against all the misinformation their clients are exposed to.

More disturbing are individuals obsessed with evangelizing their beliefs or conspiracy theories. These people write in-depth blog posts, such as Elvis Is Alive and the Moon Landings Were Staged, with links to obscure YouTube videos, websites, social media accounts, and blogs. Regardless of your beliefs, someone or a group on the Internet shares them, thus confirming your beliefs.

Misinformation is the Internet’s currency used to get likes, shares, and engagement; thus, it often spreads like a cosmic joke. Consider the prevalence of clickbait headlines:

  • You Won’t Believe What Taylor Swift Says About Climate Change!
  • This Bedtime Drink Melts Belly Fat While You Sleep!
  • In One Week, I Turned $10 Into $1 Million!

Titles that make outrageous claims are how the content creator gets reads and views, which generates revenue via affiliate marketing, product placement, and pay-per-click (PPC) ads. Clickbait headlines are how you end up watching a TikTok video by a purported nutrition expert adamantly asserting you can lose belly fat while you sleep by drinking, for 14 consecutive days, a concoction of raw eggs, cinnamon, and apple cider vinegar 15 minutes before going to bed.

Our constant search for answers that’ll explain our convoluted world and our desire for shortcuts to success is how Internet talking heads achieve influencer status. Because we tend to seek low-hanging fruits, we listen to those with little experience or knowledge of the topics they discuss yet are astute enough to know what most people want to hear.

There’s a trend, more disturbing than spreading misinformation, that needs to be called out: individuals who’ve never achieved significant wealth or traded stocks giving how-to-make-easy-money advice, the appeal of which is undeniable. Several people I know have lost substantial money by following the “advice” of Internet talking heads.

Anyone on social media claiming to have a foolproof money-making strategy is lying. They wouldn’t be peddling their money-making strategy if they could make easy money.

Successful people tend to be secretive.

Social media companies design their respective algorithms to serve their advertisers—their source of revenue—interest; hence, content from Internet talking heads appears most prominent in your feeds. When a video of a self-professed expert goes viral, likely because it pressed an emotional button, the more people see it, the more engagement it receives, such as likes, shares and comments, creating a cycle akin to a tornado.

Imagine scrolling through your TikTok feed and stumbling upon a “scientist” who claims they can predict the weather using only aluminum foil, copper wire, sea salt and baking soda. You chuckle, but you notice his video got over 7,000 likes, has been shared over 600 times and received over 400 comments. You think to yourself, “Maybe this guy is onto something.” What started as a quest to achieve Internet fame evolved into an Internet-wide belief that weather forecasting can be as easy as DIY crafts.

Since anyone can call themselves “an expert,” you must cultivate critical thinking skills to distinguish genuine expertise from self-professed experts’ self-promoting nonsense. While the absurdity of the Internet can be entertaining, misinformation has serious consequences. The next time you read a headline that sounds too good to be true, it’s probably an Internet talking head making an educated guess; without the education seeking Internet fame, they can monetize.



Nick Kossovan, a self-described connoisseur of human psychology, writes about what’s

on his mind from Toronto. You can follow Nick on Twitter and Instagram @NKossovan.


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Tight deadlines on software projects can put safety at risk: survey




TORONTO – A new survey says a majority of software engineers and developers feel tight project deadlines can put safety at risk.

Seventy-five per cent of the 1,000 global workers who responded to the survey released Tuesday say pressure to deliver projects on time and on budget could be compromising critical aspects like safety.

The concern is even higher among engineers and developers in North America, with 77 per cent of those surveyed on the continent reporting the urgency of projects could be straining safety.

The study was conducted between July and September by research agency Coleman Parkes and commissioned by BlackBerry Ltd.’s QNX division, which builds connected-car technology.

The results reflect a timeless tug of war engineers and developers grapple with as they balance the need to meet project deadlines with regulations and safety checks that can slow down the process.

Finding that balance is an issue that developers of even the simplest appliances face because of advancements in technology, said John Wall, a senior vice-president at BlackBerry and head of QNX.

“The software is getting more complicated and there is more software whether it’s in a vehicle, robotics, a toaster, you name it… so being able to patch vulnerabilities, to prevent bad actors from doing malicious acts is becoming more and more important,” he said.

The medical, industrial and automotive industries have standardized safety measures and anything they produce undergoes rigorous testing, but that work doesn’t happen overnight. It has to be carried out from the start and then at every step of the development process.

“What makes safety and security difficult is it’s an ongoing thing,” Wall said. “It’s not something where you’ve done it, and you are finished.”

The Waterloo, Ont.-based business found 90 per cent of its survey respondents reported that organizations are prioritizing safety.

However, when asked about why safety may not be a priority for their organization, 46 per cent of those surveyed answered cost pressures and 35 per cent said a lack of resources.

That doesn’t surprise Wall. Delays have become rampant in the development of tech, and in some cases, stand to push back the launch of vehicle lines by two years, he said.

“We have to make sure that people don’t compromise on safety and security to be able to get products out quicker,” he said.

“What we don’t want to see is people cutting corners and creating unsafe situations.”

The survey also took a peek at security breaches, which have hit major companies like London Drugs, Indigo Books & Music, Giant Tiger and Ticketmaster in recent years.

About 40 per cent of the survey’s respondents said they have encountered a security breach in their employer’s operating system. Those breaches resulted in major impacts for 27 per cent of respondents, moderate impacts for 42 per cent and minor impacts for 27 per cent.

“There are vulnerabilities all the time and this is what makes the job very difficult because when you ship the software, presumably the software has no security vulnerabilities, but things get discovered after the fact,” Wall said.

Security issues, he added, have really come to the forefront of the problems developers face, so “really without security, you have no safety.”

This report by The Canadian Press was first published Oct. 8, 2024.

Companies in this story: (TSX:BB)

The Canadian Press. All rights reserved.

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Beware of scams during Amazon’s Prime Big Deal Days sales event: cybersecurity firm




As online shoppers hunt for bargains offered by Amazon during its annual fall sale this week, cybersecurity researchers are warning Canadians to beware of an influx of scammers posing as the tech giant.

In the 30 days leading up to Amazon’s Prime Big Deal Days, taking place Tuesday and Wednesday, there were more than 1,000 newly registered Amazon-related web domains, according to Check Point Software Technologies, a company that offers cybersecurity solutions.

The company said it deemed 88 per cent of those domains malicious or suspicious, suggesting they could have been set up by scammers to prey on vulnerable consumers. One in every 54 newly created Amazon-related domain included the phrase “Amazon Prime.”

“They’re almost indiscernible from the real Amazon domain,” said Robert Falzon, head of engineering at Check Point in Canada.

“With all these domains registered that look so similar, it’s tricking a lot of people. And that’s the whole intent here.”

Falzon said Check Point Research sees an uptick in attempted scams around big online shopping days throughout the year, including Prime Days.

Scams often come in the form of phishing emails, which are deceptive messages that appear to be from a reputable source in attempt to steal sensitive information.

In this case, he said scammers posing as Amazon commonly offer “outrageous” deals that appear to be associated with Prime Days, in order to trick recipients into clicking on a malicious link.

The cybersecurity firm said it has identified and blocked 100 unique Amazon Prime-themed scam emails targeting organizations and consumers over the past two weeks.

Scammers also target Prime members with unsolicited calls, claiming urgent account issues and requesting payment information.

“It’s like Christmas for them,” said Falzon.

“People expect there to be significant savings on Prime Day, so they’re not shocked that they see something of significant value. Usually, the old adage applies: If it seems too good to be true, it probably is.”

Amazon’s website lists a number of red flags that it recommends customers watch for to identify a potential impersonation scam.

Those include false urgency, requests for personal information, or indications that the sender prefers to complete the purchase outside of the Amazon website or mobile app.

Scammers may also request that customers exclusively pay with gift cards, a claim code or PIN. Any notifications about an order or delivery for an unexpected item should also raise alarm bells, the company says.

“During busy shopping moments, we tend to see a rise in impersonation scams reported by customers,” said Amazon spokeswoman Octavia Roufogalis in a statement.

“We will continue to invest in protecting consumers and educating the public on scam avoidance. We encourage consumers to report suspected scams to us so that we can protect their accounts and refer bad actors to law enforcement to help keep consumers safe.”

Falzon added that these scams are more successful than people might think.

As of June 30, the Canadian Anti-Fraud Centre said there had been $284 million lost to fraud so far this year, affecting 15,941 victims.

But Falzon said many incidents go unreported, as some Canadians who are targeted do not know how or where to flag a scam, or may choose not to out of embarrassment.

Check Point recommends Amazon customers take precautions while shopping on Prime Days, including by checking URLs carefully, creating strong passwords on their accounts, and avoiding personal information being shared such as their birthday or social security number.

The cybersecurity company said consumers should also look for “https” at the beginning of a website URL, which indicates a secure connection, and use credit cards rather than debit cards for online shopping, which offer better protection and less liability if stolen.

This report by The Canadian Press was first published Oct. 8, 2024.

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